Hi everyone! First of all apologies to readers who are not members of GoldNuggetInvest yet. I know I tend to keep harping on about them more than most. But you are in the minority. I know that most of the regular readers here are already involved so you will no doubt be aware that GoldNuggetInvest has undergone a transformation recently. A lot of people in this business don’t like change and given the transient, Ponzi-style nature of 99% of online money making programs it’s not difficult to see why. Not so with GNI however where in the lucky thirteen months (and counting) that I have been a member every single change that has been implemented has been an improvement for the long term benefit of the program and its members alike.
So today I was considering writing a completely new and updated review of the program, but on second thoughts I have decided that it’s probably not entirely necessary to go that far. For the benefit of new readers and those who are not members you can read my last review of the program published here. You see the core values at the heart of GNI have not changed, nor has the program’s modus operandi. The investment plans, although they have changed since the program was first founded, remain unchanged since they were last reviewed here. I will just give a very brief reminder of them however, again purely for the benefit of new readers, before getting on with what I really want to talk about today which is the new operating script they are using. In simple layman’s terms the script is what you are looking at after you log in to your account, the various features and functions contained there, what all the buttons do if you press them, and how it all works.
So to recap on what it’s all about GoldNuggetInvest is an internet based company whose business is online gambling on sports events. Except that “gambling” isn’t really the right word here as that implies there is some risk involved. What they are really doing is arbitrage betting.
So what’s all that about then? Well, there are only a very limited number of outcomes to any sporting event. Take a football match for instance. There are only two teams involved and only one of them can possibly win. So there are three possible results. A victory for either team, or else a draw. So if you were to bet on all three possible outcomes you simply have to get one of them right, regardless of your knowledge of the actual game itself. But doesn’t that just mean you have one winning bet and two losing ones?
Of course it does, but every so often due to the fact that there is competition between bookmakers to offer the most attractive odds possible (and that competition is fierce) a situation arises where it’s possible to bet on all three outcomes and win enough money from the winning bet to not only cancel your losses from the other two but to leave you with a tidy profit for your efforts as well. The admin of GoldNuggetInvest Robert Spearman explains it quite well in his exclusive interviews with MNO (published here, here and here).
Granted that is a very simplified version of it and in reality there is a lot more work involved than just that. It’s not an everyday occurrence and it’s a market that has to be monitored closely on an almost perpetual basis. But you get the general idea of what GNI are doing with your money once you invest it with them. Your next question is probably what’s in it for you. There are two investment options open to you, one of them for the rank and file online investor, the other for the more serious players who are prepared to get involved with more serious money. Again as these plans have been fairly well documented elsewhere on this blog I will just describe them briefly for you here.
The first investment plan that will be of interest to most of you is The Weekly Fixed Plan. The name practically explains itself. Put your money in here and you will be paid a fixed rate of interest every week. That rate is 6%. The investment must be between a $50 minimum and a $20,000 maximum. And there is no expiry date. Which means that you will receive 6% interest per week on your investment for as long as you decide to leave it there. You of course remain the sole owner of that principal at all times and are free to withdraw it at any time following an initial 30 day lock in period. After that you will be paid for as long as you want to be paid. It’s that simple.
The other investment option is The Weekly Fixed Premium Plan. For all intents and purposes it works the same as the other plan, making weekly payments based on the size of your deposit for the duration of your membership. The difference is that it makes a substantially larger payment of 7.5% weekly to those members who can afford to invest from $21,000 to the maximum of allowed amount of $50,000.
Again all that’s been well documented elsewhere so I’m not going into it any deeper than that. For further information on things like payment schedules and processors (which include LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and StrictPay) the information in my previous review is still valid. The main reason for today’s review however is the new script. In other words the operating system that keeps the program and your personal account area ticking over. The reasons behind its introduction are again both numerous and well documented elsewhere. What I want to discuss today are the benefits of this new script and the practicalities of actually using it.
