Jan 16th, 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! What an eventful week that was! Without a doubt the biggest news story of the year so far is today’s announcement from GNI about their plans to restructure the program and give it a complete overhaul from top to bottom. It was a fairly lengthy update to say the least which was reprinted in its entirety here a little earlier. I haven’t really had enough time to study it in detail yet but your comments are welcome.

But that’s not how I want to start this evenings main update. Before we go any further I would like to take a look at a new long term low rate of interest HYIP called EzProfit. They have a rather odd assortment of plans on offer for you that give you almost a straight choice between either a relatively short investment term (30 days) or an exceptionally long one (999 days). But they would appear to be at least sustainable for long enough to make a profit. One major stumbling block though is that out of the six plans EzProfit has available, most of them are so far beyond the financial reach of the overwhelming majority of typical HYIP players that I’d be surprised if they get any takers at all. I’ll describe them all for you anyway as it’s ultimately your decision. Let’s see what they have.

The first plan from EzProfit is called the Daily Silver Plan. You should really pay close attention to this one as it is where the majority of members will be joining. For a start it runs for a marathon 999 days. During that time they are offering daily payments of 1% interest per day. The minimum deposit is just $10 and the maximum is $4999. At the end of the term your initial deposit will be returned to you. So if you were to deposit $100 here that would be a dollar a day for the next 999 days. OK, so you won’t be buying a sports car with it, but at the end of the day it’s either a dollar in your pocket or a dollar in somebody else’s. What’s it to be? You can earn your principal back in 100 days and you can make a profit of just under $1000. Granted it’s gonna take you almost three years to do so, but if you’re not going anywhere then think about it. Personally I don’t really know if it will be all that popular. Sure it’s safe and sure it’s sustainable, but is a three month wait to make a profit the reason most of you started playing with online HYIPs in the first place?

Among the other plans from EzProfit include the Daily Gold Plan. Entry will cost you a minimum of $5000. The maximum deposit is $24,999. Once again the term runs for 999 days with your initial principal returned on expiry. The difference is that the daily interest rate is 1.5%.

The third long term plan is called the Daily VIP Plan. It will require a minimum deposit of $25,000 to join so I’ll just mention it for information purposes. The term is still 999 calendar days in total and EzProfit offer 2% interest per day for the duration with your principal returned on expiry. Maximum deposit id $50K.

But what about those of us to whom patience is not a virtue? If you prefer not to be involved with any particular online HYIP for such a long time (God only knows what your problem is if they are paying you!) then consider the shorter term options. I should warn you though, they’re no more affordable than the last set of plans.

Except for the first option which is a test plan. They call it the ForEx 30 Days Daily Trial Plan. Things are about to get a bit weird in a minute and I’ll explain why. But first, this plan is only open to deposits ranging from a minimum of $5 to a maximum of $10. So it really is just for testing purposes. The plan will run for 30 calendar days and you will be paid 4% interest on your deposit every day. Your principal will not however be returned this time and is already factored into the payments. So that will mean a total return of 120%. Or in other words you can turn $10 into $12 after a month. Hardly a reason for excitement, but then it is just a testing plan.

So what’s so strange? Well take a look at the next plan, the Forex 30 Days Daily Starter Plan. The maximum deposit in the previous plan was $10, but the minimum deposit in this one is $2,500. Bit of a gaping hole between them don’t you think? For reasons best known to the EzProfit admin smaller, i.e affordable, deposits are not currently been accepted here. It’s $2.5K or it’s nothing. I fear they will receive closer to the latter. If it was a bit more affordable they would receive a hell of a lot more money because numbers aside the plan itself is actually quite good! It’s just a pity most of us can’t afford it because if it took minimum deposits even as high as $100 I’m sure it would be a huge hit.

Anyway, that’s not my decision so it’s hardly relevant. If you do decide to join then you will be paid 4.5% interest per calendar day for 30 days. Your deposit is factored into the payments so will not be returned. Maximum deposit is $24,999

More expensive again, the final plan from EzProfit is called the Forex 30 Days Daily VIP Plan. The minimum amount you may deposit here is $25,000 so purely for informational purposes this plan offers investors 5% interest per day for 30 calendar days. Maximum deposit is $50K.

Anyway, there’s the plans. Unless you’re swimming in cash your options are a bit limited and at the risk of repeating myself that really is the most frustrating thing about this program. If the admin would just consider opening them up to smaller investors then EzProfit could be big, but the fact of the matter is that most HYIP players simply don’t have that kind of cash. The ones that do aren’t putting it all in one program either.

