Nov 3rd, 2009 Archives

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Hi everybody! Well it’s been a couple of days since I had a new program to review, but I’m pleased enough that the program I’m looking at today is probably worth the extra wait. The reason is because it brings a bit of diversity into the picture. It’s called MoneyPlus and it’s a new mid to long term and I think it shows very good potential. I suppose some of you might even consider it a welcome alternative to the glut of short term programs that have been coming along recently. Most people seem to like them for one reason or another, but a little variety in your portfolio will never go astray. Certainly it won’t hurt anyway.

So basically there are four plans to choose from with a number of variations within that depend on how long you want to wait. You have a choice of investment terms, and as they pay by the day then obviously the longer your term the higher your profits. Remember that the plans only pay on business days (Monday to Friday) even though the duration is measured in calendar days. Is that a bit muddled? Well let’s take a closer look at each individual option.

To start with we have The Basic Plan and that’s open to deposits from a minimum of just $10 up to a maximum of $1000. So what will you earn from this Basic Plan? Well, that depends on how long you want to put it away for. You have four options here. 30 days, 60 days, 120 days, or 240 days. Invest here for 30 days and you will receive a daily interest payment of 0.6% per business day for 30 calendar days. If you prefer to invest for 60 calendar days then they will pay you 1% interest per business day. Leave your deposit here for 120 calendar days and get paid 1.3% interest per business day. And finally if you want to really test your patience you can leave your principal for 240 calendar days you can earn 1.7% interest per business day.

For the more ambitious readers there is The Fair Plan which is open to deposits ranging from $1,001 to $5,000. The investment terms are the very same at 30, 60, 120, and 240 calendar days, but the rates of interest go up. Again, daily rates apply to business days only an are 0.8% for 30 days, 1.2% for 60 days, 1.5% for 120 days and finally 1.9% for 240 days.

Next is the modestly titled Good Plan. $5,001 to $25,000 are the investment parameters here and 30, 60, 120, and 240 days are again the investment terms with the following rates of interest applying. Investments for 30 days will earn 1.0% per business day. 1.4% will be paid for 60 days. 1.7% will be earned daily for 120 days and 2.1% per day is the daily rate for 240 days.

That’s not all of course, and the owners of MoneyPlus are quite happy to take donations of over $25,000 with no published maximum. I doubt this is the place where we should be talking about those kinds of numbers however and if you want to spend that kind of money then you should really be talking to a professional. Online HYIP games are not the place for it.

Some other points I need to make about the plans are that first of all your deposit will be returned in all plans upon expiry. Also the list of payment processors is quite interesting to say the least. The usual options are there including LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney which are acceptable for all deposits. If you wish to deposit via bank wire then you may do so with amounts of $100 and upwards. SolidTrustPay and StrictPay are also accepted but for reasons best known to the admin (and I’m sure you can take a guess) deposits from those processors are only taken for amounts of $5,000 or more. So effectively making that an impossible option for the majority of HYIP players. There is a mention of AlertPay there as well, but at the moment I can’t see that it’s actually accepted. Of course the verification process there can be a lengthy one so hopefully we will see them added soon too. Of course if it’s only for deposits of $5000 or more then I’m sure most of you could care less what payment processors are to be added but I’ll keep you informed about developments there nonetheless. The other option is one that really surprised me. It’s called WebMoney but I doubt any readers from outside Russian speaking countries are familiar with them. They are similar to PayPal in many respects, one of which being they have almost no tolerance whatsoever for online HYIPs. Interesting to see what happens there over the coming months.

The security is up to acceptable standards for the industry. It’s on a dedicated server for a start and is protected from DDoS attacks by GoldPoll. The script is customized and I believe unique to MoneyPlus. Although not SSL protected at the present time, we are assured that this will be added by the admin very shortly. This is always a welcome feature, regrettably though not a very common one in this industry. So that makes them (or will make them) just that little bit better than a lot of their competitors.

Another security feature that I must say I quite liked was the introduction of a PIN system. Just like a bank cash machine, you will need a five digit PIN code if you want to make any adjustments to your account. Which will prevent anybody from let’s say redirecting your payments into their account.

Customer support and communication with the admin is offered via on online e-mail support ticket system. MoneyPlus also publishes a telephone number, however should you try to call it as I did (and within business hours too) a recorded message that does not identify the number as belonging to MoneyPlus till tell you that “the person you are trying to reach is not available” and tells you to leave a message.

