Dec 10th, 2009 Archives

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Hi everyone! As promised this afternoon I have all the main news stories from the programs on my monitoring page for you now, and in the end it has turned out to be a relatively busy day overall. The first order of business though is a new long term HYIP that has also been added which I want to take a closer look for you now. It’s called InstantMoneyBets and as the name would suggest they claim to be involved in gambling. I have mixed feelings about them although my problems with them are nothing that can’t be fixed. And the plans on offer are quite sustainable in HYIP terms.

InstantMoneyBets have three “proper” investment plans with a smaller fourth one in there for testing purposes. That’s the one I’ll start with. It runs for just one single day and is open to deposits $10 to $500. The rate of interest is 1%. So if your just curious about how smoothly the whole process runs and would like to satisfy yourself that it’s all in good working order, then this is your first option.

If you’re happy enough with that and are now ready to look at something a bit more serious, then you have a choice between two further plans that make daily payments or a third one that pays by the week. The first of the daily plans is open to deposits ranging from a minimum of $10 to a maximum of $10,000. It will run for a term of 42 days. During that period you are offered an interest payment of 1.9% per day. This isn’t enough to see you earn a profit through payments alone during the plan’s lifetime so expect your principal to be returned on expiry as well. Here is a simple example. Let’s say we spend $100. That will get you $1.90 in interest every day. It all adds up to $79.80 on expiry, which can be counted as your profit once the principal is returned.

If you’re looking for something a bit more long term then consider the following. For an investment term of 120 days InstantMoneyBets will offer you a daily rebate of 2.23%. The amounts are a little different this time with the minimum deposit rising to $20 but the maximum dropping to $7,500. You’ve probably worked this out already but yes, you will do substantially better in this plan than the last one financially. And even though the term is longer, the risk is actually a good deal smaller due to the fact that you will be earning money a lot faster. You will also make a profit before the plan expires, assuming that InstantMoneyBets survives that long of course, and your profit is also returned on expiry. So here’s an example. This time that same $100 will get you $2.23 per day, recouping your principal after 45 days and giving you a total payment of $267.60. That can be considered your profit again only after your principal gets returned.

And finally there is the weekly plan, which also happens to be the most profitable. It runs for a term of 202 days which when you do the maths is actually a day short of 29 weeks. So I guess they probably don’t count the first one. Over that length of time I wouldn’t argue about it anyway. The rate of interest available to you this time is 18.2% per week and the investments start at a minimum of $50. The maximum is $15,000. So that same hundred bucks in here would get you $18.20 per week. That will see you comfortably in profit after six weeks, so again it’s actually less of a risk than the elongated investment term might first suggest. Once again your principal is returned on expiry.
The payment processors being accepted are AlertPay, EcuMoney, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. The admin has recently been suggesting that a couple of extra processors might be added to that list so if that is of interest to you please keep an eye on my blog for the next week or so and I will make sure you hear about that on the very same day it happens.

So far so good. The plans are sustainable and as far as online HYIPs go realistic. But it’s when it comes to security and design that InstantMoneyBets falls down badly. Although it must be said that a lot has been done to fix that since the program was first launched so hopefully they will continue to move in the right direction here. They have just moved on to a dedicated server recently, leaving their previous shared one behind. That’s a marked improvement and a sign of good intentions. On the other hand however they still insist on using an unlicensed script. And while some might prefer the word “customized” as if that improved anything, we really have no way of being sure what kinds of security flaws and back doors there are to it. On top of that there is no SSL encryption either, so despite the improvements there is still a lot of work that may heed to be done.

The design is a bit threadbare as well, with the texts offering almost no information whatsoever beyond the most fleeting mention of the word “surebets”, i.e arbitrage gambling to explain their income. No evidence is offered despite there being a page that invites you to view their “trading results”. The page contains a list of sporting fixtures but not the actual bets that were made in order generate the profits. For example they have the Champions League match between Chelsea and Nicosia that I was actually at on Tuesday evening, but as far as I could see all the odds were so firmly stacked in Chelsea’s favor that I couldn’t really imagine any possible arbitrage there. Other than that the FAQ page is of little serious help either.

