Feb 11th, 2010 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
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Hi everybody! I have to say that recently I have been very busy with the number of new programs being added to my monitoring page, so much so that I can barely keep up with them all myself. Honestly, I don’t know where they are all coming from. There must be somebody sending them to me! But anyway, obviously enough some of them are always going to be better than others, that’s only to be expected. But I think one of the most original HYI programs I’ve seen in a while is DreamWealthBuilder, and that is the one I want to talk about today.

The plans available from DreamWealthBuilder are a little tricky at first. But don’t be put off. They might look complicated but really I think unconventional would be a better word. I don’t remember off hand seeing anything quite like them in the recent past, so they might take a bit of getting used to. But once you try them once there really is nothing too complicated going on.

There are two plans to choose from. One of them makes daily payments and the other makes weekly ones. Let’s start with the daily plan. It’s called the Daily Wealth Builder. It runs for 15 days. By the time the plan expires you should have earned a total of 120% interest. The minimum amount you can invest is $10 and the maximum is $2000. The real difference here between this plan and what you see everywhere else is that the profit you get paid increases every day as we progress into the plan’s term.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you invest with $100. The following day you will be paid 1% interest ($1). On the second day you get 2% ($2), the third day you get 3% ($3), the fourth day you get 4% ($4), and so on like that until we reach day 15. Add all of those payments together and we arrive at a grand total of 120%. Your original principal is already included in that. I suppose in a way it enables the admin to avoid any major commitments too early in the programs life span, and if not I guess at least it makes it all a bit more exciting as the game continues. And 20% profit after 15 days has been proven by some other short term programs over the last six months to be quite sustainable for a good number of cycles.

So what of the other plan? It’s called the Weekly Wealth Builder and as you may imagine DreamWealthBuilder pays you by the week here. It’s a longer term plan than the previous one and it does provide a higher return. Again however it’s quite a bit different that the weekly payment plans that most of us are accustomed to. Here’s how it works:
The plan runs for 4 weeks. The minimum amount you can invest is still $10 and the maximum is still $2000. The total return at the end of the term will be 150%. The first thing that will happen after you join this plan is that DreamWealthBuilder will return 10% of your deposit immediately. After that you will receive a further payment of 10% once every week for 4 weeks. That constitutes your profit. Then, also paid in installments, DreamWealthBuilder returns your principal in two separate payments made in the 3rd and 4th week.

Confused yet? Don’t worry, here’s a simple example – let’s say you join with $100. $10 then gets returned to you automatically. Then you receive another $10 per week for 4 weeks. This will all add up to $50, or 50% of your principal. However in the third week you will receive an additional $50 (50% of your principal). Then in the fourth and final week you will receive the remaining 50. Basically, add all of that up and you will get a return of $150 for a deposit of $100.

The list of payment options open to you is pretty average but acceptable. Included are LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay. However another feature of DreamWealthBuilder which while not unique is also not really that common at the moment – there isn’t any script. What that means for the investor is that there are direct deposits made by you into the program, while they in turn make direct payments straight into your chosen e-currency account. And while some people don’t like the fact that there is no back office or member’s area to keep track of your account, the chances of getting hacked are also eliminated, i.e no account means nothing there to get hacked in the first place.

Speaking of keeping track of your account though, while it’s true that there is no member’s area you are informed personally via e-mail every time something changes with it. Payments, deposits, ref commissions, whatever it is you will be e-mailed. Plus, if you would like a complete record of all you transactions and account activity, then you need only request it from the admin and he will mail it to you in a document file.

Apart from having no script the DreamWealthBuilder website is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server so I don’t imagine there will be many problems with site accessibility. And if you have any more questions the admin has been pretty responsive so far. At least with me anyway. You can contact her (her name is Paula) or her co-admin through a variety of methods. The usual online support ticket system is available of course and that is the favored way. There’s also a number of different e-mail addresses you can use. One of my own favorites is the Live Chat feature where you will get instant answers provided there is an operator online at the time (it isn’t a 24 hour service). DreamWealthBuilder also have their own forum. There isn’t a whole lot of activity there just yet, but at least it’s provided for you. It’s up to the members to fill it up.

It’s difficult to imagine the website itself being presented any better than it is now. It’s very professional over all and quite easy to navigate. And it’s also a very unique concept and in an industry where it can be hard for even the experienced players to tell the difference between one program and another then that individuality can only be a positive thing.

