Hi everyone! As you may have noticed this week I have been taking advantage of the quiet few days that usually follow Christmas in this industry by taking a second look at a couple of good programs from the past year. Not necessarily the very best ones, but good, solid, and dependable performers nonetheless, and also ones that have underwent sufficient changes in how they are run to justify reviewing them twice.
And so today for the third and final in this series of updated reviews I want to go back and look at Verifield, a short to mid term low rate of interest program that I have been monitoring since last March. When I first reviewed it (read that here) I said that I believed Verifield was going to be a long running program. Almost ten months to the day since I said that I think we can agree I was right. Verifield are still here and showing no obvious signs of anything other than continued success into the New Year.
So what’s new? Well for one thing I’d like to take a brief run through the investment plans again. Not because they have changed, indeed they are exactly the same apart from the fact that the minimum investment amount has dropped, but because it occurs to me that the last time I did this I may have given you the impression that the rates of interest are fixed. Actually they are variable. The rates that I mention as what you can expect to earn are just typical of what gets paid out. They are by no means guaranteed, however as I already pointed out Verifield have been a highly effective and consistent performer this year and the suggested rates of interest are usually met and sometimes even improved on. But as I have to say something about the rates of interest, that’s what makes up your profit after all, I will simply stick with what the average investment will earn for you. Just don’t panic if you don’t get an identical result everyday. Deposits can be made in your choice of either dollars or euros. As is always the case when this happens I’m going to talk in dollars here as I know that’s how most MNO readers work.
Before selecting any plan the first thing you are going to have to do is to open an account and then to create a portfolio. But don’t worry, there is nothing too complicated there and there is a step by step guide with screenshots to take you through the process.
There are five investment plans altogether, although the first of them is probably better described as a test plan. It’s called The “Diversified Commodities” plan and it runs for just three days. Profits are generated on business days only, will accumulate in your account, and can be withdrawn on expiry. Typically you should expect around 103% to be paid back to you, including your principal.
One very important feature differentiates the rest of the plans available from Verifield from those of their competitors – you can choose the length of the investment term yourself, provided it runs for a certain minimum. All plans are measured in calendar days but as with the test plan profits are only generated on business days (Monday to Friday). So in other words if you join for 7 days profits will only be generated on 5 of them. There is some very detailed information available detailing the past trading results of Verifield, providing us with the actual amounts that were generated on a day by day basis for each individual plan stretching back a number of weeks. Oddly enough they’ve listed Christmas day, which was Friday, as a trading day and have even added a daily profit payment. I guess Christmas wasn’t a holiday in everybody’s house then.
With that in mind we move on to the first of the serious plans. It’s usually a short term option but you decide how long it will really last. It’s called the Intensive Forex Plan and you have to join for a minimum of 7 days. Once that period has expired you may cash out. According to Verifield‘s own figures you can expect a payment in the region of 108.4% if you do. Should you wish to stay a bit longer however then your profits will continue to accumulate accordingly. Over the last couple of weeks daily earnings appear to jump around usually between 1.1% per day and 1.27% per day, so you can do your own calculations from there on how much you might expect if you stay a bit longer. Just remember that your calculations will only be approximate.
The very same thing applies to the next plan. It’s called the Nominal Income plan and if you join then you must do so for at least 30 calendar days. Profits are generated from Monday to Friday and should you decide to leave after the minimum term then a typical payment would be around 139%. Should you wish to leave your principal stay put a bit longer you can calculate your own approximate earnings. Typical daily earnings over the last couple of weeks in the plan have usually been somewhere between 1.2% and 1.39% per business day.
For a more profitable option there is the Effective Gross Income plan. You must sign up for this plan for a minimum of 60 calendar days. Now, normally you might start to think that at this point the risk is starting to get pretty high, and you know normally you’d be right. But as Verifield have been running for the last 10 months then it’s been proven to be a safe enough bet. Not risk free either, but safer than most in HYIP terms. Anyway, on maturity of the minimum investment period an average payout would, according to Verifield, be 196% including principal. Should you be pleased with that and wish to stay put a bit longer then you can assume, based on past performance only, that you can earn between around 1.3% and 1.68% interest per additional business day.
And lastly there is the Capital Market Securities Plan. It too runs for a period of at least 60 days, after which you can stay or leave as pleases you. The payment on expiry, should you wish to leave, will around 208%. This includes your principal. Each additional business day you stay with the plan however will earn you an extra payment of around 1.5% to around 1.87% per day.