The list of payment processors is a short one. LibertyReserve. Which will be another hindrance to the program getting popular, but by no means an irreversible problem. Other payment options can easily be added should enough investors ask for them. Sometimes online HYIPs with a poor choice of payment options can compensate for that by offering instant or automatic payouts. Not so here. You will be required to request your payment and that can then take up to 24 hours.

EzProfit is hosted on a dedicated server supplied by DdosWiz. The script is custom designed so just be aware that the process of depositing involves you first transferring your funds into your internal account and from there redirecting them to the investment plan of your choice. Likewise with the withdrawals. First they go to your account balance, and from there you request them paid into your LR account. SSL encryption is not being used by EzProfit.

On the business side of things the usual list of favorite activities from HYIP admins all get thrown in to the mix here. Sports betting (the latest fave) is the main activity and we are told this is “backed by Gold, Forex, Bonds, Stocks trading”. Hang on, shouldn’t that be backed by investor’s money? None of those activities will guarantee you a profit and as the one single example of a successful sports bet is copied from another source and took place almost 2 years ago, I think we can be forgiven for a little skepticism until something more substantial is offered. EzProfit is a registered company in the Seychelles and have even uploaded a certificate of incorporation to prove it. And most likely it’s genuine. I know this because I have one myself and it was unbelievably easy to obtain. It doesn’t give me a license to provide financial services though.

All said I can’t help but get the feeling of a missed opportunity here. Or at least that something is missing. On the face of it it’s a decent HYIP. Nice design, professional script, plans that are both nicely profitable while staying well sustainable. So what’s wrong? Apart from the first plan I don’t know more than a bare handful of people that could afford it. That and the lack of payment options isn’t going to help EzProfit but in no way would I right them off. With a few adjustments to the amounts you are permitted to invest, the admin could easily throw this program wide open to a much bigger audience. Hopefully he will. If he does then EzProfit could be one to watch.


The most important news the whole investment community is buzzing about today is undoubtedly the lengthy and maybe not so pleasant for everybody update from GoldNuggetInvest stating that some significant changes will have to be made. (Read the full version here). I decided not to analyze the update in full tonight considering that GNI is offline now and the administration is updating the script to adjust it for the new plans that will take effect very soon. The main thing I would like to emphasize is that Robert didn’t disappoint me and he came out with a viable plan which together with the members’ support will be able to revive the program. All the issues leading to this situation were outlined pretty honestly as well but I’m not in a position to discuss them as I’m not the admin. I can see that nobody wants GNI’s liquidation but everybody rather agrees to these changes being put in place. I guess the same rule applies here as well: the more members of GNI are in profit the more they support these drastic changes. Of course, the strongest blow will be to those investors who were heavily dependent on the profit paid from GNI or to those who were far from making profit from this program. However, it’s not as bad as it seems. Just consider the alternative!
I can’t actually remember any program that strove to continue its work despite these significant losses with both the money and the investors’ confidence. Actually, the administration could just take what’s remaining and run away like all HYIPs do eventually. Why bother with this update and change the script if you’re not going to continue? Just ask yourself that and you will understand how much better GNI is from the others. Hopefully the program will continue in a renewed version stronger than before. Anyway, being paid a 16%-20% monthly income for 14 months is better than just having your money disappear like in the vast majority of other programs. Although I can’t leave GoldNuggetInvest in Paying status on my blog anymore but I will gladly move it back to the Paying status once the first payouts resume in a few short weeks. Once the renewed script is running and the site is back online I might give you more thoughts about the future of GNI but for now I need to take some time to study the plan. Again, to save space in today’s news I published the newsletter earlier which you can read here. If you have any further questions regarding the newsletter please don’t hesitate to ask them on the private GNI forum at http://www.gniforum.com/ as there were special sticky threads created there for some of the points raised.

It seems InvestJoy is also in the middle of some significant changes that are supposed to make the program better than before and ensure its long lasting lifecycle. So effective from next Monday the 150% after 15 days plan will be removed and InvestJoy will continue only with just one investment plan: 5% for 30 days (read more about the plans in my detailed review of the program published here). The on-expiry plan will be continued in a new program that is going to be launched in a few days. Werner,the admin, being a good professional in this field (read more about him here), knows what’s best for his program. He explained the reasons for this in an e-mail to me earlier and I’m sure he won’t mind if I just give you an extract:
There is a simple but important reason for this: “I want to separate investments in the daily term and investments in the expiry term. This way I will have a better management of whole funds. Adding to this I plan to server a more professional looking site. We will have a new program with new plans and more professional style.

