January 2010 Archives

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Hi everybody! First of all I know that I promised you a new interview last night. But between one thing and another I wasn’t able to bring you that today. Not to worry however, I have it saved and will bring it to you tomorrow instead.

Anyway, back to today’s business. One of the lesser known programs that I came across over the last couple of weeks was called GouldsInvest. Now, it wouldn’t be the usual type of program I’d join myself and I don’t mind telling you I had to think about it. But you know, “what’s life without a gamble” I said to myself, and decided to take a chance. The other thing about it is I can’t even think of the name GouldsInvest without a surreal image of the actor Elliot Gould popping into my head with his hand out asking for money!

GouldsInvest is a short term HYIP, which I guess doesn’t sound all that strange to you at first. I monitor lots of them after all. But what’s so unusual about this one is its age. The only investment plan on offer (I’ll get to that in just a second) runs for six days but the program is about to complete it’s fourth week online. Ordinarily I might be thinking that this one is getting a bit old now and it mightn’t be the best time to get involved. But then I considered the timing. GouldsInvest as a short term program was launched ten days before Christmas. I think most people that have been in this business longer than a month might have a fair idea what that means. No disrespect to the admin but few would have expected anything other than a fast scam. Launching a short term HYIP in December is just asking for trouble. Or so I thought. Yet here we are a month later in the middle of January and lo and behold, GouldsInvest is still with us.

So despite the drawback with the age it’s apparent to me that the admin is determined to let this one run its natural course and keep it running for as long as possible. Now whether that’s a day or a year I really can’t say (that’s where the gamble comes into the picture!) but it’s safe to say that the admin had ample opportunity to up sticks and run away before this. And didn’t. So I wouldn’t care to say how big a chance I have of making a profit from this but I reckon I’ll get a fair one at least.

Now, what about that plan? As I just said above there is only one investment plan available from GouldsInvest. It runs for a term of 6 days. During that time it offers daily interest payments of 20% per day on deposits starting from a minimum of just $5 up to a maximum of $5000. Your principal is already factored into the payments and will not be returned. So your total payment will be 120%, or 100% principal plus 20% profit. Which isn’t bad for less than a week, assuming it will run.

Just three payment options are available here. The usual choice for an online HYIP of this nature with LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay being accepted. Withdrawals are not automatic and will take up to 24 hours. Compounding is not allowed.

The design is pretty basic to say the least. No frills here, but really there’s not a lot to dress up either. It’s a fairly straight forward HYIP game and there is no real effort to disguise the truth from you.

The security is at least comparable to most similar programs and GouldsInvest is certainly no worse than the average HYIP. They are hosted on a dedicated server (a Staminus server no less) and protected from DDoS attacks by NVHServer hosting. And the script is licensed from Neversay which should also be ok. Customer support is via an online support ticket system.

On the business side of things, don’t waste you time looking for stories about ForEx trading and the like. They’re not there. GouldsInvest is presented to you as an online game. If you make a few bucks out of it (and there is a chance) then congratulations. Enjoy it. Likewise if you lose (and there’s a chance you might do that too!) don’t complain. But I’ve taken a look around the main forums and the feedback is almost universally positive so far. The payouts were never missed and even during the holidays were processed quickly. According to the members anyway.

Overall GouldsInvest looks nothing special but the payments have been met and the members seem pleased. I know it’s a bit old but I can name a couple of other current HYIPs that have lasted twice as long with similar plans. I can’t promise you that’s going to happen here, but this business is full of surprises.


