November 2009 Archives

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Hi guys! As promised earlier today I have all the latest news from the industry as usual for you tonight, but given that it’s Saturday that’s not a whole lot. All the better I guess as you may wish to pay a bit more attention to this latest investment program that I want to tell you about. It’s called EcosystemFunds and it’s probably one of the better new ones I’ve come across recently.

It’s no real coincidence that the HYIP industry continues to be dominated by short term programs at the moment. The low rate of interest long term side of things is an extremely difficult area to break into with just a relatively small number of HYIPs having a stranglehold on the market. So if you want to make a name for yourself here, you have to turn out something really special. I’ll stop short of shouting from the rooftops just yet but I do think that EcosystemFunds might just be on to something big here. I can tell right from the start that the admin has put an enormous amount of planning and forethought into it, and a serious and committed admin is always a massive asset. Not the only thing a program needs of course but it’s a damn good start.

So what else is there to EcosystemFunds? Well I guess the most important thing to most investors is obviously going to be the plans. I mean why else are you reading this? And I think you’ll agree that they are highly profitable without being unrealistic. The word I’m looking for here is “sustainability” and that really is key to the long term survival of low ROI projects like this. There are four plans available to you here, three that pay you by the day and a fourth that pays on expiry. All of them are pretty interesting in their own right. One thing that they all have in common though that I want to bring your attention to before continuing is that they are open to deposits made in both dollars and Euros. The interest rates are the same regardless of how you decide to join, but for the benefit of most readers here who deal in dollars, that is how I will describe them.

The first of those plans, and the shortest one as well, is called The Starter Fund and it runs for a term of 30 calendar days. It’s open to a minimum investment sum of just $10 with the maximum set to $10,000. The rate of interest you can expect to be paid back to you here is 1.3% per day. So let’s say you decide to go for this one and put $100 in. That will get you back $1.30 per day until expiry adding up to a total of $39. After that your initial hundred will get returned so you should see yourself with 100% principal plus 39% profit. Not bad for 30 days don’t you think?

The second option is called The Premium Fund and it runs for a term of 40 days. The amounts you can invest are the same however with a minimum of $10 and a maximum of $10,000. So what’s in it for you this time? Well for the extra ten days you are being asked to risk your capital you will be rewarded with a larger return. This time it interest goes up to 1.5% per day. So were you to put $100 to this plan, EcosystemFunds would reward you with a daily payment of $1.50 per day. That will total at $60 by the time the plan expires so you can see that is a significantly better return for slightly increased risk. Your principal gets returned again of course so you can count your total return as 100% principal plus 60% profit.

The third plan, and final one that pays by the day, is called The Ultimate Fund. At fifty days duration it’s the riskiest of the daily payment plans. Despite that however it’s the one that I joined myself. At this early stage I don’t think the risk is that huge. Of course I may re-assess that later when the time comes to re-invest and you’re always free to take a safer option yourself, but at this point I’m willing to take the chance and say that EcosystemFunds will probably be safe enough. Over the next 30 days or so I think they will probably establish their reputation enough to ensure that the 50 day plan will have enough support to be a success. But anyway, as for the plan itself you are offered a daily interest payment of 1.8% for 50 days. The amounts you may join with remain unchanged at a $10 minimum and a $10,000 maximum. So were you to place $100 in this one you would earn $1.80 per day adding up to $90 by the end of it. Obviously your initial deposit will get handed back here too giving you a total of 100% principal plus 90% profit.

The final plan pays on expiry. To be perfectly honest I didn’t much care for it myself, though not because there is anything really wrong with it by itself. By itself it’s quite ok, but for the risk involved and the reward on offer I just felt that there was better options available among the daily payment plans. Anyway, why don’t I let you be the judge of that, eh? Just like the last plan this one also runs for 50 days. And just like all the other plans the minimum amount you may invest is $10 with the maximum still $10,000. The difference is that here you will receive just one single lump sum payment on expiry of 200% of your principal. So in other words, deposit $100 and withdraw $200 on expiry.

The payment options open to you are OK. Room for expansion for sure but pretty standard for the industry at the same time. At the moment EcosystemFunds are accepting deposits through LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay, and are also the latest program to start dealing with the new GlobalDigitalPay payment processor. I haven’t gotten all that much feedback about them yet (any readers using them please get in touch) but I think that over the coming months they will progress in the painfully slow process of establishing a respectable reputation for themselves one step at a time.

