Nov 4th, 2009 Archives

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Hi everyone! Today I have something a little different for you. It’s not what I would usually cover on MNO and truth be told I have yet to be fully convinced of the merits of it myself. But let’s take a closer look anyway and see what you make of it. I’m sure you all know your own minds well enough by now anyway. The program I want to look at is called EuroProfitClub (a strange name for a program that only accepts dollars!) and it isn’t an online HYIP in the traditional sense. It’s a profit sharing program, though to be blunt the difference between them is minimal with both of them depending largely on new money continuing to flow.

In a nutshell what happens when you join EuroProfitClub is that you get one weekly payment that can vary. Interest is calculated by the day but paid by the week. Daily amounts vary between at least 3% of your principal up to a maximum of 8%. You will receive this payment until such a time as your payments have added up to a total of 200% of your initial deposit. Of course that’s a simplified version ant there is a bit more to it than just that, but that’s the basic idea.

So what of the finer points? Well joining involves buying shares that are valued at a dollar each. However you can only buy them in amounts worth $10, $20, $30, $50, $100, $200, $500, and $1000. That doesn’t mean of course that you can’t buy a combination of those amounts. But it is made unnecessarily long winded. In order to join you see you must first fund your member’s area wallet using one of the approved payment processors. Once you have done that you can now buy shares. But let’s say you want to buy 90 shares for $90. First you have to buy $50 worth, then you have to buy $30 worth, and finally you need to buy $10 worth. Three separate transactions! OK, so it’s not exactly a physically demanding task but it does look very amateurish.

If we were to take a theoretical example of a $100 investment that would mean an interest payment calculated by the day at anywhere from $3 to $8 depending (I assume) on the fortunes of the program. So the worst case scenario is that your weekly payment will be $21. In the bast case it would be $56. There are simply to many variables contained here to make it worthwhile giving any further examples of what might or might not happen, but the general idea of EuroProfitClub is that these weekly payments continue until they eventually add up to $200, regardless of how long that may actually take.

A couple of other important things you need to know about the investment side of the program is the payment processors. At the moment you are free to join with AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay. That’s a good choice in anyones book and despite there being a couple of flaws in the program that I can see, it’s difficult to say how EuroProfitClub could improve that list significantly. Weekly payments by the way are made on Sunday. Payout requests should be completed within 24 hours.

The other important thing to consider is the implementation of the 50/50 rule. A lot of you will no doubt already know what that means but for the benefit of those who don’t then it’s basically a ploy to protect the program from hit’n’runners. It’s explained on the FAQ page so be sure to read it first, but what happens is that it places a restriction on you withdrawing more than 50% of your weekly earnings in one go. Please note that it doesn’t prevent you from withdrawing more than 50%, just makes it less lucrative in the long run to do so.

The security of EuroProfitClub is unfortunately what let’s it down badly. Not so such the script. It comes from Neversay who usually supplies a quality product. This is the newer version however and while some people seem to like it I am no great fan of it myself. It doesn’t work with certain internet browsers which after all this time is really a surprise but even aside from that I find it seems to complicate things unnecessarily. It’s the hosting though that’s the real disaster. There is no less than 24 programs all sharing the same server and that to me is just inviting trouble on yourself. All it takes is one jealous competitor or one disgruntled member with too much time on his hands, not just from EuroProfitClub but from any of the 24 sites, to launch an attack and take the whole lot down in one go. This really needs to be improved on and soon if they are to be taken seriously in this industry.

The overall design is nothing special either (not that it counts for that much if the program pays regularly of course). But it looks a bit amateurish as well. As for communications, you should really make sure that you understand everything before you join as there is no way for the casual browser to contact the admin with any questions until after becoming a member. Only after that will you have access to the online e-mail ticket support form.

Overall though I’d still say that the potential is there for a good program, for instance the plans are profitable and by making the payments variable the admin can extend the lifespan by paying out according to how the fortunes of the program rise and fall over the weeks. And the 50/50 rule won’t hurt either. But really EuroProfitClub is going to require some major surgery before it can be taken seriously as a major player. What the admin does next to improve his program will probably say a lot about his long term intentions so I’ll be keeping an eye on it and let you know about any improvements if you are going to consider joining later.

