Hi everyone! I have a slightly shorter than usual review for you this evening. It’s for a long term low rate of interest program called GoldenInvestment which was just added to my monitoring list late last week. But for a long term program there’s really not that much too it and not really a whole lot to explain.
To begin with there are just two plans to choose from, though there are a variety of options contained within depending on how much you want to spend. The plans themselves will give you a choice of either daily payments or payments on expiry. I’ll get to that one in just a moment but the first plan I want to describe runs for 300 calendar days and pay you by the day. The rate of interest available will depend on how much you spend, though to be perfectly blunt only one option is realistically affordable. You can join for a minimum deposit of $10. And from that up to $4999 you will earn yourself 2% interest per day. That means you would break even after 50 days, which really isn’t all that bad considering the plan is supposed to run for 300. If you joined with $100 then you should expect to collect a total of $600 along the way before the plan expires.
Bigger rates are available from GoldenInvestment, but as I said only for deposits beyond the financial reach of most investors. But for your information you can receive 2.5% interest per day on investments starting at $5000 all the way up to $14,999. Investments of $15,000 and upwards will get the maximum rate allowed of 3% interest, also paid daily. And that’s not a bad return at all for 300 days. Too bad the admin has priced it beyond anybody’s reach.
A shorter term investment is also available but it’s one that only pays on expiry. And considering the investment term is still very long by any HYIP standards, it’s difficult to see GoldenInvestment getting may takers here at all. It runs for 180 days. That’s six months, and I doubt there are many people who entered the HYIP business at all in order to wait that long to get paid. Even if the payout is a generous one. Most people I know play these games with one simple goal in mind – fast untraceable cash profits with no questions asked. But variety is the spice of life as they say and as I am always advocating as much diversity as possible in every portfolio I would suggest you at least stop and think for a moment about this plan. Reject it if you want (I believe it’s too much of a risk) but at least think about it.
The minimum deposit is $100, so considering you won’t see a dime for six months that’s probably turning some of you off already. Anyway, if you do decide to press ahead, all deposits between that and a maximum of $499 will earn an interest rate of 4% per day, which builds up in your account and is only payable on expiry. That will add up to a payment of 720% on expiry. And while there is no denying that is pretty substantial, do you want to leave your money in an online HYIP that long before getting paid? The choice is yours.
Higher rates of interest are on offer for bigger deposits. $500 up to $2499 for instace will accumulate interest of 5% per day an see you get a final payment of 900% on expiry. $2500 or more will get the highest rate of 6% per day, also payable on expiry, adding up to a total of 1080%.
One of the major drawbacks to GoldenInvestment is the really poor choice of payment processors. LibertyReserve is the only option you are presented with so it’s a simple case of “take it or leave it”. I suspect many of you will choose to leave it. Popular and all as LibertyReserve is, the admin is simply going to have to do better if he is serious about making this program successful. Apart from the obvious issue of people that simply refuse to deal with any payment processor that doesn’t have an identity verification process (and I know there are many of you) there is the other problem of what happens if LibertyReserve decides to shut down their website completely for the occasional weekend because they are in need of essential maintenance? It’s not that far fetched an idea, in fact it happened several times only last year and had a devastating effect on a number of programs that were too heavily dependant on them. Anyway, LibertyReserve it is and payouts will not be automatic or instant, which may have actually compensated somewhat for the lack of choice. Upon requesting them you are asked to allow the admin up to 48 hours to get it processed.
GoldenInvestment is hosted on a dedicated server provided by DdoSWiz, who are also protecting the program from DDoS attacks. The script is customized but I don’t believe it’s unique. You may contact the admin through either a direct support e-mail address, or by submitting a support ticket on the form provided. And you may have a few questions as the design isn’t anything special and I feel could be explained a bit better. GoldenInvestment also provide us with a postal address located in Panama. Texts are not original and the very same thing can be read word for word on other websites. If this is the case then we can only draw the logical conclusion that they refer to somebody else’s business activities and not their own. So ignore it.
The verdict? I would say GoldenInvestment has limited appeal in it’s present form but bundles of potential should the admin decide to make some not all that difficult changes.
First I would like to bring you another newsletter from Garrett, the admin of the most popular now short to medium-term program PTVPartner (reviewed here). The program firmly occupies the #5 spot in my rating displayed on the monitoring page and is behind only the popular low-ROI programs. PTVPartner has four investment plans with payouts on expiry in which four payment processors accepted (LR, PM, SP and GDP): 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days. The strongest feature of PTVPartner is communication with its members where there is not just one single admin but a friendly group of moderators offering various types of support on the forums and chat rooms. The weekly investor meetings are almost a PTVPartner tradition by now. However this week due to Garrett (interviewed here) being busy the meeting was suspended and therefore you’re advised to come and meet others in the chat room at any time where you will be able to ask any questions to the moderators and chat with your fellow investors. PTVPartner also sponsored two new forum threads where you’re invited to discuss the program’s performance and plans. Here is the full version of the latest newsletter issued by PTVPartner today:
“Our Latest Prizes: Our last Birthday bonus contest has been completed. We’d like to congratulate: Hopefloats rrbzn verag Ruby check2008me
Also, we have our first winners of the contests that were held during our Happy Hour in the Oasis room. If you weren’t there, please don’t miss the party this week! There will be more fun, games, and of course, PRIZES!!!
