Hi guys! Hope you all had a nice weekend and are ready to get back to business today. As you may have noticed longer term HYI programs were a lot more prominent on MNO over the last couple of days. So today as promised I’d like to add a little variety (the “spice of life” as they call it!) and return to a shorter term one. The program I want to talk about is called ACEEntertainments and it’s quite a promising little project if you do enjoy short term games. Certainly it’s very original and in a very competitive market that always helps. I’ll get to that in a moment, but risks are still there of course as they always are. But if you get in early enough you have quite a good chance to make a couple of easy bucks for yourself here.
The program operates around a gambling theme but not like any of the “arbitrage betting” sites so prevalent at the moment. They claim to be running a number of casinos as well as an online poker site. All to be taken with a pinch of salt I think but let’s look at the features as we approach is purely an HYIP game.
There are three plans available from ACEEntertainments, and they’re all pretty easy to understand. Better again is the fact that they are all very affordable to join which should help open the program to as wide a number of investors as possible. Anyway, the first of these plans runs for just 3 days and makes daily payouts. It’s called The Gambling Adverting Plan. The minimum investment required to join is $5 and in return you will be offered 35% interest per day. Your principal is already counted in this so your total return will be 105%. So in other words spend $100 in this plan and ACEEntertainments will give you back $105. Not a ridiculously high target for the admin to meet so hopefully this can be sustained longer than most HYIPs with such short plans.
The next option runs for 7 days and also pays by the day. It’s called The Casino Promotion Plan. The minimum amount you can join with is still just $5 but the daily interest payments will now be 17%. So for an investment of $100 here ACEEntertainments should be paying you $17 per day adding up to a total return of $119. Your principal is already included there. The risk might be a little bigger but at least there is the chance to (just barely) break even before the plan expires.
And finally the last of the three available plans is called The Poker Promotion Plan and it has a slight autosurf style look to it. It runs for 12 days and offers interest payments of 12% per day on deposits of $5 and upwards. That will add up to a total of 144%. So for a $100 deposit here you should expect to get paid $12 per day, break even and see your first real profit after nine days, and finish with $144. That will be your total return because your principal is again already counted.
As usual there a few other things you need to know about the plans before making a decision about them being suitable for you or not. The first thing you may have noticed is that I didn’t mention any maximum amount you may deposit. That’s because none is given. That’s not a license for you to go a bit nuts with the checkbook either of course. Keep it sensible anyway but if you are one of those players who likes to gamble big then you may wish to check with the admin first. Not that I’ve ever met an admin who refused to take money or anything!
Another important point is the payouts. I know I said they were paid daily but that’s not strictly true. The admin doesn’t work on Sunday (he’s entitled to a day off like the rest of us) so do keep that in mind and don’t panic if you were expecting a payment that doesn’t arrive. Apart from that I think I need only mention the payment options. Bit of a disappointment to be honest with the choice being limited to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. So let’s just say that this is in keeping with the general theme of the ACEEntertainments website and it will stay a gamble with losses, should they occur, not getting reversed.
But what the program lacks in choice for payment options they kinda make up for in the overall design and security. For a start the members accounts are protected by SSL encryption which is a huge bonus and not something you see everyday in short term programs. So it’s a safe enough bet that there is an experienced admin at work here. In addition to that they have a good enough hosting provider with BlackLotus who are keeping them on a dedicated server. ACEEntertainments are also running off a licensed GoldCoders script. The website itself is easy enough to navigate and very colorful and original. The texts are also original which is something all too rare in this industry so there’s no denying a bit of effort has been made. Any questions can be submitted to the admin via the online support ticketing form on their contacts page.
ACEEntertainments as I said already are claiming to be investing member’s money in the online gambling industry. Not by gambling the money itself you should understand, but rather with the establishments that facilitate such activities. Well, HYIPs that offer real solid evidence of their offline business interests are few and far between and ACEEntertainments is no exception. Though they do make a fair point that as more and more people spend a greater deal of their leisure time on the internet the growth in online gambling has been phenomenal. I’m not sure that I’d agree that gambling “is the most entertaining industry on the net” as they say (give me wikipedia any day!) but there is no denying the amount of money changing hands is frightening. My own opinion if anybody wants it is that the only gambling going on here is done by you joining HYIPs and not just this one either!