Other news for today.

I would like to start the news section today with the new update from Kevin, the admin of XagaEnterprise (interviewed here). Kevin has been a decent admin so far helping his program to overcome many obstacles along the way. XagaEnterprise currently occupies the #11 spot in my rating of the best programs and has a good chance to become more popular once the Christmas season is over. With such popular and sustainable investment plans as 1.2% daily forever, 0.5% for 30 days and 0.7% for 90 days (with principal back on expiry and payouts on business days) and $1 minimum only to participate XagaEnterprise has a lot of fans supporting it for over six months now. Anyway, today’s update promotes XagaEnterprise (obviously!) and similar long-term programs while calling all short-term programs scams. Here is his newsletter:
Recently, there were 2 big short term program collapsed. No need to mention them. Unfortunately, some our members invested on those programs and they told me they lose about 6,000. I was shocked to hear that. When I asked them, what was the reason to invest so much money, they had one same answer. “GREEDY”.
I also like you. Go to forums, read news. I am so concerned with this industry nowadays. People are being fooled and scammed by HYIPs.
Why you’re wasting your hard-earned money to a silly high roi programs. They offer you non-sense profits. You may ask Warren Buffet, how much he earns a year. I bet much much much less compare to any HYIPs.
I want you to think rationally. Do you know what $500 can do? You can buy lots of toys for your son. Buy roses to your wife everyday. And many valuable things.
If you want to diversify your portofolio, it’s better to invest in low-roi program like GNI, NanoMoneyCorp, GeniusFunds, PanaMoney. I don’t endorse them, but I believe it’s a way much better compare to short-roi programs. If you like short roi programs, hit it and run. No need to reinvest all the time. You will be burnt. Just do it carefully.
The reason I write this newsletter is it has to do with our Ultimate Plan. Many of my members asked why the principal is locked. The answer is simple. There no such easy money in this world. I created XagaEnterprise not to make you rich but to give u nice profit. XagaEnterprise is not a get rich quick scheme. If you want to get rich quick, then do james bond’s style. Go to casino, play roulette. Double or nothing. Easy right?
I want you to understand what is XagaEnterprise doing for you. Patience is the key. Just keep your faith on XagaEnterprise and you will get your rewards.
That’s it for today. Go Xaga!
Regards, Kevin

My own opinion for what it’s worth is that I am aware that there were a couple of short-term programs recently that scammed pretty fast and I assure you that MNO is always trying to cover only good programs and refusing the bad ones. So recently I was approached by the admin of XmasPolo program with an offer to monitor his program. After careful investigation I have come to the conclusion that he was the same admin behind such scams as PexmoFund and UnixTrust that barely lasted a cycle. I will not be listing the things that I found out but I can assure you that he was the same admin. I refused to monitor his newly-launched scam and advise you all to stay away from it. I understand that all short-term programs are games but one thing when the admin runs it for some time and gives you a fair chance but it’s another thing entirely when he scams the members as soon as they join leaving almost no chance for anybody to be in profit. This particular admin just has one fast scam after another probably in an attempt to earn some easy money for his own Christmas celebrations. At the expense of yours of course. So this time this guy calls himself the rather bizarre name of Hare Richhie and many readers have told me they are already getting sent spam e-mails with his ads. I strongly suggest you ignore his emails and pleas for money and don’t invest in XmasPolo. Please don’t support scammers!