First of all I would like to let you all know that I heard from Robert Spearman, the admin of GoldNuggetInvest today. Well, I can tell you that another newsletter will be sent to the members later in the week explaining the current situation with delayed withdrawal requests. It seems that some significant changes are coming and some changes might not be so popular with the investment community. In all other cases I would be skeptical about them as well but in the case of GNI it’s different. Robert and the GNI team proved over the years that they can be trusted by slowly building their reputation in this field with the utmost professionalism at all times. So I can assure you that those changes that are going to be implemented by Robert pretty soon will allow GoldNuggetInvest to improve and to grow and to become stronger in the long run. But I can’t say that I was in any way surprised that Robert didn’t sit and wait for the problem to fix itself but instead of it he came out with some viable and realistic plan for reviving GoldNuggetInvest for the benefit of all the investors. I hope after revealing the plan to GNI investors it will be supported because GoldNuggetInvest is possibly the only program I know that not only delivers the payments but also continues to overcome every conceivable obstacle along the way. I will continue to support GNI for the simple reason that they never let us down in the past and have continued to make trojan efforts to make the program a success and keep it on top. There have been some major changes made here in the past since they first opened to the public and this will happen again. It has to happen in every business if they are to grow and evolve. And with GNI all of these changes have been entirely beneficial for its membership, without whom GNI is nothing. So I hope it’s not asking too much to just keep your patience a little longer.

InstantMoneyBets has made some significant changes in their test plan which was modified rather then removed. So from now on instead of being paid 101% after 1 day the duration of the test plan has been increased to 5 days during which you will be paid 1.2% daily interest (so your total profit will be 6%). Although I would hardly call it a Test plan anymore as the minimum to invest in it is now $75. However, the main advantage of that plan still remains: it’s the opportunity to get your principal back sooner. I would just suggest that the admin change the main page of InstantMoneyBets which still describes the old plan which will only confuse visitors. The other three plans remain the same: 1.9% for 42 days, 2.23% for 120 days and 18.2% weekly for 202 days. You can read more on InstantMoneyBets in my review published here or my interview with the admin Michael published here. In addition to this important change Michael reported today about the contest winners, some deposit issues and sooner site redesign. Here is then full length newsletter from InstantMoneyBets:
Yes it is true we have more then 1000 Members now and we are still PAYING.
We have Paid to our Members over 37.500$. Thanks again for your Trust Members.
but today I want to inform your about:
– Test Plan changes – Contest Winners –  Script renew – Deposit Problems – New Design
Test Plan changes:
As we told you in the last Newsletter we will change or delete the Test Plan.
We will not delete it but we have changed it.
Now the Test Plan runs 5 Days and you will get 1.20% Daily, the new minimum is 75$ and the new maximum is 1.000$.
You will get your principal back after 5 Days.
Contest Winners:
Our Contest is over and we have 4 Winners.
If you are a winner so you will get a email within the next hour.
The Amount of 250$ will be credit to your account within the next hour, too.
So you can deposit it or withdraw it.
Script Renew and Updates:
Within the next 24-48hours we will renew the Script and install some Updates. So the PM, GDP, SP Deposits are be back instant.
Deposit Problems:
We still have Problems with the Deposit from PM and SP. If you have Deposit but it isn’t added to your account please email us with Payment Details to Support@instantmoneybets.com
New Design:
Next week we will also add our new Design, so with the new Design the Website will be available also in German.
That’s all for today, Michael

The admin of WeeklyDividend (interviewed here) informed everybody about a glitch in the script that delayed the crediting of the first weekly payments to some members’ accounts. It happened due to the uniqueness of the script WeeklyDividend is using (I told about this already in my review published here) but has been fixed by now. So you can enjoy your weekly 9%-11% earnings credited to your account just as smoothly as in the daily 1.1%-1.5% plan. Here is the latest news from them:
I would like to again thank everyone for their patience and understanding today. Today was the first day of the WeeklyDividend‘s being paid and there was a slight glitch in the interest crediting. Originally I asked for this script to be made to pay on business days only but at the last minute I changed my mind to allow it to pay every day. Because of this deposits that were made on Saturday and Sunday (our first days online) had a one day extension added to them for some reason.
This has now been resolved and the first weekly interest payments have started and been credited to members accounts. If you were due an interest payment today and it hasn’t shown up yet then it will appear tomorrow in your account.
So now that we have all of the little bugs work out its party time! Now everyone can enjoy the great earnings and fast payments without anymore hindrances! When using a custom script we are sometimes faced with things such as this but my programmer was able to get it fixed very quickly.
Last week was an excellent trading week and I expect the volume to fully return to the markets this week. WeeklyDividend has a very solid business model and in the months and years to come you will all see the power and the profitability behind what we are offering!
Thank you, Ed and the WeeklyDividend Team!

