February 2010 Archives

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Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
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Hi, guys! I’m back from my fishing trip to Loch-Ness but I wasn’t lucky enough to catch the famous monster! The little purple toy version I purchased in a souvenir shop doesn’t count. In my opinion it’s a figment of an over active imagination. Either that or a generous helping of fine Scotch malt whiskey! Some people really believed they saw something, but mostly it’s just people who like to keep the myth alive. So on the way back to town I couldn’t help but draw some comparisons between this ancient story and the HYIP industry. Really, we also see just a few admins who honestly believe they will make their program successful and try to earn some money in an honest way. The other 90% simply deliberately set out to scam and are only interested in misleading investors building a huge ponzi-based pyramid scheme. So the question is: is it really just a myth that you can make good money from playing in HYIPs? Or is it just what people want to believe? Well, I believe that the truth is a relative quality here. You know like in the old experiment with the glass of water. One man looks at it and sees it half-empty, but the next man sees it half-full. It all depends on your own perception. If you think that most HYIPs are just crooked by nature, inherently dishonest, and it’s impossible to earn money from but you’re still participating anyway then it’s almost inevitable that you will lose your money pretty soon. However if you see some good potential in them and are prepared to make sacrifices while gaining experience then maybe things will eventually work out better. I know that if you have an inner belief that this Loch Ness monster of profitable HYIPs does exist then no doubt you will find it a profitable activity eventually and may even go so far as to earn a living from it.

Anyway, how about we get on with the news? Unfortunately I can’t publish the interview I was hoping to tonight as the admin didn’t get it sent on time. Well, maybe it’s for the best because despite it being Sunday I have a lot more important news stories today than we usually see on this day.

First of all this is possibly the most important update today. I’m well aware that NanoMoneyCorp (reviewed here) for its four successful years online managed to become one of the most popular HYIPs which is why it has such a high ranking on MNO (currently it’s #3 only behind GeniusFunds and SazaInvestments). I guess only the fact that NanoMoneyCorp accepts only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney (along with Bank wires) is hindering its growth. However I know that many people would exchange their other e-currencies to LR or PM simply to make their deposits in one of the offered investment plans. So the changes from tomorrow will not be affecting the plans themselves as they will stay the same as described by the admin of NanoMoneyCorp in his interview given to MNO (read it here). The changes will apply to the minimum investment allowed in each plans. So the minimum goes from a very affordable $20 to $100 deposit which is from now on will apply to The Pool plan paying you 1.2% for 30 working days with the principal returned on expiry. The maximum allowed into The Pool plan is also raised to $1,000 (unlike the previous $500). Accordingly the minimum to invest into The Venture plan offering 1.5% for 50 business days with the principal returned on expiry was raised to $1,000.01 with the maximum is still $5,000. Finally, the changes will not be applied to The Fund plan which is offering 1.8% for 100 business days (with principal return). Investments there remain the same – $5,000.01 up to $100,000. However, the minimum investment accepted via Bank Wire will still be $500 so from now on you have an option to invest into The Pool plan also via your bank account. Please note that all the investors having less than $100 in NanoMoneyCorp accounts will still be able to earn their money from the first plan but after the plan expires they will not be able to re-invest automatically but rather will have to withdraw their principal and invest not less $100 if they wish to continue. In my opinion, the decision to increase the minimum was made by NanoMoneyCorp administration in order to reduce the work overload obviously created by small investors. It’s quite clear to me that NanoMoneyCorp wants to concentrate on providing their services to more serious investors and remove the burden of paying dollars and cents on a daily basis. We will see if it was a wise decision pretty soon but meanwhile I have already changed their info on my monitoring page. Here is the latest news from NanoMoneyCorp (please read carefully):

Important notice!
Dear investors and partners. We would like to announce the rise of minimum initial deposit possible to invest with NanoMoneyCorp.
Since 1 February 2010 our minimum investment is $100. If you have a working program less then $100 you be able to reinvest if the reinvested sum is less then $100. You could only Close such program. If any questions would arise please direct them to support by e-mail or live chat.