But getting back to the email from XagaEnterprise I must say that there are some really fast scammers in the HYIP industry. But there are also some decent admins that try to do their best to make their programs long-lasting. Yes, sure, the risk is higher in short term ones but for this risk you will get a bigger reward. It’s why people like them so much and continue to gamble. And if a program pays you for instance 117.6% after 7 days like FxCapitalInvestment (reviewed here) which has been running successfully for 50 days already then compared to the possible same return from XagaEnterprise after 98 business days (or 137 calendar days) it would take you 7 times longer to withdraw the same amount deposited into this program (it’s possible 123.2% pure profit + principal). Of course the crucial thing is to find a promising short-term program and join it early for a bigger chance to be in profit. I’m not talking about scamming admins of course but let’s take Greg, the admin of FxCapitalInvestment (interviewed here). Though it’s obviously a ponzi-game it’s quite a long term one and who knows how much longer it might last. So it’s all relative in the HYIP world. And while 50 days online is already a success for a short-term program like FxCapitalInvestment (because it means 7 successful cycles), the same term for such programs like XagaEnterprise (and even 6 months online) doesn’t look so impressive at all because the potential profit would be considerably lower. That is the main reason why people keep joining short-term programs – it’s not because they are greedy, but because they want more on their investments during a shorter period of time. And I can’t blame them because if you plan your investments accordingly and diversify your portfolio among both long-term and short-term programs your principal will be safer and you have the possibility to earn more. By the way, speaking about FxCapitalInvestment here is the latest update from the admin:
I Greg, Admin of FxCapitalInvestment personally welcome all new members and a big thank you to all our old members.
Payout has been going out regularly without any error, that’s a good sign of better future.
FxCapitalInvestment is intended for people willing to achieve their financial freedom and break their way into passive income but unable to do so because they’re not financial experts. We are a long term high yield investment program, backed up by Forex market trading and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term.
Earn free upgrade bonus
Buy $200-$399 and get free $20 added to your wallet
Buy $400-$599 and get free $30 added to your wallet
Buy $600-$999 and get free $50 added to your wallet
Buy $1000-$1099 and get free $80 added to your wallet
Buy $2000-$25000 and get free $150 added to your wallet
We uploaded a friend inviter script which will enable you tell your friends about this program. This is the link We want you to earn some extra cash for referring new members which is a free 5% ref commission for every upgraded member you refer.
I appreciate your Continuous support, thanks for being a part of FxCapitalInvestment.
Your Admin, Greg

At the same time we can look at some low-ROI programs that might look extremely promising and fail quite fast. I’d name WLInvestments as a shining example. Why? Because the program just scammed already. I have moved it to Waiting status on my monitoring page because no payouts were processed for the last two days. The admin of course remains silent and will not answer any e-mails. All of their imaginary employees with the fake biographies that were hastily removed from the website recently will probably never tell us why Selina (the admin) scammed the investors. The program has been online for barely three months which is not a good amount of time for such a low-ROI program, especially if you consider that on the first stages the program really looked bad and it took them awhile to get things organized properly and add some extra payment options. Of course, it’s a good thing if you joined WLInvestments via AlertPay or StrictPay – then you have at least a theoretical chance of a refund. I guess it’s safe to assume now that all this bragging about the phone support and other lies told by the admin of WLInvestments was nothing more than empty promises to lure more investors into the scam. Anyway, I don’t want to speculate on what’s happening with the program and I guess Selina would send an e-mail if she had something to say. So you see that not all low-ROI programs are safe, and even running for three months is no guarantee that your money is safe with them. I guess I have made my point clear.

So to finish my rant I would advise you to treat any HYIP as a game that can potentially scam tomorrow. Be it long-term or short-term programs, they will all end at some point and assuming I have not seen any real evidence of earnings from any program it will be safe to treat them all like that. But you will at least avoid disappointment. So by properly thinking over your investment strategy you will be sure that you will not lose your initial capital in HYIPs but most probably be in profit from this really profitable but sometimes extremely risky opportunity.

Some more news from the HYIP world today was about the official holidays during which the alleged trading is suspended and so the profits will not be credited to members’ accounts. Here is the latest update from TheKapital (reviewed here) that is based in Panama:
Holidays in Japan / Panama (Culture Day / Independence Day from Colombia)
We would like to inform you that due to the holidays in the Japan and Panama (November 3rd – Culture Day / Independence Day from Colombia) our trading desk is closed for business. According to our terms of service the profit is paid on business days only. Weekly profits will be paid the next business day. We wish you a pleasant holiday.

