Jan 29th, 2010 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi everybody! Tonight I would like to get back to looking at long term investment programs and one in particular that caught my eye recently. It’s called Warisona and I must say I quite liked the look of it right from the start. In fact I’m even a little surprised that it isn’t yet a lot more popular than I thought it would be by now. Mind you it’s only been online for two weeks which in terms of long term HYIPs like this one means Warisona is still practically brand new. It’ll be a slow burner but probably worth it in the end.

You have a good selection of plans that, as long as you actually like long term HYIPs, will pay you by the day, by the week, or by the month. So something suitable for most of you there I think. There are three plans in total to choose from but there are also a number of variations within each plan that pay interest rates that will increase in line with the size of your deposit.

So let’s start with the Daily Return plan. This runs for a total of 120 business days (which is Monday to Friday so that will be 24 weeks in total) and you can join for a minimum deposit of $10. Anything from that up to a deposit of $999 will earn you the most basic payment available from Warisona which is 1.2% per business day. Join with $100 here and that will earn you a daily payment of $1.20, adding up to $6 per week and $144 at the end. You can regard that full amount as profit because your principal will then be returned. But you would have already have broken even on the 84th day.

Should you wish to join the same plan with a minimum amount of $1000 then the interest payable to you becomes 1.5% per business day. That would mean $15 per day. Paid five days per week that would bring in $75 weekly, see you break even on receipt of the 67th payment, and get a total profit of $1800 on expiry. After which your principal gets returned. The most you may deposit under this scheme is $4999.

Higher rates are available, up to 2.2% per day in fact, but in order to avail of that you would be required to deposit several thousand dollars. If it interests you then see the details on the Warisona website and contact the admin yourself for an explanation.

I don’t think I know anybody who doesn’t like daily payments but if you would prefer to join a riskier plan and collect weekly payments at an improved rate of interest then take a look at the next one. It’s called the Weekly Return Plan and it will run for 24 weeks. Exactly the same length of time as the previous plan by the way, but with the obvious difference of the payment schedule. You can join this plan for a minimum deposit of $30 this time, and Warisona will pay you a weekly rebate of 7.2% interest in return. So a theoretical deposit of let’s say $100 will see you get $7.20 per week for 24 consecutive weeks, adding up to $172.80 in total profits by the time the plan expires. Your principal should then be returned. The maximum amount you can deposit here and still avail of this interest rate is $999 and you should break even after 14 weeks.

Deposits of $1000 up to $4999 will get a preferential rate of 9% per week. All the other features are exactly the same, i.e it’s still the very same plan that runs for 24weeks and returns your initial deposit on expiry. Higher rates of interest are again available within this plan, up to 15.6% in fact, but in order to collect that you would need to invest simply unrealistic sums of money. Of course you remain free to contact the admin for further info should you really need it.

And finally there is the Monthly Return Plan. The minimum spend this time goes up to $50. And all deposits between that and $999 will be paid 36% interest per month for the duration of the plan, which runs for six months. So a sample investment of $100 in this one will see you earn $36 per month, break even with the third payment, and finish with a total profit of $216. Your principal will then be returned after expiry.

If you wish to consider a larger deposit ( and if so keep the risk in mind) then amounts from $1000 up to $4999 will earn you 45% interest per month. It will still take you three months to break even and see your first profit but you will finish the plan with 270% profit if it works out. Principal will as always then be returned. For any information concerning deposits upwards of $5000 I would suggest you contact the admin yourself.

Payments from Warisona aren’t quite instant but they can be so quick you’d hardly notice. A short couple of hours is usually enough, and not the 24 or 48 that is so often sought by online admins. Payment processors currently being accepted by Warisona include LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay. Compounding is allowed if you so wish. And also, should you need to get your principal back out of Warisona before your chosen plan has expired then you may only do so for a fee. And at 35% it’s a tough one so think very carefully before you join and if you have any doubts about needing that money back early in the coming months then adjust your deposit accordingly. You also ned to remember that payments are only made on business days.

The security of the Warisona website is well up to industry standards with hosting on a dedicated Staminus server being provided by BlockDos who are the leading hosting provider on the net today. That’s not just my opinion either by the way, as BlockDos is the first choice of most of the leading online HYIPs. The script is licensed from GoldCoders though you’d hardly recognize it as it’s been highly customized. Unfortunately SSL encryption is not currently supported.

