Jan 19th, 2010 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
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Hi everybody! Hope you all had a nice weekend. I had a couple of technical snags with my blog on Sunday morning. Nothing serious, things were just a bit slow to load, but while I was letting the folks at BlockDos (my hosting provider) work their magic I decided to just take the evening off and postpone the intended review. Anyway, with apologies to the admin one day late I’d like to tell you about a brand new long term investment program called WaterInvestment.

I hope you’ll all agree it’s worth the wait because let me tell you straight from the word go that I’m expecting very big things from this one. In fact I am fully expecting it one of the best new HYIPs of at least the first quarter of 2010. Possibly even beyond that, but really I’d prefer to reassess that when we get to April. For now though WaterInvestment looks a, well, mouth watering investment! They do have a lot of nice features that regular investors may not always be be aware of, things like security and script that may sometimes escape the attention of many who base their judgment entirely on how profitable the plans are. Well the plans are profitable, make no mistake there, but there is a bit more than just that going on here and the program does appear to have been designed with a longer term future in mind.

So why don’t we start by looking at the plans? WaterInvestment is a long term HYIP with three plans. There are numerous examples of programs that have made a great success of offering similar plans to the ones we are about to see. With the right admin in charge there is no reason why WaterInvestment can’t follow suit.

Before I describe the plans themselves let me make you aware that deposits can be made in your choice of either dollars or euros. The rates of interest are the very same no matter which one you choose, as are the amounts you can invest with, i.e dollars and euros are on a flat 1:1 ratio. It might be pretty handy for any EU based readers, but as I know most MNO readers are from North America I’ll explain everything in dollars. But just remember that the option is there for you.

So the first of three plans available from WaterInvestment is called The 10% Weekly Plan. The names kinda give the game away here! Anyway, it’s open to deposits of at least $15. In return for that you will be paid 10% interest (obviously!) per week for 20 weeks. Everybody who joins WaterInvestment will be paid on the same day. In this case everybody gets paid on Monday but you do not have to withdraw on that day. You just get paid on Monday, but you can withdraw anytime you like after that.

If we take an imaginary deposit of $100 here this plan will pay you $10 per week for 20 weeks. That means you will have earned your principal back after 10 weeks and be in pure profit after that. Upon expiry you will have doubled your money ($200) and then you will have your initial deposit returned. So that’s 200% profit plus 100% principal.

If you are investing a more substantial amount of money, i.e a minimum of $1000, then you will get a preferential rate of interest. You will find yourself in The 12% Weekly Plan. Guess how much you’ll get paid per week here! The plan works exactly the same as the previous one with the only difference being that WaterInvestment will pay you 12% interest per week. It still runs for 20 weeks and you will still have your initial deposit returned on expiry. Payments are made every Monday and you may request them anytime from then on.

Ordinarily I’d be cautious when talking about deposits of four figures. And while I still am, I’d be pretty sure that this plan will soon have it’s fair share of takers. Not that I’m urging anyone to jump right in with that kind of money before researching them first, but I think WaterInvestment will be one of those slow burners, like PTVPartner in a way, that will slowly but surely establish their reputation and in the coming weeks and months prove themselves capable of handling bigger deposits as well as the small.

So were you to invest the minimum $1000 here you could expect a payment of $120 every Monday allowing you to break even with your 9th payment. The term will expire with you having earned a total of $2400 in profit (240%) plus 100% of your initial principal.

And finally for the rich and famous out there, we have The 14% Weekly Plan. As it costs a minimum of $10,000 to join I’m really only giving you this for information purposes, though if you pay attention to the first two plans you should figure this one out pretty easily. It runs for 20 weeks, pays you 14% interest on your deposit every week on Monday, and when you’re done you get your principal back. Just like the others it’s pretty simple. Just expensive.

One or two other important things to keep in mind is first of all the option of compounding is available for you if you want it. If you decide to go with it, then the compounded interest will be added to your principal, which in turn can be used to let’s say push you from the 10% plan into the 12% plan (for example) if you were not otherwise able to afford it.