And this is the latest from XomFund, an alleged Australian company (reviewed here):
Australia Holiday – Melbourne Cup Day [ Monday, 02 Nov 2009 ]
In conjunction with Victoria Melbourne Cup Day, 3rd November 2009, XomFund‘s trading & office operation will be closed for the public holiday celebration.
XomFund shall resume work on the next business day, Wednesday, 4th November 2009.
Daily interest will not be paid on 3rd November 2009.
Your kind understanding and patience is highly appreciated.

4CountriesCapital program (reviewed here) is doing and paying well. The admin makes regular updates on the website and here is the one I read today:
Dear Members, With a profit of 4.51% Layla Brontë was the trader of the day. Our 2nd NYSE Trader Maeva Garnier from Paris who was ill very long is back and trades together with Layla on the NYSE so we can be sure she helped to gain this nice profit. I got a phone call again today. I could not understand the number. If you need a callback from me send me an email to with your number.
I remind you that 4CountriesCapital is a program that offers you four investment plans with regular payouts and your principal returned on expiry: 1.5% for 10 days, 2% for 20 days, 2.8% for 30 days, 16% for 6 weeks. They accept LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and Bank Wires. I have received a reply from the admin regarding the interview I sent a few days ago with the assurance that it would be answered pretty soon. So hopefully we’ll find out more about the background of 4CountriesCapital program during the week.

I have joined just another short-term program that was launched just a few hours ago. It’s called OctProfit. The program is accepting AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay. There are three investment plans on offer in OctProfit: 118% after 4 days ($5 minimum to invest), 150% after 10 days ($50 minimum) and 175% after 15 days ($100 minimum). I remember one program with similar to OctProfit plans that survived for a whole month so let’s wait and see if the program can repeat that success. Well, why not? OctProfit seems to be fully equipped to become the next big thing – running on a licensed GoldCoders script it’s protected by DdoSWiz (dedicated server). Of course you can definitely skip the part where they describe themselves as one of the leading private investment companies and treat OctProfit as another ponzi-game with a relatively good chance to succeed. I’ll have a more detailed review of OctProfit here soon so stay tuned for that!

The second program I would like to introduce tonight is also a short-term one. And though it’s offering smaller returns than the previous program it’s much more interesting in my opinion. It’s called HyEmirates and has also been launched just a couple of hours ago. HyEmirates offers three investment plans with payments on expiry: 110% after 5 days ($5 minimum), 125% after 10 days ($25 minimum) and 150% after 15 days ($50minimum). Four payment processors are accepted: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EcuMoney and StrictPay. The site has a decent design, hosted on a dedicated server with Koddos protection and is running on a licensed GoldCoders script. The most interesting thing though is the story used to support their claims of earning a real income to sustain the payouts (I can hardly believe it). Anyway, HyEmirates program claims to be involved in Sports arbitrage betting and allegedly puts all the money in an arbitrage betting pool in the United Arab Emirates (something similar what GNI is doing). Despite their attempt to make things look legit I think there should be more demands to substantiate the admin’s claims about any real income. Well, at least HyEmirates tries to stand out from the crowd and in my opinion it can bring them some good results within the next few weeks. We will wait and see how it will all develop! You will be able to read a more detailed review of HyEmirates program here as well as soon as I get my first payout from them.

That’s about it for today everyone, except for my usual payment report. Here are the programs that paid me today: GoldNuggetInvest, GainRoi, XagaEnterprise, SavInvest, PremiunCapital, BlackDiamondPortfolio, GeniusFunds, CSMFinance, LogicProfit, MoneyCare, MoneyPlus, SteadyFunds, Verifield, TheKapital, NanoMoneyCorp, PanaMoney, OneDailyPro, CedexInvest, StableInterest, GlobalFund, 4CountriesCapital, Capitalex, FxCapitalInvestment, MandarinInvest, AimTrust, KobelCapital, CorpoNano and PTVPartner. See you back here tomorrow with more news and views!

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