Feb 8th, 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! Hope you’ve all had a good weekend so far, and I also hoped you found this mornings interview helpful. Anyway, I’m ready to continue with the news now although it has been typically quiet for a Sunday. Before we get to that though the review I mentioned earlier is of a mid-term HYIP that you may have noticed on my monitoring page over the last number of weeks. It’s called NasMos and it’s been running for about the last month or so.

So it might be fair to say that a few of you might know all about it already. For those who don’t, let me run through the main features of it here for you. See if you like it or not. There’s really not a whole lot to think about anyway as there’s just the one plan, but there are several variations depending on the size of your deposit.

To start with any investment with NasMos will run for a term of 40 days. During that time you will receive a daily interest payment based on the amount you joined with. Your principal will not be returned at the end. So how much will you earn? If you join with the minimum figure that NasMos accept, $10, up to a maximum of $400 then you will be paid 4% per day for the plan’s duration. You will finish with 160% of your principal. In practical terms that means a deposit of $100 will get you $4 per day, you break even after 25 days, and finish with a total of $160.

Larger investments of between $401 and $1000 will see you earn a daily return of 4.2%. It will take you almost as long to break even (24 days) but you will finish with a total of 168% of your initial investment at the end.

For the big-time players you can consider the following options – deposits from $1001 to $4000 will earn 4.45% per day, $4001 up to $8000 will earn 4.8% interest per day, $8001 up to $16000 will earn 5.2% interest per day, and anything bigger than that with no published maximum will get 6% interest per day.

One area of NasMos that I have to say has improved tremendously in over the last number of weeks is that of payment options. When the program was first launched the choice was limited to the usual LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Nothing wrong with either of them of course but most investors want to see a bit more choice. And that is NasMos have provided us with by adding StrictPay. Yes, I know there is still a lot of room for improvement there but at least it is a big step in the right direction. The lack of a wider choice however is somewhat compensated for by the implementation of instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. You will still have to request them of course. Instant payouts to StrictPay are not facilitated but you can still get them fast enough. Usually within 24 hours.

The security and design of the site is overall up to acceptably typical HYIP industry standards. SSL encryption of the member’s area is not currently in use but NasMos is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server and protected from DDoS attacks by DdoSWwiz. They are running off a script licensed from GoldCoders. Any questions can be submitted to the admin via the online e-mail support ticket form.

And the overall layout itself is decent enough, though to be honest NasMos is quite a straight forward and uncomplicated HYIP game, so there’s really very little that might leave you confused in the first place. For the most part though NasMos is presented to you as an online game. The home page comes complete with pictures of some awfully serious looking men in grey business suits and there is quite a lofty (but welcome) note on the risks involved with investing. But nowhere that I can see is there any real mention made of any kind of outside business activities where usually most HYIP admins would be making almost outlandish claims about their recent (imaginary) exploits on Wall Street.

No claims are made here so don’t go looking for them. But to be honest NasMos is probably better off without them. It’s a decent enough HYIP but the risks are still there. Some investors will already have completed the cycle by now so you don’t need to be afraid of the risks either. And just because they accept thousands of dollars doesn’t mean you have to spend thousands of dollars. You can play for as little as $10, so try to keep it sensible and enjoy it.