Payment options are a bit limited to be honest but on the other hand it doesn’t seem to have hurt the program either. Verifield continue to accept LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and bank wire transfers. Also the minimum amount you may invest in any plan is just $5. There is no stated maximum amount. To date I have heard no complaints of Verifield rejecting deposits on the grounds that they were too big!
One of the major advantages though which should be mentioned is the instant cashouts. The addition of the security layers of SSL-protected channel, Safe card and the unique script make the whole process totally automated and highly secure. In the case when a payment system is not available at the time of requesting a withdrawal you will be advised to request your payout later.
One of the most enduring features of Verifield is the security. It’s always been excellent. From the day they started in fact they have been on of the safest HYIPs on the net. Protected from DDoS attacks and hosted on a dedicated server by no less than Dragonara (one of the very best), Verifield has an additional layer of protection for your account by employing SSL coded encryption throughout. They are also utilizing a “SafeCard” protection system. Basically what this involves is them generating a virtual e-card with a series of code numbers unique to your account. Once you have downloaded this e-card you will need to reference it before carrying out any major transactions on your account. Again, not to worry if it all looks a bit unusual at first. There is another step by step guide to using the system and explaining how it all works. Once you’ve done it once it’s like riding a bicycle. You won’t forget it.
In keeping with the standards set by all the leading online investment programs, Verifield is running off a totally unique and custom designed script. It’s stood the test of time and I remain unaware of any serious problems with it.
Any further questions for the administration team can be submitted via the online support ticket form. You may also just go ahead and mail them directly. Verifield also publish a telephone number which was, and I can’t exaggerate how rare this is, actually answered when I called them. They also publish a postal address in London which I visited some time back. I don’t need to repeat all of that again here but I did write a short article on my experience with them and others which you can read here. It was certainly an eye-opener for many readers judging by the feedback I got after it!
There is now a list of international and multi-lingual fund managers around the world who are available to chat with you online. English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, French, whatever. There are too many to list here but you will find them at your service on Verifield.
But what of the more recent developments? Well to their credit Verifield have always been good at keeping their members informed of any changes and communication has proven one of their strong points. That’s one thing I wasn’t able to say in the original review simply because of a lack of experience in dealing with them. But since that last review a number of things have changed here and all of them for the better. I’ve already mentioned what I think the most important ones are for new investors coming across this for the first time. The acceptance of bank wire transfers for example, and the introduction of the SafeCard system. Just over the Christmas holidays Verifield actually sponsored a table at the Full Tilt (UK based readers might recognize them from TV) poker game which was open exclusively to Verifield members. The winner of that particular game picked up a cool $1000 for himself (congratulations if you’re a reader here!) and the whole thing proved so popular that they have promised to make it a more regular event.
The most important overriding feature however is that Verifield have proven themselves incapable of standing still. They are a vigorous and dynamic company who are continuously evolving and improving their already impossibly high standards. I said they were one to watch in 2009 and I was right. So listen to this – Verifield are still one to watch in 2010. This is a fiercely competitive business but one that is essentially based on cash flow generated by your customers. Take care of those customers, never regard them as anything less than your only important asset, and you are well on the way to success. Verifield have proven themselves acutely aware of this. So more good things can be expected from them over the coming months.
Other news for today.
Let’s start our news section today with the holiday party announcement from PTVPartner. I remind you that I re-reviewed PTVPartner just two days ago to reflect the changes that happened with the program over the course of last few months and you can read it here. PTVPartner is going very smoothly and the payments are always done within 24 hours. There are four investment plans to choose from: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days. All the plans have a different minimum and are paid on expiry. Four payment processors are currently accepted by PTVPartner and I hope this list will be expanded in 2010. Anyway, the reminder received from the admin Garrett (read my interview with him here) is not about that but about the upcoming New Year’s party that is going to start in several hours and offers some cash prizes of over $500 total. I hope the members as well as non-members alike will take this opportunity to have some fun and earn some cash. Well, isn’t that what the HYIP Industry is all about? Here is the latest news from PTVPartner:
“New Year Party and Meeting at PTVPartner
We are having another party at PTVPartner and Invite you all to come! Members and Non-members, if you have nothing scheduled for New Years and even If you do, You will not want to miss our party with over 500.00 dollars in cash prizes. All your friends will be there. No doubt this will be a Night to remember.