The most important feature is of course the security. In an age where this is a concern of paramount importance to all people who handle money over the internet the security of GoldNuggetInvest has been vastly enhanced by this new design. On a practical level it’s also the first feature that you will encounter when logging on, either as a new member doing it for the first time or as an existing member returning for the first time since the script was introduced. The first sign of this is the introduction of a secondary password system. What that means is that basically as well as your main primary password that you will need to access your account to begin with (this particular password is generated by GoldNuggetInvest themselves and assigned to you) you will also need a second password (which you set yourself) to actually do anything in your account once you have logged in. For example you will need your first password to access and view your account, but you will then need a second password to make a withdrawal, or to edit any of the information in the account. So in the event of anybody gaining access to your members area, they won’t be able to do anything with the information they find there A bit like your neighbor finding out how much money you have in the bank, or what your salary is. It’s nobody else’s business except yours, but there is very little anybody can do with that information by itself. In fact the worst that will happen is you suffering the ignominy of a loss of privacy, but your money is actually safer than it ever was in the past. And that is really the prime benefit of this new script. So upon signing in for the first time you will be prompted to set up this secondary password. Needless to say it is of vital importance that you memorize this password and store it in a safe (offline) place that is completely separate and unconnected with any other information relating to your account.
There is a lot more to the security than just that by the way. The site is now fully SSL encrypted and you will notice the little padlock symbol to the right of the address bar with the website address itself preceded by the letters https. For those not familiar with the more technical side of online business this basically means that all the information is encoded and protected. There is even the added feature of a security log where you can view all successful attempts to access your account, what IP address your account was accessed from, and what functions were carried out while logged in. If there is any suspicious activity there then you know your password may have possibly been compromised.
So now that you should feel secure while using it, how about spending some money? The process is a little different now to what it used to be, but I think once you get accustomed to it, and believe me it doesn’t take too long, I think you’ll agree that the procedure is greatly improved. In your members area you will now find the following information. First of all your Account Summary. This contains your membership number and user-name. It also contains your active deposit, which means the total principal you have invested with them at any given moment and on which your weekly interest payment is based.
But it also contains some new features not previously in the last version. Namely an E-Currency Manager containing an e-wallet and a Cash Balance. And these are essentially what you will be using to fund your account and to withdraw. You will have already registered your preferred e-currency upon joining. In fact you may have registered several (as I did). Your e-wallet then is the area that will receive the money from your e-currency account. And then from your e-wallet you are free to re-direct that money as you wish to the investment plan of your choice, subject to you having enough money to do so of course. So what happens next? Well now you need to sit back and wait while the good folks who run GoldNuggetInvest do their thing. Come back in a week and you will have earned an interest payment on your deposit.
Let’s say for the sake of an example that you want to invest $100. This will go from your chosen e-currency account to your e-wallet. From your e-wallet you will then need to send it to an investment plan. In this case, assuming you are a first time member and $100 represents the sum total of your investment, the only plan open to you is the Weekly Fixed Plan. This will pay you 6% interest per week. So come back one week later and you will find yourself with $106. The $100 deposit itself remains separate at all times in your Active Deposits. Your $6 interest payment however will be found in your Cash Balance. Keep in mind of course that it is only GNI that put money into your Cash Balance. All you do is take it out. And you have a choice there. You may either withdraw it directly to your e-currency account and convert it into actual spendable cash, or you may transfer it to your e-wallet where once more you may re-invest it in your plan of choice. Keep in mind also though that this is just a theoretical example. In actual fact the minimum deposit is still $50, so if you wish to add this $6 to your Active Deposit you will need to fund your e-wallet with another $44 first. But not to worry. There is still The Weekly Rollover Plan for smaller deposits that is open exclusively to existing members only. That is an option where members can store smaller sums from a minimum of $3 at a reduced interest rate. It’s a way of building up your balance in order make a bigger more serious deposit at a later date. And it’s a good option for those who don’t see any real financial benefit in making weekly withdrawals of $3, $4, $5, etc, but at the same time are currently unable to afford to make big deposits at the moment. This plan is only open to you as long as you keep an active deposit in one of the other two. And as with the other two plans you can find a fuller description of it in my last review of the program.