Sunday is here again and that usually means a bit less news from HYIP admins. Let’s start with the most popular ones anyway PTVPartner continues to be one of the most favored picks for investors that prefer short to medium-term programs. LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and GlobalDigitalPay are currently the e-currencies in use here, but according to Garrett (the admin) bank wires are on the way as well. PTVPartner has four plans with payouts on expiry: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days (to read more on that read my revised review of PTVPartner published here). The program has been online for over 5 months already and in the latest newsletter Garrett (interviewed here) stated that his HYIP was not a ponzi but rather involved multiple sources of income. He stated that PTVPartner already paid out more than was deposited (though this info cannot be verified for sure). There are three meetings announced to take place next week so I hope to attend at least one to bring you the latest news first-hand. In the latest newsletter Garrett also told about some rules of changing your sponsor, named recent party winners and blog article of the day and of course his new joke of the day which will hopefully bring a smile to your face. Below is the latest news from PTVPartner:
*** Meeting Schedule ***
Monday February 8, 4PM GMT (that’s 8am PST, 10am CST and 11am EST)
Tuesday February 9, MIDNIGHT GMT (that’s 4pm PST, 6pm CST and 7pm EST)
Friday February 12, 3am GMT (that’s Thursday February 11 at 7pm PST, 9pm CST and 10pm EST)
Support Questions of the Day:
Is PTVPartner a ponzi? Why not?
The program is not dependent on new member money to be sustained. We have already paid out more money than we have taken in. We are supported by numerous Private Placement Funding Ventures as well as various Venture Capitalization projects that are unique to the online investor opportunity arena. For more detailed explanations of our Primary Project please join one of our next meetings listed above.
About Changing Sponsor
The only time you will see your sponsor’s name is when you sign-up for PTVPartner while correctly using your sponsor’s link. If you did not use the link, you will see the name NuN appears where your sponsor’s name should be, which means that the sponsor was not specified. Those unspecified commissions due, are shared amongst our mods. There is no administrative procedure available to change referrer or sponsor details, however you may open a new account using a new account name and new email address.
Blog Articles of the Day:
Today we have some new articles of interest. One is on health, “How to heal yourself in 15 days.” by StonAge. If one is to enjoy the PT Lifestyle it is imperative that you be in good shape to savor all the interesting places, foods, and culture you can. Our second article is “Old People Dance to ‘Billie Jean’. Best Jackson Memorial Yet. By Eliot Glazer. Please check them out. Also, you may wish to submit your own content. Please send it to support@ptvpartner.com.
We had another great HAPPY HOUR party Friday. Every week our attendance is going up. We have contests, prizes, games. This week’s winners were.
maestro – Word Jumble, Seeds – Dance Off, Haroon – Logic Question, fglera – Animal Question, mission – Tree Question, Neobot (Sleeping) – Dance Off , Nancetta – Word jumble, Arijit – Trivia, Haroon – Tree Question, Sloma7 – Attendance at EVERY party, aqramm – Dance Off, mistycal – Most Entertaining, mistycal- Animal question, fmans110 – Guess the number, Seeds – Guess the Tree.
If you haven’t been to a party yet, you’re really missing out. Everyone has such a good time and we have lots of prizes that anyone can win. You don’t know how we have snacks, drinks and dancing online? Come we’ll show you. We had several this time that had not been to an online party before. It really is lots of fun once you get there.
Joke of the Day:
One day a man went to an auction. While there, he bid on a parrot. He really wanted this bird, so he got caught up in the bidding. He kept on bidding, but kept getting outbid, so he bid higher and higher and higher.
Finally, after he bid way more than he intended, he won the bid – the parrot was his at last!
As he was paying for the parrot, he said to the Auctioneer, “I sure hope this parrot can talk. I would hate to have paid this much for it, only to find out that he can’t talk!”
“Don’t worry.” said the Auctioneer, “He can talk. Who do you think kept bidding against you?”
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

The admin of GoldenFleeceFund Felix (just interviewed today here) sent out another newsletter reporting on the trading results and some financial stats about their alleged investments in the gold mining industry:
“This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund management. In November 09, we took a 4% equity position in a gold mine thanks to public investment. We recently increased our position to 6%. As promised, I would be reporting back when we receive our first dividend from our gold mine contract. I am back again to report our third dividend payment of $29,300. I have attached the news article below from when we acquired the equity position and below that will be the financial report I promised.
GoldenFleeceFund Acquires 4% Equity Position
GoldenFleeceFund, a private investment group, has taken a 4% Equity Position in a gold producing mine. This contract is big step in the expansion of GoldenFleeceFund holdings. Felix Zeller, CEO and Manager of GoldenFleeceFund, says more on the reasons and terms for closing on an equity position in a gold producing mine: “Over the past 6 months we have been pursuing a equity position in a gold producing mine. It is not new information that commodities provide a hedge against inflation. This is part of our current company goal to pursue equity in the companies that dig the precious metals out of the ground. In a global recession, mines are on overdrive to produce more commodities to deliver. The greatest profits are found in these companies apart from delivery contracts.”
As of Tuesday, January 19, 2010, GoldenFleeceFund has increased its equity position in a gold producing mine by 2%. GoldenFleeceFund now holds a 6% equity position in a gold producing mine.
GoldenFleeceFund has been open to public investment since October 2009. We strive to bring precious metals investing to the average investor globally. As a reminder, our corporate registration is available on our website as well as any latest updates or changes to GoldenFleeceFund. We are now SSL secured for investor security.
Nov-18-2009 09:10:41 AM”
GFF 6% Equity Position Financial Report – Total period:
11/18/09 Cash payment of 7 figures for 4% equity in gold producing mine.
12/08/09 Dividend payment received for the sum of $32,870.
01/11/10 Dividend payment received for the sum of $14,600.
02/05/10 Dividend payment received for the sum of $29,300.
Thank You, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