We are pulling out all the stops. So make your reservations before it too late.
Party on December 31st – Hours will be from 4PM GMT (10AM CST) to 8PM GMT (2PM CST) The
Party will then resume at 10PM GMT (4PM CST) and continue until we can’t stand it anymore!
The intermission will be filled by a Meeting we have planned. You won’t want to miss it as we will be announcing some important information regarding the affiliate program
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!”
Please remember that the cashout button is enabled already in SazaInvestments (reviewed here) so you can request your 8%-10% weekly profit now. I noticed that some people had their deposits not properly credited to their accounts. I believe it concerns STP deposits and if that includes you then please submit a support ticket to SazaInvestments immediately and I’m sure your issue will be sorted out pretty soon. Due to the New Year holidays the cashout button will not be open on Friday so please use this opportunity to request some cash for the New Year celebrations. I have already requested my cashout and was successfully paid within a few hours. So treat yourself to another weekly payout from SazaInvestments as mentioned in the following reminder:
“It’s almost Wednesday so it’s payday again. Please don’t forget to request your withdrawals correct so that won’t be canceled. Thank you all for your trust in us. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.
InstantMoneyBets (reviewed here) delayed the payouts today to a 36 hour timeframe instead of the usual 24 hours which resulted in them getting moved to Problem status by GoldPoll monitoring. I was quite concerned by that as well and wrote to the admin of the program to clarify the issue. I’m aware that due to New Year holidays there could be some delays and apparently I was right. The admin of InstantMoneyBets Michael (interviewed here) admitted the delay occurred but also apologized and paid all the pendings within just 30 minutes. I’m glad to report that InstantMoneyBets are therefore back to normal. Here is the explanation of the payout delays from the admin:
“We are really sorry for the late payments but i have had an computer problem.
Now everything is resolved and all open Payments will be done within the next 30mins.
Also I have very good News, today we will add StrictPay and CGold as Payment option.
AlertPay will be removed in the next 24 hours and all Members have to request a refund by AlertPay directly please.
We will delete your AP Balance this week.
Sorry again for the late Payments. Michael”.
Please be aware of the holiday schedule in the work of GoldNuggetInvest (reviewed here) so we should expect delays as their office will be closed till January, 5, 2010 and the normal work resume only on next Tuesday. The cashouts will not be processed due to that so if you have some remaining cashouts unpaid you will have to wait your turn till then. I’m aware that the cashouts still seem chaotic and probably the payment processor unbalance issue has not been entirely fixed yet. However, we should realize that the staff need a break too to start the New Year with some fresh ideas and developments. The admin of GoldNuggetInvest (interviewed here) even emphasized on the GNI public forum that the next year there would be two weeks of holidays for all GNI staff when no payouts will be credited to members’ accounts at all. Here is what I found there:
“However I take the opportunity and announce NOW, that next year there will be a general Christmas holiday for all staff members from Dec. 20 until Jan. 5 and during this time NO payouts will be processed.”
Please note that for the next two days no interest will be credited to your account in SantiVentures program (reviewed here). The admin of the program (read my interview with him here) took the opportunity not only to announce this in his latest email to the members of SantiVentures but also to send them some New Year’s greetings. Here is the latest newsletter from SantiVentures – the low-ROI program that pays you 1.3%-2.8% for 150 business days:
“First of all let SantiVentures wish you a happy and prosperous New Year. We all sincerely hope that the 2010 year will bring more happiness, joy, love, mutual understanding and prosperity to your homes and families. From our part we will make every effort to contribute to your income and capital growth in 2010.
Kindly be informed that there will be no earnings credited to your accounts on the 31st of December and the 1st of January as these days are non business days here at SantiVentures.
Note that you in fact will not miss any payout within the total investment cycle as every active member is paid during 150 business days or in other words gets 150 payouts to his account according to the investment plan he deposited to.
If you have questions or further inquiries don’t hesitate to post them to our support at
Best regards and a happy new year, Info department. SantiVentures”.
Another great low-ROI program is undoubtedly KobelCapital (reviewed here). Offering 2.55%-3.35% for 90 days via LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney with the principal returned on expiry KobelCapital has been paying for three months already. So today marked the end of my investment term and I made the withdrawal request of my principal from the program. KobelCapital processed the request within a few hours so I guess the cashflow in the program is still strong and it can survive New Year successfully.