Where DreamWealthBuilder isn’t all that unique however is in the vague, indeed sometimes cryptic explanations of the nature of their alleged business activities. After reading through them I’m none the wiser about what the claim to be doing with your money but I do know that they describe themselves as, and I quote, “the ideal form of transport for amateur and professional investors”. Good luck figuring out what that’s supposed to mean! So I’d still approach this as usual – with caution and with awareness of the risks. But not afraid of the risks either. After all remember that it only costs ten bucks to join, not ten grand! The only way you can ever lose more money than you can afford to in this business is if you insist on spending more than you can afford. So keep it sensible and you might just enjoy the experienced and still make a few easy dollars for yourself out of it. Early investors always do best from programs like this so keep that in mind if you are thinking about it. DreamWealthBuilder does have some good potential though, so it might be worth a few dollars as part of a well diversified portfolio.


First of all I would like to let everybody know that MoneyPlus (reviewed here) is back online for me. The admin of the program apologized for the delay which happened due to some scheduled maintenance. I just was able to log into my account a few minutes ago. I will report on my blog tomorrow as soon as the payment is received. At least I appreciate the fact that the admin broke his silence and came out with some plausible explanation for the downtime. Now let’s hope the payments will follow soon as well. Here is the latest news from MoneyPlus:
Hello, We apologize for the unexpected delay during this maintenance phase.
We are updating our server configuration in order to fix some incompatibilities some users experienced while accessing our web site via SSL.
This procedure should approximately take not more than 5-9 hours, and all of activities will be back to normally mode after this period.
Once again, we sincerely apologize for unexpected delay. Your patience is appreciated.
Regards, MoneyPlus

There is a strange situation with RefMotor at the moment (reviewed here). I must say that my latest withdrawal which was submitted today was paid successfully while the larger withdrawal is still pending for over 24 hours now. I have contacted the admin of the program and am awaiting for his response now. That’s why I have decided to leave the program On Hold at this moment until I get an explanation. You can share your experience with RefMotor with me and it will be highly appreciated and help me decide the proper status for them. Obviously the admin of RefMotor is in urgent need of some cash now to maintain the positive cashflow into the program and that was the reason for his latest promo plan which was in an email sent to the members today:
Hello, I am RefMotor Admin.
1-We are now have over 18000 Real members! That is Great and we are growing each day. Our business in market is going great and we have earned a lot profit in market these days. this profit is JUST for our members and we want to share it with you!
So we have decided to increase the FAST MOTO (AFTER 5 DAYS) up to 117%!!
Please don’t forget to vote for us whenever you get paid!
2- We have just completed the server upgrade and ddos protection. so if any of you can not enter or visit the site please email us with details and we fix their account.
Thanks to all of our members. RefMotor Admin

Please be aware that GasAndOilInvestment stopped paying and is currently only processing cashouts to small investors and monitors. Thanks again to the readers who let me know about that. I have moved the program to Problem status on my monitoring page already and contacted the admin for an explanation. I will inform you on my blog what I find out but meanwhile it’s not recommended to invest in GasAndOilInvestment! You’ve been warned!

One of the most popular low-ROI programs right now is undoubtedly FxStar (reviewed here). It has already reached the #9 spot in my rankings and keeps climbing. FxStar is accepting four major payment processors including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and StrictPay and paying on the following plans: 1% for 30 days and 1.3-2.3% for 100 days (with principal returned on expiry) and 3% for 100 days (with principal already included in daily payments). Please note that FxStar only credit the interest to your accounts on business days and you are required to request a withdrawal in order to get paid. Although the payments are very fast and usually even instant (for LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney withdrawals anyway) so I guess that’s what many investors like FxStar. As you can read in my interview with the admin (published here) he promised to show some incorporation documents of his program in the UK. Well, now you can see these documents in the About Us section of the FxStar website:
Dear Partners! We are pleased to announce the good news. Today we have added the official documents of our company. You can check them in the “About us” section.
Strangely the name of the company is not FxStar as it’s documents for not even remotedly similar program called Brontex Technology Limited which was incorporated in September 2009. This is kinda strange to me as to why the used the different name first of all and didn’t register a company on its website name. I myself did it with Money-News-Online Limited without a single issue and all the documents were ready within 24 hours after confirming the payment. I even received some printed version of the certificate which was pretty useless because any incorporation in the UK doesn’t give you any right to offer some financial services to the public as there will be another special financial license required. About how easy it was to obtain the similar certificate for myself you can read in the article published here and draw your own conclusions for yourself. I just wish to say that any certificate of incorporation is not a guarantee for the safety of your financial assets and you should invest sensibly in any program. I agree that FxStar is one of the best at the moment and probably somebody will be convinced with these documents but not me, as I have my own opinion for this. Just treat it as a promising regular HYIP but not as a real company and everything will be fine for sure.

