Jan 14th, 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone!Today I have decided to postpone the review I had intended until tomorrow and stick with just the news instead. I have hunreds of outstanding mails to get through tonight as well so that doesn’t really help much with writing reviews either.

Let’s start with GoldNuggetInvest as I know that many investors are eagerly anticipating the next newsletter from the admin Robert that should be crucial for the future of the project. I know there is going to be some significant changes on the way to ensure the longevity of the program. From my own experience with Robert I know him as a man of the word. So he promised today there are several plans that need to be discussed with his business partner Jurgen before being finalized and sent to all the members of GoldNuggetInvest which should be done by the weekend. And brace yourselves guys because I doubt all these changes are going to be universally popular somehow. But I am sure that they will be in the collective best interests, not of GNI as an online program, but of GNI as an online community of real people.
I know that there was much speculation on the official GNI forum about that upcoming newsletter but I’d rather wait and see what is coming next. Before going any further with this. Here is the part of the official reply from Robert I received today to my mailbox:
We are supposed to send out the newsletter by tomorrow evening, Friday morning latest – so members will have time to digest it over the weekend.
We are aware that this is a very crucial time for our project – but believe me, we will fight and work hard not only to survive, but to be there for our members in the long run.
Take care and best regards, Robert

Let’s move on to PTVPartner now. The admin of the program Garrett (interviewed here) didn’t issue any updates for a while now. However, I’m happy to report that during this uncharacteristic silence the program has been working away as well as ever with the all the payouts having been processed on time on all the offered plans: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days. Actually there were very few new things to report in this update from Garrett and all the features that were promised to be implemented soon are in progress. Members will be updated as soon as the process is finished. In his latest newsletter Garrett informs us about the regular weekly investors meeting where you can chat with the admin and your fellow PTVPartner investors, expressed his deep gratitude to all the moderators (a team of 21 people!) but most of all – Garrett said that the PTVPartner is on the rise and that the program is doing really good. Refer to my detailed revised review of the program here to find out about the unique features it’s offering to online investors. Below is the latest update from the admin of PTVPartner for your attention:

PTVPartner Update
PTVPartner has started the New Year with a Bang!!!
We have had record setting days, record setting new members, record setting deposits and record setting payouts as well. Our membership is on the rise, chat room attendance is up and we are working harder than ever to deliver on all the new features we have promised. Over the coming days and weeks you will see several new features being developed and implemented into the site.
We have scheduled two meeting times this week. Thursday the 14th at 9AM CST (3PM GMT) and Thursday the 14th at 9PM CST (3AM GMT Friday) . We are continuing to discuss and describe the primary project as well as entertain a Q & A session following the presentation. Generally the initial presentation runs 45 minutes to an hour and the Q & A last about 30 minutes.
We have raised the Chat room seating ability to 250 seats. Highest attendance to date is roughly 175.
Moderator Appreciation
I want to again thank the moderator staff and team for all the hard work they put in throughout each and every day. They work tirelessly to ensure that everything runs very smoothly. It is by their efforts that PTVPartner has reached the level of success it has achieved so far. With a team of 21 Moderators that work as hard as these there is little wonder why our members have nothing to complain about. I have been traveling quite a bit lately. The moderators have ensured that I have the ability to attend to my duties without worry. Thank you so much for your efforts.
There is absolutely no doubt at this point…..
PTVPartner is the Next Financial Giant in the online world of HYIP!!!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!