There’s a variety of e-mail addresses available through which you can contact Warisona, each one of them pertaining to whatever category your query falls under, e.g technical assistance, questions about payments, etc. There is also the usual online support ticket form if that is what you prefer. No less than three telephone numbers are listed, however I have to say I was very disappointed with the results when I called them today. One of the numbers is for UK based support and that line just went dead immediately when I called it. The other two numbers are US based. The first one just rang and rang without anybody answering, despite me calling during business hours. The other number more alarming however as it did work, but put me through to a doctor’s office! I got a recorded message telling me that the doctor was currently seeing a patient and if my problem was urgent I had better ring the emergency services for an ambulance on 911. Now, I’ve seen a lot of unusual things done by HYIPs over the years, but this was definitely a first!

In light of that it would be difficult to take their subsequent claims about being an actual investment company. The texts aren’t original either though that’s as likely down to the designer than the admin. Despite that Warisona is still a very professionally designed website.

And it’s also a very professionally organized investment program and one that I am quite looking forward to monitoring over the coming months. A slow burner (which isn’t a bad thing for long term HYIPs) and one to watch in the near future. Just remember the risks that go with it and always adjust your investments accordingly. Worth an affordable deposit as part of a bigger more diverse portfolio.


Don’t you forget that Friday is coming and that means it’s time to make your weekly withdrawals from SazaInvestments (reviewed here). Here is the regular weekly reminder from the admin of SazaInvestments Ricardo (interviewed here):
It’s almost Friday so it’s payday again. Please don’t forget to request your withdrawals correct so that won’t be canceled. Thank you all for your trust in us. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.
I myself requested my payment already and was paid within an hour of asking. SazaInvestments is still fast with the payments as usual. Having been online for many months now they have always been very accurate and always paid the weekly 8%-10% withdrawals quite fast. I guess that’s one of the reasons why it deserved the respect of the investors and got to #2 on MNO rating eventually. Keep up the good work, SazaInvestments!

And now it’s time for a regular newsletter from PTVPartner (reviewed here). It’s my favorite medium-term program that is working stably for 5 months already and made themselves very popular among investors willing to take a chance and earn from one of the offered investment plans with payouts on expiry: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days. PTVPartner is definitely expanding its presence in the HYIP world and it’s now a big site including PTV Radio where you can listen to the recorded version of my interview with Garrett (read the published version here), chat rooms and their own forum to communicate with the admin, moderators and fellow investors and solve your issues in no time, their blog which is quite interesting by the way, etc. Garrett, the admin of PTVPartner, seems to be a very enthusiastic person tirelessly promoting his website among the online investing community. And in my opinion it’s no coincidence that PTVPartner occupies the #5 spot in the MNO rating of the most popular programs. It’s the undisputed leader among medium-term programs. Hopefully it will stay with us for a long time and Garrett will have time to accomplish all his exciting future plans. I’m planning to have another interview with him after I get home from Scotland so I guess that will be welcomed by the investors as well. Meanwhile let me give you the latest updates published in today’s PTVPartner newsletter:
First, a reminder, our usual weekly meetings have been suspended for this week only. They will return next week. We realize that these meetings are informative for our member’s invitees as well as provide information about what fuels the PTVPartner program for those who have already joined. We apologize for the wait but please understand this is necessary this week because of business that will help PTVPartner‘s growth for the future.
In the newsletter, we will begin to address some of the questions that are most often brought up in the chat room. The most frequent question, this week, seemed to be about ecurrency exchangers. Although I won’t go into a discussion regarding what an exchanger is, or does, since most of you already are aware of this, I will state that you do need to pay close attention to the fees as well as check into their reputation. If you are in doubt, about an exchanger, please ask. You do not want to lose any money by being “penny wise and pound foolish” I’m quite sure. We have provided several recommendations here.
About our blog, shortly, you should see new sections and new articles. We have acquired a Management Team as well as a host of journalists for this new part of our program. They will cover a variety of subjects including, but not limited to: general taxation issues, PT lifestyles, various cultures, political commentaries, world events and much more. You will need to check the blog frequently. Many more articles will be presented almost daily. If you have an interest in helping us grow our blog and writing articles on these types of subjects or other subjects you feel may apply, please send us a bit about yourself and your interests to support@ptvpartner.com. Look for the addition of Twitter, Facebook and other options in the coming weeks.
Now for the FUN stuff… (and I do mean fun!) HAPPY HOUR:
Happy Hour every Friday from Midnight GMT…(7-9 EST) and (4-6PST) in the Oasis Chat Room.
Come for the Food …Stay for the Fun!!! Cash prizes for active participants….$$$ from PTVPartner!!! If you miss it you will be sorry. We have some great dancing, joke telling, games, etc. Everyone has a great time and you get a chance to meet some new friends. Please come and join us!
The last thing I’d like to address today is to those that have asked “What should I do to find out more about you before I decide whether or not to join your program?” So, for today I would like to suggest the following steps:
Visit our chat room. You can talk to many members there who are already invested in the program and get their thoughts and opinions.
Sign up for the forum. You do not have to be a member of the program to join and read.
Sign up on the website. You do not have a time limit on which to deposit, but this way you can receive our mailings, notices, and newsletters.
Read the website from top to bottom. There is a lot of information to be gleaned there.
Listen to the recordings on the main website. If you click fast forward once you will hear a recording from an interview done with MoneyNewsOnline. If you then click it again you will hear one of our prerecorded meetings that present the project that fuels our program and creates the revenue we receive.
Following these steps will help you decide whether you’d like to join PTVPartner. We also recommend, if you do decide to join us that you take your time. We are not about getting rich quick. You have time, so take it. Take time to understand our program. Don’t put yourself in any kind of financial bind. We are going to be here a very long time. You don’t have to rush this. Once you have invested, pull your seed money out when you get to a level you want to be. Then participate with profits or in other words ‘Risk-Free’ capital. Now your earning money the PT way… Stress-Free! The thrust of our program is to help ‘Free your Life’ from stress, not create more. We hope you’ll decide to join us of course!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