Your principal will also not be returned to you automatically once the initial 20 weeks are up. You’re going to have to ask for it, or indeed if you do become a huge fan of WaterInvestment (and time will tell) then I guess you can always ride your luck and leave it in place for another cycle. In that sense WaterInvestment almost looks like one of the many “no expiry” HYI programs we see these days, and you can treat it like one of those if you wish. Your choice.

The other main point I wanted to make was about the choice of payment option. Sorry, but if I had to list what I don’t like about WaterInvestment then it’s this. It’s a very limited selection with just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. No disrespect to either of those companies who both have their advantages, but investors like a choice. Even if that choice was going to be LR and PM anyway, it’s still good to have options. So I hope the WaterInvestment admin will take the not too difficult step and add one or two more in the near future. It could be the difference between a good program and a great one.

Because in fairness to him he’s already done such an excellent job in so many other areas of his program. The most important of which is security. WaterInvestment is hosted on a dedicated server from BlockDos. They are simply the best in the industry and it’s no coincidence that so many of the top programs on my monitoring list have all chosen them. I can personally vouch for them myself as I said on top of the page. Any time in the last two and a half years that I’ve been dealing with them I’ve never had a serious problem. DDoS attacks are dealt with in a matter of minutes sometimes so they really are the best place for WaterInvestment to be.

The script in turn is, and in keeping with all the best online investment programs, totally unique and custom made for WaterInvestment. But it’s still remarkably uncomplicated and the site is just as easy to navigate as any program using any of the generic scripts we usually see in the industry. Top that off with the addition of SSL encryption (another excellent feature) and we have a program that demands to be taken seriously.

When it comes to customer support you may address any queries to the admin through the support ticket submission form. They also publish an address in the Bahamas, however it is just a P.O Box number.

As a business entity WaterInvestment is a registered company in the Bahamas. Some of you may remember that I hold a company registration myself for Money-News-Online in the UK which was so easy to obtain that I would hardly take these things very seriously anymore. But I did look into registering in the Bahamas and can tell you there is quite a bit more involved and the expense is significantly more prohibitive. So even if it guarantees nothing it still demonstrates an admin trying to establish at least some level of credibility. It may or may not turn out to be just a facade but typically the programs that make the extra effort tend to be better in the long run.

No documents have been offered as proof just yet by the way but be patient. WaterInvestment is only online a week and these things can take time. Not to worry though, the admin has graciously agreed to share these registration documents with me and the readers of MNO as soon as they are processed so keep an eye on my blog for that.

The line of business for what it’s worth is investing in technology devoted to solving water shortages in many parts of the globe. Shortages of clean fresh water that is. There’s no denying such a crisis exists, indeed it’s in the news almost everyday of the week, but is it really what WaterInvestment is involved with? You’re the investor so you decide. All I can tell you for a fact is that it’s a welcome respite from all the ForEx websites and increasingly the supposed arbitrage gambling ones as well that are beginning to try my patience.

Not to skip over any of that you understand, it’s just a simple matter of me being in no position to prove or disprove it for you. So I can only comment on what I know. Which is that WaterInvestment offers profitable and long term sustainable plans to online investors and makes them available through a highly professional and well organized program. Security is as good as the top 10% of online HYIPs, and the potential for growth is right up there too. Well worth a few dollars but don’t lose sight of the risks which are never far away. So invest if you like it but only as long as you keep it as part of a well diversified portfolio where you don’t depend too heavily on any one program. Keep that in mind and I’m sure WaterInvestment can do well for you.