It’s funny that the admin of BetAndTrading sent a newsletter which was probably addressing the issues that were named in the recent MNO review (published here). The newsletter was quite amusing to me. So first I would like to let you know what the admin thinks about my points and then give you my own comments:
I think it is Time for the first short Newsletter.
My Program are online now about 4 Days and we have more than 330 Members.
We are pay all request within minutes or max. within a few hours.
So i can say we have had a great start.
1.) of all i want to say sorry for my sometimes Bad English, many people told me, i m not professional because i have to much mistakes in my English.
Yes it is right there are a few mistakes, but im sorry im from Austria.
2.) i want to say something about the Monthly Plan, yes there are also an mistake from me with the Interest, i have resolved it and you will now get 52% Monthly. But heeeyyyy, “Nobody is perfect”
3.) I can’t trade at Forex, i can’t trade at Sportbetting and i can’t trade Metals. But i have built and tested my Team for more then 12.000$ with Traders, by myself i can only combine it and i think combine these 3 kinds, it can be a very very stable income, for me and my members.
Thanks for reading my Newsletter. Stefan, CEO – Admin
Some interesting points raised there and worth taking a look at:
1) I know that many admins are not native English speakers and it can be an issue, though it doesn’t have to be, in the HYIP business. But how the website looks can determine its success in the long run. So wouldn’t it be more logical to make the site in German first (if that’s the admin’s native language) and then ask or hire somebody to translate it into proper English. To me having such obvious grammar and spelling mistakes that can easily be picked up by any spellchecker looks very unprofessional and actually a little bit lazy.
2) I agree that nobody is perfect. However, how can you expect somebody to be taken seriously if they can’t count to ten and have to be told by somebody from their “trading” team even that the monthly plan made no sense. I still think that the monthly plan is useless because increasing the profits from 48% to 52% (not yet reflected on the main page of BetAndTrading) still doesn’t make it any better compared to the weekly or daily plans.
3) Finally, I appreciate the admin’s honesty about his inability to trade ForEx, do Sport betting or trade on the precious metals market. However, it was funny for me to see that he still claims to lead a successful team of traders that is making an income for his program. Just think if any venture can be successful if the admin (or any supervisor) has no idea about what their employees do. Sorry, but I don’t buy it.
Anyway, provided any substantial evidence is offered by the admin of BetAndTrading that such an income from betting and trading really exists I would still treat it as a regular HYIP, no more and no less. Any interview with him where he or any of his skillful professional traders could explain to the readers of MNO how they make their capital from members’ money would be highly appreciated. But please no nonsense anymore as I’m tired of the interviews with unsubstantiated claims. Maybe the admins should tell the truth for a change?

ArbisPro (reviewed here) may well have the same problem as its admin never replied to my interview questions despite of my constant reminders. I guess they were too tough for him and just making statements about Sports betting without a shred of evidence on their site is much easier. I guess that some admins are just not up to the challenge and answering questions can do them more harm than good. But that is the most important purpose of any interview – for admins that claim something on their sites to then back it up. Anyway, despite the lack of interview ArbisPro seems to be doing very well utilizing a very popular and I would say almost trendy among HYIP admins now – the perpetual model of non-expiring payments offering 10%-12% weekly forever with the possibility to withdraw your principal after 10 weeks. The only problem for them is only the members that request their payments to the payment processors and forgetting to specify their ID in the member’s area. So if this has been a problem for you then please don’t forget to make sure that you specify all payment processor IDs in your ArbisPro account. Here is the latest update from them:
All payments for today has been completed. Please always ensure you add the correct payment id in your account with ArbisPro. Some members add email address as payment id for LR payment. Some others do same thing for STP payment id.
Please ensure you add the correct payment id for each payment processor account.
Have a lovely week ahead. Andrea Beck. ArbisPro Admin