Shortly after the no-nonsense interview with the admin of InvestJoy Werner (read it here) I have received quite an important update from him. Now that the InvestJoy program seems to be firmly established and getting well and truly off the ground with about 700 members running successfully for 9 days the admin has created some new rules that will help him manage his program more efficiently. The major changes will include: the reduction of newsletters from every day schedule to only twice per week and setting up regular hours for live support and processing of payouts which are going to be processed once per day from now on. The times and the reasons for this were specified in the newsletter and I believe it all makes sense and will allow the admin more time to produce profits for the members of InvestJoy. By the way, for those who don’t know I will repeat that InvestJoy has two investment plans with daily payouts (5% for 30 days) and with the payouts on expiry of your investment (150% after 15 days). More info about the program can be found in my detailed review of InvestJoy published here. And below is the most recent newsletter from Werner:
Hello members, I am sending this newsletter to inform you about some measures will take place in InvestJoy from today. The program is growing fastly, we need rules to continue providing a good service to all members.
1) Newsletters
From today I will change a bit my communication via e-mail with members, I will send newsletter 2 times per week. On Mondays and Fridays. If there are major events I could make an exception.
2) Payments
Payments will be made every day, always at 22:00 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
3) Live Support
I will be online to assist you live from 18:00 to 22:00 GMT.
These measures are important to maintain the quality of InvestJoy and also give me the possibility to have more free time to dedicate to the investments. Soon I will be forming the InvestJoy support team, this team will be responsible for some tasks related to the support of members. Participating in this group your account type will be special and you will have some benefits.
Members interested in participating in this team should contact me immediately to know more. Please remember you will have benefits but also will need to spend some of your time helping other members and promoting InvestJoy. You can contact me to join InvestJoy support team sending an email to admin@investjoy.com.
Werner Grube. InvestJoy

ArbsFund (reviewed here) seems to have fully recovered from delayed payouts and support issues. The admin of the program Cadman (interviewed here) sent out another update today emphasizing on the longevity of the program which has been online for 72 days and praising its betting results that are allegedly bringing profits to the members of ArbsFund. I remind you that currently ArbsFund is offering three investment plans where you can deposit: 8.5% weekly (starting from $20), 10.5% weekly forever (starting from $100) and 15% weekly forever (starting from $500 investments). “Forever” though doesn’t mean you can’t withdraw your principal prematurely. As far as I know you can withdraw your principal after 8 weeks so the admin promised that they will process all the requests about the principal withdrawals for those who already been in the program for about two months starting this weekend. I guess all the issues were successfully overcome and I wish ArbsFund and its investors only the best of luck. Here is the latest newsletter:
Dear ArbsFund Stakeholder. Greetings!
ArbsFund Arbitrage Wagering pool is now 72 days online! We have had a wonderful 72 days trading weeks!, supports from everyone and this sums up for the quality success we experience in ArbsFund, We appreciate you all and we promise to keep this status and even grow for more benefits to all members.
I also want to use this opportunity to apologies to everyone for the slight misconception about our program not paying, ArbsFund continues to pay and right on time, our member base has so grown and we are working form different parts of the world to enable us give you our best. As of now all is working fine and we are placing bets by the day which turns out quality returns.
We shall begin to process the return of all principal by this weekend, it shall be done in batches hence we request for all members to stay relax, everyone would get their principal back. Note: Only after 8 weeks of investment with ArbsFund.
That’s all for today and see you again in our next newsletter for more updates! Keep your inbox open we have a great surprise for our members this weekend!
Thank you for using our program!
Regards! Public Relation Officer. ArbsFund Team

If you have your own original suggestions to the admin of IdealInv Sergiy (interviewed here) you can submit them in email:
We are open to suggestions, so if you have anything to advice about site, script, contests or anything else, please contact us VIA email it.ltds@gmail.com

IdealInv is a short-term program with three plans paid on expiry: 120% after 5 days, 150% after 10 days and 195% after 15 days. The program reached over 740 members just after 8 days online and I believe it has quite a good perspectives to run for some time. More on IdealInv can be read in my review published here.

Caziroca site was offline for some time today due to some technical maintenance which was caused possibly by an unknown hacker who is trying to change some members’ passwords and payment IDs in the program. While I don’t know the real reason why this happened I advise you all if you’re a member of Caziroca please double check your payment processors IDs before requesting your withdrawal. Otherwise it could go to the hacker’s account instead. Here is the warning from the admin of Caziroca:
Hello, This is a important message.
Please check your account-password-withdraws and … in Caziroca very fast and change your password in Caziroca and email password because some of our members hacked by other admins or hackers please choice a different password in Caziroca.
Best Regards.