One of the most eye-catching things about MoneyPlus is also unfortunately what gives the game away that it is simply another run of the mill online game. It’s the design. At first glance you may think it’s brilliant. And guess what? It is! It’s very professional in fact. It’s also very stolen. Everything from the graphics to the advertising slogan is taken directly from an actual UK finance company that arranges loans and finance for motor vehicle purchasing. I’m not going to mention them here as I don’t find it (very) relevant to the actual review itself, but if anybody wants to buy a car in the UK then get in touch and I’ll mail you the link so you can compare, lol!

Despite all their best efforts at professionalism, (or the appearance of professionalism) MoneyPlus is still just an online game, but it’s not a bad one. It has good potential and it’s only a few days old which makes it all the better. The verdict? Don’t go nuts here but it could be worth a couple of bucks as part of a well diversified portfolio.

Other news for today.

First of all I would like to give you an update on some recent issues with SazaInvestments. As you might have noticed their website had some database problems and wasn’t working for several hours. It seems this unplanned disruption caused another issue and though at the moment SazaInvestments is back online and you can login to your accounts the data there is not correct. Well, it is correct up until the time the payouts were made on Friday. That’s really unfortunate, and hopefully the admin had some contingency plan in place to restore the transactions history. I think it’s not such a good idea to rely on members’ honesty because it’s really not their responsibility to keep track of the payouts. Anyway, I hope that one way or another everything will be fixed by the next Friday when the next payouts are due to be processed. Here is the latest email from the admin of SazaInvestments you should have received by now:
We need your help now. Because of some technical problems with our server we lost our database. We put a backup but it’s with a database from Friday, before the payments. We need all of you to email us your username together with your withdrawal amounts for us to retract those amounts from your accounts and get back to normal this way. Also any member who registered after Friday or invested to let us know to can restore the database correctly. We count on your honesty now not to invest from account balance before we can put things right. Please post this email in all forums for everybody to read it. Thank you all for your help and support. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.
Don’t forget that you can contact the admin of SazaInvestments submitting your ticket on the following page By the way, I just received a reply from Ricardo, (the admin, interviewed here) assuring me that the problem would be solved within the next few days and moreover, more exciting news will be announced pretty soon. So stay tuned for that later in the week!

It seems GoldNuggetInvest program (reviewed here) also had some issues with the payments not being credited to members’ accounts on time. The support team published the following update on the GNI forum (I suggest to all members of GoldNuggetInvest to register on this forum to get the latest updates and check it often):
There has been a problem for some with interest payments not been paid into peoples back office over last day or two.
We are aware of it and it will be rectified as soon as possible. It is a scripting issue and not a program issue and all interest will be fully paid like usual when the problem gets sorted out.

As far as I know many members of GoldNuggetInvest reported that their accounts had been properly credited by now. So hopefully it was just a minor glitch in the script which will obviously be a thing of the past once the new script is implemented. They are still working on the problem at the moment but if their previous record is anything to go by then I’m sure the problem will be cleared up in no time.
The final preparations for the new script might explain why some members (including me) received several emails with some account details recently from address. Please read the explanation given on the GNI forum regarding that:
1. We sent out the newsletter with sender address We sent out newsletters in the past with my real email address and on the next day I found my inbox flooded with undeliverable emails, got even daily emails from newbies in the past, who thanked me personally that I’ve sent them the IP challenge PIN, what the system is doing automatically.
For this reason all emails the system is sending out (the newsletters are sent via the script as well) will have as the sender address.
2. Now to the other emails you might have received! Sorry we really don’t want to spam you. This emails were sent out from our new script, since Chris, our developer, is testing and working from sun up to sun down and the new script will inform you about each and every transaction via email. The database we are using for testing is about a week old, so the information sent to you via email might not be accurate, since some deposits have been canceled, withdrawn or reinvested in the meantime.
We have informed Chris already to disable this feature for the moment and I hope you won’t get any more such notifications. Everybody who blacklisted the sender just leave it blocked, since this is an address we will never use.

Next is some important information for the investors of PanaMoney (reviewed here). Please be aware that they will not be working for three days in a row so your earnings will not be credited on these days. It’s connected with official holidays in the Republic of Panama where PanaMoney is registered (please read more info about it in my detailed interview with the admin here). Here is the update which you can also find on PanaMoney‘s website:
No trading on November 2-4.
November 2: All Soul’s Day in Panama;
November 3: Culture Day/Independence Day from Colombia in Japan/Panama;
November 4: Flag Day in Panama.

The admin of INSPremiumAds autosurf reported that the cashout button has been closed and that the first monthly payouts would be processed soon. Here is the update from him:
I have received all payouts request and cashout button is closed now. I will start payout very soon and I will fix subscription issue by tomorrow. I will announce when I will proceed all payouts today or tomorrow”.