I guess some people will never learn their lesson, otherwise how could anybody believe emails like this one coming from obvious scammers like DreamFunds. Just look what I received in my mailbox today:
Hello dear members, We are very sorry for delay. We were offline for some days. We were in Cyprus for some important decision. We need some documents for complete the payouts. We need these documents for scam and fraud pishing:1 Passport, Driver license or country ID.2 new Bill for last 2 or 3 months.3 Your full name and phone number or cell phone number.4 If you want to contribute in our congress in APRIL please send us your passport, picture, a bill, full contact information in next 3 weeks. The congress is in Cyprus and the entrance is 10$ for peruse your documents and emplacement. You should pay this amount via Visa or Master card or Paypal only or you can pay with phone in US only. For more information please contact us. Thanks. Admin”.
So let me get this straight. First the admin assumes that by paying a few dollars and getting a UK incorporation cert he could fool us. No way, Jose! The matter was thoroughly investigated by MNO and the results were published here (together with the the certificate of incorporation of course). Next, the program stopped paying. Well, the next step was to plant some malicious virus on the DreamFunds website to contaminate PCs. That was not enough for this ugly scammer probably as now he wants to get some money by using your personal info to verify some payment processor accounts and use your name in some illegal activities by selling these accounts to third parties afterwards. Do you really want this to happen? Well, if you are going to sacrifice your privacy due to a next to zero chance of getting your money back anyway, then sorry to disappoint you. You will get nothing from such people and they are really the biggest shame in this Industry! Anyway, I hope the lesson is finally learnt, ok?

Next onto SazaInvestments (reviewed here). In his latest email to the members the admin of SazaInvestments appealed for patience in resolving the recent support tickets and returning the principal back to those requesting it. I remind you that you earn your 8%-10% weekly in SazaInvestments indefinitely. Unless you want to request your principal back in which case you submit a support ticket to the program’s administration and pay a 6% withdrawal fee. So far SazaInvestments has been online since May 2009 and paid like clockwork so I can’t think of any possible reason to withdraw your principal unless you’re in a real need of the money. You can read more about SazaInvestments in my interview with the admin Ricardo published here. And this is the today’s newsletter:
In 24 hours all principal back requested more then 20 days ago will be paid. Our manager is the only one who can make them and he was traveling. Also by tomorrow all support tickets will be solved too. Please try to understand that there are some things that only the managers can handle and when they are traveling we can’t help you as fast as we would like. Thank you again for all your support and trust in us. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.

RefMotor (reviewed here) marked 100 days online. It’s quite a good achievement for a program offering instant payouts for both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney withdrawals on the following investment plans: 8%-10% for 15 days or 130%-170% after 15 days. Anyway to celebrate the occasion only for today the admin (interviewed here) is paying members a 6% bonus on every investment. See below for further info:
Hi, I am RefMotor admin. Today is our 100th day of our work. Then we want to pay very good bonus only for today.
1: we pay all accounts free bonus and you can withdraw it instantly
2: for all of the new investment for today we pay 6% cash bonus(only today)
3: you can active your account and start for voting bonus
4: earn 6% referral only for today then to day is very good day for saying about us to your friends.
Join and enjoy our bonus for our 100th day