I remind you that Caziroca is one of the longest-running short-term programs offering five plans with payouts on expiration and one plan with daily payouts (12% for 12 days). You can read more about Caziroca in my detailed review of the program published here.

Another long-running short-term program RosalinFinance (reviewed here) seems to be also having some hacker related issues. I received some complaints from my readers that their payouts went to an unknown account or that their accounts were hacked and their passwords were stolen. So please make sure your account in RosalinFinance is in good health before making a payout and better change your passwords in it.

Just noticed that one of the most popular long term programs online – PanaMoney (reviewed here) – has announced some regular hours and gave the investors a support phone number that they can call if they have questions. Here is the phone number and the time where you can check for support if you prefer live conversation:
PanaMoney Phone Support is available now Monday – Saturday 9 am – 5 pm Panama time (-5 GMT). The phone support number: +507 836-5156 (Panama).
I remind you that PanaMoney has been online since September 2008 and can be considered one of the longest-running and safest programs. Variable rates and the possibility to trade in real-time makes PanaMoney stand out from the crowd and definitely look good for many investors. If you want to know more about PanaMoney first-hand you can always refer to my two interviews with the admin of PanaMoney I conducted (which can be found here and here).

The admin of GoldenFleeceFund keeps sending newsletters to members on a daily basis. I’m kinda impressed by such customer service and think that their VIP members will enjoy even bigger benefits of investing their money into any of the plans on offer: 1.1% for 30 days and 2.5%-4% for 90 days with the principal back on expiry. Honestly, I don’t believe in their story with gold mine but many of the investors will believe it which can make the program run longer. I believe in common sense and I hope that the admin of GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here) believes in that too. Here is the latest update from him:
Hello, This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund. I find it important to remind all that the VIP bonus of $150 cash which can be withdrawn immediately is a recurring bonus. For every deposit of $3501 or more you will be eligible for a $150 cash bonus. You do not need to split it up into multiple deposits. For every $3501, $150 will be applied to your account as an instant amount.
If you are not aware of our VIP concierge program, please take a look at: http://goldenfleecefund.com/?a=news#16
I would also like to mention something that I have not mentioned ever before. Our company has made a presence in the community that revolved around the e-currencies we accept. We would like to encourage the commenting and voting on the websites and forums found on: http://goldenfleecefund.com/?a=cust&page=rateus
We thank you for your continued support of GoldenFleeceFund. 2010 will be our biggest year!
Thank You, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

ZenithInvestment (reviewed here) pleasantly surprised me today as despite many drawbacks the program seems to be running perfectly well for about two months now. Offering 2%-2.5% for 60 days and 10% weekly for 8 weeks was slightly weird as the daily plans were obviously more profitable that the weekly one. Despite this the admin of ZenithInvestment explained in the interview on MNO (read it here) the the weekly plan carries no risk at all that’s why it offers lower interest. No risk? Wow, that made me laugh for awhile. Where did you see any HYIP offering 100% guarantee on your investment that returned all the money after it closed? I haven’t heard of that either so just treat ZenithInvestment as a regular game. The reason why I’m bringing the info about ZenithInvestment to you, guys, it’s because of the latest bonuses offered by the admin. If you can spare some $200 or so you can deposit in ZenithInvestment to get some bonuses which are explained in detail in the latest newsletter which I’m republishing below:
Greetings to you from Admin of ZenithInvestment.
We wish to announce to you that all pending cashout have been completed. All paid members should please cash a vote for us in any of the below forum as this will be greatly appreciated.
Special upgrade bonus
We are giving out free upgrade bonus to our upgraded members as a way of showing appreciation.
Buy $200-$399 and get free $20 to your account
Buy $400-$599 and get free $30 to your account
Buy $600-$999 and get free $50 to your account
Buy $1000-$1099 and get free $80 to your account
Buy $2000-$10000 and get free $150 to your account
All free members should please upgrade their account or will be deleted within 7days.
We appreciate all your Continuous support and thanks for being a part of ZenithInvestment.
Your Admin. ZenithInvestment