Another program that is occupying a pretty high position on MNO blog at the moment is XagaEnterprise (reviewed here). The program is currently ranked at #12 having paid out regularly since April 2009. The current investment offers from XagaEnterprise include a vast variety of plans with the deposits allowed from LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay and in some of them the minimum to invest is only $1. If you are a fan of perpetual plans you can choose 1.2% paid every business day or 8%-10% weekly with no expiry date. If you prefer the plans where you can get your principal back on expiry you can go with 0.5% for 30 business days or 0.7% for 90 business days. The profit is not so high compared to many other HYIPs but unlike them the admin of XagaEnterpise Kevin claims to be involved in trading Casino comps allowing him to earn some real income using the investors’ money (read more of it in my interview with Kevin published here). First I was quite skeptical about this myself but Kevin was very persistent in putting more and more evidence on XagaEnterprise website and even uploaded some videos on Youtube where you can see for yourselves how he’s making money. So in the latest video clip you will see the whole process how Kevin exchanges casino comps for real money which he got from the cashier straight away. It’s a pretty convincing video and I advise you to see it if considering joining XagaEnterprise in the near future. Here is what Kevin wrote in the latest newsletter to the members:
I have uploaded new video. You must see this to understand how our project is run.
As you can see, I converted $845 comps to cash with 2:1 ratio. It means $422 worth of cash. As I said in the past, this conversion was for invited guests only and only for big and loyal customers. I collected this $845 in couple of days only. It was not easy to produce $845 comps. From my experience, if you lose $500 in Casinos, you will only receive $5 comps and of course it depends on many factors such as how long you play, how big, etc. So in order to produce that $845, I need many hours and huge capital around 5 figures.
In the video, there was a moment I have to drop my digital camera because there was officer there. The hardest thing in the video was to change the money slip to the cashier because I was dealing with human beings. It wasn’t easy to tape that. Eyes on the sky, officers, environment, etc. It took several minutes before I got my money because it was considered huge comps.
I hope u understand how XagaEnterprise works. If you haven’t joined yet, what are u waiting for? XagaEnterprise is a real investment program with a risk free and proven method.
XagaEnterprise beats Forex, Stocks, Sport Arbitrage Trading, etc.
Enjoy your weekend and XagaEnterprise ROCKS!
Thank you. Regards, Kevin. Admin

As far as I know the recent problems with the API interface in LibertyReserve are not fixed yet and that forced a lot of admins to make their payments manually which is a very time-consuming process. Some of the programs though temporary disabled withdrawals to LibertyReserve completely in the hope that that the issue will be solved soon. For instance, the admin of FxStar (interviewed here) warned the investors that it’s currently impossible to withdraw the money to LibertyReserve due to the totally automatic process operated by their script. However you can still withdraw to other payment processors and you will even get some small bonus if you make your request to PerfectMoney. I remind you that except LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney FxStar is also accepting StrictPay, WebMoney and AlertPay and you can make your deposits to any of the following plans: 1% for 30 days and 1.3-2.3% for 100 days (with principal back on expiry) and 3% for 100 days (with principal included in the daily payments). More about the FxStar program can be seen in my review published here. This is the latest update regarding the temporary disabling of LibertyReserve withdrawals:
Dear partners! Today we have to tell you the information about the problem with Liberty Reserve. Because of the problem with this system many of you cannot withdraw your funds. Right now you can withdraw money via PerfectMoney (and get the bonus of 2%), AlertPay, StrictPay, WebMoney. If you need to get your money only via LibertyReserve, then you have to send a request to fxstar.billing@gmail.com. You have to write your login, LR account and the amount you wish to withdraw. You have to send an e-mail, from the mail box, which you have entered during the registration and write your LR account, which you have entered during the registration. Sorry for these temporary problems. 4 people are working right now in order to solve the problem. The problem will be fixed very soon.

It seems that the same issue also affected another program with usually instant payouts to LibertyReserve CSMFinance (reviewed here). The admin had to announce that the switching to manual LibertyReserve payouts will continue until the problem with the API is fixed. I have already received three of my own pending withdrawals today and can confirm that CSMFinance is still paying well despite those temporary issues in 1.7%-2.1% for 200 calendar days plan. This is the latest news from them:
LibertyReserve was updating its DDoS protection equipment on Friday and it caused problems with connection “CSM Server -> Liberty Reserve API” which is necessary to process withdrawals. Due to non-working days it took longer than we could get it done on working days, but our whole team was working hard to have the issue is completely fixed and instant withdrawals are enabled again. Happy investing with CSMFinance!

