Jan 31st, 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! Hope you’re all enjoying your weekend so far. I have a fairly busy day ahead tomorrow so I’m trying to publish all the news a bit earlier than usual tonight, but as it’s Saturday it’s been a bit quiet anyway. As you know a lot of programs, especially the longer term ones, don’t work at the weekends.

Anyway for today I want to look at something a little different – an autosurf. It’s called FundUpgrader and now that I think of it I honestly can’t remember what the last autosurf I joined was. I really don’t need to go back over all of this again here but it’s been pretty well documented that for one reason of another that 2009 was a pretty bad time for the autosurf industry with only a handful of programs achieving what could at best be described as a very modest level of success. Maybe 2010 will be a better time for the business, who knows? But we’ll take it one step at a time and rather than talk about the industry in general I’d prefer to just look and assess FundUpgrader as an individual program on it’s own merits.

And it does leave one with quite a good first impression which is always going to be an important thing for any new surfing program to achieve. The investors haven’t exactly been queueing up to join autosurfs for a long time now so it’s very important that is an admin manages to catch you attention he then needs to keep it. FundUpgrader does that at least, but does that make it any good? Let’s take a look.

First of all there is just the one single plan on offer here so you can’t get confused and the choice is very very simple – take it or leave it! What you are being offered will be this:

First of all you will have to purchase a number of ad packs. One ad pack costs $5 and you may buy anything up to 1000 of them. So in other words the minimum investment is $5 and the maximum investment is $5,000. You will then be required to log into your account and surf 15 sites for 15 seconds each in automatic mode. Your payment for doing this will be 9% interest on your deposit everyday for 15 consecutive days. At the end of the 15 day cycle these interest payments will amount to 135% of your principal. Which by the way has already been factored into the payment schedule so it will be 35% profit plus 100% principal. Unlike traditional autosurfs however, FundUpgrader will allow you to request your payments on a daily basis instead of on expiry. That will be a major benefit to the program and should help boost the numbers a little bit at least. I mean if you saw a regular HYIP with no surfing involved offering the same terms it could very well be popular, so why not a surfing site? Granted it’s not as much as the classic “12% for 12 days” we are more accustomed to in surfing programs but you know it’s all the more sustainable because of it.

The list of payment options is quite good with AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay all accepted. And as I already mentioned payouts can be requested daily. Just remember that when you join you will be asked how many units you wish to buy, not how much money you wish to spend. So for example if you want to invest $100 then enter 20. As I said ad packs cost $5 each so 20 of them will be $100.

The security and design of the FundUpgrader is of an acceptable standard. They are using an autosurf script licensed from Neversay who seems to be something of a specialist in that area. And they are hosted on a dedicated server by the usually reliable HushHosting. The website itself is easy to navigate and explained in plain and simple terms that you should have no problems in understanding. Contact with the admin is through an online support ticket form.

All well and good. I know that had I seen FundUpgrader 12 months ago I would have had little hesitation is recommending it. But things have changed in the last year haven’t they? So while you know how much I hate to sit on the fence I really do find it difficult to call this one. I am sure of one thing though, and that is if 2010 was to see a revival in the surfing industry then FundUpgrader would almost certainly deserve to be its first major success story. The competition isn’t that great for one thing and all the other surfing sites I’ve seen so far this year have quite frankly been awful sub-standard and amateur scams. So for that alone the admin of FundUpgrader can stand up and take a bow for launching the best new surfing site so far.

But is that enough? The idea of “deserving” success isn’t enough in my book. It also has to be earned. And I know from experience that the investing public tend not to have a whole lot of sympathy for program admins. I mean if I just don’t like autosurfs then I’m hardly interested in the fact that yours is so good, am I? So basically what it all boils down to is this: if you like autosurfs then FundUpgrader is the best of an admittedly pretty abysmal choice. If you don’t like autosurfs, then chances are you stopped reading after the first paragraph!

