Feb 13th, 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! For the second review today I want to take a closer look at a program called RedOrchidInvest. And I have to say it’s bit of a strange one. Not entirely in a bad way, though if I’m to be totally honest I have to admit that I was a bit puzzled by it at first. The plans vary from short to long term.

Now RedOrchidInvest isn’t exactly new by any stretch of the imagination. They’ve been in operation since the start of last September and there’s two ways you can look at that. Some of you will stop reading right about now, considering the program to be far too old to start getting involved with now. And that is a reasonable point of course but you should also bear in mind the there are some short term plans you can still profit from. The other school of thought is that anything that can survive this long is no fast scam and there is surely an experienced admin in charge who considers stability as important as anything. So which argument is the correct one? Well sorry to sit on the fence but it’s your own money you’re joining with so you had best decide that for yourselves. Personally I’d say the truth is somewhere in the middle as no online HYIPs run forever (not yet anyway!) But what they do have in their favor is an impressive selection of investment plans with something to suit just about everybody. Maybe that’s part of the reason why they’re still here after all this time.
So what about the investment plans? RedOrchidInvest have so many of them I barely know where to start. There’s ten of them in total so there really is a fair chance that you’ll find something you like in there. In the interests of brevity I’ll try to keep it short here but if you like the sound of any of them then be sure to contact the admin for more info.

The first plan is called the Test Plan and it is open to small deposits of between $10 and $20. It runs for 11 days and pays you 10% interest every day. Your principal is included so on expiry you should have 110% in total on expiry. As it’s only a test plan however the maximum you can earn is just two bucks.

The next one is even shorter term than the first and is called the Quickly Return plan. It runs for just 2 days. It too is only open to small investments with the amounts you can join with being from $10 to $20. Supposedly the interest is calculated by the hour but in real terms what you actually in up with is 102% return, which includes your profit.

RedOrchidInvest then offers you the “compounding plan for small investors”. And by small they mean deposits from a minimum of $20 to a maximum of $100. The term runs for 83 days and you will be paid 1.2% interest per day. This time you principal gets returned on expiry so that should just about double your money.

Then we have an unusual little plan of which I’m not sure what the point is. It’s called the Weekly Plan M-F and it’s open to deposits of $25. No more and no less. That’s right, you join with exactly $25 or you don’t join at all! If you do, the term is 1 week and at the end of it RedOrchidInvest offers you a total return of 106% including your principal.

Something for the more serious players is the “compounding plan for current investors” plan which is open to deposits ranging from $100 up to a maximum of $1000. The duration is 66 days and you will receive a payment of 1.5% interest per day during that time. On expiry your original principal will be returned so in effect that should double your money in total.

So far so good but it’s with the next plan that things begin to get a bit cloudy. It’s called the “Floating plan 1.8-5% daily” plan and RedOrchidInvest will accept deposits from $1000 up to $5000 so it’s not cheap. Basically what happens is that your investment will receive a daily rate of interest of anything varying from 1.8% to 5%. Ok, we’ve seen that before, but this time the investment term is also variable. Your final profit is capped at 300% so the plan will run for however long it takes you to earn that. Theoretically (though unlikely) were you to receive the maximum of 5% everyday then you would achieve this in 60 days. Were you to receive the minimum of 1.8% every day (also unlikely) it would take 166 days. The real figure is probably in the middle but the one thing that does not vary is that when you receive your 300% then you are out. Principal is already factored in.

RedOrchidInvest follow that with a similar plan called the “Compounding Floating plan 1.5 -5% daily” plan. But I like it a lot more than the last one because it’s open to a much wider range of investor. The minimum deposit is $10 and the maximum is $10,000. Just like the previous plan RedOrchidInvest again offer a variable interest rate, this time between 1.5% and 5%. The very same conditions apply however. However much you end up getting paid from day to day, your investment will expire whenever you reach the maximum permitted profit of 300%. With the smaller minimum that can in theory take a bit longer this time. Anything from 60 days to 200 days, but the profit will be the same for all. Principal is again already included.

Plan number eight from RedOrchidInvest is another variable one called the “LFX 2.2%-5% daily” plan and it’s another one for the big spenders. Minimum deposit is $1000 and the maximum is $10,000. It works the very same as the last two plans with a variable rate of interest getting paid every day. You get anything from 2.2% to 5% interest per day, and when you finally reach 300% you are finished. The only real difference apart from the larger deposits required is the increased minimum interest rate. That will help you earn your full amount in a much faster time. You won’t do it in under 60 days, but it won’t take you any longer than 136 days either.

There are two more plans available from RedOrchidInvest, but as they start from $10,000 I hope you’ll excuse me if I skip them here. This isn’t really the place to discuss transactions of that size, but if you are one of the lucky few who can really afford it and insist on playing HYIP games anyway, may I suggest you spread it around between a hell of a lot more programs than just this one.