It’s a very good news for all the members of Flanita (reviewed here). I have already reported on my blog that Flanita is going to migrate to a more secure Dragonara server due to constant DdoS-attacks and the inability of their hosting company to provide them the necessary level of protection. I’m glad to report that Flanita already processed all the pending payouts from the 1.5%-2.7% for 100 business days plan. Hopefully this issue will not happen again in the future and I believe it will not be an issue anymore considering the good experience Dragonara has in coping with such type of attacks. Here is the latest good news from the admin of Flanita Bernard:
Flanita is growing and becoming very popular and hot.
In the last few days the site was unavailable in consequence of a strong ddos attacks that befell our server.
We decided to change hosting provider and now using protected ddos hosting from the Dragonara.
Thank you for your patience, understanding and anticipation.
The Finance Department has already withdraw all pending payments, thank you for your cooperation!

I have been paid some ref commissions from 21stCenturyArb today so I’m going to review it on my blog tomorrow. The program is offering 12% weekly forever for the deposits starting from $20. Today a fifth payment processor – AlertPay – was added and now 21stCenturyArb is equipped with all the most popular payment processors set. Here is the last newsletter from the admin of the program:
I hope you all are having a happy weekend.
I personally welcome all new members to 21stCenturyArb where we give everyone the opportunity to earn steady income without ever risking a penny.
All payout for today have been completed and I want to use this opportunity to announce to you that we have added AlertPay as a payment processor which will give our members the opportunity of using more payment processor.
Thanks for all your support and have a wonderful weekend
Joy. Admin. 21StCenturyArb

I’m also glad to report that one of the longest running short- to medium-term programs RosalinFinance (reviewed here) offering a wide variety of plans paid all the pendings tonight. It means that either my worries about their cashflow due to sudden changes to non-payment of Saturdays and Sundays were groundless or the cashflow situation has changed over the weekend. Be it this way or that way one thing is important – RosalinFinance is paying again and is very close to reaching three months successful online work soon. Please be aware that RosalinFinance is just a game so only invest what you can afford to lose!

Another short-term program that survived Christmas and is close to celebrating its second month anniversary is HugMoney (reviewed here). As you might remember I was quite skeptical about HugMoney in the beginning because I thought it would be just another fast Christmas scam. As you know such high-paying plans like the ones offered by HugMoney (122% after 5 days, 135% after 7 days and 200% after 20 days) are quite hard to sustain in the long-term period. However the admin of HugMoney (interviewed here) proved that it’s possible to run a short-term program on an honest basis without making selective payouts (like some of the programs usually do). Although I don’t believe that the membership in HugMoney reached over 5,000 members like the admin stated in the last newsletter (I think he “slightly” exaggerates) the one thing I’m sure of – the constant improvement of HugMoney website. And I like the fact that those improvements are being done not abruptly but regularly and little-by-little. Today for instance the admin reported that SSL-encryption has been added that is supposed to make your account in HugMoney more secure. I think it’s a necessary feature for any successful HYIP (and short-term games are not an exception) and I’m glad that more and more admins are installing this safety feature. In exchange for fast and steady payouts the admin of HugMoney only asked for voting and spreading the word about the program in return. I think it’s not a huge price from the investors to keep HugMoney afloat for a longer time. Here is the latest news from the admin:
Greetings to all the members of HugMoney!
If the thought of another Monday morning is getting you down then I think I know just the thing that will cheer you up. All online investors, both old and new and not just the members of HugMoney will no doubt be aware of the importance of online security. Therefore it is with great pleasure that I wish to inform you that we have now added SSL encryption to our website. This will not only help to protect your investment with us but also to secure your private account information as well. Rest assured that HugMoney takes this issue very seriously and will continue to improve wherever and whenever it is required. So you can now visit our program yourself through this new and secure connection via this https link: https://www.hugmoney.com
However if you think that’s all the good news we have for today you’d be mistaken! We are now proudly online for over 50 days and at last count the membership had reached a massive 5340 people. A sincere “thank you” to each and every one of you who have trusted us enough to invest with us. You are what makes HugMoney so special and we will continue to do our best to ensure this will be a happy and a profitable experience for all of us. But we are not satisfied! No, we want more members! That is why we are going to be launching a referral contest very soon. We haven’t quite settled on the exact details yet but trust me, the prizes will be good and we will make it worth your while to participate. But you know even if you don’t win there is always the chance to earn a little extra in ref commissions anyway so there won’t be any losers. So why not at least give it a go?
We’ll have all the details for you in the next few days but in the meantime here is HugMoney‘s request to you – If you have enjoyed participating in our program and would like to help us grow and help even more people just like yourself then we would humbly ask you to do two very simple things:
1) Spread the word about HugMoney. Invite your friends and families to come take a look at our program. Tell them honestly about your own experience with us and see if they like the idea and wish to join you.
2) HugMoney is covered by a lot of well known monitors and discussed on a lot of well known forums. When you get paid please vote for us on these sites and let the rest of the world know publicly that we are making a success of this program together.
Remember that the greatest asset any investment program has is its members and together with your help we can make HugMoney the Number One online investment site on the web today. I think we are already well on the way!
With kindest regards, Admin of HugMoney.