But again on the plus side is the level of customer support. The usual method of communicating via an online ticket system is there but there are also a number of Live Chat options there too. The most popular internet Instant Messangers are there including ICQ, Yahoo, and Skype. Due to the homepage being in German as well as English I am going to take a guess and say support is available in both languages. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

My own opinion is that the basic groundwork has been done and InstantMoneyBets has got a solid enough foundation for a decent long term HYIP. But it needs a bit more work. Nothing beyond the capabilities of a decent admin however and certainly nothing that you should not be prepared to insist on. After all, it’s your money. I could go either way on this one but if the admin is prepared to take it seriously and make the effort then I’d say it’s one to watch. I’m a long way short of believing the story on Surebets (simply reprinting the days football fixtures and leaving it at that doesn’t count as anything, least of all proof!) but I hope the admin will agree to an interview and clear all of that up. On a purely HYIP basis however the plans are within reasonable limits.

Other news for today.

I would like to start the news section with some concerns that were raised with me by the investors of GoldNuggetInvest (reviewed here). Questions were asked after one of the most infamous monitors called (who have been mentioned on my blog many times for their malicious activities) added GoldNuggetInvest to their list of monitored programs, putting it straight to Problem status despite the fact that all payouts are being processed on time. This is a totally pointless attack on GNI made by’s admin, and if some of you have any doubts about his motives, let me assure you that I am all too familiar with them. But I wanted to make things clear with the admin of GoldNuggetInvest Robert (interviewed here). So after contacting him my thoughts were confirmed. So let’s see what we have here:

1) is not an official monitoring site for GoldNuggetInvest. It never was. is still the one and only exclusive monitor, and unfortunately that may be the real basis for’s latest outburst. I guess Robert is aware that it’s always better to stick with the best monitors like MNO than pay attention to others. Well, seeing this the admin of became very jealous and started bombarding Robert with emails insisting that GNI pay him for monitoring as well. Or else! Being aware of the nature of this man Robert refused him many times and eventually gave up and decided to just go ahead and list GNI as “Problem” anyway. But guess what? He has never invested a penny there and is not an active investor. So what is his agenda? His usual one – revenge. Revenge on GNI, revenge on MNO as its monitor which he seems to hate so much, and revenge on just about anybody who won’t pander to him and pay him money. Only a sick and disturbed person would list a Paying program as Problem on his monitor without having a deposit there. There is no word other than malice to describe that. Here he joins the anti-GNI crew from Talkgold (about 6 or 7 other cranks all having the same conversation with themselves for several months!) who for their own reasons all hate GNI so badly that I wonder why they didn’t burst yet! All that bottled anger can’t be good for you.

2)  The only thing that investors are really concerned about are payments. GoldNuggetInvest paid to its investors for over 3 years and been covered by MNO for 14 months. So with its proven payout record it has actually nothing to prove to the likes of TalkGold and The only ones deserving of anything here are the investors who are financing GNI. And they have received all the proof they need about how good a program this is week in week out. Robert has also reminded us that you are free to leave GoldNuggetInvest at any time if you don’t trust them. However, remember that by leaving GNI you will most likely not to be able to get back in after the program goes private in 2010. You will also lose the opportunity to earn a stable 6%-7.5% weekly return from GNI. Or maybe you think that will pay that instead? No? But at least you’ll be free to join him, standing there watching the rest of us earn some good money.

