Dec 28th, 2009 Archives

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Hi everyone! No sooner has the Christmas holiday come and gone than we find ourselves looking forward to the New Year celebrations. But in the meantime I see all the big department stores here have started their post Christmas sales now so the lunacy can continue unabated. I made the mistake of going to one local branch of an internationally famous electronics shop here in Fulham this morning and it was like watching the fall of the Roman Empire I let me tell you. And forget everything you ever learned about good manners as well! I think I might just stick to internet shopping for a while. It’s much safer!

But at least there is still something resembling sensible planning and organization out there that we can be grateful for, which is of course PTVPartner. As you may remember I said recently that I wanted to go back and take another look at some of the more solid and dependable programs from my monitoring page over the last few months. Ok, I admit it, it’s been a slow week, but I really do think this is a good opportunity to re-examine the likes of PTVPartner and see how they’ve progressed and improved and just changed.

It’s almost exactly four months to the day since I first reviewed PTVPartner, which you can read here. A couple of weeks after that I interviewed the admin. His name is Garrett Rainier and you can see what he has to say by clicking here. With a bit of luck he might agree to do a follow up interview in a the new year so hopefully you will be able to see him give his own version of how the program has evolved. But as a webmaster myself I can tell you that working on your own website is a bit like working on your own house – the job is never finished. It’s very much a “work in progress” and that is how it will stay. And as with any ongoing endeavor there is always something to be fine tuned, fixed, repaired, replaced, installed, removed, etc etc etc. Very few admins seem to approach this side of their work with the same enthusiasm as Garrett however, who has redesigned the PTVPartner website completely from top to bottom.

Something that hasn’t been changed beyond all recognition however it the investment plans. They remain largely untouched since the program first started though there have been some improvements on the practical side of joining them. For a start the minimum amount you may join with has been lowered. Gone is the original $25 minimum, replaced instead with a much more affordable fee of $10. And the list of payment options has also been improved on with the expanded list now made up of LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay, and the growingly popular GlobalDigitalPay.

The first of the four investment plans available is called The Introductory Plan and it runs for 10 days. The minimum to spend here is $10, and the maximum is $250. In return for that you will receive a once off payment on expiry of 110% which of course includes your principal. So for example, invest $100 here and ten days later be paid $110. Not a bad rate of interest at all and one that can be perfectly sustainable for a number of months if managed correctly.

PTVPartner’s second plan is called The Advantage Plan and it will run for 20 days. Again it features a one time only payment on expiry so for deposits ranging from a minimum of $50 to a maximum of $500 you should expect a return of 125%. So in monetary terms a $100 investment here will get you $125 on expiry, your principal included.

Next we get to The Leverage Plan and things begin to get serious. An investment here will cost you at least $100 and can go to a maximum of $2000. This plan’s term runs for 30 days after which you are offered a payment of 145% of your principal, which is once again already factored in. The minimum required investment of $100 will therefore see you pocket $145 on expiry.

And finally there is The Prestige Plan. A prestigious title alright, but at a $200 minimum it is still accessible to many. The maximum deposit though is a tasty $10,000 but few of us need be concerned about that I’d say. For a deposit here PTVPartner will pay you 190% of your principal back after 40 days. So for the minimum of $200 spent you should be paid back a total of $380.

A couple of other quick points I’d like to make about the plans in PTVPartner include, and I know I’ve said this before, but I have always been a fan of programs that allow the minimum and maximum amounts accepted in the various plans to overlap slightly as happens here. It throws all plans wide open to the maximum possible number of investors. The Prestige plan for instance. I know $200 is a serious commitment for a lot on MNO readers but it’s not an outrageous sum of money either to most US and European based investors. How many times in the past have we seen other programs offer a similar plan, only to render it completely pointless by asking for something like $5000 to join? Not so here. Obviously the risk does increase dramatically alongside the reward, but the cost does not and that point has proved crucial to opening PTVPartner up to the widest possible array of investors.

The next point is that compounding is allowed and you are invited to set the percentage of your deposit (if any) you wish to use like that. For my own reasons which have nothing whatsoever to do with PTVPartner I was never really liked compounding and would rather avoid it. But that’s just me. If you like it then just be aware that the option is there for you.

