Hi everybody! First of all let me apologise for not having the news for you tonight. I have only just arrived in the city of Aberdeen and my first impressions (at night) were that it’s easy to see why they call it “the granite city”. Walking around in a snow blizzard earlier this evening was quite a strange experience, even for a Russian! What I do have for you tonight however is quite a long and detailed piece so maybe it’s for the best that I give this evenings post over to it entirely.
As promised recently I have an extensive interview with one of the most colorful and outspoken admins in the HYIP industry at the moment. Who else does that describe but only Kevin from XagaEnterpise. It’s a bit more extensive than the last time we spoke and I think you’ll find it not only informative but pretty entertaining as well. He has some interesting opinions on the online investments industry and sometimes it’s all but impossible to fault the man’s logic. But don’t let that distract you from the primary activity of him and his program – making money for his investors.
Next month sees XagaEnterprise celebrate one full year in operation and in this business you all know that is a simply fantastic achievement and practically impossible to accomplish without at least some sort of real business activities to back them up, and no small level of business savvy from its admin. Of course XagaEnterprise aren’t the only ones to survive this long but I could probably count the others on the fingers of one hand. So they’re in good company!
Along the way, just like any business, XagaEnterprise have their share of ups and downs. Every problem has a solution however and if there is one man that can find it it’s Kevin. He and his program have overcome almost insurmountable odds to come back better and stronger each time and they have never, ever, left us down.
XagaEnterprise is a long term low ROI program that pays on a wide variety of plans including 0.5% for 30 business days, 0.7% for 90 business days, (principal back in both), 1.2% daily forever and 8%-10% weekly forever (principal retained). For more information on the program you can refer back to my most recent review of the program (published here) and afterwards just to give you some idea of just how far they have progressed you can see my last interview with Kevin (published here).
“1. Hi Kevin, for the benefit of any readers still not aware of you and your program could you please introduce yourself once again and tell us exactly what it is you do in XagaEnterprise?
Hi Paul and Readers. Greetings. My name is Kevin. I am the admin of XagaEnterprise and also the manager / leader of Team Xaga. Basically, I collect and use Investor’s money to produce comps from Casinos. I will explain more in question number three.
2. Very few online programs survive as long as yours so my congratulations on that. Tell us how long has XagaEnterprise now been in operation? Tell us about your own personal experience in running the program during that time. Has there been a lot of changes in the HYIP industry as a whole since then or do you still see it the same?
XagaEnterprise was launched on March 28, 2009. It has been online for 10 months. This March will be our first anniversary. When I first launched XagaEnterprise, I know nothing. I used shared and cheap hosting, without any script and no DDOS protection. A complete amateur, right? Now everything has changed.
About this industry, I see many changes. Many admins become more creative. They use better designs, better stories, better improvements, and better bla bla bla. But don’t get it wrong, all those improvements are made to convince you and to SCAM you. Wanna bet?
3. Also, as you have one of the most unique HYIPs I can remember, could you also explain in detail what it is that XagaEnterprise does as a business? If I join with let’s say $200, what do you do with that money? How do you use it to generate the big profits that you do?
Yes Paul, XagaEnterprise is the one and only. No other admins have copied our method and I am proud of it. Ok I will explain this (I will try to make it short) because in the first interview I didn’t explain it clearly. Your readers deserve to know. Here we go:
When I arrive at casino I usually change my first money on the roulette table. For example, I change $1000. That’s 40 green chips. A green chip is worth $25. Put the 40 chips in your pocket and then go to the baccarat table. Now exchange a further $200. You will receive another 8 green chips.
Now, pretend that you are a serious player and pay special attention to the results on the scoreboard. If you have a chance, grab 1 or 2 chips from inside your pocket, put it on the table and combine it with your 8 chips.
Do it step by step until all chips are on the table.
Then color in. The dealer will count your chips and he will tell the pitboss. Your 8 chips have now become 48 and that is worth $1200. The pitboss will make a note on the machine that you won $1000. After that, leave and go to kiosk machine and you will see that your comps have been increased.