Despite the huge variety of investment plans this is unfortunately not reflected in RedOrchidInvest‘s choice of payment processor. Your options are very limited here to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. It doesn’t seem to have done them any serious harm in terms of longevity, but then again the same people who passed on them because of this the first time round will probably pass on them again. Anyway, withdrawals will have to be requested and you are asked to allow the admin up to 24 hours to process the transaction. Bank wires are also accepted so contact the admin for further information regarding that. Compounding is also available in most of the plans, but I suppose most of you guessed that already from their names.

They are claiming to be involved in the ForEx business though I can’t see anything that would substantiate that. Granted they do provide a chart displaying the number of investors and the amount’s deposited and withdrawn, but given the general level awareness among online investors about RedOrchidInvest I tend to doubt the authenticity of the multi million dollar figures being mentioned here. Just treat them like a normal online HYIP game and proceed with the usual level of caution that should be applied to all programs.

The security and design of the site are all quite nice. The choice of hosting provider is reliable enough as is the level of protection from DDoS attacks. BlackLotus are hosting them on a dedicated server. The script is licensed from MonetarySoft, but what really stands out for me id RedOrchidInvest’s use of SSL encryption to protect their member’s accounts even more. That should more than make up for the lack of payment options. Any further questions can be put to their customer support by submitting a support ticket on the form provided on the contacts page. Discussion threads are open on all the main forums, though considering the program has been running for what is now approaching six months you couldn’t really describe any of them as a hive of activity.

And perhaps that is in no small part due to the plans being a little over complicated. I mean I’m all in favor of HYIPs trying to be unique and offer something that you won’t find from any of the competition, that is after all what keeps the industry so vibrant and interesting. But if you make things complicated where they don’t need to be you can lose people’s attention as fast as you caught it. After all, there’s no shortage of online HYIPs out there queuing up for your money and all too ready to make it as easy as possible for you to hand it over!

But also because of that I think RedOrchidInvest has a lot of untapped potential. It’s been flying under the radar for some time now and there is no doubt they are still capable of bigger things. Make up your own mind about the age of the program but there are some excellent ones that were barely getting warmed up after 5 months in the past so they could be worth keeping an eye on and I do find their plans interesting. Just remember as I’ve said so many times in the past, the only way possible to lose more money than you can afford to in this business is to spend it. Don’t gamble with the mortgage money and you won’t lose the mortgage money. It’s a simple rule to remember. Keep it sensible, don’t be greedy, and RedOrchidInvest could even turn out to be a fun experience where you can make a few extra bucks for yourself.


First of all I would like to warn you about depositing in ArbsFund. After a few days offline when everybody forgot about them already the admin probably decided to squeeze the last penny from all the not so smart investors. Miraculously appearing online once more, ArbsFund sent out a newsletter pleading for patience in paying the withdrawals and announcing many exciting plans for the future. Please note that this scamming admin lied many times already and never replied to any emails. Why would he come now and pay everybody what he owes? Of course his intention is to scam more investors and I advise not to waste any money with this low-life scam. You’ve been warned!

Apparently SazaInvestments (reviewed here) didn’t expect so many withdrawals today as not everybody was paid yet. I myself have one pending payout to STP as well after the fast and successful payment to my account last night. The admin of SazaInvestments Ricardo (interviewed here) promised to fund their e-currency accounts with fresh funds and as soon as it happens he said that all the pendings would be paid. I will try to contact him and ask about the timeframe in which all the payouts should be completed as it was not specified in the latest newsletter. The next time the payout button will be open on Friday as usual. I just wish they would finally upgrade their script successfully but one of my readers already let me know that some progress has been made when his account was instantly credited with the money he deposited. So I hope the full solution is on the way and as I have some trust in the program it will stay on Paying status on MNO, at least until I get more details on pending withdrawals. This is the latest news from them:
Withdrawals are closed now. We still have few pendings because after two weeks we didn’t appreciated well the amounts needed online. As soon as we will get uploaded the funds already sent we will complete all pendings. Next withdrawals will be next Friday as usual, no matter if our problems will be solved or not. Thank you all very much for your trust in us and for your patience. Regards, Ricardo Andre Brandao. SazaInvestments Marketing Manager”.

I wasn’t aware that MoneyPlus (reviewed here) was still under DDoS-attack until I received another update from the admin of the program. I was able to access the site today just fine and was paid my withdrawals as usual. So for me there was no problem but please be aware that due to this continuous attack access to the site could be intermittent. Please read the following important update if you are a member of MoneyPlus:
Dear members, We are experiencing a sophisticated DDOS attack. We, were able to successfully mitigate the attack, although some users might still have problems accessing our web site. We are working hard to make sure everyone will be able to access our web site.
Also we want say happy new year to our Chinese members, We wish all the best, good luck and a good health to you and your family!
Thank you for your support, Regards, MoneyPlus

