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22/11/09. WopAdz Review and Other News



Hi guys! When I think back on some of the short term HYIPs launched this year, particularly over the last six months, it’s amazing to think just how many of them have tried to copy the style of autosurf programs without actually asking you to do any surfing. I guess it’s to do with the plans themselves being popular. Tried and tested if you like, and very often both lucrative and sustainable at the same time.

But what of the autosurf programs where these type of investment plan originate? We seem to see less of them these days. Less good ones anyway. So how about we look at a new one tonight, eh? After all, the plans are probably already well known to you so let’s see the latest program to use them.

And that program is called WopAdz. Now, I don’t really like to start a review on a negative note but it simply must be acknowledged that this has not exactly been the best year on record for autosurfs. And it’s a bit puzzling sometimes because the very same plans have so often proved to be hugely popular when implemented by non-surfing sites. So I hope WopAdz will manage to break away from all the other recent surfing sites that closed after one or two cycles. But it seems to be gathering a lot of fans so far with well over 400 members now as I write this, and that’s after five days online.

That popularity may have something to do with the plan on offer. There is just one, and it’s the classic surfing plan of 12% interest earned for 12 days. If you don’t already know then let me explain how it works. If you wish to join WopAdz then you may do so from as little as $6. After that you buy ad units, which are priced at $6 each. So in other words you can only invest in blocks of $6, e.g $6, $12, $18, and so on. You can carry on investing all the way up to 1000 units, or $6,000 in value.

Once you have done that you are required to log-in to your WopAdz account on a daily basis for the next 12 consecutive days and “surf” 12 sites (which basically means to view 12 ads) in automatic mode in order to earn your daily interest payment. That payment will be 12% of your investment which will build up in your account everyday until expiry. It’s a total of 144% which will then be returned. Your initial deposit is already factored into that figure so will not be returned.

The list of payment processors is good enough. Better than most HYIPs in fact with all the popular choices being accepted. Right now WopAdz are taking AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay. Pretty difficult to say how they could improve on that really, isn’t it? Anyway, when it comes to the payment itself, remember that it’s not automatic so you’re going to have to request it. Once you do, you are asked to allow up to 48 hours for it to be processed.

One other thing I wanted to say, not so much to do with the plans as such, but definitely a way to make an extra couple of bucks from the program is the regular competitions that the admin says he intends to hold. Already the first weekly one is under way which involves rewarding the members most active on the public discussion forums with a monthly referral contest also in the pipeline.

Moving to the security and design of WopAdz, it’s running off a licensed Neversay script that we have probably come to associate with surfing sites by now. It’s not the latest version of Neversay, but that’s ok by me as I prefer this older one anyway. They are also hosted on a dedicated server with a good level of protection from DDoS attacks provided by DdoSWiz. And the design overall is quite good. Bright, easy to read, easy to navigate, almost a cheerful appearance, and very professional looking.

If you need to communicate with the admin for anything, customer support is available via the usual online support ticket form, and also via Live Chat where you can get your questions answered in real time.

All told I’d have to say that based purely on its own merits WopAdz is a decent enough surfing site. Of course the million dollar question asked time and time again this year is will the investors go for it? I mean it matters very little in the end how good they are if the investing public just don’t want to know about it, does it? In my own humble opinion if you are looking for a new surfing site then you’d do well to join this one. I don’t want to be the one who says it will be a success or failure though. Sorry to sit on the fence but that part is entirely up to you guys.

Other news for today.

As you might know Sundays are often pretty quiet on the news front so today’s post will be a little shorter than usual. So starting with GloTrade (reviewed here) the admin posted on their blog about the lack of earnings. I guess it was necessary as the program started just a few days ago and it would be their first weekend. I’m glad that the admin of GloTrade keeps up a good communication level with investors at the core of his business and hope it will continue in future. I remind you that GloTrade pays you 2% for 20 business days and 2.5% for 40 business days with the payouts made on expiry. Here is the latest news from them:
If you notice that your daily earning is showing 0%, it means that it is a weekend and GloTrade only pays from Monday-Friday each week.
When you click the “Earnings history” link on the member’s page,you will see the following: 2009-11-21 time $0.00 Earning from deposit $xx.xx – 0 %
All other payouts such as referral bonus will be paid even during the weekends.

It’s good to report that all the pending payouts from SazaInvestments (reviewed here) seem to have been completed by now. I remind you that the admin of the program Ricardo (interviewed here) promised to pay to everybody by Monday. However the admin surpassed all expectations and paid all pending withdrawals in full despite the delays caused by various SolidTrustPay and StrictPay issues. Here is the most recent update from him about that:
All payments has been done again now. We will handle the support tickets tomorrow. Thank you all for your understanding, patience and support. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.