Another popular variable daily program is PanaMoney (reviewed here) which is even higher in the ranking and is currently in the prestigious #4 spot. In fact, PanaMoney became so popular that it became a target of every type of scammer trying to make some money from their good reputation and the naivety of some investors. Please read the warning that was published on the PanaMoney website and don’t become a victim of fraud:
PanaMoney Technologies, Inc. is not engaged into any types of online businesses such as exchanging services, etc., but managed Forex trading. The company’s website is PanaMoney only and no any other website similar in design or copying our content or other information is affiliated with the company.

I’m glad to report that I finally received my monthly payment from INSPremiumAds autosurf (reviewed here) for the previous month. The admin of the program Ub also elaborated on the results of his ForEx trading for the previous month and announced a bonus for the members willing to deposit over the next few days. Here is the latest newsletter from him for more details:
Dear INS Family, I hope all of you are fine and in good health and enjoying surfing with INS and INSPremiumAds. I have completed all payouts of INS and INSPremiumAds thanks for all of you patience since past few days was very busy with Forex I have bought 60k of Euros and due to Greece deficit problem I was stuck in it but now conditions looking better and I am expecting euro to be up by next week and I will be able to get out in profit from those trades. And once again market will be in trend so I will be again able to earn min 2-4% a day. Sorry for past few days Low ROI but I will try my level best to increase it. Thanks once again for all of you understanding.
GOOD News for all members,
I have decide to announce a bonus for all INSPremiumAds existing members on Monthly basis last month I forgot to announce 10% bonus on deposits because it is not a money from my pocket or anything it was a money from my broker they announced bonus last month on deposits I have earn bonus in that contest already but forgot to announce it for members but now I am planning to announce 10% bonus on deposits this month. And on monthly basis I will announce something which will be beneficent for members thanks once again to all of you it won’t be possible without all of you help. I need your love and support ever.
Bonus is starting from now and bonus will end on 20 Feb 2010 all members who will deposit in that certain period they will earn 10% additional bonus in INS and INSPremiumAds both please send me email at: insubaid@gmail.com and after depositing funds your bonus will be added within next 24-48 hours.
Have a good day to all.
Ub. Admin. INS Group

The admin of 21stCenturyArb (reviewed here) which is paying 12% weekly forever was brief and as usual to the point in today’s newsletter and only reported about the payouts having been completed:
“I hope you all are having a wonderful week?
All withdrawal request have been completed. All paid members should please visit any of our monitor/forum to cast a vote for 21stCenturyArb.
Thanks for all your support and have a wonderful week.
Joy. Admin

It seems that OneDailyPro (reviewed here) is still doing well after several months online. OneDailyPro is paying 1%-1.3% for 30 days and 1.6% for 60 days for the deposits starting from $15 only. Despite there already being six payment processors accepted the admin made an announcement today that a seventh processor, GlobalDigitalPay which is becoming increasingly popular lately, had been added. Also for the promotion of the program the admin reminds us of their unique lucrative referral system which you can utilize for your benefit. Here is the latest newsletter for the members of OneDailyPro:
This is broadcast e-mail to all clients of OneDailyPro project.
Peter is here (Admin of OneDailyPro project). Everything is working fine.
I’d like to inform you that GlobalDigitalPayment system is successfully added as payment option. Overall script performance has increased. Now we accept: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay, StrictPay, SolidTrustPay, EcuMoney and GlobalDigitalPay. Also I’d like to remind you about unique referral program. You will get 4% (fixed rate) from all amounts deposited or reinvested by every referred client. Additionally you will get extra 0.03% added to the fixed rate for every referred client if this client has an active deposit. Please, visit our site and look at the animated sample in the bottom.
Thank you for attention.
Best regards, OneDailyPro Admin