I’m glad to report that HugMoney (reviewed here) has been moved back to Paying status on my monitoring page. I moved it to Waiting status due to the inaccessibility of their website but today the admin of the program finally paid my pending payout which made me update the status again. I remind you that HugMoney is a short-term program that has been online for 3 weeks already accepting the four major payment processors and paying on three investment plans: 122% after 5 days, 135% after 7 days, 200% after 20 days.
I just realized today that for the last few days I was receiving lower returns from TradeZoom and instead of the usual 2% daily earnings my account was credited with 0.3% rate of interest. Well, I looked into the news section of the program and fortunately everything was explained there. Due to almost no Forex trading sessions during the festive season it was decided by the admin of TradeZoom to reduce the daily interest payments temporarily. So here is the latest news from TradeZoom (reviewed here):
“Whereof we pay interest in business days and considering the recent vacation, we decided to pay 0.3% daily interest in holidays for encourage investors.
Obviously, this is an additional bonus and will not calculate in investment period.”
The AlertPay payment processor is also on vacation and I found the following info on their official blog informing clients of their schedule during the New Year holidays:
“Hi everybody, The holidays are upon us, which means a little bit of mirth, merriment, rest and relaxation so that we can all be in good shape to take on the exciting challenges of the New Year — 2010!
With that said, AlertPay‘s offices and Customer Support line will be closed on Friday, December 25, 2009 and Friday, January 1, 2010.
(You can still send and request money, make purchases and use any of our services, excluding credit card withdrawal, without issue on those days.)
Any bank transfers or wires initiated within a few days of either of those dates will be delayed by one day. For example, if you initiate a bank transfer on Thursday, December 31, the transaction may only be complete the following Friday.
Furthermore, Customer Support will not be available on either of those days, though you can still submit a support ticket which we will get to as soon as we can.
We thank you for your understanding and wish you all a very safe, warm and happy holiday season!”
I would like to introduce to you a highly promising new low-ROI program that will probably be the first to be reviewed on MNO in 2010. It’s called AtoxFinance and I just added it to my monitoring list today. The program has been online for a couple of weeks but in my opinion is quite promising. Despite a limited choice of payment processors (only LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and EcuMoney are accepted at the moment) AtoxFinance can boast a totally customized script, a beautifully designed site with SSL-certificate installed which allows safe browsing, a domain name registered for five years, a very safe and DDoS-protected dedicated server by Staminus, original texts not stolen (which in itself is quite rare for the HYIP Industry), phone support with UK and US phone numbers and claims of official registration in Panama under the name of Atoxil Finance Corp. with an official physical address being given. So as you can see everything is in place that will ensure the success of AtoxFinance in the long run. The investment plans on offer somehow reminded me of those used in PanaMoney (reviewed here). There is also some variable percentage available for the members on every trading day depending on the results of the trading. The profit is being distributed in proportion between you (the investor) and the program’s administration that manages your funds. Actually it works like this: the more your deposit the higher percentage you will make. The minimum possible interest that will be paid to you by AtoxFinance (even on non-profitable trading days) is 0.4% while the maximum profit can climb to 3% daily. There is a welcome bonus of $10 which is available now and will be added to your AtoxFinance account automatically after your first deposit is made. By the way, the payouts are supposed to be instant and the plans are starting from $10. We can call it a test plan as for the deposits ranging from $10 to $100 you can earn only 40% of the investment daily returns for 30 trading days. The daily profits are published on the site of AtoxFinance and give you a basic example of how it works for the test plan you will get 0.8% return if the rate of interest for the day is 2% (40% of the rate of interest). I will of course look into the investment plans in more detail in my upcoming review of AtoxFinance but for now I want to say that if you have over $100 to spend in this program you can enjoy higher profits of 45% to 85% from the published daily interest for the term of 230 trading days (the real percentage will depend of course on the amount deposited). Your principal will be returned on expiry in all plans however you can stay with the program indefinitely if you wish and continue earning during this time as usual. AtoxFinance will accept deposits up to $150K but please remember that it’s just an online investment program so the risks are always there. I consider AtoxFinance though as the one of the most promising low-ROI program that will definitely build a strong reputation and good credibility during the course of 2010. Who knows: maybe it’s the next big thing?
