Nov 9th, 2009 Archives

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Hi guys! As promised yesterday I have an interview today with the admin of one of the best new short term HYIPs to be launched recently, OctProfit. A man of mystery it would seem as he has neglected to give us a name. Not that that’s the most important thing here anyway. What is important is the payments and since they started being made on expiry they have been flawless. Although granted it’s only been a couple of days, it does look like whoever is responsible for the OctProfit program is highly organized and professional. This, combined with high profit plans that offer 118% after 4 days, 150% after 10 days, and 175% after 15 days. I think there’s a good chance to be in profit from this one if you act quick enough and join at the right time. To find out why then please see my original review published here.

1. Hi , please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us a bit about your own involvement in OctProfit. Is this your first online venture? What other experience do you have in this Industry?

Hello Dear Readers. A warm welcome from OctProfit Team. I am the administrator of OctProfit. Our company is managed by highly experienced investment brokers specializing in foreign currency exchange markets for the past 5 years. We consulted several people who had experience in this arena, sought their advice and started our own investment program, OctProfit.

2. Can you also give us some background history on OctProfit? Why did you decide to open your own program and what are you expecting to achieve by this? Are you alone or do you have a business partner or assistant?

As I have said, our company is managed by highly experienced investment brokers specializing in foreign currency exchange markets for the past five years. We decided to open OctProfit online to extend the money making opportunity to the people worldwide. Besides me, there are seven people in our team, three of whom are traders and the other four are advertisers.

3. Can you explain how the process works to someone who may not be familiar with this industry? From the moment I decide to join OctProfit to the moment I get my first payout, what happens? What do I need to do?

The first thing a person needs to do to become a member of OctProfit is to join the program by going to the sign up page and sign up by entering the required details. Then the person can login to his/her respective account and make a deposit into the plan they want, from the payment processor they want to use. Earnings, which includes the deposit and the profit, are credited into the members’ accounts upon the expiry of the investment term. When the investment term expires, the members have two options. Either they can re-invest the whole amount or a part of the amount back into the plan they like, or they can withdraw the money. All LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney withdrawals will be processed instantly immediately after the withdrawal request is given, while all AlertPay and StrictPay withdrawals will be processed within 24 hours after the withdrawal request is given.

4. What are the plans you are offering investors? What are the minimum and maximum amounts to spend? What payment processors are you currently dealing with? Are payouts automatic or do I need to request them?

Currently, we are offering 3 plans for the investors to choose from. The plans we provide are :

118% after 4 days – 100% Deposit Return along with 18% Profit – Min Investment $5, Max Investment $50,000
150% after 10 days – 100% Deposit Return along with 50% Profit – Min Investment $50, Max Investment $50,000
175% after 15 days – 100% Deposit Return along with 75% Profit – Min Investment $100, Max Investment $50,000

The payment processors from which the members can make deposits are LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and StrictPay.

Payouts aren’t automatic. Members need to request for the payout when their investment term expires. Once again to remind our members, all LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney withdrawals will be processed instantly immediately after the withdrawal request is given, while all AlertPay and StrictPay withdrawals will be processed within 24 hours after the withdrawal request is given.

5. Tell us a bit more about the bonus available to those who join with $500. Is this just a temporary offer, and if so how long will it be available? How successful has it been in attracting new and bigger investors?

Currently we are offering a bonus of $50 for all members who make a deposit of $500 or more. This is a one time bonus, means this bonus is available for each member’s first $500 or more investment. If the same member makes a deposit of $500 or more for a second time, that member will not be eligible for the $50 bonus again.

We haven’t decided whether the bonus should be made a temporary or a permanent one. We’ll send out updates in our newsletters when we decide to change something about it.

The bonus we are offering has really attracted huge investors to our site. At the moment, each day, we are adding $50 bonus to at least 20 to 30 member accounts. Well, that just shows how successful our program is. And guess what, this is just the start.

6. What about the security of the OctProfit website? What steps have you taken to protect both yourselves and members from things like malicious hackers or identity theft? Are you on a dedicated server and how protected are you from DDoS attacks? Who is your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

We have taken the necessary steps to assure strict security of our program for our investors. We are using a Licensed GoldCoders Script for our program to protect both ourselves and members from malicious hackers and identity theft. Our system has a strong anti-virus protection. Our site is hosted on to protect our site from various kinds of DDOS attacks. I have to admit the service provided by DDoSWIZ is simply superb when it comes to mitigating DDOS attacks.