I should also point out that you deposit directly into the plans. As the program is using a unique script by the way it may have a very unfamiliar appearance to some of you and you may find it a little tricky to navigate at first. It’s a bit like that with most programs you encounter for the first time but there is really nothing too complicated about it. It works like this. To make a deposit you will obviously have to log in to your account first. OK, next you will see a tab on the bottom of the page marked “financial history”. Click on that. That leads you to the page where you can deposit. To deposit you need to click on the tab on top this time that says “Invest Money”. There who will be asked to select your plan from the menu, the amount you wish to invest, and the security code which you will already have been asked to make up for yourself upon first signing up. Likewise when withdrawing. Your profits won’t automatically go to your e-currency account. They are paid first to your members area where it is then up to you when to take it out.

Ok. So far so good but what of this new website that was the center of so much effort for so long? Well I must say that it is quite impressive and well worth the wait. If you don’t happen to like it by the way or are just using a slow internet connection then don’t worry. The old version of the site is still fully operational and upon arriving on the homepage you will be asked to select which version you wish to view. The new one is the default version in which case you just go ahead and log in, but if you still want to use the older one then select “classic” from the drop-down box.

After logging in the first thing you will see is your account overview. This is where you will see your current withdrawable balance as well as information on your current investment and any pending transactions. After that you will also have access to an internal messaging system where you can chat with other members. You will also find a complete history of your transactions and also be able to change any details of your account.

And it’s all done behind a pretty tight security regime as well. One of the best I’ve seen in a while in fact. To start with PTVPartner are hosted on a dedicated server with protection from DDoS attacks. This is provided by Dragonara whose reputation in this area is widely recognized and respected. Existing members will already know this of course but in the last four months downtime has been all but non existent. The website is also under a secure SSL connection throughout which is a feature that remains lamentably underutilized in this industry. The script is completely customized and developed exclusively for PTVPartner. It seems that’s the case with most of the better HYIPs these days, with the likes of PanaMoney, GeniusFunds, GNI and so on all opting the generic prepackaged style designs so prevalent in the business and go for something unique. The PTVPartner admin is also adamant that the script has underwent some rigorous security checks and believes it to be nigh on unbreakable. I’ll have to bow to his superior technical knowledge on that front but at least I can say that there has been no security issues with the program that I am aware of.

I think one of the most important features of PTVPartner though, and one that is all too often underestimated by both program members and admins alike, is communication. It’s another facet of the program that’s amongst the best in the business with regular updates from Garrett that are highly comprehensive. There are also regular open forum meetings that take place online where both members and non members alike are invited to participate, hear what the admin team has to say, and make your own contribution. Meetings take place at variable times of the day in order to better accommodate members from different time zones. They have their Chat Room set up for this purpose where typically what will happen is that you are asked to type your question but you will hear the voice of the admin as he answers. Obviously you can’t have everybody speaking at the same time or else nothing would ever happen. It works much better this way.

The also have their own “radio station”. Basically it’s a built in audio file player with a couple of recorded spoken pieces relating to PTVPartner and its business. Among the items you can listen to there is my own interview with Garrett from last September. It’s not me asking the questions by the way, I can promise you I don’t have an Australian accent! Anyway, it might not be all that important for the success of the program but it’s an interesting novelty you won’t see anywhere else and it tells you something about the effort being made by the admin.

When it come to actual day to day communication however for the real customer service related investment issues contact with the support team could hardly be better. For a start it’s available round the clock, 24 hours per day. How many online investment sites can you say that about? Not many. There is a choice of voice, text, or even video chat with an operator so you can get all your questions answered in real time in quite a unique and personal way. But if that’s not for you then you can always use the more traditional method of submitting a support ticket and awaiting you answer via e-mail. PTVPartner also has its own private members forum where you can discuss the program as well. The forum hasn’t really been that popular to be honest but then again these things only are when there is a problem, or a reason to complain. And that’s one of the few things we don’t get from this program.

I don’t think it’s necessary to go into any great detail of the business interests of PTVPartner again. You can see it in my last review and not a whole lot has changed there since then. I know more than a few of you have no more than a passing interest in those matters anyway, but briefly PTVPartner are claiming to be sort of a private financing group, offering financial support (at inflated interest rates) to companies unable to obtain loans and credit through the regular methods. You can read all about that on their homepage anyway, as well as find more information on their claims to have a substantial interest in a recently discovered silica mine. All very intriguing!

But from a purely HYIP perspective they are as good today as they have ever been. And if you will forgive me giving myself a small pat on the back, I told you so. I was very enthusiastic about them the first day I joined and nothing has occurred to change my mind. And now with the “dreaded” month of December nearly out if the way and PTVPartner still in good health I see no reason why this one can’t run and run well into 2010. Though I know Garrett would no doubt prefer it if we were talking about years rather than months, it’s just a personal rule that I try not to look past the next three months when looking at any program. But if he’s reading this then don’t worry, I’ll be more than happy to come back and re-assess PTVPartner again in the summer!