I’m also preparing a real treat for you on MNO tomorrow when not only another review of a promising new program will be published (this time it will be ParamountProfits) but also the long-awaited interview with the admin of FxStar who finally found some time to answer my questions. I remind you that FxStar just launched a month ago offering you a number of investment plans with the principal returned on expiry (1% for 30 days and 1.3-2.3% for 100 days) and five payment processors accepted (LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, WebMoney, AlertPay and StrictPay). I received my daily payouts to LibertyReserve within seconds of requesting them and FxStar is considered by many experienced investors as a real hit that will probably become one of the most popular short-term programs in 2010. So I’m pleased that you will be able to read this interview tomorrow. If you want to know more about FxStar right now please click here to read my detailed review of the program.

The admin of LucreMaker seems to be not very bothered by the recent allegations by a rival HYIP of stealing their content and in today’s quite long newsletter this incident was not mentioned at all. I guess short-term game LucreMaker (which miraculously added LLC to its name) doesn’t have to worry about that since it’s planning to be online just for a few months. Anyway, back to business now. The admin of LucreMaker Adam expanded about the four plans in his most recent newsletter and also mentioned some program’s features that make it stand out from other short-term competitors, like five registered domain names for example. The phone number was also mentioned but I didn’t have a chance to check it out today like I did with the reviewed program. I hope to check it out soon but I’m sure that it’s just an autoresponder prompting you to leave a message after the signal. Anyway, if you want more info about the program which is still quite new by the way you’re welcome to read my review (published here) or simply refer to the newsletter published below:
Dear Members, My name is Adam and I am the admin of LucreMaker LLC. This is the second newsletter I am sending out and I would like to let you all know the complete details of our program in this newsletter.
Firstly, let me jump into the investment plans we offer.
Our first plan, known as the Basic Plan, has a minimum investment requirement of $10 and a maximum investment limit of $10,000. This plan offers a return of 111% after 3 (calendar) days, which includes the principal.
The second plan, known as the Medium Plan, has a minimum investment requirement of $100 and a maximum investment limit of $20,000. This plan offers a return of 128% after 1 week (7 calendar days), which includes the principal.
The third plan, known as the Premium Plan, has a minimum investment requirement of $500 and a maximum investment limit of $30,000. This plan offers a return of 165% after 2 weeks (14 calendar days), which includes the principal.
The fourth plan, known as the VIP Plan, has a minimum investment requirement of $1000 and a maximum investment limit of $40,000. This plan offers a return of 212% after 3 weeks (21 calendar days), which includes the principal.
We accept investments from the 5 major payment processors, namely, LibertyReserve, Perfect Money, StrictPay, AlertPay and SolidTrustPay.
All deposits are instant and are reflected in the member’s account backoffice instantly, while all payout requests are processed within 6 hours after the withdrawal request is given by the member.
We are also offering a 5% affiliate commission, which means you can earn 5% of the deposit from the members who join under your referral link and make a deposit.
We gave 5 domains, namely, www.lucremaker.com, www.lucremaker.net, www.lucremaker.biz, www.lucremaker.org and www.lucremaker.info. Members can access our program though anyone of the specified domains.
Our site is hosted on a dedicated server with powerful DDoS protection, provided by one of the best DDoS protection providers, DDosWiz.
Those members who have any kind of enquiries can contact us through the support form which can be found on the Contact page of our site.
We have various Support Departments to which members can send in their enquiries.
Customer Care : admin@lucremaker.com
Maintenance Team : maintenance@lucremaker.com
Financial Tem : finance@lucremaker.com
Public Relations : public@lucremaker.com
For those members who wish to contact us by telephone, we are also providing telephone support. Members can call to +61 2 8287 5370, from 10 AM GMT – 5PM GMT on business days. Please leave us a message or send a fax if there is no operator on line at the time of your call.
We have also added various reputed monitors on the Rating page of our site, so that our members can know the real stats of our program and also vote for us when you get paid.
Hope you all enjoy investing in LucreMaker LLC.
Best Wishes, Adam