Here are our winners from this week. Congratulations to:
Mistycal, choppir, canjoy, BRI, MiniVixen, NCTYMISSION, Maestro29, Haroon132, ngtr, Bluewave, and Sustaining
Our Happy Hour party is held EVERY Saturday from 00 – 02 GMT
(which is 7-9pm EST, 6-8pm CST, and 4-6pm EST on FRIDAY)
Our Weekly Meetings:
We have suspended our meeting schedule for this week due to business time constraints for our Admin.
As soon as we are able to we will update you with the schedule for next week. Please keep watching your daily news.
Our Partner Forums:
PTVPartner is proud to announce that we are now officially sponsoring the following forums:
We would love for our members to join and participate in the discussions and comments in these forums. These forums have shown a desire to set themselves apart from the run of the mill hyip forums and we are pleased to be affiliated with them. If you are already a member we would love to have you join us there.
Support Focus:
For the most immediate assistance, our chatroom is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you find yourself needing assistance with any part of our program please make sure to visit us. Not only do we provide support but we have a fantastic group of members who visit. You never know what will be happening when you come in. Some times will be quiet and sometimes you will absolutely be rolling on the flour laughing. No matter what, our priority will always be to answer any needs you have. Please feel free to jump in and ask any questions or for any assistance you may require. Either of the following links will point you in our direction.
Don’t forget to visit our blog along the way as well. We’d love to hear your comments and opinions on the various subjects:
Keep watching your emails. There will be much more to come as we develop our daily bulletins. We want to keep you up to date on the latest info regarding PTVPartner and also will be choosing some member forum posts and other fine articles regarding offshore subjects that we think will be interesting for our members as well.
Free your life with PTVPartner!”
The admin of FastCashProduction short-term HYIP game Lee (interviewed here) made some a few changes to his program. There wasn’t any official announcement that I am aware of but I did manage to get a few words from him on the new developments. So the GlobalDigitalPay payment processor was dropped due to the non-participation of the investors so at the moment FastCashProduction keeps only LibertyReserve and StrictPay on board. If you remember there were three investment plans on offer: 110%-120% after 1 day, 60%-70% for 2 days and 45%-55% for 3 days. Last night another longer-term plan was added paying you 15% profit for 5 days. In addition, you will receive your principal on expiry (after 5 days) so the total profit from this plan will be 175% after 5 days only. I remind you that FastCashProduction is still just a game as described it in my detailed review (published here). So please be aware that it will continue only with the positive support of the members and a healthy cashflow. Of course I can say the very same for any HYIP but it’s just that bit more acute in a program like this one. So keep promoting and enjoy your profits! I just wanted to add that for the first 6 days online FastCashProduction grew so fast that it has over 1,000 members already and counting. The growth was really explosive and perhaps people liked the admin’s straightforward approach in running the game, the cool customized script and speedy (almost always instant) payouts to their e-currency accounts. Let’s hope FastCashProduction will stay with us for a long time.
One more short-term program that was reviewed on my blog last night is LucreMaker (read the review here). I received my first fast payout of 111% after 3 days today and the payment was done pretty fast. I believe the program is just starting a hopefully successful lifecycle online as the admin of LucreMaker sent out the first newsletter to the members today:
“After the global credit crisis, it is nearly impossible to receive nice profit on your investments while assure the safety and at the same time. You need to suffer either extremely low interest or high volatility and risk on your hard-earned capital. But you have come to the right place; we are here to help you to manage your wealth while you can enjoy considerable return with no risk with our experienced expert in the Forex industry. Think about it: 111% after 3 days–212% after 3 weeks, that means your assets will double in less than 1 month! You can’t find any opportunity like this, that’s incredible, right? No doubt, LucreMaker stand here to help you tuch your dream right now, and also we give reward 100 USD for who have made over $1,000 on our website! We will stop to give this reward in short time. So don’t hesitate to join us, let’s rock!
If you have any question about LucreMaker please do write to us, we will answer your question and try our best to help you.
Regards. LucreMaker”.
I received a very important clarification today regarding the donation of $50,000 made by GeniusFunds to the victims of Haiti Earthquake. Today I received an email confirming that the organization in question (http://www.msf.org/) finally acknowledged receipt of the money from GeniusFunds. Here is the email from them confirming it:
“I can confirm that a donation was received from GeniusFunds to our Swiss office on the 21st January for $50,000 towards our Haiti Appeal.