As of today though, it’s one of the best around. One of the safest and most secure websites in the business and also one of the most thoroughly and professionally researched, organized, planned, and executed investment projects. Despite the relatively high returns the plans still only pay less than 2% per day so they remain sustainable (in HYIP terms), as has been proved by the previous four months. I see no reason why we shouldn’t expect more of the same going forward for at least the same time again.

Other news for today.

With the holidays still in full swing for a lot of people there isn’t really a lot of updates for today, guys. As you might have noticed two sites were not available yesterday for several hours. I told you that I would enquire of the admins about that and would let you know the results on my blog. So I got a reply from the admin of Investorum (one of the two sites that were offline) who is on holidays now and only the support are making the payouts in the meantime. This is the reply I got from Anna, the admin of Investorum (by the way, the pendings are already paid):
“I was offline today, as I explained you, in holiday also. I have contacted our hosting provider and I’m waiting their reply about the issue. You will be in first informed as soon as I will know myself. As I can see from know (connected since 1 hour), I have the site online.
I remind you that in Investorum you have a chance to earn 1.2%-1.6% daily forever with the possibility to withdraw your principal after 60 calendar days. You can read more about that in my detailed review published here and in my upcoming interview with Anna which I’m planning to publish soon.

It seems XagaEnterprise (reviewed here) is also back online and the admin Kevin (interviewed here) already sent an email informing us of that. The pending payouts have been paid as well and it seems XagaEnterprise is totally back to normal now. Therefore I’m planning to publish a new updated review of XagaEnterprise on MNO tomorrow so stay tuned for that. Here is the latest news I received from Kevin tonight:
I just saw forums, blogs, monitors. XagaEnterprise went down for 1 day and rumors, gossips are everywhere. When XagaEnterprise was down, I couldn’t send newsletter because I couldn’t log in to the admin panel. What was I supposed to do??
I appreciate members who support and have positive thinkings. To those who were impatience, please and please be patient. XagaEnterprise is not “A God”.
Now check your account. Payments done. Over than $1600 has been requested and all paid.
Thank you for your understanding.
Regards, Kevin

I received another phishing email allegedly from Flanita encouraging me to transfer money to some LR account apparently owned by Oscar Ferengi from whose g-mail address these spamming emails seem originate from. Anyway, just a few hours after that I received a warning from the administration of Flanita (reviewed here) urging members never trust such emails or click the links. Well, I can only repeat that advice and give you this newsletter from Flanita to ponder over:
“Today we had recorded second phishing attack on our website.
Please do not respond to scammers, remember – our company does not create any special plans. We have only one domain Flanita, please place deposits only from members area of website, don’t send any money directly to any LR or PM accounts.
Thank you for your understanding.
Do not trust to any phishing emails. Scammers can use ANY email in from field.
If you get an email or pop-up message that asks for personal or financial information, do not reply.
And don’t click on the link in the message, either.
Legitimate companies don’t ask for this information via email.
Our company wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, we wish you the financial well-being and health, thank you for choosing us, we will please you in the new year 2010.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any help.
Bernard Omson, Flanita Investments support manager

It was a huge surprise for me when I checked my StrictPay account today and found out two outstanding payments from 220Group program (reviewed here) which I was not expecting to receive. So I guess the program is back to normal and I have no other choice but move it back to Paying status. I would like to know what was the reason of these sudden payments but knowing about the level of responsiveness I usually get from the admin of 220Group (which is close to zero) I will not be asking him about it. The fact is the fact though: 220Group is back to Paying.

I have received my first 10% weekly payout from ArbisPro today. I remind you that the program was reviewed by MNO a few days ago (you can read the review here) and I plan also to publish an interview with the admin soon where he will hopefully explain in his own words how they make money on sports arbitrage betting. I remind you that ArbisPro accepts nearly all the major payment processors and is paying 10%-12% weekly with no expiry with the possibility to request your principal back after 10 weeks.

Here is the list of the programs that paid to me for the last 24 hours:
ZenithInvestment, 220Group, RefMotor, MandarinInvest, Caziroca, ArbisPro, GeniusFunds, CSMFinance, AtlantisMutual, AsiaInv, CedexInvest, KobelCapital, OneDailyPro, Investorum, Infinitum, InstantMoneyBets, NanoMoneyCorp, HugMoney, FinanceNova, WestFinance, GlobalFund, PanaMoney, PTVPartner and XagaEnterprise.
That’s it for today and I will see you on MNO tomorrow with another updated review and more news from the Industry! Happy holidays!

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