Another point I want to briefly make concerns one of my favorite features of EcosystemFunds. Direct payments. There is no script in place so your profits are made instantly and without the need for logging in everyday and requesting them. All you have to do is join. Then sit back and the money will roll right in. This of course also means there is no members area, or “back office” where you can view your account online. I know that bothers some people but I wouldn’t be one of them. I have always been an advocate of keeping an offline written record of your finances anyway.

I must say though before we move on is that I like how the admin has resisted the temptation to put impossible prices on some of his plans. They are open to as wide a variety of investors as possible and tend to reward you according to the risk you want to take rather than just how much money you are able to throw around. I know a lot of less experienced investors might not see that but I’m sure some of the seasoned players will agree that this can only be another plus in the programs favor. That and the sustainability of the plans while still being profitable should, (fingers crossed!), help to establish EcosystemFunds as a firm favorite for many.

OK, so the plans might not exactly be described as “groundbreaking”, but I would still rate them as slightly better that their main competitors. Another aspect that’s also slightly better than the chasing pack is the security. Hosted on a dedicated server supported by Staminus, EcosystemFunds is hosted and protected from DDoS attacks by Koddos. All well and good, but what makes it better? 128-bit SSL encryption, that’s what.

EcosystemFunds is not, as I already said, running off any script. Joining the program therefore is a bit less complicated with no need to register your account. Just click on the “Investment” tab, choose your plan, amount, and payment processor, specify your email address and make your deposit. Payments are made directly into and out of your e-currency account from that point forward. You will get a batch number in the mail however, typically within about ten minutes or so, that you can use for checking up on your investment.

It’s quite a professional looking website overall I must say, nice graphics make it easy on the eye and it’s easy to navigate throughout. Another excellent feature though is the multi-lingual interface, with versions of the site available in no less than four languages. Other than English the site can be viewed in Spanish, Russian, and Chinese. Furthermore, as a native Russian speaker myself, I can confirm that it’s a proper professional translation and not the gibberish that one so often finds from online auto-translation tools. Now that might not seek like such a big deal to the English speakers reading this, I mean why would the average American care if the site was translated into Russian, Chinese, or even Martian for that matter? Well consider this. Apart from the obvious benefit of throwing the program open to an almost countless number of other investors the world over, (provided those people actually hear about the existence of EcosystemFunds that is!), it is also fairly indicative of how seriously the admin is taking this, and of the time and effort he is prepared to put into the project. Sure, I’m well aware that there are no guarantees in this game, but I just think too much work has gone into this for it to close and run away overnight.

Communication and customer support is available via the usual online support ticket submission form. A couple of other methods have been touted but nothing that actually works yet. Like telephone support for instance, and Live Chat. Hopefully I can get a better schedule for the introduction of these if the admin agrees to answer a couple of questions for an interview. They also offer a postal address in Essex in England. Chelmsford to be exact for those of you who know it, which isn’t too far from London. Home of the world’s first radio factory if I remember correctly, though that has nothing to do with EcosystemFunds. However they also go on to say that the office isn’t open for public appointments at the present time. Which begs the question why publish the address at all then?

They do however have an official UK certificate of incorporation as a legally registered business. You can find the link to verify this for yourself in the FAQ page, though most of you who read this blog regularly will know just how much importance I attach to such things. About as much as I attach to the business activities made by HYIPs which in the case of EcosystemFunds supposedly involves investments in renewable energy sources. Anyway, the information is there for you. Feel free to research it yourself and make up your own mind.

Personally I’ll stick with the concept of EcosystemFunds being an online HYIP game for now, until somebody proves otherwise at least, but it’s a good one. As I said in the past, the medium to long term HYIP arena can be a hard one to crack at the moment but that also means that there is plenty of room for another player. This market isn’t on the verge of saturation like the short term one after all, and if a program can make a positive contribution and offer something fresh and innovative like EcosystemFunds can, then they have every chance of success. Joining early will always enhance your chances by the way so if your interested join early. Interest has been brisk to say the least, so obviously I’m not the only one who thinks this might be a winner. Don’t jump right in based on my say so of course. Think it over for a day or two, do some research. But don’t wait forever either.

Other news for today.