The final verdict? There’s nothing wrong with FundUpgrader, in fact as a stand alone program it’s reasonable. However the success of any online investment program depends on the support of the investing public and right now I’m simply not convinced that enough support is there to make it one of the top investment sites around. That my friends is up to you. But it might be worth an affordable deposit for the first cycle (don’t forget that daily payouts remove a significant portion of the risk, and at just five bucks per upgrade why not?). You can re-assess the program for yourself at the end of the first cycle, see the general level of support and satisfaction among existing members and proceed from there.


As usual on Saturday there’s not a whole lot of news but the admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here) never let’s us down! He’s still spoiling his investors with regular newsletters not only dedicated to his own program PTVPartner (reviewed here) but also to the PTV world itself including the most commonly asked questions from investors. In today’s update Garrett told us more details about his PTV Blog and encouraged more members to contribute by writing an article or two and submitting it for publication on the blog. Trust me, I’ve been doing it for years and it’s really not that difficult! Just give it a go and see if you like it. Just try to keep it original, say what you think and not what you think people want to hear, and you may keep it up as a hobby! There are also some other topics covered by this newsletter and you can read them below. But I would like to personally thank Garrett for his warm words about MNO. I really try my best to deliver the most up-to-date news from the Industry including some detailed analysis which is where I really think most other blogs will let you down. I receive many emails from the readers saying thanks for my efforts in reporting the HYIP Industry. It’s one thing is to receive compliments from the readers which is of course always the most important source but you know getting praise from a real professional admin like Garrett is always nice too. It’s not just empty words from some fast-scam ponzi either by the way. Garrett managed to run his extremely successful PTVPartner business for over 5 months already paying relatively high profits on four investment plans on expiry: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days. I believe with so many developments in process and regular updates and work in different directions PTVPartner could become one of the best HYIPs in 2010. Or should I say “stay one of the best” because it has already reached the #5 spot on MNO and I believe it could go even higher in the coming weeks and months. Such professional admins should definitely be supported by investors who prefer stable income for months instead of participating in fly-by-night scams. Below is the most interesting excerpts from the latest newsletter of PTVPartner (I especially laughed at Garrett’s joke! I have a few myself but I’m not sure they’re suitable for a mixed audience here, lol!):
Support Focus
Today we would like to feature our blog. While many are used to blogs and what they are all about, some are not. A blog contains series of articles, normally daily and can be on a wide range of topics. It can be controversial, emotional, newsworthy, interest stories, etc. Our blog will feature a bit of all of these. Right now, you will find articles that have been primarily focused on US happenings and opinions. Many will not agree with all the articles that we place on our blog. This is where a blog is at its finest. We WANT you to agree, disagree and discuss. Please, visit the blog daily or at least as often as you can. Leave a comment and share your opinion. Do you agree? Why? Do you disagree? If so, what are your thoughts? As we develop things we will be including interesting and sometimes controversial articles regarding other countries and their governments. We will also use our blog to share personal security ideas, focus on culture, investment forecasts and many other interesting topics.
While we would love to have some come aboard as featured writers and help us to expand our potential in our blogging, we would also love to read the occasional writer’s article as well. For submissions or for consideration as a regular writer on our blog please email support@ptvpartner.com
Question of the day:
How do I withdraw from my account?
Log in to your account. Select Withdraw Funds at the bottom of the new site page. You must withdraw to the same processor you deposited from. Once there, se
lect Payment method, Request Amount, insert the Security Code you created after the validation process…then click Withdraw Money.
Exchanger/Processor Focus:
Today we would like to tell you about a few of the recommended exchangers. Many question “Who should I use?” As I’ve said before using a reliable processor is key when you wish to withdraw or deposit funds from your processor to your bank or even from one processor to another. Some of the reliable ones we know and have heard of are included here. Please remember this list is only a suggestion and not a complete list of reliable exchangers. Always do your research before using any exchanger.
HYIP Commentators
While there are numerous Online Financial Guides, HYIP commentators, newsletters, blogs and forums, most pale in comparison to Money News Online (MNO). Money News Online seems to be the HYIP arenas favorite HYIP Blog site. Paul spends countless hours researching the world of HYIP, the individual programs and their admin. He never fails to ‘Tell-it-like-it-is’. Paul definitely keeps his ear to ground and his nose to the grindstone when it comes to staying abreast of all the newsworthy HYIP information. If you have been looking for a place to receive insightful, timely and factual information, as it pertains to the HYIP arena, then Paul and www.money-news-online.com is the Best of the Best!
Joke of the Day:
A young brunette goes into the doctor’s office and says that her body hurts wherever she touches it.
“Impossible” says the doctor. “Show me.” She takes her finger and pushes on her elbow and screams in pain. She then pushes on her ankle and screams again and so on it goes. At this point the doctor asks, “You’re not really a brunette are you?” She says, “No, I’m really a blonde.” “I thought so,” he says. “Your finger is broken.”
Now before you get upset. Next time, it’ll be the guys turn to get picked on.
Feel free to post your comments and opinions in our Forum.
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!
Chatroom: www.ptvpartner.com/chat_room.html
Blog: www.ptvpartner.wordpress.com
Website: PTVPartner
Forum: www.ptvpartner.com/forums