More good news for the members of GoldNuggetInvest came today. It looks like starting immediately you will be able to ask all your questions about the coming reorganization (read the whole newsletter about that here) directly to Robert and receive a response first-hand. I know that many of you have contacted me already in hope learning more information. However I can’t be too confident about everything and only Robert is entitled to answer many of your questions personally. So for those who feel unsure about anything regarding the reorganization of GNI please feel free to login to the GNI private forum and ask your questions to Robert here. I myself was browsing the thread today and will let you know in my subsequent updates on GNI what I managed to learn there. Here is the latest big update from Robert that was published on the GNI private forum today:
Fellow GNI members
After sending out yesterdays newsletter I felt bad. I felt empty, miserable and desperate…
Please believe me, it was not an easy task at all and I couldn’t sleep well last night. I never anticipated that I had to disappoint you all in such a harsh way and you can trust me, if there was any other way out, I would have spared you this for all unpleasant news.
However, there was no other way out!
We have worked hard on the concept for the new GNI over the last two weeks. No decision was made by myself alone. We have contacted our top referrers and informed them about necessary changes and asked for their opinions. I had many discussions with Todd and the TEAM, with our Auditor and the traders, as well as with some long term members. Everybody involved added a piece to our recovery plan and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all involved for their great help! I am confident that our plan is not only feasible, but sustainable as well.
Giving up was never an option for us!
This morning then, after a couple of mugs of coffee that were really needed, I checked my emails and to my great surprise, I was overwhelmed by almost 100 member emails in my box – and apart from two, all are encouraging and positive! I really haven’t expected such a respond from old and new members, after my personal D-Day yesterday. I express my gratitude to those members who contacted me personally!
What’s next? I and the whole TEAM will roll up the sleeves and start over to earn your trust again and to become your reliable second income opportunity once again.
The new withdrawal schedule and limitations are also allowing me to reorganize my personal working schedule and will give me the necessary time to spend every day some time to be around here, at our forum, to touch base, an overdue necessity. As from Monday you’ll see me around and I will answer as many topics as possible and as most of you know, I am open for constructive criticism as well as for ideas for enhancements or improvements, if practicable.
I wish you all a good weekend!
Robert. Admin GNI

I would like to send my heartfelt regards to all my American readers on the occasion of Martin Luther King day today. I’m aware that about 50% of MNO readers are coming from the US so I must say that we almost share the holidays together. Anyway, this occasion might be a holiday for somebody but at the same time for some programs that are involved in real trading that day means also being free from profits. For all PanaMoney customers that used to earn up to 2.8% for a trading day (read more about the interest rates in my detailed review published here) this means that no interest will be credited to your account today. So please be aware of that! There is a short note about it available on PanaMoney site itself:
No trading on this day. Martin L King Day in the US.

TheKapital (reviewed here) is another Panama-based company that will not have interest credited to members’ accounts for today either. Here is the latest news taken from TheKapital site:
Holidays in USA (Martin Luther King Day)
We would like to inform you that due to the holidays in USA (January 18th – Martin Luther King Day) our trading desk is closed for business. According to our terms of service the profit is paid on business days only. Weekly profits will be paid the next business day. We wish you a pleasant holiday.

MNO blog again confirmed its widely accredited reputation as one of the best promoters in the Industry and scored the second place in the monthly contest held by the FxStar program for the best referrers. The results were published on FxStar site today and they are the following:
Our congratulations to the winners of our monthly contest “The best sponsor”. 1 place – spear ($ 300) 2nd place – moneynews ($ 200) 3rd place – List4Hyip ($ 100)”.
I remind you that FxStar (reviewed here) is one of the most promising relatively new programs that offers the following investment plans: 1% for 30 days and 1.3-2.3% for 100 days with the principal returned on expiry. Note that there are five payment processors accepted in FxStar including LibertyReserve, WebMoney, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and AlertPay.