3) I got permission from Robert to publish his reply to the members concerns on MNO. Again if you feel GoldNuggetInvest was somehow unfair to you, you’re welcome to leave. We all are adults here and realize the risks involved in investing in high-yield programs. If you want to be manipulated by TalkGold and you are on your own. Just ask yourself first who you’d rather trust. And remember that many of you who wrote to me in the summer telling me that you were on the verge of leaving because of the hacking incident? Well I bet you’re glad now that you didn’t leave! Think how you’d feel in 2 or 3 months if you left now because that tool over at went into “diva mode” because nobody wanted to give him money. Don’t worry about his “concerns for investors” by the way. How many scams has he listed as “Paying” in the past? Investors be damned, as long as Alex is able to collect! Well sorry Princess, everybody else is getting mighty sick of you and your temper tantrums by now. I always thought the guy was an idiot but such a glib and heartless attitude to the thousands of people who depend on GNI is just a new low. Even for you. But I think we can consider this topic closed after you read the last email I received from Robert regarding this latest nonsense:
This guy is more than annoying. He bothered me many time to get monitored and we informed him each time that we are not interested.
Seems that is his kind of revenge….
However, as you know we don’t take any such issues serious. Not the naysayers at Talkgold, and not the admin of – if his site is popular or not. (TG is also popular in certain circles….)
If members want to leave us, due to the nonsense he posted on his site, they are welcome to do so and we pay them what we owe. Anyway clever people will see that he is not even monitoring us, with $0 invested.
And Paul, as usual – we don’t have anything to hide and you can always feel free to make any statement you’ll find appropriate.
With best regards, Robert

Now that everything is clear with GNI for everybody I hope you will allow me to get on with the other programs. I have received a few complaints from my readers relating to SazaInvestments (reviewed here) recently. Mostly there were problems with missing deposits that have not been solved for days now. So I inquired the admin about that and have received a response. You might be aware that processing the 8%-10% payouts once per week on Fridays has something to do with the business the administration of SazaInvestments is involved in on a daily basis. Due to numerous other commitments they sometimes have no opportunity to solve the issues immediately. So I advise you to be patient as the admin Ricardo (interviewed here) already promised me to take care of those customers with unanswered support tickets within the next 24 hours. So I hope everything will be solved soon, guys! I guess the payout button will be open again in less than 24 hours so I don’t see much reason to worry about SazaInvestments yet. Here is the email I received from Ricardo today for you to read:
Since 3 weeks already we are very busy traveling for business. I’m sure anybody could understand that holiday time will come and we must make sure everything will be ok while nobody will do business anymore and that we’ll have enough funds online for payments to continue smoothly. That’s why we are slower at this time in answering tickets and solving problems. We proved more then once that all problems are solved even if sometime more slower so we are sure that all members can understand this. In some places we either don’t have internet and phone signal or don’t have time to fix this. We hired more people for support staff but the new once can’t handle more then easy tickets because they don’t have access to the admin area or payment processors and that’s why the hard work remained on the initial team. In the next 24 hours all support tickets will be solved and we sent already Joaquim (support manager) and two other guys at the office to solve this. Please post this on your site and ask members to post it also on forums so people to calm down. We are doing this for all their prosperity. Thank you.
Regards, Ricardo Andre Brandao. SazaInvestments Marketing Manager

The admin of TalixMetals (interviewed here) let everybody know about their success and the 750th registered member. Of course, it’s a great success for a program paying 10% weekly after only a few weeks online. You can read more about TalixMetals in my review published here and in the interview published earlier today. Here is the latest update:
We our currently on the last phase of our gold refining process, we will soon see huge profits from our scrap materials. Currently TalixMetals already reach its 750th member, this is a great honor for us. Thank You for choosing TalixMetals as one of your investment partner.
TalixMetals has been interviewed by the author of the best Investment Blog on the industry. and you can read it thru this link.
Our massive advertising campaign will start in the next 24 – 48 hours. As of today, all payment request has been processed.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Happy Holiday!
TalixMetals Inc, Administration

You might be aware of a great program called GloTrade which is paying 2% for 20 business days and 2.5% for 40 business days with the principal returned back on expiry (more on it in my review published here). Well, today due to a very successful trading session the admin announced that during this weekend all the members in both plans will be credited with a bonus to their accounts which you can have withdrawn, though usually GloTrade doesn’t pay during week-ends. Also note that the referral contest is still active in GloTrade and you still have a chance to win some money simply by recommending the program to your friends. More good news from GloTrade: I have just interviewed the admin and the interview will be published on my blog tomorrow. Stay tuned for that! Here is the latest update which I received just a few hours ago:
Hope I find you well.
We just want to add a quick note with this newsletter.
We had great sessions at trading for the past 2 days. We made an unbelievable 11% profit in just 2 days. We are extremely happy with our performance and we would like to celebrate this gain with our members this week-end.
Members invested in GT20 plan will get a bonus 1% profit on Saturday and Sunday (12th and 13th December 2009) and the members invested in GT40 will get a bonus week-end profit of 1.5%.
GloTrade 1st referral contest is still active and we request everyone to take part in the contest and win the prize money of $100. You can get the information about the contest here.
Have a nice day! Admin, GloTrade