The admin of Xcelsus Boss who finally sent out the payouts to the first members who joined his program in the first three days (myself included) also reported some news within a “short” newsletter. Honestly, I’m struggling to understand what he was talking about due to his phobia of punctuation! I hope his alleged Forex trading is actually better than his English grammar because the first payment was only 4% for the first three weeks (or 6% monthly) which is extremely low for this type of HYIP. In addition, the script seems not to be showing any earnings which I find quite odd as well. In my opinion, to successfully compete with other investment programs Xcelsus should have some unique character or features other than an extremely low ROI. And I can’t see any as of yet despite of the admin’s attempts to hold some contests which is not really that original either. Anyway, I will leave my detailed analysis of Xcelsus for my upcoming review but meanwhile you can read the latest newsletter to understand what I was talking about:
Welcome to all new members,
I hope you are having a pleasant week end, well a short news letter i promise, week has been great we continue growing at our normal slow but secure passe i am very pleased, and want to thank everyone specially the ones that have invested and shown they trust us, thank you, all commissions have been paid and if you invested on the 8,9,10th of January you should have been paid also if not drop me a support ticket with your username, some members have asked me about this so i might as well make it clear, for the way Xcelsus is structured the plans duration, the script does not work right, the script helps me to know who invested, how much and when, i then feed that data on my offline program and i get the calculation who i have to pay, how much and when, we are working on the new script already but it will take a while, but do not worry, as long as you get paid on time, calculate 20 business days from the date you invested, or every after each payment just take off week ends, i am not taking off bank holidays and stuff like that, so payment is auto so to say, only a favor i want to ask you is keep the record as 1/10 etc. and when i announce that such payments have been made and you did not received yours drop me a support ticket please.
The Forex account has been working already since Sunday what i am doing is every time we hit a 5 multiple in 1000s on the investments i am allocating the funds so they start working, i owe you the last months balance and i will have it this week, we had some little tech problem and i could not work on it, back to the Forex account we got 30% gain this week 15 positions opened and closed all winners no losers, is not always that way, and i say this because some members asked me, if we could manage their personal account investing only in Forex, if in this way they could get a higher return well the answer is yes, definitely, we stated it since the beginning in the Plans section, we can talk about a personalized portfolio, but i rather do this on personal basis, so if you are interested like in this case, in having us manage your personal Forex account drop me an e-mail or look for me at YM ID Boss Taurus, you can also find the Forex live stats in the main page almost at the bottom a white rectangle just click it and the statement will open on a new window.
Ok we will have a small contest, Xcelsus will double your account if you are one of the 3 chosen numbers between investor #35 and #49, or you are investor number #50, that is it your account will show the double amount if you hit any of the 3 numbers or get to be investor #50, so invest and hit the jack-pot, we are in investor number 35 as of this night so imagine if you invest and hit one of the 3 numbers or you are investor #50 and you invested heavy, your account will get the double amount, the same amount will be credited to your account once and it will work as the initial deposit you will get double earnings and at maturity all is yours. The 3 lucky numbers have already been choose, mi kid asked his cat which should be, he wrote them down and turned them in to his big sister she is keeping them very secure believe me, she checked they are 3 numbers between 36 and 49 inclusive, and she confirmed, not even i know them yet, so no weighted hand is in. She will be keeping an eye in the stats daily and as soon as the first number is hit that is when i will know it, and so on for the 2 others, and of course the fight will be that investor #50 so it is 3 numbers in 13 very high of a chance if you ask me, remember DOUBLE your investment amount, first contest is up.
Just a quick note about monitors, some still showing waiting the only reason is because they where not added all at the same time, that was a question i got this week also.
Also i will appreciate if monitors and review sites can update the programs, all programs with investments after February 1st 2010 are paying every 20 business days thank you.
I think that is all for now, wish you have a nice Sunday, and thank you for reading.
Best Regards, Boss. Proud Xcelsus Admin

One of the better low-ROI programs AtoxFinance (reviewed here) offering 0.4%-3% variable daily returns for 30-230 trading days introduced a Spanish version of their website. Now you can choose the language in the top right corner of AtoxFinance by clicking on the appropriate flag. Hopefully it will be one of many improvements on the way. From the latest news on their site I found out that four more languages will be coming shortly: French, German, Russian, Italian. This is the short update informing us of the latest change:
Starting from today our site is available on Spanish.
By the way, if you try to refer others to AtoxFinance you recommend to change your affiliate links like I did it today as they are different now depending on the chosen language. You will be able to find new links to AtoxFinance in your member’s area.