XagaEnterprise (reviewed here) is on its way to expanding its online presence by launching the Xaga Universe project in the near future. While not entirely original in itself this project will chose several countries where the applicant/s will be assigned to be an official representative/s of the program. The admin of XagaEnterprise Kevin (interviewed here) is still accepting the members applications and you’re welcome to write to him by providing the info specified in the latest update from XagaEnterprise:
I want to say thank you for those of you who are interested in becoming XagaEnterprise‘s representatives.
I have approved 25 countries so far. Others are still need to be verified. Here are the list: Slovenia, Indonesia (4 members), Canada (2 members), Hungary, Panama (2 members), Venezuela, Nigeria (3 members), USA (4 members), Thailand (2 members), Italy (3 members), Australia, Belgium, Spain (2 members), Mexico, Philippines (2 members), Netherlands, Russia, Portugal, China, Romania, Malaysia, Japan, Poland / Slovakia, France, Sweden.
If you still want to become our representative, please send your data ( Name, Email, Ref. Link, Country, Phone number) to support@xagaenterprise.com
Meanwhile, I will tell my programmer to make a new page regarding Xaga Universe.
Thank you. Regards, Kevin. Admin

RosalinFinance (reviewed here) significantly improved the security level by moving their servers to one of the most secure providers BlockDos and by making changes to the script that should prevent any further hacking attacks to members’ account that resulted in the theft of funds from some members’ account. Having been online for over two months already RosalinFinance has definitely built a good reputation for itself among investors and such recent attacks caused some anger and frustration. From now on RosalinFinance can be considered as a safer HYIP but you need to strictly follow all the instructions the admin (interviewed here) sent by email to protect your account from hackers. Here is the latest newsletter sent from RosalinFinance:
Hello, If you know we has changed our server to the best server BlockDos so we added more functions to our script for making the most security for our members.
So our script send confirmation mail if you try to change your account data.
Now we want just a quick thing. Please check your accounts and make sure about all your information. “Go to edit account section and check all your information about e-currency number and other things”
Because we did our best to keep all of you safe and we don’t accept anything else if you lose money by you low security.
Some useful jobs:
1- Don’t use a password for all investment programs
2- Don’t use the password that you use for a program for your email address
3- Use a licensed anti hacker or anti virus software also anti trojan. Kaspersky 2010 is recommended
4- Our only site is RosalinFinance and we have not any other domain or site. Then please be aware about other programs that say related with us and be aware about phishing sites like rosalin-finance.com that we are 100% sure that is for nvhserver.com (a bad history domain and hosting company) because they dont reply us about domain blacklist request.
5- Dont use password of program or email for your ecurrency password.
6- If your account in RosalinFinance or another program got hacked, please send the hacker LR to us. Maybe we can block this LR. This does not help you to get your money back but maybe helps to block of hacker account.
Best Regards, RosalinFinance

Please take note that SolidTrustPay has been removed from the list of the accepted payment processors in SportBetInv (reviewed here) today. The decision was made due to SolidTrustPay‘s decision to un-verify the account of SportBetInv which (according to the admin’s words) was in perfect working order for over a year. I don’t think they can verify and prove that it’s their account otherwise STP would not have been dropped. Anyway, the admin of SportBetInv promises to issue refunds to all the members who deposited via STP already today which should be ok considering that some STP investors were paid their daily or weekly profits already. So despite STP getting dropped I don’t think it will be a major obstacle for the investors willing to deposit via the other four payment processors still being accepted: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay and StrictPay. Here is the most recent newsletter from them (I hope to interview the admin of the program on MNO soon):
It’s with a sad news, I’m sending this first newsletter to everyone.
Today our account SolidTrustPay has been suddenly unverified (it was verified since 1 year ago)!, by the administration of SolidTrustPay. Unknown reason, so we cannot explain you why, at this time.
We want assure to all members who deposited using this payment processors we are going to refund all deposits done via this payment processor. All refunds will be sent today.
SolidTrustPay will be no more accepted in the future. Any members will not loose funds as we have funds available to refunds all deposits SolidTrustPay. Some members will be in profits as all funds paid already (daily/weekly profit, ref com…) are take in charge by the SportBetInv administration.
Of course after refunds, SolidTrustPay deposits will be deleted from our system.
Members are invited to use another payment processor to use our service.
We hope you’ll appreciate our work and reactivity in this bad story.
Best regards, Garry. Support Dpt