AtlantisMutual (reviewed here) uploaded an investment prospectus on their site and all potential investors can get familiarized with it. I can see that AtlantisMutual is really getting better day after day and the payouts to both PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve are still being processed instantly on expiry of all the investment plans: 105% after 7 days, 120% after 21 days, 191% after 60 days and 391% after 120 days. Of course don’t treat it as a real company as they don’t have any real office in London but rather as a very promising HYI program. Here is the latest from them:
Investment Prospectus
AtlantisMutual Investment Prospectus is now available alongside with other promotional materials. Please don’t hesitate to download, print and use the Investment Prospectus for any informing and advertising purpose.

The admin of RefMotor (interviewed here) prevented everybody from cheating in his program that pays the investors 8%-10% for 15 days and 130%-170% after 15 days for over a month already. Here is the most recent update from RefMotor (reviewed here):
I am admin of RefMotor.
Please see our rating page really we paid over 300% in only 60 days to many investors and you can search our paid out pages and see we are one instantly hyip, with many real investors, we paid over $5000 as referral, why don’t you use it, if you want to open some account for your friends with your computer. Please send their accounts to us, else system freeze their accounts as cheater.

Please note that some of the deposits made recently into 4CountriesCapital (reviewed here) were not properly credited to members accounts. Their support system apparently also experienced some troubles and many tickets were left unanswered. So if you have any issues with crediting your accounts with any of the deposits made in any of the plans 4CountriesCapital is offering (1.5% for 10 days, 2% for 20 days, 2.8% for 30 days, 16% for 6 weeks) please contact one of the admins directly following the instructions sent to me just an hour ago:
Dear Members, Me, myself, Jana Dagg, got a call from Layla today after she surfed some Forums. Normally Jakob is responsible for the customer service alone, he complained that the ticket system has an error and some people complained that their investment is not appearing in the member account. If you faced this problem in the past or your investment is not showing please send an email to All pending deposits will be added manual by me after you informed Jakob. Please write an email in the sample format and not a novel…
YOUR DEPOSIT IS NOT SHOWING? Jakob will help you! Please use this format!
Send an EMAIL to (and just this email)
Put just your username in the subject.
The message has simply to look like that! (Example LR)
Invested with: LibertyReserve
Plan: Three Countries Daily Plan
Batch: 111111111
Date of Investment: XX/XX/XX
Amount: US$ XXX.XX
I think that is very simple. And within 6-12 hours the investment will be added. I did not know about that before. And after checking it just happens in 3-4% of deposits, but that is still not acceptable. I contacted also our web specialist, we checked and it has something to do with cookies and different browsers! It will be fixed soon. But please if you had a problem like that use the email method like in the example. Best Regards too all and sorry that I acted so late!
Mrs. Jana Dagg. Founder Member and Managing Director

I’m almost sure that two programs got into trouble over the last couple of days and have now stopped paying to investors. So please don’t invest there as I have already moved them to Problem status. I’m talking about AdsXtreme and KobelCapital. While AdsXtreme lasted for a couple of weeks only (which is not surprising considering it was a high-paying autosurf launched during a bad time) KobelCapital showed a much better result and lasted for over two months. So those that joined both programs from the beginning and didn’t make a redeposit should be well in profit now. Anyway, that’s how things go in this Industry – programs often collapse very fast in December and only the best will survive. We’ll see which ones very soon!

