Feb 20th, 2010 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi everyone! I don’t know about you but I can hardly believe it’s Friday again already. I have been pretty busy both online and off this last week and it really does make the time pass a lot faster. And in a strange way that kinda brings me on to the subject of the second program I want to look at tonight. It’s a long term HYI program called WorldwideFinancialDepartment, or just WWFD for short.

The first point I want to make clear about this program is the age. It may not seem all that interesting to some of you but it is to many. The thing is that the admin of WWFD is insistent on the fact that the program has been running for the past year. Personally I disagree and told him as much. Though the program has supposedly been monitored by GoldPoll (among others) for the last 12 months their domain was only created on January 24 of this year. And the forum threads are less than two weeks old. What you have is the admin of an old program who now has a new website, new script, new domain, new plans, and new everything claiming that this new program is a continuation of the old one. Not in my book. Even if some other monitors will treat them like they are the same program doesn’t mean I will. The admin might be the same person but the programs are not. And if any readers can prove that they were a member of WWFD prior to two weeks ago then feel free to leave a comment. In the meantime however the admin and I will shall we say “agree to disagree” over the matter. But as ever it’s your money we are talking about here so you make up your own mind. Personally I’ll be treating them as a brand new program. Albeit one with an old admin.

So anyway, what’s it all about? Well for one thing WWFD has quite an interesting selection of plans for you to choose from and to their credit they have made an effort to offer something suitably to as wide a range of people as possible. Assuming you like long term HYIPs at all that is. There are three possible plans to choose from that will pay you on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The rates of interest in each will vary according to the size of your deposit.

Starting with the daily plan, it runs for 150 business days (30 weeks) and is open to deposits ranging from a minimum of $20 to a maximum of $50,000. For the duration of the plan you will be paid your interest five days per week at the following rates. $20 to $5000 will receive 1.2% per day. $5001 to $10,000 will receive 1.6% per day. And larger deposits up to the maximum $50,000 will be paid 1.8% per day, though I doubt many will be finding out if that really works.

A bit more profitable though not much more of a risk is the weekly plan. I say not much more because while you get paid less often it actually runs for a shorter term. Anyway, here’s what happens. The plan runs for 20 weeks. During that time WWFD will pay interest on your deposit once per week. The rates are calculated as follows. From the minimum spend, which is now $50, up to $5000 you will be paid 7% per week. From $5001 to $20,000 you are offered 9% per week. And again the maximum rate of interest is well beyond the means of most of us with anything from $20,000 up to the maximum allowed of $50,000 being offered 10% per week.

Something a bit more ambitious is the monthly plan. This one runs for 5 months and and pays you once per month as follows. Minimum deposits increase to $100 now and everything between that and $5000 is offered 30% per month. Deposits from $5001 to $20,000 are offered 38% per month. Larger investments of up to $100,000 are offered the highest rate of 42%.

The payment options open to you are pretty average. Nothing to get excited about but acceptable. WWFD will accept deposits made through LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, or StrictPay. Payments will be processed five days per week from Monday to Friday between the hours of 08.00 and 20.00 GMT. Bank wires are also available so contact the admin for further information if that interests you.

Security wise WWFD is as good as any of their main competitors. They are hosted on a dedicated server by Dragonara who are widely regarded as one of the best in the business so expect few if any serious problems on that front. They are also running off a licensed GoldCoders script. WWFD is thankfully using SSL encryption to protect its members’ accounts area. So everything is pretty much up to standard there. Customer support is available by submitting a support ticket through the form on the contacts page. There are also a couple of postal addresses with some telephone numbers, however I happen to know for a fact that the address in the UK is that of a serviced “virtual” office that you can get online and use as your own address for receiving mail. But not where you will find the real WWFD. I have one of those offices myself you see, and while I know where it is, I have never been inside and nobody who works there has any connection with MNO.