Let’s start the news section with the latest updates from SazaInvestments which was recently propelled to the #2 on my monitoring page after paying me a sizable amount of money on Friday night. As you might have noticed I have published the news earlier than usual last night before going to the cinema, so it wasn’t possible to update you on the cashout button being closed. So here is the missing update from last night from SazaInvestments:
Withdrawal button is closed now. There are several issue to explain. First is that the missing earnings has been solved already many of you saw it and withdrew it. We don’t understand why at any small issue members start to panic as we are here and don’t intend to go anywhere and we always solved any problem. It just takes patience, understanding and communications from both sides to solve any kind of issue might occur. Now, regarding payouts. We performed all payouts on LR and PM. The pendings on STP and SP are not because our fault. STP is loading very, very slow for us and SP after working ok a little keep getting us an error. We wrote both of them emails but got no answers so far. We also asked few members to check and they are getting the same problems so it’s something from these two payment processors and not a problem from us or with our accounts. If both of them will be back to normal within next 15 hours we will first make all pendings and then start to move our site to the new server. If not, we will proceed with moving our server downtime should be max. 48 hours, till finish propagation and then pay everybody with pendings. So maximum on Monday everybody should be paid. We hope that we can finish all payments first but it’s not up to us. Don’t worry as it’s not a matter of funds it’s a matter of STP and SP to be back to normal. Please post this email on forums as they are members who are not reading it either because they don’t bother to read it or because it went to spam and they didn’t searched and they are overwhelming us with support tickets. Thank you very much for your trust in us and please be sure that we’re here to stay and make you happy. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.

The the next update came informing the members of the ongoing issues with StrictPay which were resolved just a few hours ago by the way. If you haven’t heard about it then the admin of SazaInvestments described them quite well in detail in the following update:
We made several more payments on SP but now we only see 0 in transaction accounts. We emailed them and hope they will solve the problem. STP is still very slow and even if we tried our best to make payments it’s not possible to complete them all this way. So we decided to move the site this weekend and continue to fix all issues on Monday, after total propagation on new server. We will proceed now so please don’t panic as we’ll be back soon. Please post this on forums for everybody to read it and not panic again for no reason. Thank you for your patience. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.

As I noticed in my account history in StrictPay some of the payments received were marked like they were received from some kind of unknown payer. However, everything was perfectly explained in my account history. I believe that it was just another glitch in the script that has been solved by now (StrictPay had to take their site offline for a few hours for maintenance but now it seems everything is back to normal). By the way, I have received my last pending payout from SazaInvestments to StrictPay already. As for SolidTrustPay it’s working fine for me but I accept that there can be some issues accessing it from other locations. Anyway, I think we should give more time to SazaInvestments to get everything fixed up and pay all the remaining pending payouts by Monday as was promised. So far SazaInvestments (reviewed here) never let me down always paying promptly 8%-10% weekly for almost 5 months already.

Finally, the most up-to-date newsletter from the admin of SazaInvestments Ricardo (interviewed here) reports that the process of moving servers has been completed successfully which hopefully makes the automatic process of crediting the daily payouts smoother then when the site was still hosted on the old one. Remember that this update was sent at the time when StrictPay site was still down so bear this in mind:
The movement on our new server has been completed now. All support tickets has been solved. If there is any other problem please email us and we will solve it. Regarding pending payouts – STP is still very very slow for us, we don’t know why. We emailed them but got no answer yet. And SP is under maintenance. Considering that it’s Saturday and we also need to travel, we hope all members with pendings will understand why we will perform all pendings on Monday. Don’t worry as everybody will be paid. We just hope that STP and SP will solve their problems by Monday. Thank you all for your wonderful support. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.

Did you know that PTVPartner (reviewed here) has its own blog now where you can read all the latest updates from the program? The admin of the program Garrett (interviewed here) promised to publish some good articles on other topics there as well. More news from PTVPartner includes: the outcome of their harvest festival that went on last night, the announcement of the next investors meeting which is scheduled for next Wednesday, the upcoming holidays in the US and the glitch in StrictPay that they experienced for some time time today:
Standing Room Only!
What a great party we had. There were nearly 30 raging party-goers at most times during the event. We had people everywhere…even in the bushes. They all had a great time with the pie eating contest and running around the maze. Many went home with a nice prize. Thanks go to all the moderators that worked on it and especially to QuickSilver for handling the whole thing.
A special mention should be made about our DJs…they were fantastic!
Congratulations to all the prize winners!
The following members won prizes…
LivingWell, NewFuture, Juli, Canjoy, Nancetta, Emily, Sleeping, Halo, Heartbeat, Arijit, Huba, Vick, Nikhar, TorontoGuy, webwarrior, Worldhero, Wealthcome, 8wolf8
The Next Meeting
We will be having our next meeting this Wed at 04:00 GMT (11pm EST Tues for those in the US). Last time we had the room nearly full long before the meeting started, so come early to ensure a good seat. We were glad to see all the new names there. Don’t forget that you need to register for the chat room even if you’re not yet registered for the program in order to enter.
StrictPay had a Glitch
We had to temporarily suspend our StrictPay deposits for a short time due to a problem encountered by StrictPay with their system. That should be fixed soon and we will continue working with StrictPay when they are back up and running. We apologize for anyone who may have been inconvenienced during this time.
Holidays in the USA.
We want to wish all our USA members a Happy Thanksgiving on Thursday. Many will be traveling during this time and we wish you a safe and happy time with family.
PTV Blog
We have a new Blog located at We have purposefully hosted this at wordpress as opposed to our server so that in the event we ever experience any downtime we can still provide information to our members.
We have enlisted the services of several of our more journalistically inclined members to assist with our Blog. Merchant, Carlos and StonAge are our primary Authors. The Blog will cover topics such as Geo-Political affairs, Financial Structuring, Health and Fitness and various other more controversial issues facing the world today. We invite you to take a look at the new blog and to please check back often. It is a work in progress but it is certain to be a great read.
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!

