Hi everybody! My first update today (yes, there will be more later) is a recent interview with the admin of a program that’s been on my monitoring page for the last two weeks. Though it’s been online for the last two months. It’s called RefMotor and it’s a short term program with two plans that pay on expiry and by the day. For more information, if you like it, you can always refer back to my original review published here.
Before we start however I just want to make a very quick point about what you are about to read. Those of you who are already members of RefMotor are probably aware of this as you should have been receiving some form of communication from the admin. But for the rest of you let me tell you that the admin here is not a native English speaker. In fact very few admins are. In the case of RefMotor however his English is particularly weak so I have taken the liberty of editing his answers.
Please be aware though that I have not changed the meaning in any way. That remains his work. I have merely corrected some grammar and spelling mistakes where I have found them. In fact I do this regularly because as the owner of this blog I obviously have the final say in what gets published. I can assure you that this is done for the benefit of you, the readers, and not the admin. For example, if you bought an English newspaper and it had an interview with a French or German politician, then you would obviously expect it to be translated and edited for you, right? The same thing applies here. The answers are still the admin’s, the corrections to his diction are the only thing of mine.
As you will see, some answers do appear a bit cryptic and don’t necessarily address the question that was asked. There is nothing I can do about that except maybe to remind you that this is the information that the RefMotor admin has offered you and it’s up to you how you use it.
“1. Please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us what experience you have in the HYIP industry.
Hi readers, my name is Archer J Green. We have worked off line for around six years. After we found several ways for earning good profits with ForEx we started to check our systems several times. Then we found some good investors who helped us develop our software. Then we start to work with small amounts of money, and we found several people that invested with us. So now we have started our online work.
2. Tell us more about the investment plans on offer and about the payment processors accepted by RefMotor.
We offer two kinds of plan
A) Basic Moto (Daily Profit): in this plan we pay profits every day and our profits are between 8% to 10%. In total that’s 120%-150%.
B) Main Moto (After 15 Days with 5% Cash back): In this plan we pay profit after 15 days and profits our between 130%-170%.
Please note we pay back 5% of your money in this plan as cash back. Our payments our instant but we don’t pay back your principal.
3. Do you think the investment plans will be sustainable in the long run? How long do you intend to run the program?
Yes, but we want to work for at least 3 years but we think that after that we will have to change some details. But please note we work with money we are not a ponzi. So time is not that important.
4. I heard that the payments to both PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve are instant. Can you tell me why this decision was made? Are you sure that it’s safe and secure to offer instant payouts?
No they are not! But we have several accounts and we don’t really keep a lot of money in main one.
5. What hosting provider does RefMotor use? Does it provide you good DDoS-protection? Do you have SSL-encrypted interface?
After 60 days successful days working online, we have proved that our dedicated server is good and trustworthy.
6. What advertising strategy do you follow? Do you find it ethical to pay the members for voting on forums and monitors?
We are adding new monitors and forums every day and we want people to know about us everywhere. It is our main strategy, but we know the most important thing is people introduce us to each other. Together we are trying for that. About the voting bonus, yes, we can buy fake votes like many HYIPs do, but we pay our investors to tell the truth about our system and all those votes are from real investors. Everyone knows about that. But if we did buy fake votes or pay monitors for voting or pay some investors for cheating other people then that is wrong and it is a form of scamming. And we don’t do that!
7. On your site you mentioned something about ForEx trading which allegedly covers the profits you pay to the investors? Can you elaborate on this part and tell us more about generating profits for the members of RefMotor?
I believe that was answered in the first question.
8. What is the best way to contact you? I saw Live Support on your site so please tell us what hours you’re usually available for live chat.
We are often online quite often, but investors can use this email Usually every 4 hours we answer all emails.
9. Your program has been online for nearly 60 days. What would you say to the investors that like your program but find it hard to invest because they think that RefMotor is too old and they would rather prefer a newer program?
It’s only beginning for us. Many HYIPs start well but scam people after a matter of days. But we have survived and every day we add new things. As I said before we are not a ponzi so time is not important to us. In addition many HYIPs pay more than 300 days but we want to break all records.
10. In your honest opinion what would be the main feature that differentiates your program from other similar ones? In other words why would a spoiled for choice investor choose RefMotor program over the others?
Instant payments, fast support, good profits, many monitors, good referral commissions, various bonuses, and I have to say many HYIPs pay around 1%-2% daily, but after several months people lose their capital. But here we pay all of their money and profits in only 15 days. So our risk is too low.
11. Please tell us about any plans for the future. What are you expecting from the coming weeks online?
We constantly have new ideas as most members know, but we want everyone in the HYIP world to have an account with us. This is our main plan!
12. You can tell us something else here that was not covered by my questions. Thanks for taking the time for the interview.
Only that we are waiting for your visit to RefMotor. I think it is good enough for all investors to open an account with RefMotor. We send our news every day to our members. It helps them for finding better investments in the HYIP industry I think.”
Well I have to say that you can only stand back and admire the man’s ambition at least! Thanks a lot to the admin as usual for taking the time and effort to complete the questions here. At 60 days online there is no denying that RefMotor has been reasonable by industry standards, but many will still have their concerns about just how much longer they can continue. No matter what happens next they are still to be commended for running such a good game, but you will need to decide for yourself how much of an indicator of future performance you would seriously take that as.
Anyway, that’s it for the moment guys but don’t go too far as I’ll be later this evening with all the day’s news updates and a brand new review. So see you then!
Filed under Interviews by on Nov 29th, 2009. 4 Comments.
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