But having said that ACEEntertainments is a well organized and highly original game with a decent level of security and plans that are (relatively speaking) sustainable when compared to those offered by some similar short term programs. No guarantees here of course but if you enjoy such game then this one is worth a look. By the way, remember that the minimum figure to invest is only $5 so there’s no excuse for losing thousands that you can’t afford.
GeniusFunds (reviewed here) made an official statement today and probably to comply with the upcoming hearing in British Columbia which will commence on the 25th of February they have temporarily stopped accepting new members from British Columbia province in Canada. I wonder what the mechanism will be for detecting those signing up and depositing from British Columbia (probably through the IP address) because though you’re required to provide real details when signing-up in GeniusFunds you can actually state that you’re from any country you like as the accounts are not-verifiable as far as I know. Anyway, it was an attempt to comply with Canadian law and hopefully it will be taken into consideration during the hearing the report of which will be published on the official British Columbia Securities Commission website. As far as I know GeniusFunds should be represented by some kind of counsel as the admin George mentioned in one of his emails. I wish GeniusFunds good-luck with the hearing and sincerely hope that everything will be alright for the investors and that they will continue their successful operation as usual. Of course you can also expect the report on MNO about the hearing results or could check out the website of the British Columbia Securities Commission for yourself. Here is the latest news from GeniusFunds website:
“Investing from British Columbia
Pursuant to regulator’s request, we have temporarily stopped accepting new account registrations from the Canadian province of British Columbia. Existing account holders, residents of other Canadian provinces and investors from other countries are not affected by this measure.”
Please note that the admin of Aballong Alrea (interviewed here) will be deleting all inactive accounts from her program very soon. Remember that the purpose of the program is to collect $45,000 for investing in their own sports arbitrage pool. After this happens or after the program reaches 250 active member the program will be closed for new investors for some time. Aballong offers one plan with variable rates of interest calculated according to the success of their activities. For details on how it works see my original review of the program published here. Here is the latest newsletter from Alrea:
“Aballong is growing vastly and I want to advise everyone of you to read the Interview we did with Paul from Money-news-Online: http://money-news-online.com/blog/2010/02/20/20022010-interview-with-the-admin-of-aballong/
We want to remind all that we will close the option for direct signup once we have 250 Members or $45000 invested in our Pool, there are many people who just signed up, and did not make there investments yet, we will delete all accounts without investments within 72 hours.
Regards. Alrea”.
Please note that I have to remove two programs to Problem status. I advise you not to invest in them. The first one is AimTrust. The program was kind of an average performer and was never really that popular among MNO readers. About two days ago I noticed that I wasn’t able to access to my account though I know that my password remained exactly the same. Well, I don’t know if it was a deliberate account deletion or just a glitch in the script. I know only that the admin of AimTrust never replied to my support ticket for over 48 hours. So he either doesn’t care about that or else they just have pretty bad customer support. Anyway, since I can’t fulfill my monitoring of the program anymore I had to move AimTrust to Problem status on my monitoring page. When my problem is fixed the program will be returned to Paying status.
Another program not recommended at the moment is ArxonAds autosurf. It was just reviewed on MNO a few days ago and it seems the payouts have already stopped. It’s very unfortunate and I have already contacted the admin hoping for an explanation. I heard nothing from him so far, that’s why ArxonAds has been moved to Problem status on my monitoring page. So please don’t invest there anymore!
The admin of BostonVenturesBillionairesClub (interviewed here) made a huge shift and the program is now offering a short-term plan paying 11% for 11 days (principal included). So if you’re a fan of short-term games you might be interested to have a closer look. However something that didn’t change is that you can only deposit via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The minimum to deposit into the new plan is $10 and the maximum is set to $1,000. Although the admin of the program promised that such return can be sustainable from real investments it’s obviously not true so only invest what you can afford to lose. BostonVenturesBillionairesClub (reviewed here) has been online for a full month and is also offering 1.34%-1.83% daily for 180 business days with the principal returned on expiry. However with the introduction of the new plan they lost any sense: really, why on earth one would like to invest in a 180 business day plan if you can get your profits in just 11 days from the same program? So I would suggest to the admin maybe to remove the lower-paying plans at all. At least it would be reasonable. Here is the latest news from BostonVenturesBillionairesClub:
“Hello Members, I hope you all had a good weekend. We have had a lot of exciting information to sift through this week end. We are now going into spot trades in commodities and options. This will give both members and us a chance to earn a nice amount at a short period of time. We like the ways our membership is growing and the stability which comes with a huge membership base. We will be paying on weekdays only till we hit numbers over the 1k amount of people. This ways everyone has access to their funds if they have limited time for withdrawals. Since we have been on the net now running this program for a month, we have learned an immense amount of information
People love long term programs once they have made an amount that justifies having a day to day pay. Till this time they gamble and do everything needed and even take unnecessary risks. We are about to help you out NO… Not to gamble but make an informed decision on investing.