I have added Flanita to my Standard listing today. You might have noticed them on my Basic listing for about two months already but the reason the admin wanted the review just now is because he wanted to polish his program first and make it really attractive to investors. And I can say that he made many reasonable improvements since my first look at it. Now Flanita is getting kinda known in investment circles for stable and instant payouts to both accepted payment processors: LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The plans where you can invest starting from $10 only will pay you from 1.5% to 2.7% for 100 business days (Mon-Fri) and in the end you will receive your principal back as well. The program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and the site is hosted on a dedicated server with an SSL-secured channel installed for the security of your money. Flanita is boasting of a certificate of incorporation allegedly from Seychelles with putting their physical address online and providing live chat support to members wishing to know more. Well, if you don’t want to do that then there is still a solution for you: read my review of Flanita on MNO soon!

The final news for today is from StrictPay. This important information affects members wishing to withdraw from StrictPay via Check, ACH or Bank Wire. A delay with processing your requests should be expected and the reason is outlined perfectly well in the very extensive update below:
StrictPay Customers
Due to some difficulties in tracking counter deposits and ACH transactions with our current banking system, our contracted agent will be completing the change to a different bank over the next 7 to 10 days. This change will allow us to provide our customers with better service due to our staff now having better tools to track transfers to and from the bank accounts. Please read this entire email very carefully, as there are many important details concerning this change.
The contracted agent has been working on this transition for some time now, and notified their current bank of the changes in banking that they were instituting. Their current bank gave them time frames that allowed them to move larger amounts of funds than normal with no delays or limits, but they ended up cutting those time frames shorter than they originally allowed. This time frame reduction on increased allowable transfer amounts has caused there to be some delays that were unforeseen by all parties involved.
What does this mean for our customers? The new accounts have already been setup, but because of the increased transfer amounts they have placed a holding period on the funds. This holding period will be lifted next week, but until this time you will experience some delays with Check, ACH, and Bank Wire withdraw requests. As the funds become active in the new accounts we will be processing pending withdraw requests, and once all the funds transfers are active you will see all time frames back to normal for all withdraw requests. Debit card withdraws will continue exactly as they currently do with no delays.
We will need to cancel all pending withdraw requests that are currently in our system, so that our funding department can begin fresh with the new banking systems. We felt this was also important to give our customers the chance to use the funds in a different way if they are not wanting to wait for the increased processing times, and would rather use their funds with one of the merchants that accepts StrictPay as a payment option. If you wish to continue with your planned withdraw option, you can simply enter the withdraw request into our system again, and we will begin processing them as soon as we are able. We will have all pending withdraw requests cancelled by Midnight EST today.
This will also affect a handful of customers that had their ACH or Bank Wire withdraw request processed in our system on December 8th or 9th. Some of these requests did not complete before the current account was closed early, and these customers will see the funds added back to their StrictPay account along with the fees they paid for the withdraw request. If you are one of these customers, please just enter a new withdraw request into our system again, and we will process your request from one of the new bank accounts.
We have also added new bank wire deposit instructions into our system. Please note that these new wire instructions must be used from this point on with no exceptions, and you will need to discard any older wire instructions you may have on hand. These new bank wire instructions will change from time to time, so please always enter your bank wire deposit request into the system prior to sending any funds, to insure you are sending them to the proper bank account.
We do sincerely apologize for these delays. Our main focus has always been on the security of our customers and our company, and these changes insure that StrictPay will be here to serve all your online payment needs for a very long time into the future. We understand that while we felt like we had everything in place for a very smooth transition, things do not always go as planned, and we hope that you can be patient and understanding during this transition as well.
Team StrictPay. The Best Payment Solution

That’s it for today, guys! Hope you were enjoying my daily news and don’t forget to check out my blog tomorrow for the interview with the admin of GloTrade, the review of Vegamex and more news from the Industry. Before I go however I’ll just give you the list of the programs from my monitoring page that paid me today. They Include:
GeniusFunds, ArbsFund, GoldNuggetInvest, CruiseFunds, CedexInvest, TradeZoom, GloTrade, OneDailyPro, AsiaInv, AtlantisMutual, CSMFinance, IncoForex, MandarinInvest, Verifield, FinanceNova, RichAliens, RosalinFinance, MoneyPlus, Flanita, RefMotor, 4CountriesCapital, PanaMoney, InstantMoneyBets, GlobalFund, MoneyCare, EcosystemFunds, PTVPartner, XrateInvest, TalixMetals, XagaEnterprise and Vegamex (the first payment received).

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