LucreMaker (reviewed here) paid me again on expiry very fast today. This time I received my payout their 128% after 1 week. Other plans offered by LucreMaker include:
111% after 3 days, 165% after 2 weeks, 212% after 3 weeks. The program has been online for only 10 days and is paying out on such short-term plans like clockwork so far. The admin of LucreMaker occasionally sends out some newsletters and today he decided to remind us of the review of his program on MNO published a few days ago. Here’s the latest:
Did you happen to see the review from Paul at Money-News-Online? We would like to thank again Paul with all words on LucreMaker.
You can read more about this review by clicking the MNO banner on the left hand side of the site or here.
Have a nice weekend and wait for the next update.
Best Regards. LucreMaker Team

You have one last chance to invest in the promotional plan in ArbisPro (reviewed here) and receive 115% after one week instead of the usual 10%-12% weekly forever plan. The admin of the program assured everybody that there would not be any extension of this plan anymore and it’s going to finish exactly on schedule as specified in the latest newsletter:
Dear member, Our Jumbo promo had been a huge success. Now, it is time to draw the cotton and stop the promo plan. Like we said, it will expire on the 31st of January and there shall be no extension of time any further.
Congratulation to every member who had taken advantage of this earning spree. It was fully worth it.
Tomorrow at 0000 hours, we shall a closure of our jumbo plan. If you have not joined, you still have less than 24 hours to take your share.
Thanks and expect something new soonest.
Andrea Becks. ArbisPro Admin

I would like to thank the admin of Flanita Bernard for answering me and explaining the situation with his website. Apparently for the last few days Flanita was under DDoS attack which their previous hosting provider could not cope with. So it was decided that from today Flanita website will be hosted on Dragonara which is well known for its almost unparalleled level of DDoS protection. The admin of the program asked investors for some patience during the process of migrating their website from Phoenixnic (their former hosting provider) to Dragonara. As you know any migration requires some time but I guess by Monday we should be able to load the Flanita website again. Let’s wait and see what happens! I have moved Flanita to Waiting status on my blog until we see an improvement.

Something of interest to the members of RosalinFinance (reviewed here). Starting now the withdrawals will only be processed on business days (Monday to Friday) so you should adjust your strategy in this program especially if you’re investing in the short-term plans. It might be not so bad if the announcement was made not on Saturday when RosalinFinance says they will have two more days not to pay everybody. This is a definite sign of some cashflow problems which could be resolved till Monday when the payouts supposedly should resume. However if you consider the latest staged hacking attacks on selected members’ accounts probably originating a source not that far the RosalinFinance administration itself you should understand that very possibly the program is on the verge of collapse now. I would strongly discourage you from joining, at least before we see what happens on Monday. We will see then if it’s genuine or if it was just a trick to attract more deposits before disappearing! Here is the latest update from RosalinFinance:
Hello dear RosalinFinance members, RosalinFinance managers have decided to send withdrawals during trading days only.
Then since now we send withdrawals between Monday to Friday.
Profits will be calculated calendar days like before.
So our FAQ has been updated.
Best Regards. Carlo Sandros (RosalinFinance staff)