The question is how we can do this for 5 years? Camouflage is the answer. We need to make our records look good. The method I mentioned above can be done reversely. You can exchange $1000 at first then gradually put 1 or 2 chips back inside your pocket each time until it becomes $200 so the casino will think that you just lost $800. So our records will be mixed up. Win and loss records. I also play slot machines. One penny machines, Lol.
Now back again to the table. If you see a baccarat table, there are commission boxes in front of the dealer. Usually I gamble the minimum which is $15 and if I win they will mark 5% which is 0.75$ on my commission box. This has to be done so the pitboss will think that I am really “playing”.
There are many methods we can use to camouflage and disguise our activities. But I’m sure you will appreciate that I can’t mention all of them here. If I mention them it will harm our project. I’m sure everyone can understand that.
So can anyone do this? Yes, absolutely. But it’s not as easy as you think. I myself needed 1.5 years to become a pro. If you follow my method, I bet you will be itching to gamble. Trust me. That’s only human nature. To earn money fast by gambling. Like I said before, it took me 1.5 years to become a real pro! Can you imagine that? 1.5 years!
Of course we are extracting only a tiny piece of the profits earned by Casinos. 0.000000…..%. Try to Google how much Casinos earn in a year. You will be surprised!
XagaEnterprise is built because of this. We need large capital in order to produce more comps because the profits that we produce are so little. Not like ForEx. If you ask other HYIPs that are based on ForEx about their methods they will most likely say the same thing. More capital more profits. NONSENSE! If you can make consistent profits from ForEx then you don’t need other people’s money to pay for it. Am I right or not? XagaEnterprise is different. We’re a real investment program based on a proven method that you can go out and prove by yourself.
I hope you understand my explanation.
4. So now that we know about your business, could you describe what an average day (or week) is like for you personally as an admin? Is this now a full time job for you? From the time you start working on Monday morning until the next time you take a weekend off, what are you doing with XagaEnterprise through the day?
Six to even seven days a week sometimes yes, it is a full-time job. Almost everyday I go to Casinos. Not for gambling purposes but to generate money for my members.
5. Since our last interview I believe there are a couple more people involved in the running of XagaEnterprise now, is that right? Could you please introduce us to the entire XagEnterprise a team and tell us what exactly they do in the group? Am I right in saying you have a brother involved with you now?
Yes you’re correct Paul. Team XagaEnterprise has now developed into a group of 14 people including myself. It is separated into two groups. The first team is led by me and second team is led by my brother.
The first team operates at Ballys, Caesars, The Claridge, and sometimes The Trump Plaza. The second team operates at Harrahs, Borgata, Trump Marina, and The Showboat. All of which are located in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Each team member has to produce comps for me. And what that really means is produce them for XagaEnterprise’s investors. I and my brother have to make sure everything works perfect.
6. I know that the investment plans have also been updated. Can you talk us through each of them in detail and tell us about the payment details as well.
XagaEnterprise has two types of investment. With and without the return of your principal.
Xaga Starter: 0.5% per day for 30 calendar days. Please note that while the plan itself is measured in calendar days you will not actually earn anything at the weekend.
Xaga Premium: 0.7% per day for 90 calendar days. (Also no weekends). Principal is returned in both of these plans.
Xaga Ultimate : 1.2% A Day for Life. (No Weekends).
Xaga Star : 8%-10% Weekly for Life. (The interest rate will depend on how much your investment is).
Principal is locked for those two so you won’t be getting it back.
Payments are done manually. The maximum you should have to wait is 24 hours. We accept LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay. Maybe we might add another payment processor in the future.
7. In our last interview you mentioned that you had around 400 members. How much has that increased by? Can you also tell us anything about the total amounts deposited?
Yes, you’re right again. XagaEnterprise now has well over 2600 members now and that keeps growing each day. We also have 71 representatives from 34 countries. They will be happy to assist you. You can find them here.
About the total amount deposited, I prefer to button my mouth on that and keep it confidential. The only thing I can say is that it’s already reached 6 figures.
8. The hosting and security of XagaEnterprise has also changed radically since our last interview. Can you tell us in as much detail as possible about the script and the hosting provider you are now using? Also, are you now using SSL encryption?
