Hi guys! As you may remember I’m currently taking a short vacation in Scotland. In the time I’ve been living in the UK I think Edinburgh has probably become my second favourite place after London so if you enjoy of a dram of fine whisky and some good hearty food (both of which I recommend for keeping the January chill out!) then this is the place for you. I’ll be leaving soon for Aberdeen and then some exploring of the rural areas and the lakes and highlands. Anyway, MNO will continue as normal and I can promise you my monitoring page will continue to be updated every 24 hours (thanks to mobile internet access) though I must again apologise that I will be delayed in answering a lot of your mails.
But anyway, back to business! The first thing I want to share with you today is this interview I received recently with the admin of the rather excellent FxStar. That’s a recently launched long term investment program and while it actually opened at the end of 2009 I have to say it’s easily one of the brightest prospects of 2010. Certainly one of the best new programs that started in the last three months anyway.
The admin’s name is John and he does a pretty decent job of describing the the many unique and interesting features of FxStar for us here. But I would suggest you look at my original review (published here) first and then take a closer look at the more recent developments in the program have been. I think the evidence speaks for itself that FxStar is one of the most original, dynamic, innovative, and forward thinking progressive investment programs on the net today. Few times in the past have we seen cutting edge technology so readily embraced by an internet based business and they would seem to have an almost complete refusal to stand still and allow the competition to gain the upper hand. A refreshing change in a market that so often appears stale and repetitive.
So let’s hear from the admin but first let me remind you that FxStar is a long term investment program that offers you 1% interest per day for 30 days and between 1.3% and 2.3% interest per day for 100 days:
“1. Hi John, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within FxStar. What are your own duties within the program? How would you describe a typical working day for you as an admin of a leading online investment project?
Welcome to the FxStar! My name is John Braun and I’m the main admin of FxStar which is a highly advanced online investment program. My responsibilities are the management of our program team, take control of the entire process of investments and basically to make sure each and every our clients is thoroughly satisfied with our services. A typical day is largely occupied with all these duties.
2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What were you hoping to achieve by starting it in the first place? Apart from you is there anybody else working on FxStar?
In order to upgrade our company and our services to a new and higher level a decision was taken in early November of last year to open the investment company. This in turn shall allow us to increase our turnover, enhance our prestige, develop new territories in the financial world, and get to interact and cooperate with a great number of individuals and legal entities worldwide.
FxStar as an online program was formally launched on 19 Dec 2009 and now the number of our users is increasing dramatically. We hope to become the number one internet based company and working towards this goal is our staff made up of four assistants and five traders as well as myself.
3. What about the investment plans? Can you explain them in detail to us? What are the minimum and maximum amounts for investment and what rates of interest are on offer and how long do they run for?
All investment offers were developed taking into account our practical activities and experience over the last three years. We have six unique plans:
The Start Plan ($10 to $500 invested for 30 days with 1% interest earned daily).
The Optimal Plan ($500 to $1500 invested for 100 days with 1.3% interest earned daily).
The Business Plan ($1,500 to $5,000 invested for 100 days with 1.5% interest earned daily).
The Pro Plan ($5000 to $20,000 invested for 100 days with 1.7% interest earned daily).
The Profitable Plan ($20,000 to $50,000 invested for 100 days with 1.9% interest earned daily).
The Luxe Plan ($50,000 to $70,000 invested for 100 days with 2.1% interest earned daily).
The Diamond Plan ($70,000 to $100,000 invested for 100 days with 2.3% interest earned daily).
So the minimum and maximum investments are $10 and $100,000 respectively.
It’s no secret that it’s a much simpler process to earn a good profit on the foreign currency market, especially when operating with larger sums of money. That is why we encourage middle and more significant larger investors with much higher rates of interest.
4. Tell us about the payment options available from FxStar. You have added a number of new payment processors recently haven’t you? Also when I first reviewed your program in late December I believe you had been considering adding bank wires as an option. Has there been any progress there?