The admin of RichAliens Robert reduced the minimum amount to withdraw from his program from $1 to $0.5. It was made due to numerous requests from the members having small investments in RichAliens but still willing to be able to request their daily withdrawals from 4% for 30 days plan on a daily basis. You can read more info on the revamped version of RichAliens in my detailed review published here. This is the email from Robert:
Due to popular demand, the withdrawal minimum amount has been lowered to $0.50. So now, those who previously had to wait a couple of days before they can withdraw, can now withdraw much faster.
Thank you and have a good earthly day. The RichAliens

Do you know that if you’re a member of GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here) you’re becoming a co-owner of a gold mine automatically? Sounds too good to be true? Well, since I was not in the program since the beginning the admin of GoldenFleeceFund stated that today the second dividend from their share in the gold mine had been received. The total numbers and details of this quite interesting news were published in the latest newsletter from GoldenFleeceFund. Read it below:
This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund management. In November 09, we took a 4% equity position in a gold mine thanks to public investment. As promised, I would be reporting back when we receive our first dividend from our gold mine contract. I am back again to report our second dividend payment of $14,600. I have attached the news article below from when we acquired the equity position and below that will be the financial report I promised.
GoldenFleeceFund Acquires 4% Equity Position
GoldenFleeceFund, a private investment group, has taken a 4% Equity Position in a gold producing mine. This contract is big step in the expansion of GoldenFleeceFund holdings. Felix Zeller, CEO and Manager of GoldenFleeceFund, says more on the reasons and terms for closing on an equity position in a gold producing mine: “Over the past 6 months we have been pursuing a equity position in a gold producing mine. It is not new information that commodities provide a hedge against inflation. This is part of our current company goal to pursue equity in the companies that dig the precious metals out of the ground. In a global recession, mines are on overdrive to produce more commodities to deliver. The greatest profits are found in these companies apart from delivery contracts.”
GoldenFleeceFund has been open to public investment for one month. We strive to bring precious metals investing to the average investor globally.
Nov-18-2009 09:10:41 AM”
GFF 4% Equity Position Financial Report – Total period:
11/18/09 Cash payment of 7 figures for 4% equity in gold producing mine.
12/08/09 Dividend payment received for the sum of $32,870.
01/11/10 Dividend payment received for the sum of $14,600.
Thank You, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

Let’s get to the increasingly popular short-term program InvestJoy (reviewed here) that now numbers over 610 members. The admin showed himself to be a good administrator for the first week online and I’m honestly looking forward to what happens next. Today the admin of InvestJoy Werner stated that his program was not a simple ponzi-game but rather that it had some real profits from bets and gambling that will help it pay the profits to investors of 5% for 30 days and 150% after 15 days. Honestly, it was big news for me and I can’t wait for the interview he promised to send me. The ever changing promotions for the members of InvestJoy are also going well and today there were some screenshots of the payments submitted on the main forums. As promised this promotion is now over but a new one has started in its place. However, it will only apply to larger investors that will receive a 10% bonus on top of investments of $500 and more. To apply for the bonus which is withdrawable by the way you have 6 more days as the current promotion will expire on Sunday. I hope to hear more from Werner when he answers some questions for the MNO interview that will hopefully prove his program’s sustainability in the long run. Anyway, I guess becoming the best HYIP of 2010 like Werner said in the latest newsletter from InvestJoy today is a bit of a challenge:
Hello members, I’m back to your inbox. Today was a very busy day, I was planning to answer MNO interview and the questions another blog admin sent me but it was not possible yet, I hope they understand. I’m getting very busy with the promotions that require my time to add bonuses, but I love your participation members. I can do anything to have your support. Let’s go with the headlines.
1) Screenshots
Thank you very much for the many payment screenshots you posted in the forums, it’s useful to show to the skeptical investors that InvestJoy is a powerful program that is paying and has lots of loyal members. I do appreciate your support and am always looking for ideas on my mind to reward you more and more. During the last 24 hours you were very active voting for us. Keep it up!
2) New promotion
There is a new promotion running, it’s valid for the whole week and will expire on Sunday (2010/01/17). InvestJoy is having a new moment in its own history, in the first week I offered a promotion for $100 deposits. InvestJoy grew, now the promotion is for members with deposits from $500 and more. You will earn not a fixed bonus but a percentage on your deposit amount. I will credit your account with 10% bonus.
So if you invest $1000 you earn $100, this amount is withdrawable at anytime you wish. To request your bonus please use the form that is available in your member area.
3) Incomes
I’m preparing something to release to the public soon. As you can see in the site my source of income is related to betting and gambling opportunities, this is not just an excuse to get people investing in InvestJoy. Gambling and bets are my ways to earn money online for living, together with management of Hyips, one of the things I can do better. If you check few reviews about gambling industry online you will find out how much money is involved, my participation is really tiny if compared with the capital invested by a few persons I know. I launched InvestJoy because this way I could increase my capital and try opportunities I am not able with only my own money.
Possibly in the next week you will find something new and interesting from InvestJoy. This is also a part of my strategy to make this program the best hyip 2010 and also one of most durable short-term Hyips in the recent times. The interview Paul sent me has some questions you will like to read my answers, I am about to complete the interview, it will be available soon. See you in the next newsletter.
Werner Grube. InvestJoy