XagaEnterprise uses the Neversay script Version One. We are on a Dedicated server by Staminus and DDOS protection is supplied by Koddos. We also use SSL encryption from COMODO.
9. Can you tell the readers why all of these changes were necessary? How much more beneficial is the new system to the members?
They are vital in order to bring XagaEnterprise to the next level. Security is important in any program. I don’t want to be hacked and I want to make sure that members accounts are protected. I think investors will be glad to join a program with good security Paul, so that was exactly what XagaEnterprise did.
10. What have been the highlights of your time running XagaEnterprise? What have been the most difficult problems you have encountered and how did you deal with that? Would you say that you have enjoyed the experience so far?
Highlights? Hmm, so many. But the main highlight was when I decided to introduce a script to XagaEnterprise, engaged a professional hosting provider, and redesigned the template. Problems? So many problems I’ve had, LOL. The most difficult problem was when XagaEnterprise was offline for a month because of a hosting problem. But I decided to revive the program and as you can see, we are still here right now. Many of old members appreciate what I did in the past. Thanks guys!
I didn’t always enjoy it Paul. But I consider it as the pathway to success and you can see it’s really happening now. XagaEnterprise rocks!
11. Realistically, how highly would you rate somebody’s chances of earning more money than they lose in this business? Forgetting about XagaEnterprise for a second, what is your opinion of the online investment industry in general?
You have to be careful in this industry. HYIPs are designed for one thing and that is to SCAM you. That’s the truth. Claiming to be based on ForEx, Stocks, Arbitrage Trading, Oil Investment, bla bla bla… total bullshit. Of course, there are good programs out there but you still need to be careful. (I am talking about other HYIPs and not XagaEnterprise, okay?)
This is the main point. If admins claim that they can earn good profit from ForEx or Stocks, why don’t they just sell their own house or car and use the money for trading? Why do they need money from investors? I believe you can answer that question yourself. Am I right?
Of course they will say, more money more profits. And I say more bullshit. If you can earn steady profits from ForEx, then just compound it and it will become more and more huge every day. No need to start soliciting money from the public is there?.
Just be careful guys! Play safe and hit the target, LOL!
12. What can we expect in the near future for XagaEnterprise? Do you have any plans to change things around in any way? Or is everything fine the way it is for now?
It is fine for now. I mean there is always the possibility to improve more and more but right now I think it would be better if I just focus on earning more money for my investors. That’s what everyone wants right? Money, money, and money!
13. A lot of people have commented on the youtube videos you posted. Most (not all) was positive. Can you post the link again here and talk us through what exactly is going on there?
Yes, Sir!
1st video :
This was taken at the Claridge. My favorite place. Full of nice music. I shot this video with my cellphone.
About this video, I will shoot my act from close-up just for you in future. I will make special black t-shirt with a little hole in the pocket and place my cellphone inside it and record what I’m doing. Any kind of electronic devices are prohibited. If the Casino catch me I will be dead for sure. Doing this is very high risk but I have to do it to prove what I am doing. I also will buy a new cellphone with a higher megapixel level because my current cellphone has only 2 MegaPixels and as you can see in video 3 the picture is bad. I am doing this as proof of what the XagaEnterprise Team does everyday. You will see me, Kevin, perform.
2nd video :
As you can see this was taken at Caesars Palace Atlantic City. I was wandering around here and there because I was waiting for the old couple to leave the kiosk/comps machine. I was a little tense because that was inside the Casino and there where surveillance cameras everywhere. But I managed to do it. Lucky me!
3rd video :
I walked out of Ballys and on to the Boardwalk. It was nice weather. Then I went to The Piers. Went to the Total Rewards Shop. I Bought T-shirt with my comps to show you how exactly Comps work. I didn’t pay anything. Just gave my card and signed. That’s it. I was scared because I was dealing with not with machines here but with real people. A casino employee. When she made a call, I thought she was reporting me. But luckily she didn’t. Lucky me again.
