Feb 11th, 2010 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi guys! With my vacation now almost at an end I’m taking advantage of writing another post from the train today as I return to London. So with the miracle of Wi-Fi I can make my first post of the day while on the move. Cool! And it’s an interview with the admin of probably the only new autosurf that’s worth looking at at the moment. His name is John and his program is called FundUpgrader.

The second cycle is well under way in FundUpgrader by now so even already its better than a lot of what we have seen recently. They require you to surf 15 sites per day for 15 days and pay you a daily rebate of 9% interest for ad packs costing $5 each. You can buy up to 1000 of these. For further information you can always refer back to my original review published here.

1. Hi Admin, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within FundUpgrader. What are your own duties within the program? How would you describe a typical working day for you as an admin of an online investment project?

Greetings. I am John Palmer, a 33 year old business-minded individual. I am the administrator for FundUpgrader. I have a partner/friend who processes some of the cashouts when he is online and provides some support as well, the rest of the work including that he does is my responsibility. From the moment I wake up, just after brushing my teeth, I sit down on my table, turn the computer on and eat while processing the pending cashouts that are submitted while I was sleeping. For consecutive hours I check the forums and check the site for problems and then check regularly for new pending cashouts. I take a break a couple of times a day to do some real world stuff, for lunch and dinner and some commitments offline, then I come back again at various times to check on cashouts and forums and do the same thing. Just after 15 days I have become accustomed to the routine and am so far enjoying it.

2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What were you hoping to achieve by starting it in the first place? Apart from you is there anybody else working on FundUpgrader?

FundUpgrader is 16 days from its time of launch and so far gathered almost $25,000 in deposits and almost 440 members. FundUpgrader was quite popular even from the first day it hit the shores. People were quite excited and joined and that is a very good thing and has had a positive impact on its growth. Although it was not a tremendously huge start I consider it better than a sudden surge right from the beginning. Seeing how quiet and lacklustre the autosurf arena is now, my goal was to provide a good program where members of this industry will find a good shelter in this section of the investment world.

3. What about the investment plans? What is the cost of one ad pack and what is the maximum amount I can spend? What rates of interest are on offer and how long does the cycle run for?

To begin participating at FundUpgrader, you need only $5. This is the cost of each adpack. You can purchase up to 1000 adpacks or $5,000 equivalent in dollars. You get paid 9% daily for 15 days (holidays, weekends counted). All you have to do is surf 15 sites per day for 15 seconds each on the autosurf section of the site. You just need to click it and let the autosurfer do its job for you. Just wait for it and then that is it, you get credited.

You get 135% total returns after 15 days. 35% of which is real profit.

4. Tell us what happens if the members miss a day’s surfing. Are they penalized somehow, e.g not get paid, or will the cycle just be extended to allow them to make up the extra day?

I know this is kind of old-school but it ensures accuracy since I am a very active person. If you miss a surfing day, just contact me, I will credit your account for you no problem at all and no long waiting time. GUARANTEED!

5. Can you explain the surfing process to us? Assuming I have never even heard of an autosurf before, what is it? How many sites will I need to surf in order to get paid?

Ok you just need to login and then click SURF. Your page will load the autosurfer, it shall load the sites automatically for you. With each site shown for 15 seconds each. The autosurfer will surf you through the required 15 sites daily and you then earn your daily 9%. You can still surf up to 50 sites per day and earn credits. These credits you can use to advertise your own sites on the autosurfer section.

6. As the process is automated, how can I be sure about the websites that are going to open on my computer? Do you have any control over what is submitted? What if one of them contains a virus?

The system in place has a not-so-sophisticated checker too but it is not perfect of course. I let members do their own verifications but members also have the ability to report a site which they deem a violation of the terms. After some time, I will do manual check on the sites submitted, although I do a random check on the submissions from time to time. Members can attest to the speed of response when they report a violator site.

7. Tell us about the payment options available from FundUpgrader. What payment processors are you currently dealing with?

I am happy to provide everyone with five of the major payment processors available in the market today. AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, StrictPay and PerfectMoney.

8. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

Based on the programs that I saw using the same hosting provider that I use, I noticed that there were at no point during their lifetime did they suffer any major security issues with their server so I decided to host with Hush Hosting. With a dedicated server and high level of DDOS protection of course. They are the best so far I think, since I haven’t tried any other hosting yet because this is my first program.

9. What about your script? Who is the provider and what do you think the benefits of this script are to both the admin and the investors?

Again, inspired by the popular sites before and because it is popular for its security features, I have used no less than the Neversay autosurf script. Security is a major thing to consider when opening such sites so I chose a secured script for this purpose.

10. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions?

The usual contact form is in place but I am looking at a new customer support system which can provide a Live Chat function s well. More news about that in the coming days. Email is still the best for me right now because I am logged in whenever I am online all the time.

11. In my review of your program I mentioned the decline of the autosurf industry over the last year. To be blunt it’s practically been in free-fall with few success stories. How has this affected the growth of your program and how do you see the industry developing over the coming 12 to 18 months?

It has become a challenge for me actually. As I said in the previous paragraphs, I want to be the light in this industry. I hope I can achieve this. So far, we are on the second cycle and some barely made it to this point at all. But FundUpgrader is still here with no serious problems so far. I am also going to launch some promos, so watch out for those.

12. Is FundUpgrader purely an investor driven project or is there any kind of business activity backing up the profits being paid to members?

So far, I am still looking at a stability level where I can freely take out some funds from online accounts and invest in the offline world. The amount will not be a big amount just yet because the supply of funds is not yet tremendous. But it will be always relying mostly on investor’s funds since its a daily paying site. I can maybe make a change and make it payment on expiry later on, we shall see.

13. What is the primary difference between an autosurf and an HYIP? And I’m not referring to the obvious answer about surfing the ads, but rather from the perspective of an investment. Why does the member having to turn on an automated process but never have to actually look at the ads being shown make it a better investment?

An autosurf has products with every adpack purchase. These are the advertising credits credited towards your account for every ad pack purchased, these credits you can use to advertise your sites on the autosurfer. This is what makes an autosurf different from the HYIP.

14. Are there any plans to develop FundUpgrader further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program running in the face of such strong competition from the HYIP sector?

I may change the daily payment structure into a pay on expiry one if the need arises to change it. With the promos that I will launch soon it should excite the members to promote it more. I might also add a new plan but no details on that yet, it will all depend on the small investment I will do soon.

Thanks a lot to John for taking the time for that and let me wish the best of luck to all the members of FundUpgrader. The surfing industry could badly do with a boost so fingers crossed let’s hope this is it.

That’s all for the moment but I’ll be back later this evening after I get home with another brand new review and all the day’s most important news stories from the programs on my monitoring page. See you then, everyone!

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