I have received an important email from GoldNuggetInvest which is still On Hold on my monitoring page. Please do not download or even open another phishing email which seems some members of GNI have received recently as it may seriously harm your computer. Please read the following update from Todd:
There is an email going around, could be from Doka, could be from adm@goldnuggetinvest.com, could be from no-reply@goldnuggetinvest.com
DO NOT open the contract. If you do, your account will be compromised and the damage that could ensue is not known….
It is fraudulent and will cause damage to you, potentially the program.
Thanks. Todd

I have to move another program On Hold status today and this time its Warisona the site of which is inaccessible for over 48 hours already. The admin of the program promised to fix it very soon and meanwhile I can see only the following message on what should be the Warisona site:
Warisona under maintanence
We sorry to keep you waiting regarding the site up restoration. Actually we were restoring all Normal face to our site’s Dedicated server and it was almost done, we hope that everything will be back to normal within few hours. We will keep you updated with the status.
Once again i apologize for the delay and i really appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter. we are still waiting for an update from datacenter and will update you further. Surely our site be up again quick !
Sincerely yours, Warisona Offshore Financial Services
Alex / Warisona, Inc support department
Well, at least the admin keeps us updated about the situation and hopefully after the issue is resolved I will be able to move Warisona back to Paying status on MNO.

I’m glad to report that the admin of InstantMoneyBets contacted me today with a report that LibertyReserve payouts were processed finally and I got independent confirmation about that from my readers. There was no explanation though what the reason for that delay was. Also the admin let me know that the payouts to StrictPay will be done tomorrow due to accessibility problems in his SP account. Well, I hope it will really happen and I urge you to report to me if you are really paid via StrictPay tomorrow as it will help me define the status of the program on my blog. Meanwhile, from my bitter experience with HYIP admins I will have to leave InstantMoneyBets in On Hold status until all the pending payouts are processed. Remember that it’s better to be safe than sorry and rule applies to InstantMoneyBets as well as every other online HYIP.

I would like to thank everybody who submitted their complaints to me today regarding their non-payments from LucreMaker. Unfortunately it seems the program folded after just 15 days online. We can consider that lifespan as a very short one however those who invested in 3 day and 7 day plans from the beginning and didn’t reinvest have to be in profit by now. Actually hit-n-runners became one of the issues affecting the program’s performance and the admin actually admitted its demise to me today. The other reasons that led to the collapse according to his words were: the recent issues with the site’s accessibility that resulted in a lack of deposits, GoldPoll which moved the site to Problem status (I don’t know for what reason exactly) and finally the suspension of LucreMaker STP account which obviously leaves the admin unable to process any payouts to that payment processor. Please do NOT invest in LucreMaker at this point and spread the word among your fellow investors as some selective payouts might still continue to encourage bigger spends like we so often see in this industry. Anyway, it was told me that the LucreMaker game is over and that there is no chance of recovery at this point.

I have added another program to my listing which is looking kind of interesting called Aballong. Well, that’s a pretty weird name, isn’t it? The site itself though is very good, running off a licensed Neversay script and hosted on a dedicated HushHosting server which can be considered as a pretty reliable provider. The returns are pretty low and you will be paid a variable return of 2%-8% (6% on average) weekly returns on your account. The accepted payment processors are LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and StrictPay. Please note that the minimum to invest into Aballong is $10 and the maximum is $45,000. However, to invest over $1,000 you will be required to verify your account by providing photo ID and utility bills (which I would not recommend doing under any circumstances). The benefits of being a verified member in Aballong will not stop there and if you risk to play larger amounts you will have an opportunity to invest via Bank Wires, Paypal and even your Credit card. Please remember that though the rates are based on weekly returns your account will be credited daily and you will be able to request your profits at anytime but will only be paid on Thursdays. As the admin of Aballong explained to me they generate money through sports betting and you can see the actual games they bet on within your member’s area. The profits will then be requested from the bookmakers sites on Monday minus a 15% percent fee (which is the admin’s share for placing the bets for you) it will be paid to the investors on Thursday. Actually I plan to make a complete review of Aballong on my blog by Thursday when the first payouts should be processed and hopefully more new features will be implemented including SSL. At first glance I can say that Aballong looks an extremely fresh and interesting program by offering some features which I could not find in other investment sites. You can withdraw your principal and leave the program at any time, but be aware that if you do your request will take 30 days to be processed. Otherwise it will be returned to you automatically after 365 days. I’ll be reviewing it later so watch out for that, guys!

And finally, I was paid today from the following programs;
PTVPartner, FxStar, GasAndOilInvestment, HugMoney, IwFunds, GoldenFleeceFund, MandarinInvest, NowInv, VacationProfit, FundUpgrader, BarterCrown, KobelCapital, Verifield, NasMos, CSMFinance, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, GeniusFunds, InstantMoneyBets, ForexNetClub, AsiaInv, TradeZoom, WestFinance, EzProfit, SportBetInv, GrabFund, WeeklyDividend, WaterInvestment, XagaEnterprise and InvestoFin (the first instant payments received).

Stay tuned for another review tomorrow along with detailed news and extensive analysis of the HYIP industry! Thanks for staying with MNO, everyone!

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