But that’s not all. There was a follow-up statement issued on the situation with StrictPay when it got back to normal. In this update Garrett personally thanks Brent from StrictPay for helping them resolve their issues during the maintenance. I must add that the StrictPay staff are all very professional and I say that from personal experience with them over the last year and a half. They are the most professional and efficient team, always helpful and caring, unlike their main competitors AlertPay and SolidTrustPay where sometimes you have to wait for days to have your problem solved. So for everybody I highly recommend StrictPay which is rapidly becoming one of the leaders among online payment processors. And I had no doubt they would solve this latest issue fast… and I was right. Ok, it seems PTVPartner also share my opinion on StrictPay because that’s what he wrote in his latest follow-up statement on the matter:
Since around midnight GMT today SP has had maintenance issues. Therefore withdraw requests were delayed until the StrictPay system would allow them to be paid. All is back to normal and withdraw requests have been processed.
We would like to publicly thank Brent from StrictPay Online Help for working with us to resolve the issue. Brent was very cordial and went above his normal duties to ensure everyone concerned were notified of the issues. Brent’s attention relieved anxiety and was reassuring that StrictPay is concerned about their clients.
We would also like to thank our members again for their patience during the SP downtime. PTVPartner has the best clients on the net and if you do not believe that then come to our chat room for the next meeting or the next party and find out for yourself.
All those that have been waiting on SP to recover so they could make their Deposits are now welcome to proceed.

The administration of ArbsFund (reviewed here) is very pleased with the program’s membership which numbers over 370 after just 10 days online. It’s a very good result for a low-ROI program which pays 8.5% weekly forever. I was not expecting such huge success myself and definitely didn’t think that ArbsFund could become #14 out of 36 programs in my Premium listing after such a short period of time. However this happens and I have no doubt that ArbsFund will be advertised even more heavily next week as the admin promised in his latest update received today:
Dear ArbsFund StakeHolder;
We had a great week and we hope to retain and even do better during this upcoming week, ArbsFund Inc has now open door to online investors for about 10 days and we are pretty proud at the level of trust the public have on our project, we have reached a total of 372 members among whom have made real investments.
Next week which begins tomorrow would be a great week for the entire members of ArbsFund, we would be sharing extra profits to some of our upgraded members, Also we would begin massive campaign for our program to increase awareness and expand our coast, lastly we would be opening two more features, compounding and exchange service and we hope this helps all members.
All payments are being process within 24 hours after your request, 7 days/week.
Our Live supports are online 6 – 8 Hours/day to quickly solve your online inquiries.
Thank you for being part of ArbsFund Arbitrage Wagering Pool. We remain the No 1 paying program.
Regards, Public Relation Manager. ArbsFund Team

What struck me today about the RosalinFinance interview (published here) is the way it was answered. You have probably noticed by now that question #1 was totally copied/pasted from the main page their own website which is in turn (oh, heavens!) copied from TenTraders (you may remember this highly successful online game). I don’t say that it’s just a coincidence but it’s what makes me think that there is a definite connection between those two programs. However I don’t see it as a bad sign as TenTraders lasted for 40 days approximately, RosalinFinance is 23 days online now. So one can draw your own conclusions on how long RosalinFinance will last. Anyway, today the pending payments from RosalinFinance (reviewed here) were paid and here is the short update from the admin informing the members about that:
Hello RosalinFinance members, All withdrawals has been processed.
Thank you for doing business with us. Best Regards.