Other than that WWFD makes all the usual noise about their business activities. Unfortunately none of these claims are original and on closer inspection we find an article copied directly from Wikipedia about the stock market. What actually gave me the best laugh however was the “quote” attributed to the owner of WWFD explaining their business ethic and their “guiding spirit” which is we are told “closely linked with the trust and thought of our founder”. Once I finished cringing I realized this particular line actually comes from Dr. Shigeyoshi Matsumae, the founder of a much more lofty and worthy institution than an online HYIP. He was the founder of Tokai University, a Japanese school of some repute with international offices in several countries. I doubt the good doctor would approve!

So take WWFD as on online game and don’t get carried away, Zen philosophers or not! Make sure to keep your deposits at a sensible and manageable level at all times and always as part of a well balanced and diverse portfolio.


I don’t know what happened to DreamWealthBuilder but I haven’t got my payment for today yet. I can see that some other people were not paid either. So I’ve contacted the admin via email and awaiting for her response since I couldn’t get through in the Live Chat. I will report on my blog tomorrow about the outcome, however at this moment I would NOT recommend you make any new investments into DreamWealthBuilder until the situation with unpaid payouts is resolved successfully.

GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here) is offering an instantly withdrawable bonus of $300 for all the large investors willing to deposit $5,000 into the program. This is a limited in time bonus you will get if you deposit by the end of February. Of course, you know that with investing big amounts in such old program like GoldenFleeceFund also comes a significant risk so think twice before doing this, ok? Here is the latest newsletter from GoldenFleeceFund:
Hello, This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund. As the majority of our investors know there is a 5% deposit bonus and a 10% deposit bonus going on right now through the end of the month. We would like to announce a special instant withdraw bonus that applies to new deposits of at least $5001. If you make a deposit of at least $5001 between now and February 28th, 2010 you will receive a $300 instant withdraw bonus that can be withdrawn without any sort of investment delay. You will also receive the 10% deposit bonus that is through the end of this month based on the amount of your investment.
We thank you for your continued support.
Thank You, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

There isn’t much more news left to report for today (most of it was covered in this afternoons update) so I guess everybody will be interested to hear about the upcoming redesign of the AlertPay website. There was an extensive update regarding this on AlertPay’s official blog and since they are one of the most popular payment processors online I think you will be interested in finding out more on these changes. So here is the news taken from the AlertPay blog:
What to expect with the upcoming re-design
Hi everyone, We are getting closer and closer to launching the re-designed website! We are now aiming for somewhere in March or early April. The site will still look like AlertPay, but certain aspects will be new and improved.
New tabs
Rather than seeing the usual “Deposit”, “Withdraw”, “Send Money” and “Request Money” tabs, you will see “Shop Online”, “Sell Online” and “How It Works”, among a couple others.
Through either the “Shop Online” or “Sell Online” portals, you can navigate to a page that contains information necessary to what you wish to accomplish online, whether it’s adding a credit card to do a little shopping or setting up your AlertPay account to sell goods and/or services online.
Through “How It Works”, you will be able to figure out in a few simple steps how to use our payment platform. You can use it to deposit money and send it to someone; to make an instant online credit card payment; to sell goods or services and accept e-wallet and credit card payments; and how to withdraw your money if someone has made a payment to you.
With our new tabs, we hope to offer more specialized content depending on what you are interested in doing through AlertPay.
New pages
We will be introducing several new pages to the website with the hope of giving you the information you need to figure out how to use all of our services with minimal support by phone or email. Here are a few pages you can look forward to:
• Press and Media: This page will feature some of our media engagements, like interviews, reviews and articles. You will also be able to check out some of our corporate documentation, latest news feeds, social media hubs and fun videos.
• Fraud Prevention: This page will be targeted at our sellers and will contain some in-depth content on our various fraud prevention measures we use to protect your account, your information and your transactions.
• Buyer and Seller Protection: These respective pages will outline what we offer you in terms of protection while shopping or selling online. This is something we will be continually improving.
• Credit Card and E-wallet: This page will explain the advantages of using AlertPay to make credit card and e-wallet payments. It will also invite you to take our brief but informative Shop Online or Sell Online tutorials.
• Mass Pay: Although we always offered a mass payment feature, we never published any useful content on it — until now! It will touch on the benefits of using AlertPay to send batch payments to multiple recipients.
• Business Tools: This page will also be a portal like Sell Online/Shop Online, as it will link to several relevant pages full of content related to online selling, like Buttons, Business Profiles, Shopping Carts, etc….
And much more!
New Tutorials and Guides
We will be offering tutorials for setting up your account to shop online/send money or to sell online and accept payments. They are fun, fast and very informative and we’re sure you will walk away from our tutorials feeling assured in your ability to use your account without any difficulty.
We are also introducing at least two guides; one for sellers and one for shoppers. Each guide is quite comprehensive and will answer many questions ranging from how to add a bank account to how to reset a password, and much more!
Our goal is to give you the tools you need to achieve your own goals, whether it’s selling goods, sending money to family and friends or just shopping online securely. We want to empower you with as much knowledge and know-how as we can!
The launch is sneaking up, but we still have some tweaking and adjusting to do to ensure that your web experience with us is a positive one.
Thanks for choosing AlertPay!