We accept deposits via the following companies: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay, AlertPay, and WebMoney. Now we are working on SolidTrustPay, EcuMoney and LiqPay. The process of adding Bank Wires is ongoing but has almost been completed. We are confident it will be up and running soon. We are always open for improvement and ready to add other processors in the nearest future.
5. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?
Security is one of the main priorities of our company. We use SSL encryption and are well insulated from DDoS attacks which will ensure the safety of our clients deposits. Also we use a special system of password protection. All passwords are coded and can’t be recoded back. Our hosting provider is Dragonara.
6. I was quite impressed with your script. Can you tell us where you got it? Can you explain some of the main features that we won’t see on other online HYIPs, like for example how the SMS system works?
The script used by the FxStar website is totally unique. It was developed by our own IT department and has no analogue. All conceivable problems were tested by us and I can assure you there is no risk involved in using our services. The SMS system is very simple to use as well as convenient. We want our clients to feel safe, secure, and free from such worries. That’s why if anybody will try to access your account from another IP address or to change personal data, you will get an SMS text message to your activated phone about that. There are a list of such services. You are welcome to check it out for yourself on our site.
7. What about the “FxStar Keeper” system? Can you explain how that works to us and explain the benefits of such a system? Has it been popular among the members so far?
Many of our projects are unique to FxStar. You will find them nowhere else. One of them is FxStar keeper 1.0. which is a program you can install yourself on your PC and which will then allow you to manage your investments without actually entering the FxStar site at all. Through this program you will be able to perform practically all operations available in your private member’s office at our site. It’s easy to use and again very convenient. Everyday more and more of our clients are installing it so I’d say yes, it is becoming a popular feature.
8. I notice that your website is also available in Russian, as are some of your ads. But do you answer customer’s e-mails in any language other than English?
German, Italian and Spanish will be the first available languages for our site by the middle of February. We have already received an offer to translate our program into Chinese and most likely we will be accept it so watch out for that one as well. However our support staff speak only English. For the present time anyway.
We have global plans and clients from around the world so we will aim to give as many of those people as possible the opportunity to read our website and see what we can do for them in their own native language.
9. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions? Do you have Live Chat or telephone support? What hours are these services available?
We care about our investors therefore we provide online support that works 24/7/365 and it truly does. Our company has four assists for live chat and those guys do a great job. Also our clients can connect to our support via e-mail and phone during regular business hours. We are always online for our clients.
10. Can you tell us about your company registration? In what country is it and how did you obtain it? I also have MNO as a registered company in the UK, but why do you think it’s of any benefit to the investors? Can we see the incorporation certificate?
We are a legal and registered investment company. We have nothing to hide. Our company is registered in London, UK. The full package of company documentations is available on our web site.
11. What other outside business and investment activities is FxStar involved with? What are you doing with your member’s money and how are you generating such profits? Can we see any proof of these activities?
The deposits our clients make with us are invested on the Forex Market. We have professional traders who have their own unique trading strategies and have been proving them effective for many years. All our trading reports are available for members to inspect on our site. I can assure you everything is very clear and transparent.
12. Are there any plans to develop FxStar further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many new HYIPs opening every day?
First of all we need to make clear separation between HYIP projects and investment companies. HYIP programs are destined to collapse because the earnings, if any, are less than the payments to investors. Personally, I would not invest in them. Luckily, we are a proper legal investment company.
Unfortunately many HYIP projects seem intent on positioning themselves as investment companies. When we want to make investments, we need to make it clear for ourselves whether it’s HYIP related or not. The full comprehensive portfolio of company documentations, statements of investment activity, records of regular payments and so on, are the tools which will help us establish that.
Soon we will offer VIP opportunities for our clients which will be very profitable. Our company is developing non stop and a lot of our projects are unique. And that is why people continue to choose our company for investing.
Enjoy your financial freedom with us!”
Thanks a lot to John for that and I hope you all found interesting and in some way beneficial in helping you decide if FxStar is suitable for your own needs. That’s about it for now guys, but don’t go too far as I’ll be back later this evening with the all the latest news updates as well as a brand new review s stay tuned for that.
Filed under Interviews by on Jan 29th, 2010. Comment.
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