The latest newsletter from the admin of GoldenFleeceFund Felix (interviewed here) was again kinda extensive and touching on a variety of topics starting from the Post Payment contest which is still ongoing by the way and finishing with a reminder of the February bonuses which the larger investors are going to receive on top of their deposits. Here is the newsletter from GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here):
Hello, This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund. Today is our last day for our Post Your Payment Contest! Post images of your interest payments in the forums and get a chance to win $100 to your e-currency of investment choice. The post your payment contest details are below. Don’t forget our deposit bonus program that is valid through the end of February. I have also posted the details of our deposit program below.
We welcome our new investors and I hope you find this information useful.
Deposit Program:
We are proud to announce a new deposit bonus program for GoldenFleeceFund investors. Through the end of February there is a 5% deposit bonus for new deposits of at least $500. For VIP deposits of at least $3501, this is bumped to 10% because of the already existing 5% deposit bonus for VIP deposits. Take advantage of our new deposit bonus program through the end of February.
Post Your Payment Contest Details:
To participate and possibly win you must post in the forums below. The more you post, the more likely you will win. You must take a screenshot from the account you deposited with showing we sent you a payment of interest. 5 winners will be chosen and sent $100 to the account you invested with (LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, etc.).
5 winners randomly chosen will receive a prize of $100. This is a bump up from our $25 prize. I hope more of you join this time around as well.
Post your interest payment screenshot in the following forums for a chance to win!
Each post counts a single entry. The more you post, the more entries in the contest you have. Between now and February 10th, 2010 you can make your screenshot posts of interest we have paid you in the forums above. 5 posts will be randomly chosen and those users will each receive $100 to the account they deposited into GoldenFleeceFund with.
Sincerely, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

I have joined another very interesting program today which with some right marketing approach could pose some serious competition to the golden oldies like NanoMoneyCorp (reviewed here) which was online for over 4 years and reached the #3 spot on my monitoring page. I’m talking about a program called EuroNanoInvest which has a very similar concept of making money on nanotechnologies and a very beautiful and a unique website. The program claims to be online since 2009 but the first mention of it on public forums dates only from a couple of weeks back. So we can consider EuroNanoInvest as a new program with huge potential. It has everything to become a major player in my opinion: a beautifully made website with some original texts explaining their investment activities with an attached certificate of incorporation from the Seychelles, SSL-encrypted website based on a uniquely custom-made script hosted on a Dragonara dedicated server with GigabitDc.com DDoS-protection, even such small details like a career page, PDF-presentation and Live Chat made quite a great impression. So I can state for sure that EuroNanoInvest was created and run by professionals who know how to make a successful investment project that will stay online for a long time. And you can believe in their nano stories or not if you want but you should trust me that those who join this program fast almost surely will be in profit. Unfortunately there is quite a limited choice of payment processors accepted by them at the moment with only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The investment plans are also very similar to those offered by another “nano” company and they pay 1.4% for 160 business days, 1.6% for 140 business days and 1.8% for 120 business days with the principal returned on expiry. You can invest in the first plan with as little as $10 but the minimum to invest will gradually increase in the two subsequent plans. More about the plans and the program itself can be read in my detailed review of EuroNanoInvest which is going to be published on my blog. So stay tuned for that as it will be interesting for sure!

And so to finish for tonight let me give you the list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours. They are:
SportBetInv, DreamWealthBuilder, HugMoney, InvestoFin, GrabFund, NanoMoneyCorp, FundUpgrader, FinanceNova, Verifield, GeniusFunds, NasMos, MandarinInvest, GoldenFleeceFund, PTVPartner, XagaEnterprise, SantiVentures, Flanita, WaterInvestment, PanaMoney, ForexNetClub, WeeklyDividend, BarterCrown, ScootFx, KobelCapital, TheKapital, INSPremiumAds, Eternidex, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, IncoForex, CSMFinance, AtoxFinance, AtlantisMutual, AsiaInv, OneDailyPro, 21stCenturyArb, TradeZoom, WestFinance, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, RefMotor, GlobalFund, StarkFund, ExceptionalFunds, AimTrust, UmaxFunds, RedOrchidInvest (the first payments received), Aballong (the first payment received) and AlphaInvestments (the first payment received).

That’s it for today, folks! I’ll see you on MNO tomorrow with the review of Aballong and more news from the Industry! Thanks for reading MNO and stay tuned for more!

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