WeeklyDividend (reviewed here) is a program with two investment plans paying you daily (1.1%-1.5%) and weekly (9%-11%) with no expiry date. Today the admin of WeeklyDividend Ed (interviewed here) informed the members about the current progress his program made and announced that the signature contest is still running and that the winners would be announced tomorrow:
This email is just to remind you that we will pick 2 more winners tomorrow for our Signature contest. So if you haven’t yet added a banner or a link to your signature I would recommend doing so to enter you into the contest. All you have to do is make one post in our thread so that I can see your signature and that enters you right away.
The participating forums are Money Maker Group, Talk Gold, Dream Team Money, Golden Talk and My Cash Forums.
Keep in mind that this only applies to upgraded members.
All payments are completed and all support has been answered. I’m very pleased with how things are progressing and I personally feel that WeeklyDividend is one of the strongest programs online today! You as our member will reap the rewards of our hard work in the months and years to come!
Thank you, Ed and the WeeklyDividend team

OneDailyPro (reviewed here) is one of the slow but steady performance HYIPs. It’s in its fourth month online and that’s quite a good achievement if you consider the plans it offers: 1%-1.3% for 30 days and 1.6% for 60 days with the principal returned on expiry. Although already accepting six popular payment processors the admin of is looking into the addition of GlobalDigitalPay sometime soon. Knowing him as a good programmer (I think he ran programs on X-HYIP script before) I have no doubt that he will accomplish what he planned very soon. Here is the latest news for all the investors (or potential investors) of OneDailyPro:
This is broadcast e-mail to all clients of OneDailyPro project.
I’m sure you are happy to see Payment notifications in your mailbox daily. We work every day to a better future. Of course, with your help.
Well. I just installed new patch which improve overall script performance. Also, script developer is testing new version of X-HYIP script which accept GlobalDigitalPay e-currency. We hope to get new version on next week. As soon as new version will be installed the GlobalDigitalPay e-currency will be available as payment option.
Thank you for attention.
Best regards, OneDailyPro Admin

Don’t get me wrong as I like the InvestmentForge program (reviewed here) for its stable and not-problematic performance but they again gave some very misleading info to investors today. So in their recent newsletter praising their performance they also mentioned that they had been online for four years. I can tell you straight away that it’s not true as the fact that their domain name was registered for 4 years doesn’t mean they were online for this period of time. Domains can be easily bought and change their owner and the earliest monitors of InvestmentForge dated it back to 555 days (or 1,5 years) which is still very good achievement but it’s far from the 4 years they stated. InvestmentForge is using the same script as NanoMoneyCorp (reviewed here) utilizes and offers three investment plans with variable returns for 40, 80 and 120 business days with the principal returned on expiry. Here is the latest newsletter from the admin:
Dear members and partners!
Rise of profitability of InvestmentForge programs has become possible thanks to our today’s position on the Hedge fund market and the work of our highly skilled traders on the Hedge fund market. In the last news we have described the situation about the implementation of our work methods on the Hedge fund Market into the Hong Kong and London. That fact that we are widening our ways of investing is absolutely logical. Since 2006 we have fortified our positions and proved the dominance among the other programs on the market. At the same time we have gained great respect and our investors earned great profit with us.
Lots of investors around the world sending us mails with the grateful words about our work. Of course there are some reasons for that. Perfect work of InvestmentForge during 4 Years, stable and high daily income here are the main arguments of our dominance. Our primary aim is to make as much money for our clients and ourselves as possible.
Best regards, InvestmentForge Team

AtlantisMutual (reviewed here) invited their clients to participate in a survey that is supposedly aimed at helping them improve their long tem services. So if you fancy different questionnaires you might be interested to answer those ones as well or just check the latest results of that survey. Here is the news from AtlantisMutual:
AtlantisMutual Client Survey has been carried out to help us serve you better and improve AtlantisMutual online investment platform subject to your opinion. Now we are happy to present a short list of most popular questions and answers.