It seems that FxStar (reviewed here) is having some issues with AlertPay and very possibly their account was unverified by them for some reason. Since the weekend is coming there is probably no way that the problem will be solved until at least Monday. However, you know that in FxStar you can always make your withdrawals to the other four payment processors still accepted: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, WebMoney and StrictPay. Some good news from FxStar is that the website is now available into three more languages. In addition to the English and Russian versions there are now German, Spanish and French ones as well. Needless to say that the multi-lingual versions should be made by professionals and of course it’s not an auto-translator (I can only read the English and Russian versions though). I hope the issue with AlertPay will be resolved soon and FxStar will be able to accept it again as obviously it’s one of the favorite payment processors with many investors. I remind you that FxStar offers different investment plans with the principal already factored in daily payouts (3% for 100 days) or returned on expiry (1% for 30 days and 1.3-2.3% for 100 days). More about FxStar which has already reached #8 in MNO can be read in my interview with the admin published here. And this is the copy of the newsletter regarding AlertPay issue:
Dear partners! Unfortunately we have the problem with AlertPay system at this moment. We are trying to contact its support but they work only on business days. Right now you can withdraw money via PerfectMoney (and get the bonus of 2%), LiberyReserve, StrictPay, WebMoney. Sorry for these temporary problems. All our team is working right now in order to solve the problem. The problem will be fixed very soon.

CelexProfit which is not yet reviewed by MNO and was just added to my monitoring last night sent out its first newsletter today. According to the admin they have seen some good growth during the first week online and he plans to keep it going by announcing some contests very soon and by paying some bonuses to lucky members. Currently all the deposits made by LibertyReserve in any of the investment plans offered by CelexProfit (1% for 30 days, 1.5%-2% for 90 days, 2.5% for 150 days with principal back on expiry) will get 5% bonus to their account. Here is the first newsletter from the admin of CelexProfit Andy:
Today I am happy to write our first newsletter, as everything has been going very well. CelexProfit went trough a great week and that makes us feel great. CelexProfit is just a week online but already we have 700+ members. We are very satisfied with such a result. I want to say thank you to everyone who has been promoting CelexProfit. Our program has been growing a lot and it will continue to do so. We plan to double this rate during the month of February with special contests and advertising methods, the program is going to grow more than ever.
As you were all expecting, we have now launched our new weekly special. We are happy to announce that anyone who makes a deposit using LibertyReserve until February 19th will receive a 5% bonus on their deposit. Also on Sunday we are going to announce first contests with great prizes.
If you received payment please don’t forget to vote at monitors and write about that on major forums. I wish you all great weekend, remember to always do whatever you need to find your joy of living and don’t ever give up.
See you all soon, Andy

Finally, I’m glad to announce that the admin of DreamWealthBuilder (reviewed here) Paula answered my interview questions which will be published on MNO tomorrow. I hope she will be able to make everything clear for the investors of this really unique program. In the latest update sent to the members Paula mentions a good level of growth for the first days online, reminds us about the backup server which is prepared in case of any attacks on the main one or if the main site is unavailable for some other reason and asked the members to vote for DreamWealthBuilder on public forums and monitors to make the program more popular. Here’s the newsletter:
Warm Greetings to everyone from DreamWealthBuilder,
This is Paula Forney & Mark Irwin from the DreamWealthBuilder administration desk. We forgot to mention a few things in our yesterday’s newsletter, So here we are again.
We are nearing 150 member mark in just a few days online. That’s definitely a great start for a new program like DreamWealthBuilder. We would like to thank all for your support and trust. Special thanks goes to members who referred others to join DreamWealthBuilder.
DreamWealthBuilder is also running on a backup server. So, if at all the primary server faces any issues, the alternate server will replace it.
The web access to our backup server is
We kindly request you all to vote for DreamWealthBuilder in monitors if possible.
Participation in DreamWealthBuilder forum and other forums is highly appreciated.
That’s all for now.
Hope you have a great day!
Paula Forney & Mark Irwin from DreamWealthBuilder.

I got paid today from the following programs:
GeniusFunds, SportBetInv, TradeZoom, Verifield, NanoMoneyCorp, DreamWealthBuilder, GrabFund, InvestoFin, MandarinInvest, HugMoney, FundUpgrader, NasMos, FxStar, EuroNanoInvest, GoldenFleeceFund, PanaMoney, Dragadox, PTVPartner, BarterCrown, WestFinance, GlobalFund, KobelCapital, MoneyPlus, Eternidex, AimTrust, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, CSMFinance, AtoxFinance, AsiaInv, FinanceNova, OneDailyPro, XagaEnterprise, TheKapital, SantiVentures, UmaxFunds, WeeklyDividend, AlphaInvestments, ScootFx, Flanita, ExceptionalFunds, WaterInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, CelexProfit (the first payment received) and Skinex (the first payment received).

That’s all for today, guys. I will be back tomorrow with another two posts including an interview with DreamWealthBuilder, another review and more news from the Industry. Stay tuned and have a good Valentine’s weekend!

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