RigidPay (reviewed here) has been online for 7 days already and is still doing well. The program is offering the following investment plans: 114% after 4 days, 131% after 8 days and 170% after 16 days. The admin reported that RigidPay has over 1,000 members now. He also reminds you that the $50 bonus on investments of $500 and higher is still valid but could expire any time. I’m actually preparing some questions for the admin and will be sending them later. I hope he will be able to share his plans for the future with us there. And here is the latest from RigidPay I got to my mailbox tonight:
Hi everyone its Woody, the admin of RigidPay.
First of all I would like to thank all of you investors and active members at forums and monitors.
Keep doing it so we will stay at the top spot !!!
We are online for 7 days now with more than 1000 active investors and we are just at the start and of course we will keep with this growth for a long time.
RigidPay is open from this day (16.Nov.2009) onwards, we all welcome no matter opening accounts, investing or inquiry. To us, more communication means more understanding, and more understanding means more trust. We like to to introduce to you the promotional campaign: We give a reward of $50 for who have made $500 or more into RigidPay, that is a great news, isn’t it? We paid more than $3,850 bonuses for our serious members on their first investment. This promotional campaign maybe will finished anytime, so please don’t lose this amazing opportunity, create your account and make deposit right now!
If you have any questions of RigidPay, please feel free to contact our customer service department.
Best Regards, Woody. RigidPay

Carlos, the admin of OneInv, sent me the answers to the questions I asked him for the interview. And I’m glad to report that I’m going to publish it on my blog tomorrow. I remind you that OneInv is a program with instant payouts on expiry for the following plans: 104% after 3 days, 110% after 5 days, 124% after 10 days, 150% after 15 days. More details about the program can be read in my review published here. Today the Carlos sent a newsletter-reminder about what bonuses and prizes on offer:
I want you to remember that today is the last day to get the bonus, and you can get upto $50 instantly to cashout.
Also remember the referral contest:
$100 to the first place $50 to the second place and $25 to the third place.
And I want you to inform you our healthy stats, more than $16k on deposits and $k on withdrawals, it shows that members trust in our project. Today I’ll be sending the interview questions to MNO.
Tomorrow we will have more news!

The admin of WopAdz which I just reviewed above sent out a newsletter where he expressed his gratitude to the members for their continued support of the program. He also gave some encouraging stats and announced an activity contest with weekly prizes:
We would like to say thank you to all members for supporting our project. WopAdz growing fast with your support. We already have over 400 members, at an awesome daily growth rate and all payments are being processed on time, which is always in less than 48 hours.
We would like to announce that first contest has started. Every week we will pick top 5 members who are most active on the major forums. Please check contest page to see prices. Soon we will start also monthly promotional contest, we are currently working on that.
Members who got paid please support us and vote at monitoring sites.
I want to thank everyone who is a part of the WopAdz.
Best regards, Nick

IncoForex (reviewed here) added a testimonials page to their site publishing feedback about their work from both regular investors and monitoring sites alike. Please read more about that in this update (you can also read my interview with the admin published here):
Success Stories with IncoForex
Hello Dear Investors! IncoForex brings in incredible testimonials of success!
We can’t be more excited than this! Daily emails are being sent to us with many thanks and encouraging testimonials for those who are not sure whether to put in a high amount or not. From all over the world, people are expressing their gratitude towards the business of IncoForex and we can’t say in words how much satisfaction this brings to us. Not only that we are helping you to earn money, but also we get a huge experience from this fructuous interaction with you. We’ve decided to present a really interesting and very detailed testimonial. You will find yourself between these lines, and at the end you will realize that the peace of mind can be achieved. Look what others said and don’t be afraid, step in this money dance with us along your side!
You can view details here

Several sites experienced some temporary accessibility problems today. For instance RefMotor (reviewed here) was offline for several hours because their account was suspended and we could see the following message on their website:
This account has been suspended. Either the domain has been overused, or the reseller ran out of resources.
However, they are back online now and back to making regular instant payments. I remind you that RefMotor offers 8%-10% for 15 days and 130%-170% after 15 days and the payouts are being done instantly to both PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve accounts.

Other websites that experienced some downtime include RosalinFinance (reviewed here). The program is offering multiple short-term plans with payouts being processed on expiry. As far as I know at the moment the site of RosalinFinance is online and all the outstanding payments were paid.

At the time of writing I still have a problem with MoneyPlus which seems to be loading very slowly for me and is not allowing me to access my account. This may well be due to a DDoS-attack to the site. Anyway, I hope the admin will solve the problem soon and allow me to access my account again.

I received a couple of complaints from readers about delayed payments from FXFManagement. So I wrote to the admin to ask what the reason was. There was no reply by now (after more that 24 hours) and the website seems to be gone too. I don’t know if it’s permanent or just temporary but taking into consideration all the problems and delayed payouts I would be prepared for the worst. At the moment, it’s not recommended to invest in FXFManagement even if it is back online soon (which I doubt ).

That’s all the news for today, guys. Not so much compared to the regular work week but there will be lots more tomorrow I’m sure when I’ll be back with another interview, review and more news from the Industry. Here is the list of the programs from my monitoring page that paid me today: ArbsFund, EuropeInc, GloTrade, OneDailyPro, RefMotor, BlackDiamondPortfolio, Capitalex, CedexInvest, RigidPay, XagaEnterprise, GeniusFunds, OneInv, AtlantisMutual, CSMFinance, IncoForex, MajorGain, WopAdz, LogicProfit, NanoMoneyCorp, GlobalFund, RosalinFinance, KobelCapital, CorpoNano, PTVPartner, PanaMoney, OctProfit, EcosystemFunds, ZenithInvestment (the first payment received) and RichAliens (the first payment received). See you tomorrow, guys!

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