Anyway, those of you with deposits in the 150% after 15 days plan and those joining before its elimination on Monday will not lose a cent and will be paid in full in any case. I’m looking forward to see what will become of this idea within the next few days. I will update you regarding the coming changes on my blog pretty soon. Here is the latest newsletter from InvestJoy:
Hello members, This is the Friday’s Newsletter from InvestJoy, thanks for being with us. This week was excellent, the program is getting estabilished as a reliable Hyip and I already get positive votes from members regarding my work in the head of InvestJoy. Thank you very much, I keep working to make this program better and better.
Paul from Money-news-online published an interview with me in his site, for those who still did not read please follow the link:
As I told in the past days I have interesting news, it’s about the new release from Grube Investment (or Werner Grube, if you prefer) and a small change in InvestJoy program. Ok, following my initial planning I will terminate the Plan B: 150% after 15 days on Monday, exactly after 1st cycle is completed, 15 days after launch, it’s an adjustment once we will have two investment sites online. If you have active deposit in this plan it will remain active until expiration, if you want to make a deposit in this plan do not lose time, on Monday it will not be an option anymore. In the next days I will announce a new program, what I’m doing is to migrate the expiry plan of InvestJoy to the new program, but it won’t be exactly the same return (%).
In this moment we already have a nice membership, 768 members so far, and I think we need a program that serious investors can join and invite their social network. Some investors prefer programs with different style and plans, the new program will give us more possibilities for investment plans. We will have two programs running simultaneously, the new Hyip will offer new plans and more professional layout, but with the same quality and communication of InvestJoy. You will know the name of new program when it has been launched, on Monday or Tuesday, for now you can call it InvestJoy2.
Some members are experiencing problems to access InvestJoy website, if it’s happening to you please use this address:
Thank you very much for your support in the forums and monitors, I still did not contact the members interested to join the support group yet because I think it will more useful when new program is launched. See you in the next newsletter!
Werner Grube. InvestJoy

It looks like the admin of Hyip.com Alex taken another step in his continuing journey into insanity. He has now started blackmailing his own customers with a demand to remove MNO banners and logos from their site otherwise he would downgrade the programs in question or remove them from the listing. One recent victim of his blackmail activities was Vegamex (reviewed here) – the program was simply removed from Alex’s listing because the admin refused to surrender to the blackmails. He complained to me about Alex’s behavior and truly couldn’t understand why Alex removed his program from his list despite him never missing one single payout to his members. But I want to tell to all the admins that if you deal with this clown then you are in trouble. He will not list your program based on your performance.He will list it based on his personal whims that have nothing to do with your program, and if you don’t like it then tough luck, because Alex will just tell everybody you are a scam.

In 24 hours he went from telling VegaMex in an e-mail “Your program is currently rated highly on HYIP.COM” to announcing publicly “This program is very unlikely to be sustainable”. How did this happen overnight? I mean which one is it? I believe Alex will lose of his clients soon enough because of that attitude. Nobody likes to be bullied and nobody likes to be blackmailed. I remind you that no admin actually contacted me yet and asked about removal of his program from my listing. Why? Simply because MNO delivers better results than Hyip.com and is ranked higher than his site.

Well, if that guy behaves like that everybody will know soon enough to avoid him in future. One of the most popular low-ROI programs XagaEnterprise (reviewed here) and its admin Kevin has had enough of this nonsense and publicly asked Hyip.com to remove their program from his listing. Here is the newsletter telling the members of XagaEnterprise the truth about Hyip.com scam and its blackmailing practices:
I was surprised when I received an email from Alex ( HYIP.com ). Here is the letter:
“Hello admin, When you have time, please contact me regarding MNO issue, which you are aware about. You program’s rating (restored since my last message) is high, but I have to request you to remove MNO buttons and links from your site.
I sincerely apologize your program gets in the middle of this, but I hope you understand that I have to be consistent with actions to make sense. Out of all other HYIPs inadvertently affected, I’d truly hate to remove yours.
Regards, Alex”.
I don’t know what’s going on between Paul from MNO and Alex from HYIP.com. As you know, Alex has downgraded XagaEnterprise because Paul reviewed Xaga. I can tolerate that. But this time, Alex is absolutely gone too far. Totally insane! I can’t tolerate anymore. Both of them are experts in their fields and have reputable names in this industry. Unfortunately, this “mental” Alex shows his true behaviour. I am not defending Paul, but this time, I am on Paul’s side. As an expert, Alex is being childish. How come he forces me to do something ridiculous. I, Kevin, have to bow down to this “mental” guy??? Hell NO!
I told Diana about this and she said, “Screw that moron!” LOL!
I decided to unlist HYIP.com. Alex’s account has been deleted! To Alex’s downlines, you will be paid as usual.
It’s not that I did something bad ( deleting active account ) but you can see what your upline is doing to me and I believe, to some other programs too.
Shame on you Alex!
Regards, Kevin. Admin
I applaud Kevin’s courage and I am happy that somebody finally put this little puppy back in his kennel and publicly named and shamed him. I think all the association with Hyip.com at this moment would be considered as unethical for all the programs and I encourage program admins never pay to this scam monitor as he will take your money and then for no reason involving you betray your trust by downgrading or removing your program.