Here is the latest news from them telling us of their schedule for the New Year’ holidays. Remember that the next three days will be non-trading ones so you will start earning from your deposits later. Here is the news taken from AtoxFinance website:
“Due to public holidays in Panama and US our trading activity will be stopped on the 24th, 25th, 31st of December, 2009 and on the 1st and 2nd of January, 2010. All Deposits and withdrawal requests will be processed during these days as usual in most cases instantly.”
For the last 24 hours I was paid from the following programs listed on my monitoring page:
ArbsFund, XagaEnterprise, HugMoney, GeniusFunds, PanaMoney, FxStar, KobelCapital, FaithInvestment, NanoMoneyCorp, InvestmentForge, Verifield, FinanceNova, AsiaInv, CSMFinance, Flanita, IncoForex, MandarinInvest, RefMotor, WestFinance, InstantMoneyBets, Investorum, SazaInvestments, MoneyPlus, Caziroca, PTVPartner, AimTrust, SantiVentures, ArbisPro, Vegamex, CedexInvest, ZenithInvestment, OneDailyPro and DreamFunds.
I would like to report to you as well that I finally registered my own company called “Money-News-Online Limited” in the UK. You must remember that I promised to do this some time back as I was quite interested to know if it’s really that hard to get as so many HYIPs claim to have this and present it as some sort of guarantee for your investment with them. Well, it was not that hard at all and I will be bringing you a more detailed report on the experience on the first day of the New Year. So stay tuned for that and check out my blog then! I’m sure you will find it interesting and fascinating. Oh, and yes, I will be putting the certificate of incorporation on display shortly so everybody will see it. For those impatient you can check my registration details on the Companies House webcheck site here and please enter the number of my company as 071139874 to see the details (I even have an address in Finchley Road now). Anyway, check out my blog for more info on that in the next entry and read the last results of the year from now officially appointed chairman and director of Money-News-Online Limited!
To finish for today (and it will be my final post of 2009 as I will be taking tomorrow off) I would like to draw some results for this year which marked yet another milestone in the HYIP Industry. This year of 2009 was absolutely an amazing year for Money-News-Online. My blog achieved tremendous results and was widely recognized as the most unbiased and up-to-date blog in the industry. The success created a number of copy-cat sites that try to utilize the unique model developed by MNO but of course they are very far from the original. The public recognition is not only my words and you can have a look and still vote for my blog which was nominated by E-commerce Journal as the best e-commerce blog of 2009. The results as of now has MNO polling 78% of all votes. It makes me extremely proud to say the least and I want to express my deep gratitude to every person who voted for me, supported my work and spread the word about my blog. Without you I couldn’t make it, guys! So thank you all from the bottom of my heart. That’s not all though: the success can be measured by the number of regular readers that MNO has which now consists of many hundreds of daily visitors in addition to the nearly 1600 readers who prefer to get the daily updates from MNO to their email boxes. The Alexa rating which is also a good indicator of site’s popularity has raised tremendously as well and MNO is now among the 27,000 most popular sites in the world (while in the US it’s already among the 12,000 most popular sites). Isn’t it amazing that I’ve come such a long way from almost unknown blogger to a site that is now more popular than the major monitoring sites and getting closer in popularity even to some investment forums? Well, self praise is no praise. It’s all because of the readers and remember that I am well aware of that fact at all times.
Of course, I realize all the responsibility that comes with this success. So for the coming year I want to continue my commitment to give you more unbiased reviews, the most up-to-date information from any source, interviews with the admins and other stuff which you will not find anywhere else online. In the pipeline for 2010 are the following: making some important changes on my blog including changing the theme to a more user-friendly interface (I remember all suggestions from those who contacted me about that), changing my monitoring page and allowing everybody to vote for their favorite program, adding the MNO forum which I plan to launch sometime in spring-summer 2010 after I get some support from my friends. Of course the most important thing is to deliver you the best programs that you can imagine. Even now not every program is allowed to be monitored and reviewed by MNO. Some are rejected and some are only allowed to go no further than the Basic listing and this selection process will continue in the future.
At the same time I’m aware that the content and support should come first so I will continue to update both the MNO blog and the monitoring page on a daily basis, making reviews and interviews, fighting scams and their malicious accomplice monitors and of course answering your emails, my dear readers. I hope you will stay with me for the next year which surely will be exciting and hopefully will bring the readers of MNO more profits that they could expect! Happy New Year, guys, and I’ll see you back here in 2010!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Dec 31st, 2009. Comment.
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