One of the most interesting changes is the introduction of a private members only e-currency exchange system. And it’s something that should be of real practical use to a lot of members. To my knowledge GoldNuggetInvest is the first program to ever launch this service which only goes to prove what I already knew about them being at the forefront of new, innovative, and progressive service lead online companies. What you have here is basically their own exchange program where you can deposit in one e-currency and later for a very reasonable 4% fee exchange this to another e-currency before you withdraw. Without singling out any one particular e-currency, long term players in this business will be aware that practically all the online e-currencies have had occasional setbacks due to all manner of problems, imagined or otherwise, ranging from DDoS attacks, regular scheduled maintenance, delays with their bank, and so on and so forth. So this should provide a welcome boost to investors whose first preference of e-currency may not be quite so preferred on certain occasions.
And speaking of delays with your bank, something I don’t want to get too far into at the moment is GNI‘s own Bank Wire deposit and withdrawal options. They have been experiencing a lot of delays on that front recently. To be fair it’s been largely out of their hands but they have been doing what they can to get the process back on track and have been very accommodating to members adversely affected by this. As it’s not recommended to use bank wires just yet I’ll leave that out until another day, but what I can tell you now is that when it’s fully operational again (which will be soon) the whole process of using it just got a whole lot easier. You will see a secure form to fill out with all the relevant account details, and it’s really quite a simple process now.
A few of the other new features in GoldNuggetInvest include the extra support that is now available to the ever increasing numbers of investors that would seem to be almost clamoring to get involved on a daily basis. Apart from the most important aspect of this which is the actual support staff members themselves, you now have a dedicated members only discussion forum which is set up specifically to deal with all things GNI related. You are free to raise any questions or problems there and have them addressed by support as well as receiving practical experience based advice from like minded individuals who will have most likely encountered the same questions as you sometime in the past. As well as that your private support tickets are now fully integrated into the new script leaving you with a complete record of all the issues you have raised with them and a record also of how those problems were dealt with.
I suppose the best way to sum it all up however, and come to think of it maybe I should have started with this (!), is this very handy operators manual which comes in PDF form and gives you a wonderfully comprehensive yet lucid and easy to follow step by step guide to how to use the program and its new features. They’ve explained it better than I probably ever could so I’m sure Robert won’t mind if I reprint the link here. Though I can’t say for sure who actually wrote it, whoever it was did an excellent job. Check it out for yourself here (your computer will need Adobe Reader before you can open the link)
though it probably makes little sense to you (as does the rest of this article) unless you are already a member. So what are you waiting for? Do yourself a big favor and get involved in GoldNuggetInvest. I did so thirteen months ago and it’s just been payday after payday after payday ever since with no complaints, no mistakes, no delays, and no regrets. It’s been a totally passive second income for me and I’m not the only one. Indeed there are a number of online investors claiming a primary income from this program, and while I would never suggest that you jump in at the deep end, why not just try it out with a few dollars, see how it goes, see how it all works and see how the other members are responding. I have little doubt that in thirteen months from now you too will also be saying the very same thing as me.
Other news for today.
Let’s start our news today with the new update from XagaEnterprise (reviewed here). It seems I will have to write a revised review of this one as well pretty soon as just today a new investment plan arrived. To tell you the truth, I’m kinda disappointed with the admin’s creativity this time because apart from the fancy names the plan itself was copied almost directly from another extremely popular program SazaInvestments (reviewed here). So the new plan in XagaEnterprise will pay the investors from 8% to 10% weekly for life depending on the amount deposited. The minimum you can deposit into this plan is $20 and the rules are laid out in the latest update from them:
“Introducing Xaga Star (Weekly Plan)
Vega Invest 20 – 100 ROI : 8% Weekly for Life!
Electra Invest 101 – 1000 ROI : 9% Weekly for Life!
Orion Invest 1001 – 100000 ROI : 10% Weekly for Life!
Members can’t switch their current investment(s). You have to make a new investment to participate in this plan. Thank you.
Regards, Diana. Customer Support”.
The administration of CSMFinance (reviewed here) reported a huge profit made from their trading activities. It seems they got $100K in profit and included a screenshot of their trading account as a proof:
“Ocean Power Technologies (OPTT) just hit a new 52-week high of $10! CSMFinance traders have just completed second intraday trade with these shares. Click here to learn more! Brokerage account screenshot included! Over $100,000 pure profit generated!”