And just two hours after the first email was issued from SportBetInv informing the members about the discontinuation of SolidTrustPay the admin sent another email informing members who made deposits via STP that they had been refunded. So if you’re one of them please check your accounts for your refunds and get back to SportBetInv if you wish to invest in any of the plans via another payment processor. The plans are: 1.5%-1.9% daily or 12%-15% weekly forever with the possibility for returning of the principal after 10 weeks. Here is that update:
As planned we already refunded all members who deposited using SolidTrustPay, and we deleted this payment processor from our system.
Only 1 member hasn’t been refunded, but we already contacted him to offer another possibility (with a e-currency switch or other).
Client’s satisfaction are our priority and we hope you appreciated our way to act facing this issue.
Have a great day.
Best regards, Garry. Support Dpt. SportBetInv.

Another program that also claims to be making money on sports arbitrage ArbisPro (reviewed here) is usually paying 10%-12% weekly forever (depending on the amount deposited). Today however there was a promo offer launched by the admin offering 15% profit in one week paid along with the principal return. Please note that your principal will be returned in 1 week and it means that joining in this promo plan you will be paid 115% on your investment after 1 week (the minimum to deposit in this plan is $50). Please check out the most recent update from the admin of ArbisPro for more details on this offer:
ArbisPro management has decided to reward our members with a 1 weekly Jumbo promo that will pay 15% RIO to depositors for a period of 1 week. This also will pay a 15% ref. commission to all up-line’s who refer others into this plan. The jumbo plan has been activated now and all can key in to grab some more bucks.
Principal will be returned under this plan within 15 days of this promo.
Good luck and happy week ahead.
Andrea Becks. ArbisPro Admin

The admin of GouldsInvest (reviewed here) Marco notified the members about the discontinuation of a couple of monitoring sites that put the program to Scam status despite everybody getting being paid. According to the admin’s words you should avoid such monitoring sites in the future as misleading and dangerous that could display the wrong status of a program deliberately for some time. Here is the newsletter from the admin of GouldsInvest, the program which is paying 20% for 6 days for over a month already:
Dear Gis, Congratulations to all of us!
GouldsInvest has been online for over a month now and I am thanking you all who have done their job of supporting the site. Some of you had been active on forum postings and voting on monitors and due credits were extended by way of a little bonus. Can we please maintain that attitude? Promote, post, and vote. Keywords which will lead us to success.
Another reason I am sending this mail is to inform you about a sleazy monitor threatening to put GouldsInvest on SCAM status again after delivering a very lousy monitoring service for us. GSmonitor as you all know put GouldsInvest into SCAM section last January 14th (at the time we were having Joke! Joke! Joke! fun in MMG forum), without even contacting me nor investigating around. Their last withdrawal was January 13th and they are supposed to reinvest the monitoring money they were paid but they did not. Then GI went offline the following day for around 20-22 hours, GS monitor put GI on SCAM section when everyone is getting paid fast when I am online. You all very well know that! GSmonitor is not an exception, they were paid likewise in the same manner.
GI got back on track online. I posted in forums about their unwarranted placing of GI on their scam section. At the same time I tried to contact them via their support form and via MMG Private Messaging but to no avail. I did the same thing the next day, Jan 15th, but still got no reply from them. January 16th they finally showed interest to communicate with me. But instead of getting an apology from them, GSmonitor acted innocent and implied that I was to blame for not contacting them to withdraw their earnings. Aint that funny? I paid them to monitor me, not the around way around. I swear I had contacted them before for not updating their data for GouldsInvest and not posting in forums their payments. The e-mail conversation got heated up further and the bottom line is to part ways after they can not accept responsibility for their faults and after trying to fabricate a scenario which never had happened that will justify their mistakes.
I am terminating GSmonitor services now because of unsatisfactory and damaging performance and for threatening to put GI on SCAM section whenever they feel like to. I did not pay him just to give me a headache. LOL. Their account will now be deleted. I have the e-mail conversation logs if anyone is interested. Hyipex monitor hit and run with the monitoring money so that one will also be deleted on the ratings page.
Keep on earning with us. Cheers, Marco