4th video ( newest one ) :
As you can see, I converted $845 worth of comps into cash at a 2:1 ratio. It means $422 worth of cash. As I said in the past, this conversion was for invited guests only and only for big and loyal customers. I collected this $845 over a couple of days. It was not easy to produce $845 in comps. From my experience if you lose $500 in Casinos you will only receive $5 in comps and of course it depends on many factors such as how long you play, how big, etc. So in order to produce that $845 I need several hours and a huge working capital of around 5 figures to do that.
In the video, there was a moment I have to drop my digital camera because there was an officer there. The hardest thing in the video was to change the money slip to the cashier because I was dealing with human beings. It wasn’t easy to record that. Eyes in the sky, security officers, environment, etc. It took several minutes before I got my money because it was considered a large amount for comps.
I hope you understand now how XagaEnterprise works. If you haven’t joined yet, then what are you waiting for? XagaEnterprise is a real investment program with a risk free and proven method.
XagaEnterprise beats ForEx, Stocks, Sport Arbitrage Trading, etc.
You also can see our video collection here.
14. Also, let’s say that I wanted to buy one of the complimentary gifts you are re-selling. How would I go about buying them?
I don’t sell them to members. I have my own loyal customers for that already. Instead of that however I will soon be opening the Xaga Reward Center. Members will be able to get nice items from their investments there. I have that scheduled to open later this year. Just wait!
15. I also know that you have had some problems with one monitor trying to blackmail you recently. Tell us about that and how you responded. Any advice for other admins in a similar situation?
They claim that they removed XagaEnterprise, but wasn’t it really XagaEnterprise that removed them first? Do you know any other monitors that blackmail their own customers after accepting fees for ads and monitoring?
I guess you’re talking about that famous jerk, Pardon my language, Alex! LOL! This guy downgraded XagaEnterprise because Money-News-Online reviewed my program. Twice! I had enough of this guy and removed his banner. I removed it first! Then what happened? He wrote in his website, bla bla bla bla… You can check it for yourself, readers. I am not going to talk any more about it here. I don’t want to promote this jerk. What I can say is that it wasn’t only me it happened to. It happened to other admins as well. Alex, if you read this, go blackmail your own daddy, dude!
Other monitors? I believe there are some out there Paul. Just want to say that your website (Blog and Monitor as well) is an honest one. That is why you were the winner in the blog competition held by e-Commerce Journal. MNO rocks, guys! Wait, wait,… One more thing, sucks!
16. The one question I get asked most often by my readers is “how long do you think XagaEnterprise can run?”. It’s also the most difficult to answer! Every business, either online or off, depends on other people spending money. So what is your own answer to that?
It will run forever as long as I keep operating at Casinos. XagaEnterprise is a real investment program and not a ponzi. Please note that I don’t have any other job besides running XagaEnterprise. I’m a professional at this and I make money from Casinos. If you don’t already know this 99% gamblers are losers. 1% are winners. I belong to the 1% group.
I also want to explain something. It has something to do with question number 11. What makes XagaEnterprise different than other HYIPs. We need money from investors to earn more profits because the profits earned from Casinos is not all that much. Based on my own experience if you lose $500 in a Casino you will only receive $5 comps (if you’re lucky). Sometimes less than that. It depends on many factors. How long you play for, how much, individual pit bosses, etc.
If you see our newest video which I earn $422 cash, it takes a 5 figure sum in capital to produce that and many many hours work. Not like ForEx, you can easily get $422 by trading 4 figures only and in a short period too. See the difference? That’s why I made XagaEnterprise. Please note also that I don’t gamble with your money. Your principal is 100% protected! And of course you can prove our method by yourself.
Anyway, do your own math, compare us to other HYIPs. You will understand what I just said above.
Final words from me, XagaEnterprise ROCKS!”
Well what else can I say to that except “Go Xaga!” Thanks as usual to Kevin for such a forthright and honest interview, as well as one of the most entertaining ones I can remember! I certainly don’t remember any other admins going to such lengths to prove themselves for their members.
That’s it for the moment guys but I’ll be back a bit earlier than usual tomorrow with another brand new review and all the latest main news stories (promise this time!) so stay tuned!
Filed under Interviews by on Feb 3rd, 2010. Comment.
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