The admin of PTVPartner program Garrett (interviewed here) keeps sending updates on a regular basis. His program is still doing really well and despite the difficulties with the implementation of the new website the payments are going to schedule so everybody seems happy. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend their “virtual” Halloween party that seemed such a huge success with the members according to Garrett. Well, I will try my best to be online for the next big occasion. By the way, the next investors’ meeting in the chat room is scheduled for midnight GMT on Tuesday. So be sure to be there (no registration needed) and listen to the admin, ask your questions about PTVPartner or just have some fun with open-minded fellow investors. You can choose from four investment plans with the payouts on expiry: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days. Deposits are accepted in USD via four payment processors: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay and StrictPay. But only by reading my detailed review you will understand what really makes PTVPartner different from other HYIPs and what makes them stand out from the crowd. Read it here. Anyway, the contest for naming the chat room is now over and five winners have been rewarded (by the way, you don’t have to be an active investor in order to participate in the contests). However, the new name for the room is quite odd – The Oasis – A Safe Haven. I’ve always thought that Oasis was never a safe haven especially considering the constant fist fights between the Gallagher brothers being the main reason for the band breaking up, lol. Seriously though, remember to be in the Chat Room on the PTVPartner website tomorrow to hear all the latest news from Garrett. Read the whole newsletter below:
Here are a couple of comments….
Well I have to say about the party is that it was my first time .. I loved the Music.. Realized that we have a lot of Crazy Party lovers who do enjoy music and fun.. The Trick O Treats were fun.. Time to time updates about Halloween were fun and gave good knowledge about the event.
Apple Cider was Yummy and it was well organized with people coming in and staying for a long while enjoying the music .. dancing .. cracking jokes.. absolutely had a great time.
You ran the gamut with characters…from Dragons Bait to Count Chocula! I’m sure I will never know the true identity of 90% there.
Apple Cider was enjoyed by all (spiked…you bet there was some). The dancing made the chat screens fly…and I still would like to know the creator of the awesome “drawings”. Corny Halloween jokes had us ROFL, but it didn’t take much to make us all do that.
Enjoyed traditional Halloween customs…the trick-or-treat candy never ran out, bobbed for Apples, saw some jack-o-lanterns, toasted marshmallows over the “bonfire”, and had toilet paper ready for “tricks”.
I liked having the traditional sounds of Halloween — along with informational links for those that weren’t familiar with the celebration of this day.
So as you can see, we had a blast. Those that came can attest to the fact that for an online Party it was a very good time. If you were unable to attend, I would strongly suggest that you mark your calendar for the next PTV Party.
Name the Room Contest
The results are in and we are ready to announce the winners and the name of our new Chat Room at PTVPartner. For those of you unfamiliar with this contest, we ran a contest looking for name suggestions for our new Chat Room.
The new room is a multi-purpose room, designed to provide a place for individual support, recreational activities in the form of our gaming console, a place to listen to the audio player in relative privacy, a place you can use to converse with a friend using a voice and text chat and of course a room for social events such as our Halloween Party.
We had 135 official entries and probably 4 or 5 times that many, which were unofficial, given in the chat room. We have recorded all the entries, sorted thru the huge pile of names, and are ready to announce the winners.
Before we do, let us say that we appreciate all the applicants and support for the contest. There were a lot of good names and a lot of crazy ones too. That is what makes it interesting. After far too much debate and deliberation we had our own brainstorming session as well and decided on a name for the room that we felt was the most adequate.
The name that we selected for the all purpose room is ‘The Oasis – A Safe Haven’
The contest winners are….
1st Place 50.00 Prize – aliceyaya: PTV Club
2nd Place 40.00 Prize – Canuck: PTV Live
3rd Place 30.00 Prize – BuffyPoo: The Out-Back
4th Place 20.00 Prize – distante: Party Time
5th Place 10.00 Prize – maxbd: freshair
The winners receive these funds to their PTVPartner Withdraw accounts and may immediately request the funds sent to their respective ecurrency. In other words they do not have to be participated with PTVPartner. We invite anyone to join our contests whether they intend on being a member of PTVPartner or not. All you need is an account. There is no fee required.
Congratulations to all the winners. We greatly enjoyed both reading thru your posts and the interaction with you in our chat room.
Our Chat Room Attendance
Every day of every week, we seem to acquire a new, ‘Regular’ to our chat room. The main chat room is a support room but the support issues are so few and far between and since we have 19 moderators, most of their time is spent just enjoying the members and each other’s company.
If you have not visited our chat room then you are missing out on one of the best places to enjoy yourself in the HYIP world. When you are finished being drained by other programs not making payout on time, drying up an blowing away, here today and gone tomorrow, listening to all the negative banter in your less than favorite HYIP forum, then come by and relax with us. Membership is not required. Come by, talk about your day, tell us the good and bad news, kick back and take a load off your fingers by using our voice chat. If you prefer to text then do it in real time with dozens of other members that enjoy an online hyip conversation as well.
We look forward to the opportunity to get to know you. Hope you’ll stop by soon.
New Website
Not much we can say other than we are still working on it. We had several integration and compatibility issues over the weekend and once again, we had to revert back to the base site. We are continually working on the issues and will resolve them as soon as possible.
We will announce in advance when we are going to begin the integration process again.
Manual Deposits
We thought we had addressed this issue before. Quite possibly we did. We realize that we will have to address it numerous times. Manual deposits create additional work. We are not interested in handling additional work, whether it is for deposits or not. Manual deposits will assessed a 25% handling fee with a $5.00 minimum. So for those that just must have a manual deposit option, there it is. Manual deposits will also require 3 to 5 days handling time. We would highly recommend that you use the free automated deposit option located within your client account at PTVPartner.
Sustainable Returns
Having a very stable investment vehicle that’s course is set to run for many many years makes it a pleasant task to provide for you an opportunity to earn handsomely.
Some members have asked, “Why would you provide such a high rate of return when a lower rate would have been attractive enough. The answer is, the enormity of our opportunity allows for a greater than this return to the majority of our group and associates. We have established PTVPartner in such a way as to cover the advertising budget, administrative costs, support, IT security, hosting, DDos protection, expansion, updates, accounting and all other associated cost out of the profits generated from your participation. 90% of the balance is then given to you. It is what it is.
You should listen to our MNO interview and Primary Project recordings located in the chat room on the video player to learn more about the backbone of PTV. Or, you could come to the ….
We have another meeting scheduled for 11/3 at midnight GMT. We will be discussing various aspects of what is happening at PTVPartner along with going over the Primary Project again. Those of you that have heard it before won’t miss anything if you do not attend. Those of you that have not heard it before will be brought up to date.
I can tell you that each week as we have held this same meeting, our numbers increase. What we find is that those that have been here before want to come back and listen again and again and again. So perhaps those of you that have missed the meetings may want to consider at least being present once. We will not continue discussion of this information on a weekly basis for much longer.
We invite member and non-member alike to attend.
PTV Atmosphere
We know. You have told us already.
You absolutely love it here. We agree. We do too.
There are a handful of members that have voiced contrary opinions though. Stating things like Investment site professionalism etc. We want to point out that we have not, nor ever will, create a ‘Sterile’ environment style program. We are PT’s. That means we enjoy a freestyle lifestyle. We didn’t create this program to be like a Hospital or Surgical Center. We enjoy ourselves too much for that. If this can’t be fun, then we don’t want to do it.
So we invite all the fun loving people. Those that can step outside the typical online program feel. Those that have been looking for more than an opportunity. We invite you to take a look at what we have to offer, try it on, see if it fits, see if it feels good, test its ability to provide sustenance, determine the overall opportunity and then lets us know your thoughts.
We have no doubt that once you do, then you too will…
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