Unlike many other monitoring sites MNO strives to display the real status of every monitored program at any given time. That’s why I decided to move IdealInv to Problem status today. As far as I can see the payouts to all the payments are being processed, except LibertyReserve to which the payouts have now stopped for over 48 hours. So considering that the monitor logos that were changed on the Rating page of IdealInv to un-clickable images it makes me think that IdealInv is deliberately holding out on paying to LibertyReserve account holders and the admin is not available on major forums either to address members’ concerns. Although I emphasized right from the very beginning that IdealInv was a game, ending after just 12 days online looks to me a bit disappointing. The major lesson we could learn from this pending scam is that it’s always better to make investments using verified payment systems, such as AlertPay, StrictPay or SolidTrustPay rather than the anonymous LR or PM. At least in such obvious games you will have much better chance to receive your profits if you consider using proper payment processors that require verification. I’m afraid those who made deposits in IdealInv using LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney can kiss their money goodbye. Those who are in with other e-currencies might be paid for a couple more days. In any case, if you’re still getting paid from IdealInv or not please do NOT invest in it anymore as the program is definitely on the verge of collapse at this point and the admin’s real intentions can be seen perfectly well by that little stunt on the Rating page which you can check out here. Try to click on any banner and see what happens.

Unfortunately I had to move ArbsFund to Not Paying status on my blog today. It seems there are more and more problems being reported with this one day after day. It’s obvious to me that the admin of ArbsFund is not going to keep his promise and pay any principals back. Well, after lying about their Belize registration I would have been very cautious about ArbsFund myself however I received some emails in which the members of ArbsFund tried to protect the program. The ongoing issues made me to put ArbsFund to Problem status on my monitoring page three (!) times and now finally it’s gone. I would NOT recommend you invest any money in ArbsFund at this point even if it’s still paying you. The program looked very promising a couple of months ago but not anymore and you will definitely lose your money if you invest in this scam now.

The admin of GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here) promised to send the incorporation documents to all the members requesting them. So I did so and got the certificate via email. To my disappointment this certificate was really similar to what Robert from GNI sent to me and as you might remember such a certificate can be bought for small change and cannot be used as a replacement for a proper banking license. So actually being an incorporated entity Money-News-Online Limited in the UK myself (for the certificate of incorporation click here) I was always aware how easy it is to obtain a certificate of incorporation in the UK and Belize as well. Heck, you don’t even need to submit any real documents there (read more about the incorporation business in my investigation published here). So if the admin of GoldenFleeceFund tried to impress me with the PDF file of his Belize certificate #90265 he must have not read my article at all. Remember that in any program regardless of a certificate or the lack of a certificate your money is not guaranteed so only spend what you can afford to lose. By the way, GoldenFleeceFund reminds us that the deposit bonus of 12% which is offered on all the invetsments over $200 will be over by the end of January:
Hello, This is a friendly reminder of the deposit bonus we started last month. There is a 12% deposit bonus on all new deposits of at least $200 through the end of the month. This deposit bonus expires January 31st.
Reminder, our corporate registration information is for public consumption. You may request it simply by sending us an email asking for it. One of our team members will send over our company registration attachment.
Thank You, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