7. What advertising strategy have you been using to promote OctProfit to date? How big a role have existing members played in this promotion?

So far, we have purchased paid stickies for our topics on the two most famous forums, MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold. We have also added most of the reputed monitors as you can see in the Rating page of our site, and also purchased advertising banners on some of those reputed monitors. We are on our way to make our topic a paid sticky on DreamTeamMoney forum and also purchase banner advertising in MoneyMakerGroup, DreamTeamMoney and TalkGold forums

Our members are doing a great job in promoting OctProfit and the current contest we are having has greatly boosted the promotion by members.

8. What about the success of the program overall so far? Are you pleased with the level of growth to date? Can you give us any statistics on the amount of members and the total amount deposited? What are your expectations over the coming months? How do you plan to develop and improve in a very competitive business?

Immediately after we started our program, we began to get a huge number of sign ups. I have to say it was a great start for our program. Our member count is increasing at a high level. Each day, we are receiving 100 to 300 sign ups. Well, this is just the start. The days are not too far when our member count increases at the rate of 100+ daily.

We will be purchasing more banner advertisings in various monitors and forums to promote our program. And as you know, we are having out first referral contest running. Yes, it’s just the first referral contest.

We will be having more referral contests and intense promotion in the future to make our program far different from the online investment ventures that are available today.

9. What kind of customer service and support do you offer to investors? What are the most effective ways of getting in contact with you if I have questions or problems? Do you have e-mail or live chat support?

All members and observers of our program can contact us through the support form which can be found in the Contact page. All queries will be answered by our skilled support department within 24 hours. We are providing live support through Yahoo Messenger for those who would like to have a live chat with us. The chat application can be found on the homepage of our program. Or members can add us to their Yahoo Messenger directly; our Yahoo Messenger ID is octprofit

10. What can you tell us about the outside investment activities of your company? What are you doing with members money? How are you generating such huge profits?

As I have said earlier, we have a team of three experienced traders who are who are specialized in foreign currency exchange markets for the past five years. We are also investing in various stock markets to extend the earning potential for our members.

11. What is your opinion of the online investments business in general? Can you tell us about your previous knowledge and experience in the HYIP business? Not just as an admin, but from your personal participation and observations. What do you like about it? What don’t you like?

We have been hearing about High Yield Investment Programs for about a year and thought why not start one and help people to earn money online? We were making money as we have stated before and so we thought why not make this opportunity available to the people worldwide? So we consulted several people who had experience in this arena and sought their advice to start our own program, OctProfit.

What I like about running OctProfit is that I get the wonderful opportunity to serve so many people around the world and help them make money online.

To be frank, I haven’t come across anything I dislike about running this program. I am doing my best to serve my members.

12. With so many new programs coming online every day, what would be the one thing you would say to investors who are still undecided on which program to pick? What are the benefits of joining OctProfit over any other program?

Well, the first thing investors should look at while joining an online investment program is the investment plans and how successful the program is. As far as our program, OctProfit, is concerned, our program started with a huge success. Also the investment plans we are offering are far superior than the other programs out there are offering. Those people out there who would like to make high returns within a short period of time are most welcome to join our program.

13. And finally, what can we expect in the future from OctProfit? How do you plan to first of all keep your program competitive and then to make it one of the leading online HYIPs?

We will be doing intense promotion for our program to make it far different from other online investment programs out there. Our team of 4 advertisers are promoting the program to the best of their abilities. I wholeheartedly thank them for the wonderful job they are doing. We will be purchasing more banner advertising in various forums and monitors and will also be conducting more referral contests in the near future to attract more number of investors.

Thanks a lot to the admin (whoever you are!) for that. Though I can’t help but doubt his claim of hundreds of new members joining OctProfit on a daily basis there is no denying that it is becoming very hot. I’d be fairly confident of at least a couple of cycles here and I do feel the admin is capable of running a good game where you will at least have a fair and equal chance to earn a profit.

That’s it for the moment everyone, but don’t go too far OK? I’ll be back a little later this evening with the regular news update with all the latest goings-on from the sites covered on my monitoring page so stay tuned for that!

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