The admin of WeeklyDividend Ed (interviewed here) reported about their favorable growth rates (approaching 1000 members now) and about their ForEx trading results. Also the admin reminded everybody what you can do if unable to access the site from your computer. Please read the latest newsletter and follow the instructions closely if you have this problem:
We are very close to crossing the 1000 member mark which is a monumental task considering that we will only have our one month anniversary next week. I wanted to thank our members for making WeeklyDividend what is is today and for what it will become. Things are running very smoothly and since EURUSD has been maintaining a very nice downtrend we have been making considerable gains in our FX accounts which further goes to solidify our position as one of the strongest programs online.
I had one report today of a member who wasn’t able to access the website and this was due to his ip being on the block list. The slight downtime we experienced the other day was DDos related and the way to mitigate attacks of this size are to block blocks of ips where the attack may be coming from.
Because of this it is possible that legitimate traffic also got blocked so if you aren’t able to access the site either through WeeklyDividend or through then please send an email to support@weeklydividend.com and I will get it handled.

Some programs were unable to pay today due to some issues with the API interface with LibertyReserve. They promised to process all the pending withdrawals as soon as possible. Here is what the admin of ScootFx had to say about it:
There is a problem in LibertyReserve API which caused all withdrawals are still pending. They will be completed when the API fixed.
Regards, ScootFx Group
And this is what I got when I logged in to the CSMFinance website which also disabled instant withdrawals while LibertyReserve works on the problem:
Yesterday LibertyReserve was closed on scheduled maintenance.They were upgrading API software and now their API doesn’t respond to our commands (curl and file_get_contents()) to process withdrawals. Our technical department is working on fixing this issue as soon as possible. Everything will be fixed within 24 hours, most likely sooner.

I received the first newsletter today from the admin of 21stCenturyArb – the program that offers a perpetual plan of 12% weekly with no expiry and is yet to be reviewed on MNO. I hope to have it done by Monday. The first email actually encouraged all the free members to upgrade their accounts to avoid early deletion. I remind you that the price of one upgrade unit will be $20 and you will be able to make your deposit using four payment processors. More on that in my upcoming review and below is the newsletter from them:
Happy week-end to all members of 21stCenturyArb.
My name is Joy, admin of 21stCenturyArb where we offer our members the opportunity to make a guaranteed profit from selected sporting events without ever risking a penny with 21st century Arbitrage.
All Payout have been completed. We want to also encourage all free members to upgrade their account or will be deleted within one week from today to reduce the load on our server. If you need more explanation on how Sport Arbitrage work, please read our Arbitrage Guide page.
I am using this opportunity to thank everyone that have been of great help to the success of 21stCenturyArb.
Thanks. Joy. Admin. 21StCenturyArb.

That’s all for today, guys! I will be back tomorrow with possibly another interview. I’ll be spending Sunday fishing on the world famous Loch Ness in Scotland so if I catch anything bigger than a salmon (eg the Loch Ness monster!) I’ll let you know!

To finish for today I would like to give you the list of programs that paid me for the last 24 hours. They are:
GeniusFunds, Eternidex, GoldenFleeceFund, ParamountProfits, IwFunds, Investorum, InstantMoneyBets, FxStar, MandarinInvest, LucreMaker, HugMoney, Verifield, RefMotor, NowInv, IncoForex, NanoMoneyCorp, GasAndOilInvestment, AtoxFinance, AsiaInv, StarkFund, KobelCapital, XagaEnterprise, EzProfit, GlobalFund, SportBetInv, FinanceNova, OneDailyPro, FundUpgrader, TheKapital, Caziroca, BarterCrown, PTVPartner, Warisona, GoldenInvestment, WeeklyDividend, SantiVentures and WaterInvestment.

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