To admins, I would like to remind you of one fact – there are hundreds of other monitors you can use! Perfectly good monitors that will not threaten you, will not bully you, and will not blackmail you. Please use them.
As a customer of MNO I will monitor your program based on your performance, and nothing else. As long as you pay your investors I will keep your program on “paying status”. I will never tell you how to run your business and will never blackmail you like hyip.com.
To investors, this is out in the public arena now and you have independent confirmation from program admins themselves – you simply will not receive accurate information from this site. Kevin from XagaEnterprise has been told pretty explicitly that his rating will be based on of all things where he advertises, but not on whether he pays his members.
To Alex, too bad you weren’t enforcing your recently discovered higher moral standards when listing high profile scams like XrateInvest and CashTanker for a solid week after they closed causing your readers to lose countless amounts of money. But you don’t worry yourself. CashTanker didn’t advertise on MNO, so it’s not really a problem for you, is it?

Let’s get to other news now. And what I want to mention is that for the third time I had to move ArbsFund to Problem status on my monitoring page due to numerous complaints I received from my readers today. Mostly the complaints were connected to the simply dreadful level of support ArbsFund is providing to its clients and somebody was not paid again. I’m so sick and tired of first moving the program to Problem and then the admin comes up and begs me to move it back to Paying by resolving all the issues. So I have made up my mind: ArbsFund will stay in Problem status on MNO for some time. If within a week I will receive no complaints and the current issues are solved by then I could re-consider my decision but not for now. Please note that it’s not recommended to put any money at ArbsFund at this point and you will bear a significantly higher level of risk now if you decide to invest in this HYIP. Even if you’re paid promptly please note that the program has the most ridiculous level of customer support I’ve ever seen in all my years experience in this Industry.

By putting GNI to On Hold status there is now another leader on MNO blog. Yes, the first position now belongs to GeniusFunds (reviewed here) – the program that proved that it’s dependability by constant payments without any major issues since 2008.

So the second place is currently occupied by SazaInvestments (reviewed here). The admin of the program Ricardo (interviewed here) just completed another cycle of 8%-10% weekly payments which he has been paying since May 2009. Everybody who requested the weekly payout to the right payment processor should have been paid by now. Here is the last email I received from Ricardo stating that all the payouts are done and that the cashout button will be open again by next Friday:
All payments has been done again. Next payday will be next Friday. Thank you all for your trust in us. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.

MandarinInvest (reviewed here) announced that GlobalDigitalPay became the fifth payment processor accepting by them payouts to which will be processed instantly from now on. Before that all the payments to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and StrictPay already were processed instantly. I remind you that MandarinInvest is offering the following investment plans: 1% for 30 days, 1.3% for 100 days and 1.6%-2.1% for 150 days with the principal returned on expiry. Here is the latest news from them:
We have some more good news for you! In case you invest using the GlobalDigitalPay payment system, your payouts are now also processed instantly as with other payment systems. The security limit per request is set to $100.
Sincerely, MandarinInvest Team

Both RosalinFinance (reviewed here) and Caziroca (reviewed here) successfully moved their sites to BlockDos servers. The sites were unavailable for most part of the day today. However I think it was worth it as given the widely recognized reputation of BlockDos as one of the best hosting providers the admins of Caziroca and RosalinFinance made the right choice in my opinion. The recent hacking incidents which became common in both programs definitely damaged their reputation. Hopefully on new and secured BlockDos servers this will not happen again. In addition to that news the admin of RosalinFinance (interviewed here) warned everybody from submitting sensitive information on copycat phishing sites in order to protect your password from getting stolen. Please be aware of that and always check if you’re on the real RosalinFinance website and not a clone before logging into your account. This is the info from them:
Hello to all, We found that some one copied our site and put it on a phishing domain.
Please be aware. Our only domain is RosalinFinance.
We are not related with rosalin-finance.com. rosalin-finance.com is a phishing site.
We don’t know how they copied our design
Please be aware about rosalin-finance.com. We think the reason of some hacked members found. The reason is rosalin-finance.com they are big scammers and has been made a phishing site to scam you.
Please don’t login to this site with your username and password. Because they will change your account data in our site RosalinFinance.
Our only domain is RosalinFinance.
Please say this subject to every one that you know.
Monitoring sites: please update this on your monitors and forums.

GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here) has some issues with the verification of their AlertPay account which were not resolved yet. I hope that this issue will be successfully resolved once the AlertPay administration is back after the weekend but for now no deposits are accepted and no payments can be paid via AlertPay. There was some good news though as the admin of GoldenFleeceFund decided to add two more payment processors to the list of accepted ones. The first is the becoming increasingly popular GlobalDigitalPay (reviewed on MNO here) and the second one is the one I heard of for the first time -EuroGoldCash. Anyway, hopefully the extra payment processors will be another feature that helps you diversify your choices when you think of investing into this program. Here are the two most recent updates about that:
Hello, This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund. Currently we are unable to do AlertPay payouts. This is something we were eventually expecting since it is common place with AlertPay once a certain level of funds is reached. We have been asked to go through a re-verification process in AlertPay as we did prior when we first began accepting AlertPay. We have done what they asked, now we wait to hear back. Once we are able to we will resume AlertPay payouts. All your withdraw requests for AlertPay will continue as if nothing happened.
LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay continue as normal.
Thank You, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager
Hello, This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund. We are now accepting GlobalDigitalPay and EuroGoldCash from investors. We are currently now accepting investments through LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay, GlobalDigitalPay and EuroGoldCash.
We are proud to announce these two now accepted currencies as we expand GoldenFleeceFund into new territory.
To our AlertPay depositors: AlertPay has not responded yet to our inquiries, though we have been advised that they are very slow at this. If you are an AlertPay depositor of ours, please send them a message and reference our account: alertpay@goldenfleecefund.com
They may work faster in verifying our documents so we can resume AlertPay payouts.
As of writing this email, all payouts from LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay have been paid out.
We are almost complete in putting our investor relations packet together. By mid next week or so you will be able to request our corporate documents from us in a support ticket.
Thank you for your continued support of GoldenFleeceFund.
Sincerely, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

OneDailyPro (reviewed here) is also going to add GlobalDigitalPay to their list of accepted payment processors. Being online for over 100 days already OneDailyPro offers a wide range of accepted payment processors and quite sustainable investment plans: 1%-1.3% for 30 days and 1.6% for 60 days with the principal returned on expiry. It seems that the improvement process of OneDailyPro never stops and the new useful features will be installed again pretty soon. More on this is in the newsletter which I’m republishing here:
This is broadcast e-mail to all clients of OneDailyPro project.
I’m Peter Warner, Admin of OneDailyPro project. I hope this e-mail finds you well on that beautiful Friday.
– together with a developer I’m working on script update to improve performance and install new functions (automatic daily payout request);
– new monitors and forums were added. Please, support us by your votes and posts;
OneDailyPro is online over 100 days already;
– new payment processors will be added: Pecunix, GlobalDigitalPay;
– new special offers soon (visit your account).
Best regards, OneDailyPro Admin

RefMotor (reviewed here) offered some sweet bonuses today which included two cashbacks and an increased level of referral commissions. Here is the newsletter from the admin (interviewed here):
Hi. I am RefMotor admin. Today we start our new services.
1) today we have 2 rates for cash back
A) if you invest in our daily plan we pay 5% cash back
B) if you invest in our after 15 days plan we pay you 7% cash back
2) our referral bonus is 6% for today
3) we pay more free bonus to our active accounts.
It is only for today.
We want to be the best hyip of 2010 then we need your help.
Say about us to your friends and earn more money as referral.

I received payments today from the following programs:
GeniusFunds, SportBetInv, BarterCrown, IdealInv, Investorum, Infinitum, MandarinInvest, OneDailyPro, SazaInvestments, EzProfit, PanaMoney, GlobalFund, RefMotor, NanoMoneyCorp, GoldenFleeceFund, IncoForex, Eternidex, Flanita, FxStar, CSMFinance, AtoxFinance, AsiaInv, WestFinance, Verifield, GouldsInvest, HugMoney, TheKapital, InvestJoy, CedexInvest, InstantMoneyBets, StarkFund, WeeklyDividend, FinanceNova, PTVPartner and IwFunds (the first payments received).

That’s it for today, guys! Tomorrow you should expect two posts from me including the interview with the admin of HugMoney, a review of a new short-term program IwFunds and as always the most up-to-date news from anywhere in the Industry! Have a good weekend and I hope to see you on my blog tomorrow!

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