Just two minutes after receiving an email from ZenithInvestment I received a very similar message from the admin of StanbicArbitrage (reviewed here). That made me think that those admins have closer connections than previously thought. Anyway, StanbicArbitrage is at least quite a new and more promising program offering 10% weekly forever apparently made on sports bets. There are some contests and prizes are prepared for the members and you can check out the latest newsletter from the program for more details on that:
Dear Members, We wish to formerly notify all our members that our second batch of weekly payment has been successfully processed. It’s been encouraging that both old and new members are living up to expectations; we are saying thank you for your wonderful support, persistence and continuity in the growth and development of our program StanbicArbitrage. We encourage you all to continue in this light and reach out to as many as you can in spreading the good works of StanbicArbitrage in the spirit of growth and expansion of our capital base that will inevitably increase your financial status.
Our program have been reviewed by a numbers of monitors and others too numerous to mention. We are saying we appreciate you all for your outstanding support, do keep up the good work.
We have a new outline program geared to make your wallet grow fat. All you need do is to go through the context below and make your self earn more income.
The prices are distributed as follows
(1) Prize
The first member with 10 active referrals will receive $50 sent to any e-currency of his/her choice. Old referrals will not be counted for the contest.
(2) Prizes
The first 10 members to have 10 active referrals (incentives allowed) will receive a prize of $25 sent to their e-currency account of choice
(3) Free upgrade bonus
Invest $200-$500 get free $20 Added to your account
Invest $501-$1000 get free $40 Added to your account
Invest $1001-$2000 get free $80 Added to your account
Invest $2001-$5000 get free $150 Added to your account
Invest $5001 & above get free$250 Added to your account
The contest starts today, 13/01/2010 and it will run until 03/02/2010.
We wish you all the best in your endeavors in reaching out for this golden opportunity.
Yours Sincerely, Adams Thompson. CEO – StanbicArbitrage

I have joined another program today. It’s a low-ROI program called EzProfit. You might be surprised but it’s yet another program claiming to make money on sports arbitrage conveniently borrowing the explanatory texts from other open sources. Questionable then are the claims of their registration in the Seychelles since September, 2006. Well, MNO is also a registered UK business but it doesn’t guarantee you anything at all. I would suggest to treat EzProfit like a regular HYIP which is only accepting LibertyReserve by the way. So I’m afraid the program won’t be so popular unless the admin of EzProfit considers other payment processors be added in the near future. I like the plans though as they look quite sustainable to me: 1%-2% for 999 days with the principal returned back on expiry and 4%-5% for 30 days with no principal return. There are some peculiar features about the plans EzProfit is offering but I will get to that in my upcoming review of the program. The script which EzProfit utilizes seems to be customized and the program is hosted on a Staminus DDoS-protected and dedicated server by DdosWiz. So in terms of security it should be fine though SSL-installation would be a nice addition as well. More on EzProfit will be in my review which I’m going to publish after I receive the first payout from the program.

I was paid today from the following programs:
SportBetInv, NanoMoneyCorp, RichAliens, HugMoney, Caziroca, GoldenFleeceFund, ZenithInvestment, FxStar, Infinitum, OneDailyPro, GoldNuggetInvest, XagaEnterprise, GouldsInvest, IdealInv, FinanceNova, Verifield, Eternidex, KobelCapital, StarkFund, PanaMoney, RefMotor, CedexInvest, MandarinInvest, InvestmentForge, IncoForex, AimTrust, AtoxFinance, CSMFinance, GlobalFund, WeeklyDividend, BetAndTrading, Flanita, ArbsFund, TheKapital, InvestJoy, RosalinFinance, Investorum, MoneyPlus, PTVPartner, WestFinance, Vegamex, InstantMoneyBets, GeniusFunds and BarterCrown (the first payment received).

That’s it for today! Thanks for your attention and see you on MNO tomorrow with the review of BarterCrown and more news from the Industry!

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