Following the very successful promotion of the new Jumbo plan where you could earn 115% on your deposit just in one week the admin of ArbisPro (reviewed here) offered another promotional plan paying 20% weekly for two weeks with the principal returned back after two weeks. So in that way you will be able to earn 140% in 14 days which is not so bad for ArbisPro regularly paying 10%-12% weekly forever. Here is the latest newsletter containing all the details about the new plan:
Having successfully completed our first Jumbo Promo plan, we have decided to make a follow-up promo plan which will last for 2 weeks only. This time, you will receive a 20% rebate on your investment weekly for a period of 2 weeks. Ref. commission will remain at 10% and all principals will be returned at expiry.
Please note that this promo is limited to the first 200 members who make a deposit under this plan. As we attain 200 upgrades under this plan, it will expire. Minimum deposit is $50 while maximum is $5000
Principal will be paid within 48 hours because we will have a lots of request. ArbisPro is working and we thank you for promoting ArbisPro in every available space you can find. Please, do well to cast your votes after receiving your payment. Spread the news, together we can make ArbisPro a model for other sites to follow.
Thanks a lot. Andrea Becks. ArbisPro Admin

Please do not forget that the cashout button in InsPremiumAds autosurf is open already (it’s usually open on the 1st of each month). So do not forget to withdraw your monthly withdrawals. Please also note that since the autosurfing rebates which you’re supposed to receive on every business day after making your surfing reduced you will be paid less than usual. The admin of InsPremiumAds Ubaid though is hopeful that it’s just a temporary dropping in profits on Forex market where he’s supposedly involved in. This is what he had to report in his newsletter:
Cashout button is enabled all members can withdraw their earnings to their payment processors accounts… since past month market is range bound so that is why you all can see the ROI is dropped from 1% to 0.5% or more and less but no problem at all i am expecting market to be up in next 2 weeks and market will give more and more chances to earn with it so once it will be set daily ROI will be on track even will increase ..if anyone want a forex manage account so can contact me for details… thanks. Ub”.

MandarinInvest (reviewed here) is on the opposite reported about the bigger profits and hence it is currently holding the poll in which you can participate to influence on the decision of the adjusting one of the plans (for the better of course). The poll will last for three weeks and you can cast your vote on the specific thread on MandarinInvest‘s own forum. Just to remind you about the current plans: MandarinInvest offers 1% for 30 days, 1.3% for 100 days and 1.6%-2.1% for 150 days with the principal paid back on expiry. Well, my first deposit expired yesterday and I requested it already. However unlike the smaller referral commissions and interests which are paid instantly as usual the principal payment is still pending but I think it’s just a matter of security. I will report on my blog as soon as I get paid but you meanwhile can vote for the changes you find the most appropriate for the program. Here are the options offered in the latest newsletter from the admin of MandarinInvest Robbyn:
The situation on world markets is volatile, but our company successfully works with your funds and makes them grow. Due to the fact, that our financial situation improved over the last quarter, we have decided to share the success with you and make the investment conditions more lucrative for you. However, as investors are sensitive towards any changes, even positive ones, we have decided to ask your opinion on this matter.
So, our experts suggest following options:
1. Change the interest rate for “Basic” plan to 1.2%
2. Change the interest rate for “Starter” plan to 1.5%
3. Change the interest rate for “Advanced” plan to 1.8%
4. Leave everything without any changes
You can voice your opinion here.
The poll will close on 21.02.10. We would also be glad to receive any suggestions from professional investors on additional improvements of the conditions.
Remember, your vote might be crucial!