There is one program that I joined and added to my monitoring page today which could very well be connected with other programs. I’m talking about ZenithInvestment which I will be reviewing soon. So what makes me think that it originates from the same admin behind FxCapitalInvestment and FXFManagement? First of all of course is that all those programs are hosted on the same shared (!) server by LiquidWeb. It’s not that I’m concerned much about the security (as this hosting has proved to be reliable) but the fact that three programs on one shared server definitely proves that the admin is the same (now he calls himself Parker). The second and the most prominent thing about those programs being well connected are the investment plans. I don’t know what the admin’s problem with basic maths is but I couldn’t help but laugh when in the interview given to MNO for FXFManagement he said that the bizarre plans of 125% after 5 days and 150% after 15 days was developed by their “economic policy adviser”. I suggested he fire him because even a 4th grade pupil will tell you which plan is more profitable. So what do we see in ZenithInvestment program now: the same plans offering 2%-2.5% for 60 days and 10% for 8 weeks. So if we go with 2.5% for 60 days plan we will earn 17.5% weekly (or 12.5% weekly if the payments are done on business days only – I’m not sure about it yet) while in the weekly plan you will earn only 10%. Well, usually it should another way around and weekly plans should pay you higher than daily ones. But I guess the same financial adviser developed these investment plans again. Well, this is really bizarre and the only reasonable explanation I can give to you as to why those plans are being used in ZenithInvestment program is that $5 is the minimum deposit allowed to invest in the weekly program, while for the daily plans the minimum would be $50 and $100 respectively. The program is based on the old Neversay script and hosted on a shared server but sorry, after some maths issues I don’t believe that they trade ForEx as they claim (well, if they really do trade then we will all be in trouble for sure, lol!). If you just treat ZenithInvestment as a game, then it’s a decent one and I would suggest you join the 2.5% daily plan with $100 minimum (if you do intend to invest there) where you will recoup your principal in just 40 days. The choice of payment processors accepted by ZenithInvestment is quite good allowing you to deposit via AlertPay, StrictPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. More on that can be read in my upcoming review.

The admin of XagaEnterprise program Kevin (interviewed here) updated the members today on GoldPoll and StrictPay issues. I hope both issues are fixed by now (as I have received my pending to StrictPay already). Here is the latest from XagaEnterprise:
1st. I can’t pay SP members because SP currently has issue and i’m waiting for them. The problem is on them not us. As soon as SP recovers, I will start paying. Please notice that all LR, PM account holders are paid.
2nd. I saw my thread at Goldpoll. Someone voted negative because of the late payment. Let me quote the FAQ to you : “We have 24 hours a day to complete your withdrawal request”. Usually I start to make payments from 8.30 PM EST, but today I was late. I just went back from Casino. Hello???? This is weekend. Can I have some little excitements for my life? So please be patient. I don’t want to see anyone of you doing something bad to Xaga again, please and period!
3rd. Have a nice weekend guys! Hope u enjoy your day.
Thank you very much. Regards, Kevin

XrateInvest (reviewed here) is still doing fine and continues to expand its adult money-making empire even further. I’m glad to report that I have tested the quality of their support recently as my next deposit made via PerfectMoney was not credited to my internal account automatically. So Karin was so kind not to only credit my account with the missing deposit but she also added a small bonus on top for the inconvenience caused. That’s what I called proper customer service. Anyway, as you know there are three investment plans offered by XrateInvest including: 1% for 14 days (payouts on expiry), 1.5% for 28 days (daily payouts), 17.5% for 6 weeks (weekly payouts). The principal in all three plans will be returned on expiry. XrateInvest is really one of the few HYIPs that proved to have a real source of income to back-up the profits paid to members. Please read more news about one of the websites under the umbrella of Xrate network and the recent from XrateInvest itself (read my interview with Karin for more details here):
Our site started more than one week ago and is a big success already for us and our investors. Available in English, German, Italian, French and Spanish our DVD and Video Store offers over 17,500 high-quality downloadable scenes from almost 3,500 available DVDs from the best and most recognized studios in the porn industry. At the moment we are working hard on our new XtoyInternational shop! And watch our if you are looking for a new fob. We need a cameraman, two adult male actors and a sound assistant for our newest project coming… “Bang-The-World”… More about this project soon! On our Main page you can also find our daily payment news also or short updates. We paid all cashouts for today but StrictPay is pending because the site is still (since a few hours) under temporary maintenance. As soon as SP is back all SP payments will be paid. All the best.
Karin Bertschi

CSMFinance (reviewed here) added the third language to their website and this time it’s Italian. So now CSMFinance which is paying 1.7% to 2.1% return for 200 days with the principal returned on expiry is available for all their Italian customers. So please check this website out if you’re not so good in English but originate from Italy because this update is just for you:
CSMFinance is announcing Italian version of the website! Since today all Italian members can enjoy viewing CSMFinance our website on their native language. Just select your language in the upper left menu.