I got paid today from the following programs: PanaMoney, MandarinInvest, GoldNuggetInvest, SavInvest, Verifield, BlitzInvestments, CSMFinance, AtlantisMutual, InvestmentForge, MoneyCare, SteadyFunds, GeniusFunds, LogicProfit, 4CountriesCapital, TheKapital, NanoMoneyCorp, GlobalFund, KobelCapital, FxCapitalInvestment, XomFund, CedexInvest, CorpusTrust, OneDailyPro, BlackDiamondPortfolio, CorpoNano, MoneyPlus (the first payment received) and EuroProfitClub (the first payment received).

By the way, EuroProfitClub is a new profit-sharing program that I added to my monitoring site just a couple of days ago. Well, this is a 200% profit-sharing program meaning that you will get paid from 3% to 8% daily with one weekly payout allowed until you reach 200%. Though the program is just a few days old the first cashouts have been already processed (the cashout button was enabled on Sunday). Today the admin introduced a new rule according to which you should follow the 50/50 rule in order to maintain your high weekly profits (I will talk more about that in the review which will be published on my blog tomorrow). In my opinion, this 50/50 rule will definitely extend the lifetime of EuroProfitClub provided the admin has good intentions. The program accepts all the five major payment processors: AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and StrictPay. In order to start earning you should purchase PIPS starting from $10. The script is the new one from Neversay which is not compatible with Opera and is in my opinion a bit overcomplicated. Unfortunately, the design of EuroProfitClub doesn’t look good and apparently it’s running on a shared server of some unknown company. This doesn’t make it look like a serious project to me and I hope the admin will accept my criticism and will try to make his program better with time.

That’s it for today and I will see you on my blog tomorrow with all the latest news from the Industry!

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