XagaEnterprise just released another news update. It seems that their new project Xaga Universe with a bunch of the program’s representatives is launched and you can find the details and the phone numbers of the representatives on its dedicated page. Feel free to call them and ask your questions at any time. While such a tool is not new for online HYIPs it definitely adds a new level of popularity to every program and I believe XagaEnterprise will be no exception. I must warn you though that the representatives will not and should not be held accountable for any possible losses from XagaEnterprise program (just like in case with any other risky investment ventures). So have your own head on your shoulders but if you need some advice feel free to refer to somebody from your home country. Here is the short news about Xaga Universe:
We have 72 representatives from 34 countries. https://www.xagaenterprise.com/universe.php
To all representatives, please let me know if your datas are not correct.
Thanks. Regards, Diana. Support

Have you even fancied a short break in Cancun? Well, if you’re a member of Xcelsus (yet to be reviewed on MNO) you have a chance to do just that for free and enjoy a free vacation on the Mexican Caribbean resort. Although Xcelsus is offering a pretty low rate of return the admin thinks that it’s pretty reasonable and sustainable and hopeful to attract many investors to his project. Well, since it’s paying only once every 30 business days (once every 20 business days starting tomorrow) I will only have a rough idea of how much to expect from Xcelsus after my first payout is processed. So by that time I believe I will have a good and detailed review of Xcelsus with a practical example since it offers variable low-ROI returns. If you want to know more about the project and your possible free vacation in Cancun please refer to the latest newsletter from the admin of Xcelsus Boss published below:
Hello, I hope you are all fine, 3 weeks, a long week this one thank God is the weekend already to get a little rest, our growth is still showing slow but constant steady, so that’s good sign, well i have several news for you today, so this might be a little long update rather, get comfortable get a coffee, some of you might like to get and aspirin, lol, just a joke.
Welcome to all new members and investors.
First, referral commissions have been paid if you are missing please send me a support ticket, and congratulations to all those referring, great job keep it up, thank you, and don’t worry you are driving people to a honest deal.
Second, the Forex account has been opened, deposit should show shortly and there’s a button added in the main page where you will be able to see the results in real time, and it updates every 5 minutes. Also we designated to the other areas, we bought a new bee hive this is the Xcelsus bee hive, the first one, i will try to upload some pictures also, we bought a communication kit which we are leasing to the installation crew, for 150 a month, you will be able to see a full report of investments each month in a special page, i am going to work on that this week. So by now we have already placed the firs $5,000.00 USD. So they are working already.
Third, we held yesterday the first company board meeting of this year, ok this meeting is the one i like most, is almost the longest one of the year yesterday we finished at 4 in the morning, but i like it because we get the whole report of the company last year performance, and there where very good news this time. We finished last year 23.7% above expectations, and those are very good news, not only we managed to fulfill our goal a 100% but got an exceeding of almost 1/4, and that talks very good of the management team in place and of course of all the employees effort. Is especially good because in a year that was marked by a world wide crisis i don’t think many companies managed to even reach 100%, a great project that helped us a lot is this client whose sales rose 215% this year, can you guess what he does, well for some probably not difficult, he is the #1 producer of disinfectants and cleaning agents in this country, and with that Swine Flew stuff his sales just rocketed, obviously if his sales grew that much he had to grow in may other areas of his processes and that’s where we came in, that’s our job we projected for him some good logistic solutions, got our projects approved in record time, and buala, we were in business.
Here i finally understood why they say crisis times are also growing times, well that’s just a little explanation we could go further but don’t want to bore you, if you are interested in knowing more or talking about the subject please feel free i am normally in Yahoo IM Boss Taurus.
Ok then we where so happy with this news that the company has decided to use some of this exceeding money, we are a debt free company, so we motion the idea of having some place of our own for like vacationing, and polishing the idea we decided to buy this nice condo in Can Cun, a very nice beach place in the Caribbean, the Mayan Riviera, very nice tropical weather and unique white sand beaches good seafood and with a lot of places to do some tourism, archeology, scuba diving, etc. all company employees will enter in a rooster and will have some time for them they just have to pay the transportation, accommodations and breakfast is included, and this has to do with Xcelsus also i’ll tell you in a minute.