Well, it’s up to you to believe in this or not. The only fact I can confirm is that CSMFinance still pays instantly 1.7%-2.1% for 200 days to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts. I think there’s a very big chance that CSMFinance can survive deadly Christmas period as well. I have a good gut-feeling about this company and hopefully it’s a right feeling.
TheKapital program (reviewed here) which is based in Panama announced a holiday today. Please note that according to its ToS your profit will not be credited on official Panamanian holidays. So you should expect your next 1.5%-2.2% profit to be credited to your TheKapital accounts only by tomorrow:
“Holidays in Panama (First Call for Independence from Spain)
We would like to inform you that due to the holidays in Panama (November 10th – First Call for Independence from Spain) our trading desk is closed for business. According to our terms of service the profit is paid on business days only. Weekly profit will be paid the next business day. We wish you a pleasant holiday.”
PanaMoney program (reviewed here) decided that the profits will not be credited to members’ accounts for two consecutive days due to holidays in both Panama and the US. Please remember about that and don’t contact support if you don’t see profits credited today or tomorrow. Here is the latest from PanaMoney:
“No trading on November 10 and 11. First Call for Independence from Spain in Panama and Veteran’s Day in the USA.”
Those who check my monitoring page regularly might have noticed that I had TradeZoom in the Basic listing for some time. Today the admin of the program decided to upgrade to Standard listing and proceed with the review. I’m aware that the delay was probably connected to the improvement work that TradeZoom was undergoing during the last month I was monitoring them. Anyway, the site looks much better now and I will gladly review it on my blog soon. Today I will just introduce it to you. So, TradeZoom offers 2% for 90 business days with daily payouts or 250% after 90 business days. Your principal will be returned back on expiry as well. You can invest a $10 minimum into the Daily Plan and a $50 minimum into The On Expiry plan. Unfortunately, only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are accepted as payment processors. TradeZoom is hosted on a dedicated server by GeniusGuard and I think it’s a DDoS-protected one. You can switch to SSL-mode for more security when logging into your account. The site uses a licensed GoldCoders script which was also customized. The design of the TradeZoom website was completely overhauled recently so you can use the better flash version now. The program has been paying for over two months so the risks are quite high and I would not recommend the second plan. As for the first one, you will be in profit after 50 business days (10 calendar weeks). A more detailed review of TradeZoom will be done here pretty soon so stay tuned for that!
There is one completely new program I have joined today. It’s another promising short-term one named EuropeInc. They launched just a few hours ago and I believe it will be a good gambler’s choice. There are two investment plans on offer in EuropeInc: 27%-30% for 4 days (daily payouts) and 116%-128% after 5 days (payouts on expiry). The ROI will depend on the amount invested. The minimum to invest in both plans is $10 and you can make your deposit via four payment processors: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and StrictPay. EuropeInc uses licensed GoldCoders script and the site is running on a dedicated server by DdoSWiz so it’s definitely protected from attacks. EuropeInc states that it has something to do with Forex or the Nasdaq index however I would not treat it seriously. Any short-term program is just a game where you win some and you lose some. So just treat with the potential it deserves as it just started today. I will make a detailed review of it on my blog soon of course.
And finally here is the list of programs that paid me today: OctProfit, PanaMoney, GoldNuggetInvest, FinanceNova, InvestmentForge, SavInvest, PremiumCapital, XagaEnterprise, CSMFinance, OneDailyPro, AimTrust, IncoForex, BlitzInvestments, MoneyCare, LogicProfit, NanoMoneyCorp, GeniusFunds, TheKapital, CedexInvest, MoneyPlus, Capitalex, 4CountriesCapital, MandarinInvest, PTVPartner, CorpoNano, TradeZoom, GlobalFund, StableInterest, BlackDiamondPortfolio, XomFund, KobelCapital and JuicyInvest (the first payment received). See you again tomorrow guys with all the latest news from the industry and one more review! So don’t go too far ok!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Nov 11th, 2009. 18 Comments.
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