CSMFinance (reviewed here) published more trading results of their Forex activities and you can find them on their Performance page:
CSMFinance has published second trade report with attached trade sheet. Please check Performance page for more information.
CSMFinance offers you 1.7%-2.1% daily for 200 calendar days with the principal return on expiry. CSMFinance was commended by internet investment community as a stable performer for over 4 months already.

There are many different topics covered by the most recent updates from GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here). There is a reminder about the currently running screenshot contest, news of the corporate documents that were posted on GoldenFleeceFund website and even the launch of the new product from Apple Computers – the Ipad which I guess has little to do with GoldenFleeceFund itself. Anyway, I combined the two updates in one and so below is the latest update from Felix, the admin of GoldenFleeceFund:
This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund. Today, Apple Computer made an announcement for a new tablet computer product. GoldenFleeceFund offices all run on Apple products and we were excited to hear about this new tablet computer.
We have decided to make our own announcement in our excitement. GoldenFleeceFund will be giving away $25 cash prizes to those who post screenshots on the forums of their payment of interest from us! Our first giveaway will be this Saturday night. See the rules for this contest below.
Take a screenshot (photo image) of payment of interest received by you from us in a forum. The more forums you post in the more chances you have to win. Each post counts as one entry.
Out of all the posts on the following forums, only posts that show an interest payment from us in screenshot form (an image of the payment, not just text) will be put into the mix to be randomly drawn from. Between now and this Saturday at Midnight EST, January 30th you can post your interest payment screenshots on the forums above. 10 people will be randomly chosen from the posts and each will be given $25. You have a great chance of winning! There will also be one grand prize cash payment that only those who post between now and the Saturday deadline will qualify for. We will announce the amount and the winner at the same time as the 10 random winners. Take part in supporting GoldenFleeceFund today!
As a reminder, our corporate registration (GFF Holdings) is now available on our website to view. On the right hand side there is a small image that you can click to view a large copy of our corporate registration. GFF Holdings is our parent holdings company and the corporation that is now holding ownership of our gold storage of 4000oz. Please contact us if you have any questions about our corporate registration. We are also almost ready to introduce bank wire to our accepted forms of investment. We are very excited for this.
In the next 1-2 weeks, I will also be reporting on our latest financials report for new profits.
Thank You for your continued support!
Sincerely, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

ScootFx (reviewed here) is probably getting more notice these days not only by investors but also by scammers and blackmailers. Here is what the admin of ScootFx reported to his investors about the bad voting campaign which is being processed on some monitoring sites now:
“Some Black Mailers start to post bad votes in our forums to damage our program. We request you to ignore them and also send payment proof and username when post in our forum. If you don’t put your payment proof and username, it maybe detect as paid poster.
Regards, ScootFx Group

I have added a new program to my listing tonight and it’s 21stCenturyArb. It’s a very funny name actually reminiscent of 20th Century Fox company. But what do we have here? As you might have guessed from the name 21stCenturyArb is another program allegedly involved in sports betting. Well, I don’t see any proof of that but they are using stolen texts on the website. And the admin doesn’t seem to have much idea how it all works otherwise he would have been able to write an original explanation. The investment plan offered by 21stCenturyArb is the only one – 12% weekly forever. The payment processors accepted are LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and StrictPay. Since a Neversay script is being used you can only invest in multiples of $20 each time with the minimum to invest also at $20. The program is hosted on a dedicated server by a company not known to me so I can’t say for sure if they have DDoS-protection. The layout also looks kinda average and I believe only longevity can make 21stCenturyArb a popular program as I can’t see any original features in it at all. A more detailed review of the program will be published on MNO after the first payment is received so stay tuned for that.

For today I was paid from the following programs:
SazaInvestments, NowInv, ParamountProfits, IwFunds, PTVPartner, Investorum, GeniusFunds, HugMoney, TradeZoom, XagaEnterprise, LucreMaker, InvestmentForge, OneDailyPro, NanoMoneyCorp, GoldenFleeceFund, ArbisPro, FinanceNova, RefMotor, Verifield, StanbicArbitrage, WaterInvestment, RosalinFinance, WeeklyDividend, StarkFund, Eternidex, WestFinance, ScootFx, InstantMoneyBets, PanaMoney, InvestProxy, MandarinInvest, IncoForex, EzProfit, GlobalFund, GasAndOilInvestment, FxStar, CSMFinance, AtoxFinance, AtlantisMutual, AsiaInv, Warisona, SantiVentures, Caziroca and TheKapital.

Please forgive me again for the delay with answering the emails but as I said already I’m on vacation now and am only able to answer a limited number of emails per day. Please understand this and give me some time to reply to you all. That’s it for today and see you on my blog tomorrow with two posts!

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