Thank you very much for your patience waiting for this response, and for your interest in MSF and our work. If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to get in touch and I shall be happy to help.
Kind Regards, Matthew”.
Commenting on this I would like to say that I suspected GeniusFunds told the truth about those donations because mentioning the site where the donations were made would definitely result in curious investors wanting to verify the authenticity of the statement. Now, when the transaction was confirmed officially by MSF another question arises: what was the purpose of all this and why not make a donation anonymously without letting everybody know about this really noble gesture? In my opinion, it was a signal sent to the investors that GeniusFunds is still in a very good financial state which can be described as pretty healthy. I’m now almost sure that the turnover of funds in GeniusFunds program exceeded a million dollars otherwise this donation would definitely hurt the programs performance. GeniusFunds also stated that the donation was made from their corporate profits which is supposed to show the investors that the program is a serious success. It could be a very wise marketing move in attracting more new investors that were assured now of the relative safety of their funds. I think GeniusFunds will just strengthen its position as the #1 HYIP on MNO within the next few months. I remind you that the program accepts all five major payment processors and bank wires into daily (1.0%-1.9% daily) and weekly (6%-9% weekly) plans with variable returns. More about GeniusFunds can be read in my extensive review published here.
FxStar (reviewed here) is still paying well and instantly from two investment plans: 1% for 30 days and 1.3-2.3% for 100 days with the principal returned on expiry. It was four weeks since my review of the program was published and there were some good changes on the site including the addition of AlertPay and StrictPay payment processors and the improvement of the site by adding FxStar keeper for instance. Today another improved version of the program was uploaded and you’re welcome to use it for your investment purposes:
“Dear partners! Today we have added a new version of FxStar keeper 1.01. Now you can perform more operations without access to our site.”
The second update from FxStar for today would be of interest to those who promote FxStar as the new set of banners have been uploaded as well. I myself tried to change the banner on my blog but it strangely became un-clickable so I hope it will be fixed soon as I like the new banners a lot. Here is the update regarding the banners:
“Dear investors! We have updated the banners on our site. You can see the new version in your account.”
InstantMoneyBets (reviewed here) added another payment processor after suspending one more, posted their daily trading results and sent some important info to all investors using GlobalDigitalPay. Here is the latest news from InstantMoneyBets:
“BIG Sound from IMB today again.
We have now over 1270 happy Members and we have paid over 60.000$.
Today we have added the Payment Processor EuroGoldCash.
But we have removed HD-Money and Bank Wire at the moment.
Also yesterday we have started again to post our daily bets and the results.
For all Members with an old GlobalDigitalPay Deposit, please use to withdraw your funds “Old GlobalDigitalPay Deposits ” and don’t forget to write your GDP Account Number into the Comment field.
This are the short and quick News for today.
All the Best, Michael and Staff”.
I received dozens of emails today concerning ArbsFund and their recent performance and must say that only very few readers were paid in full. The vast majority of the investors didn’t receive a dime to their accounts since the time the last infamous update was published. Needless to say that it was a scam trick from the admin’s side in order to lure more investors to this agonizingly dying scam. I’m glad that I understood his real intentions correctly and asked my readers for feedback before upgrading ArbsFund to Paying status on MNO. Now it’s absolutely clear to me that ArbsFund is a scam and is not paying so it will stay on that status on MNO. Thank you, guys, for your emails!
I believe IwFunds is a really good short-term program paying steadily for over two weeks already for four investment plans: 18% for 7 days, 110% after 3 days, 160% after 14 days and 190% after 20 days. It would be even better if not the recent issues with AlertPay. So I guess like happens so often the admin bought an account on the black market which is strictly prohibited by AlertPay who insist on a verification process before accepting payments in bigger quantities. So the unverified account in IwFunds probably couldn’t be matched to the admin’s true identity. Obviously IwFunds cannot continue like this: accepting AlertPay deposits but not paying what’s due because of the restrictions that will probably never be lifted. Anyway, I guess the admin finally realized that and removed AlertPay completely. As compensation though he thoroughly described the process through which you can get your money back with AlertPay and even added a new payment processor today – StrictPay. The admin also emphasized that the payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are still being done instantly which is definitely a good sign. Here is the latest news from IwFunds (reviewed here):
“I am coming out now with some updates about the AlertPay situation!
Therefore this process is taking so much time we decided to give for our investors a possibility to choose:
1. You should wait some more until the situation get solved, in this case you are having the possibility to withdraw your profits too
2. You ask from us to refund your principal, you have invested with us.
Let me now describe the steps and the rules of refunding:
1. You have the right to request refund only for that deposits for which you haven’t withdrawed more than 3 days profit if you have invested in our daily plan.