Now to what concerns about us of this meeting is the issues that have to do with Xcelsus, well my motions where:
+Motion: Rising the ROI, result denied, but all Freshman, Junior, Senior A,B investors and Xcelsus investors, that have an investment placed by the end of February this year will get a share of that exceeding next year of course share will be proportional to your investment amount, cannot know the amount right now but this is part of making you feel an important part of the company, also with extra investments obviously we will surpass the goals we set this year, so there will be an exceeding for sure.
+Motion: Lowering the time of earnings pay, result approved, all programs will pay every 20 business days from February 1st on, this is good news and it was promoted by popular demand, so any program you invest on after February 1st will pay the ROI part calculated by day every 20 business days, i liked this since there where some members that brought it up not liking to wait 6 months or a year to get a part of their ROI so now you will get the proportional part of 20 business days, even my motion was daily paying i am happy with this result it was a very tough negotiation.
+Motion: Putting in place a contest, result approved, yes we will have a contest, great, this is going to be for all investors in any plan, ill work the basis over the week and will tell you about it in next weeks letter, this is great since we have something else to motivate us.
+Motion: approved. As Senior B and Xcelsus investor in any plan, you can choose 1 week from Sunday to Sunday any time from January to May of every year your investment is working with us, to go to Can Cun, yes this is extra, is a way of thanking your trust and showing you we take you as part of the company this is your paid vacations, accommodation and breakfast, you just have to pay for your ticket, from where ever you are to Can Cun Mexico, and dispose of the condo for a whole week, the condo has living room, 3 bedroom, 31/2 bathroom, also kitchen, and a nice jacuzzy in the terrace with a nice sea view, it easily accommodates 8, so you can bring the whole family and even some friends, and have some great vacations in the Caribbean, all you have to do is notice us 6 months in advance the dates and that’s it, upon confirmation you can count on it.
*This alone has a value of +12000 USD, and you can take this vacations every year you stay with us, and we will pitch in also a scuba diving trip to the Cenotes, this you have never even dreamed of.
**Note: Make sure you have our confirmation of the dates before buying your plain tickets.
+Motion: approved. As Junior and Senior A investor you will get a Week end Friday to Sunday or you can arrive Thursday, a week end for 2 people, in Can Cun, accommodations and breakfast paid, and a 50% discount in the scuba trip, the condo in this case will be divided to accommodate 3 couples you will share the kitchen and living room, with the others, don’t worry about cleaning there’s maid service that keeps the place clean all the time, and also can cook for you, same deal you let us know 6 months in advance this is a plus to you and a way of saying thank you for being Xcelsus member investor.
*This alone has a value of +2500 USD, and you have the right to this paid week end each and every year you are with us, This is from September to November and depends on availability.
**Note: Make sure you have our confirmation of the dates before buying your plain tickets.
+Motion approved: the 5 most active investors on the Micro Test Plan and Freshman Investor plan, are eligible also to have their free 3 days in Can Cun this they will get 3days any where from December 1st to the 15th of this year, How we will pick the 5 higher investors in this 2 plans 2 from Micro test Plan and 3 from Freshman Plan, that have their investments completed by May 31st 2010, and will divide those 15 days between them, monitor and review sites with bonus not eligible for this, but after making a spend, this way no one is left out. 2 people accommodations and breakfast paid.
*This alone has a value of +2000 USD, this will be a new drawing each year, investment that count are all year investments. Investments made after May 31st count for next year.
**Note non of this is accumulative if you don’t use your vacations of one year they are lost you cannot accumulate them with next years.
This is a way of sharing the surplus of this year with you, and as a way of saying thank you we really appreciate having you as our investors.
Well this is almost all about it, there where other motions but not relevant for now, i was not able to get a higher ROI for Xcelsus, but if you take in to account the shares and vacations, i think investing in Xcelsus has just turned a little more attractive, what will happen is that as Xcelsus becomes stronger and projects grow i am sure then ROI will grow also so support Xcelsus this is your program, use this kind of program as to diversify your investments, use it as an insurance in case the hyips you are investing on scam you, set aside some money and keep it with us where it will be secure and achieving earnings. Thank you for reading, [Paul Abramson, Have a nice week end
Best Regards, Boss. Proud Xcelsus Admin