In another email from GoldenFleeceFund I have received last night the admin encouraged everybody to submit their request to see the certificate of incorporation and reminded us that AlertPay would not be accepted as a payment processor anymore due to some serious verification issues. Here is the reminder about this from the admin:
Hello, This is Felix Zeller, manager of GoldenFleeceFund. We want to remind and encourage all our investors and potential investors to submit a request for our registered corporation documentation. You may now do this by using the form on the contact us page and writing in a request to see the documentation from our support team. A member of our support team will respond with the appropriate attachments.
This is one of our last steps in our preparation for our investor relations office as well as bank wire investment capabilities.
Sometime this week I will also update you all on our equity position increase in the gold mine we are invested in. We are looking to complete all transactions related to the increased equity position by mid-week.
As of the sending of this email, all LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay, GlobalDigitalPay and EuroGoldCash payouts have been sent. If you have not requested earnings withdraw, remember to login to your account to do so.
A last reminder, if you were one of our AlertPay depositors, we are of course no longer using them as many other investment groups have stopped using them as well. We are unable to do anything with the funds in the account. All the features are unusable to us. Remember to file a transaction dispute as we are not able to access the funds nor use them. Once you receive your refund, use our favorite AlertPay exchanger: http://www.ecashworldcard.com They process exchanges very quickly and efficiently. Then you can re-invest in GoldenFleeceFund using one of our trusted easy to use currencies such as LibertyReserve.
Sincerely, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

I have been paid from the following programs for the last 36 hours since my last post was published:
GeniusFunds, Caziroca, Investorum, InvesJoy, InstantMoneyBets, GoldenFleeceFund, IwFunds, PanaMoney, PTVPartner, HugMoney, NanoMoneyCorp, InvestmentForge, WaterInvestment, BarterCrown, MandarinInvest, GouldsInvest, OneDailyPro, RichAliens, WeeklyDividend, Verifield, RefMotor, FinanceNova, FxStar, CSMFinance, AsiaInv, Flanita, EzProfit, GlobalFund, CedexInvest, KobelCapital, Eternidex, SportBetInv, SantiVentures, WestFinance, AtoxFinance, XagaEnterprise, TheKapital, ArbisPro, TradeZoom, BetAndTrading and GasAndOilInvestment.

I have added two new programs to my monitoring page for the last two days. The first one is called GasAndOilInvestment but I have a major doubts about them having anything to do with that industry! Just treat GasAndOilInvestment as a straight game offering quite attractive returns of 104%-122% after 1 day, 120%-188% after 5 days, 140%-300% after 10 days, 200%-400% after 18 days and 400%-500% after 25 days. Of course, the program will not be paying forever so you should join it in the early stages if joining at all. The program is quite new and only online for 4 days. The minimum to deposit starts from $10 but only two payment processors are accepted: LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The main feature I like about GasAndOilInvestment though is the instant payouts to both payment processors so you will not have to wait after your profits are accrued to your account. Everything seems to be quite alright on the security side of things as the program is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with DdoSWiz protection and is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. Although the addition of SSL-protection and a wider choice of e-currencies would have made GasAndOilInvestment more attractive for the average investor I still believe the program has some good potential considering January is often a good month for short-term programs in general. The review of the program will be published on my blog tomorrow so stay tuned for that!

The second program added to MNO today is called XenoFinance. Like the previous one it’s running on a dedicated Staminus server by DdosWiz but runs off a Neversay script this time. Needless to say that you can deposit only in units which might not be very convenient for some plans. There are four plans and all of them are paid on expiry: 110% after 5 days (the price of one unit is $10), 150% after 15 days (you can invest in $100 increments), 200% after 25 days ($200 is the price of one unit) and 300% after 40 days (the investments can be done in $300 units). There are three payment processors accepted: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay. If you consider investing in XenoFinance I would not recommend the 25 or 40 day plans. First of all they are too risky. The second reason is down to pure mathematics. The 300% after 40 days plan is not so profitable in relation to the others. You will read more about that in my extensive review of XenoFinance which will be published in a couple of days. I believe that by the time the review is published on MNO the first payouts on expiry should have been processed so we will see how serious the admin is about his program. Anyway, we’ll wait and see how it goes!

That’s it for today. Thanks for reading and I’ll be back here tomorrow for another review and more news from HYIP industry for you! Stay tuned, guys!

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