2. Send an email with subject:refund request to plaurette@ymail.com (and a copy to admin@iw-funds.com) with the following details: username, AlertPay deposit batch.
3. Cancel your pending withdrawal.
Due to the possible numerous requests to process all refunds will take some time.
Until the problem is solved with AlertPay we are not accepting anymore deposits from this ecurrency, when it will be solved we will get back to use this one too.
Today we have added StrictPay as AlertPay alternative hope you’ll enjoy it!
LR and PM withdrawals are still processed instantly without any problems!
Regards, IwFunds administration”.
It seems like the admin of GoldenFleeceFund is also mad at AlertPay. By neglecting to obey the AlertPay ToS he caused huge inconvenience for the members that now have to file a complaint to this payment processor and wait for a percentage of refunds (as it appears to be today). Well, if the admins simply can’t see that AlertPay are restricting accounts that are verified to fake identities they probably are living in a fantasy world and not the real one when the identities should be real and the certificates of incorporation cannot be bought for a small fee. I’m not even talking about some nonsense about investment activities without a shed of proof. Sorry, but after three years of blogging I know what I’m talking about and the purchased certificates cannot buy my trust in any program if it can’t even confirm their true identity to AlertPay. Enough to rant and here is the latest news addressed to the AlertPay victims who invested in GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here) via this payment processor:
“Hello, This is specifically for our former AlertPay depositors. We received word today that AlertPay has filed all refund requests simply with a set percentage of refund. This is unacceptable and AlertPay proves again to be an untrustworthy payment processor.
The fact of their set refund amount stems you our former AlertPay investors receiving interest payments from the same account that you deposited into. We have sent in an inquiry to AlertPay about our demands. Because you received money out of the account already that you deposited into does not give them the right to decide on a refund percentage for all our former AlertPay investors.
This further cements our belief in AlertPay and its very worrisome tactics in business.
We thank the following payment processors for conducting business ethically and efficiently: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay, GlobalDigitalPay and EuroGoldCash.
Thank You, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager”.
I have added another program to my monitoring page today and it looks pretty good to me. It’s called ParamountProfits. The first thing I noticed is the script which is licensed one from the famous programmer Gotenks who developed many good autosurfs in the past so it might look familiar to the experienced autosurfers. However, ParamountProfits is an HYIP and not an autosurf and has two very original investment plans. For the first one you will be paid a variable daily return of 0.5%-8% credited to your account on every business day and you will continue earning until you decide to withdraw your principal which will be available for the release at any time you want (lock-in period is 7 calendar days). For the second plan you will be paid a fixed rate of 2%-2.5% (the rate will only depend on your investment amount) on every business day with the same 7 day lock-in period and the possibility to withdraw your principal afterwards at any time you wish. I like the fact that the minimum to invest in each plan is only $1 and ParamountProfits also offers quite a good choice of payment processors: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and SolidTrustPay are all accepted. The Gotenks script brings a lot of perks with it: cool design, auto-translation into 6 languages, graphs and charts reflecting the investment stats, etc. Please note that in order to invest into ParamountProfits you should first click on the Deposit button and fund your account, after that you will be able to make an investment into any of the plans. ParamountProfits looks excellent and is protected by BlackLotus on a dedicated server. Provided the admin has some good intentions I believe ParaMountProfits will be able to achieve some great success pretty soon. Of course after more thorough testing of my account I will return on my blog with a detailed review of ParamountProfits soon.
I have been paid today from the following programs:
FastCashProduction, LucreMaker, NanoMoneyCorp, GasAndOilInvestment, CSMFinance, AtoxFinance, AtlantisMutual, AsiaInv, InvestmentForge, ArbisPro, FinanceNova, Investorum, StarkFund, IncoForex, GoldenInvestment, GlobalFund, BetAndTrading, EzProfit, GeniusFunds, Flanita, CedexInvest, FxStar, AimTrust, HugMoney, MandarinInvest, Verifield, WeeklyDividend, ScootFx, InvestProxy, PanaMoney, Eternidex, RefMotor, OneDailyPro, MoneyPlus, KobelCapital, WestFinance, StanbicArbitrage, TheKapital, TradeZoom, InstantMoneyBets, SantiVentures, Caziroca, NowInv, IwFunds and Warisona (the first payment received).
Please note that I’m going to Scotland for a short vacation tomorrow and so for the next week or so there might be a few delays in replying to your e-mails. I will do my best to answer them as soon as possible but please understand that I will be able to do it in less quantities than before. Please try to submit only the most important queries and remember that I also need to work on my blog which is my top priority of course and hopefully bringing you the latest news from the Industry will not be affected. Lots of hotels have Wi-Fi these days so there shouldn’t be any problems there. Anyway, thanks for your patience and I’m looking forward to seeing you on my blog tomorrow from Edinburgh. See you tomorrow, guys!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jan 27th, 2010. Comment.
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