The admin of GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here) reminded us about the last opportunity to receive 12% bonus on your $200 (expires today) and the VIP service offered to VIP clients as well as some corporate documents accessible on the website. More to come within the next few weeks including the SSL-encryption and the introduction of Bank wires. The latest updates from Felix, the admin of GoldenFleeceFund, are below:
Hello, This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund. This is a reminder that our deposit bonus promotion of 12% on all deposits of at least $200 is ending today, the 31st of January. Midnight Pacific Standard Time this evening (California, USA) is the cut off for the deposit bonus. Our accounting department is hard at work applying deposit bonuses even on the weekend.
Another reminder is our VIP deposits. If you make a deposit of at least $3501 (Level 3 Deposit and Level 4 Deposit), you are eligible for VIP privileges. If you have not received our private welcome email from VIP concierge, you will receive it at the start of the business week. With ten years of American Express Centurion Concierge experience, our team is well put together to offer the best of VIP services.
Just a few of the perks: $150 instant withdraw bonus, Private concierge email address, Private concierge telephone number, customized birthday gift, promotional luxury items received by our company sent to our VIP clients.
Our last reminder is that our corporate registration is available on our website. We are still receiving a lot of email requests asking for our corporation registration copy. It can be found on our website at GoldenFleeceFund on the right side of the page. It is a small image that can be clicked to view a large close up of our corporate registration.
Two of our goals for the next 1-2 weeks: Bank Wire introduction as well as SSL.
Thank You, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

There is more coming for the members of InstantMoneyBets program (reviewed here) including the 10% deposit bonus, the imminent launch of their own forum and their chatroom. If you’re interested to know more about InstantMoneyBets please note that the program is currently offering the following plans: 1.2% for 6 days, 1.9% for 42 days, 2.23% for 120 days and 18.2% weekly for 202 days. It accepts seven (!) payment processors so you will definitely have a good choice from them as well as from the variety of the plans. Here is the latest from the admin of InstantMoneyBets (interviewed here):
We are now online since 76 Days, have over 1400 Members with current active deposit of over 150 000 $ and we have paidout over 71 000$.
So i think after the last contest it is time for a new contest.
With your money we also got some Bonus from the different Bookmarkers.
So we will give you an high 10% Deposit Bonus for the next 50 Deposits over 100$.
All Investment Plans are accepted for this Contest.
The Deposit Bonus will be added to your Account as a “Mixed Weekly Bets” – Deposit within 24 hours after you have made your Deposit.
You deposit 1000$ into the Test Plan.
So we will add 100$ as an Mixed Weekly Bets – Deposit to your Account
Other News:
We will add within the next 14 Days a own Forum, own Chatroom for the IMB Members and we will also start an own Sportsbook.
This will secure all your IMB profits.
All the best, Michael and Staff

I have been paid from the following programs today:
HugMoney, TradeZoom, FxStar, BarterCrown, LucreMaker, IwFunds, SportBetInv, RosalinFinance, Verifield, InstantMoneyBets, MandarinInvest, GasAndOilInvestment, CSMFinance, AtoxFinance, AsiaInv, PTVPartner, NanoMoneyCorp, BetAndTrading, WestFinance, Flanita, GoldenFleeceFund, GeniusFunds, KobelCapital, ScootFx, ParamountProfits, TheKapital, Investorum, FundUpgrader, WeeklyDividend, FinanceNova, AimTrust, PanaMoney and 21stCenturyArb (the first payments received).

That’s all for today and I hope to see you on MNO tomorrow! Have a nice week ahead!

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