Another short-term program IdealInv (reviewed here) paid me very fast on expiry of my plan of 120% after 5 days today. I remind you that IdealInv also offers other two plans with payouts processed on expiry: 150% after 10 days and 195% after 15 days. All the major payment processors accepted as well with the latest addition of AlertPay (including the deposits via Credit cards). Last night the support phone number has been added which you can make your phone call and ask all the questions. I haven’t tried it yet but some forum members said it was real said they spoke with the admin. By the way, today I finally received answers for my interview from Sergiy so I will be publishing that on MNO tomorrow. Stay tuned for that, guys!

I have been paid today from the following programs:
NanoMoneyCorp, WeeklyDividend, RosalinFinance, IdealInv, KobelCapital, Infinitum, GoldNuggetInvest, Caziroca, Verifield, WestFinance, GeniusFunds, PTVPartner, AsiaInv, CSMFinance, BetAndTrading, Flanita, GouldsInvest, MandarinInvest, InvestmentForge, InstantMoneyBets, PanaMoney, HugMoney, GoldenFleeceFund, InvestJoy, GlobalFund, StanbicArbitrage, RefMotor, Eternidex, ArbisPro, ZenithInvestment, StarkFund, Vegamex, SantiVentures, MoneyPlus, XagaEnterprise, Investorum and SportBetInv (the first payment received).

And finally, SportBetInv is a brand new program with perpetual plans that has every chance to become successful (considering it has suffix Inv in its name and is claiming to make money from Sports arbitrage!) Seriously though, if their sports arbitrage activities can be questioned if the texts are not original nobody can doubt the seriousness of the intentions of the admin who runs this website. Really, the site of SportBetInv is excellent and looks professional enough to me, and has a licensed GoldCoders script. It’s hosted by Koddos, has an SSL-certificate installed and is running on a dedicated Staminus server. SportBetInv accepts five payment processors: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, GlobalDigitalPay and StrictPay. The plans can be divided into two categories (daily and weekly) and your rate of interest depends on the amount deposited (the minimum for both plans is $10 only). According to the chosen plan you will be paid either 1.5%-1.9% daily or 12%-15% weekly until you decide to withdraw your principal (the minimum lock-in period is 10 weeks or 70 days). Overall, SportBetInv looks quite promising to me though I would just advise you to skip their statement of 100% risk-free guarantee for your investment. As the more seasoned investors know such things don’t apply in the HYIP world.

That’s it for today. I hope my post for today was interesting and if so then don’t forget to check back tomorrow. As well as the interview with the administration of IdealInv, a more detailed review of SportBetInv and of course all the latest news and updates from the Industry. Stay tuned and stay on the money with Money-News-Online!

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