The next update from 4CountriesCapital touched on the trading results for the previous business week and also on StrictPay issues. Although I’m glad to report that I finally got paid both of my pending withdrawals when StrictPay got back to normal. So it seems everything is ok now for all 4CountriesCapital members. If you wish to read more about this program please refer to my detailed review published here:
Dear Members, Trader of the day was Jakob Knoblauch like yesterday. I was our best week since we started online with a performance of =29.92% this week for the 4 countries capital limited portfolio. Jakob earned a profit of 4.11% on the German Tec Dax and we hope next week like we ended this week. StrictPay always shows us an error when we try to make payment. A support member told me it is a temporary error in the SP payment interface. As soon as SP is working fine we will pay all pending SP payments (in total 13) All profits for today are paid (just some SP are pending and will be paid as soon as SP fixed the issue.) We are back Monday. Next normal profit payday and trading day is Monday the 23 of November.
Mrs. Jana Dagg. Founder Member and Managing Director

Unfortunately two programs had to go to Problem status on my monitoring page. They are JuicyInvest and SavInvest. Well, I have already warned you about JuicyInvest last night when they allegedly had AlertPay issues. Since then not only AlertPay but LibertyReserve payments have also halted. I know that somebody probably received their payments but not me as I have one AP and two LR payments pending. I assume it’s over, guys.

As for SavInvest, it never really got off the ground at all. A bit like the old Beatles song “Eleanor Rigby”. A modest life and an even more modest passing. Noticed by few and missed by less. Seriously though I guess that the cashflow wasn’t really that healthy as I saw many complaints on the forums and of course the admin keeping silent doesn’t help much either. So don’t forget to check out my monitoring page often as I update it at least once per day and you will get all the most up-to-date information about the status of the program you’re about to invest. So please do it for your own benefit! Don’t hesitate also to let me on my ShoutBox if you have problems with any programs I monitor or just email me at and I will try to help you as best I can.

Here is the list of programs that paid me for the last 24 hours: EcosystemFunds, OctProfit, PTVPartner, CorpoNano, SazaInvestments, GeniusFunds, ArbsFund, LogicProfit, IncoForex, AtlantisMutual, EuropeInc, CSMFinance, OneDailyPro, TheKapital, AimTrust, Verifield, RigidPay, CedexInvest, RefMotor, FinanceNova, XrateInvest, NanoMoneyCorp, GlobalFund, GloTrade, 4CountriesCapital, XagaEnterprise, TradeZoom, RosalinFinance, BlackDiamondPortfolio, MajorGain and OneInv. That’s it for today and see you tomorrow with the review of a new autosurf program WopAdz and more news from the Industry!

P.S. After I finished this article and was ready to publish I joined another HYIP which I believe can become popular pretty soon. It has the quirky name of RichAliens and has one single investment plan more associated with autosurfs – 12% for 12 days with one single 144% payout on expiry. There are four payment processors accepted with the minimum to invest just $5: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and StrictPay. Well, the most prominent feature of the website is not the plans but rather the design. It’s the ever popular alien theme which can be confusing sometimes (for instance if you want to register your account in RichAliens you should click on the “GetAbducted” tab which will becomes “Register” once you put your cursor on it). The admin calls himself Robert Raile and he is probably the worlds most devoted fan of the X-Files series as he just introduced RichAliens in this funny manner:
Hello Earthlings
Today, our mothership has landed to your dear planet Earth. And we are looking for earthlings who wish to be abducted and make some cash. We, the Rich Aliens will be opening our ship to earthlings who wish to be like us, Rich Aliens.

The script being used by RichAliens is licensed from NeverSay. Each unit will cost you $1 and you can buy up to 5,000 units. The hosting provider is HushHosting providing a dedicated Malaysian Piradius server which should give them pretty good protection from DDoS-attacks. The program has some very good potential to become a hit if only because of its distinctiveness from the rest of the pack which is always welcome in the HYIP world. I mean sometimes even I have trouble telling one site from another. A more detailed review of RichAliens will be published on my website soon. Thanks for your attention!

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