During the last 24 hours I was paid by the following programs:
XciteInvest, XagaEnterprise, HugMoney, StanbicArbitrage, GoldenFleeceFund, InvestAward, 21stCenturyArb, PanaMoney, NanoMoneyCorp, GeniusFunds, FxStar, FinanceNova, ArxonAds, Skinex, MandarinInvest, EuroNanoInvest, Aballong, SportBetInv, TradeZoom, BarterCrown, DepositPalace, Eternidex, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, GlobalFund, AimTrust, ExceptionalFunds, Dragadox, ScootFx, Verifield, NasMos, InvestoFin, IncoForex, CSMFinance, CelexProfit, AtoxFinance, AtlantisMutual, SantiVentures, TheKapital, PTVPartner, AlphaInvestments, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, WeeklyDividend, StarkFund, WestFinance, RedOrchidInvest, Plents (the first payment received), ACEEntertainments (the first payment received) and BiotechInvFund (the first instant payments received).

I have listed another program last night on my monitoring page. It’s called BiotechInvFund and as the name implies they are supposedly involved in some technological and scientific research. Well, considering the texts on the website are stolen from different sources I would not be so sure about that. BiotechInvFund also displays a certificate of incorporation received in the Seychelles under the name of Bio Aspects Inc. which has nothing to do of course with allowing them to offer any financial services. Of course, it would be not so wise to expect a real company in the online HYIP market accepting only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney anonymous payment processors. So we’ll just skip all this and go straight to the plans on offer. Well, it’s only one plan offering you 2% for 180 calendar days after which your principal will be returned. You can request your principal even before the expiry but then the interest previously paid will be deducted and a 25% premature cancellation fee applied so only do it in urgent cases. The minimum to deposit in BiotechInvFund is only $5 with compounding allowed. But here’s an interesting thing. Straight after depositing any amount your account will be credited with an additional bonus of $2 and for the amounts over $500 your bonus will be $50. Of course this bonus cannot be withdrawn and will just become a part of your principal. As far as the HYIP part goes BiotechInvFund is excellent: it offers SSL-encryption of the accounts enriched with a totally unique and customized script, hosting on a dedicated server by the Dutch provider Ecatel and quite a unique investment story behind it. All the above-mentioned factors make me think there is some professional team of HYIP admins behind BiotechInvFund which gives confidence that the program will be here for the long run. It has been online for two weeks only and so can be considered as quite a new one. A more detailed review of BiotechInvFund will be published on MNO soon so stay tuned for that!

That’s all for today guys, but I’ll see you again tomorrow right here on MNO. In the meantime have a nice weekend!

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