How we are going to do it is, we are introducing a plan it’s not new but it will help us in this symbiotic relationship to make money.
The plan is 11 days and 11 percent per day 11x 11% paying out 121% This is not new yes, but we on the other hand have the opportunity to use this to our mutual benefits Spot trading is something that is done on the spot Doesn’t take a genius to figure this out we are trading in commodities and options which we know will make some excellent profits in a brief period of time.
Here is an example for people who don’t know what trading in spot options are. Say you see a nice Ferrari sitting in the window of the shop. You see its price tag is 50k You walk in knowing next week your bonus is coming and you can buy it. You speak to the sales person and give him 5k to hold on to it, till next week Friday at 50k. This is great because not only do you know exotic car prices are going up due to lowering of the local domestic cars, and people want something different all the time. Any was Mr Sales man holds the car for you now. In the mean time local prices for exotic cars has doubled. You can exercise your option now to buy the car or leave it with a small loss of 5k. Why lose now when you know your car has gained a whopping 45k extra. The sales man is obliged to sell the car now to you at 50k even if the price around town is 100k.
Your option is to leave it or go with it but based on prior knowledge you made an informed decision to make something or buy the car. So you win with either the car or selling it straight a ways with a pure profit of 45k. By any chance the car price fell you could walk away from the deal with a 5k loss not a loss on the 50k.
This is a simple explanation but these trades work in liquid markets of Forex as well either instantly or options to it. I did simplify as much as I could. It takes huge amount of cash and works fast.
This plan is supportable as we make 30 or more percent in 7 days 11 days overlaps this period and we have a good mix of plan and percentages.
Anyways we have a new plan Let’s Make MONEY. We also hope you have a good time with the 10% referral commission as most of you have taken advantage off.
11 days at 11% per day. Principal included. Todd S.”
The 1% daily, 6% weekly, 25% monthly program DynFxTrade which was announced on my blog last night sent out a few emails today to the members which let people know about the official launch of the program, stated that SSL encryption had been added, announced a referral contest and gave some much-needed clarification about the payouts only being credited on business days. I have decided to combine all three emails into one so here is the latest news from this brand-new no expiry program. DynFxTrade will be reviewed on MNO soon:
“We are officially LAUNCHED today!!
Thank you for you support. We are here to serve you day and night at DynFxTrade! For your information, you can request cashout when you have a min of $1. We pay daily Monday to Friday. Please support DynFxTrade. Do remember to post in Forums / Monitoring sites when you are paid.
Try to browse with SSL (https://) link for more security.
Wish, you have a nice week ahead.
New referral contest started. Log in in to your a/c and check current status.
You can promote using your referral link.
Try it now and win the prizes.
Michel. DynFxTrade Team”.
I have added another perpetual program to my monitoring list tonight. It’s called FxPetroleum. The program offers 15% weekly forever and is accepting all the popular e-currencies including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay, SolidTrustPay and StrictPay. FxPetroleum is using a licensed Neversay script so you can invest in the units of $5 each ($5 is the minimum deposit allowed). The program is very new and just started a couple of days ago. It will take you 7 weeks to start receiving your profits from FxPetroleum as the principal is not returned. Of course you can safely disregard the claims that the administration invest your money in some kind of petroleum based products (however it’s quite original compared to most of the traditional Forex and sports arbitrage sites). The site itself is pretty secure and it’s hosted on a dedicated server with HushHosting DDoS-protection. SSL-encryption is also in place which makes FxPetroleum well up to standard. We’ll see how the program will perform in the long run. A more detailed review of FxPetroleum will be on my blog later this week.
I have been paid today by the following programs:
HugMoney, BiotechInvFund, WestFinance, StanbicArbitrage, Skinex, MandarinInvest, FxStar, ForexNetClub, EuroNanoInvest, NanoMoneyCorp, PTVPartner, Aballong, XciteInvest, PanaMoney, SantiVentures, Verifield, FinanceNova, NasMos, InvestoFin, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, CelexProfit, AtlantisMutual, AsiaInv, WeeklyDividend, AlphaInvestments, WaterInvestment, IntraTraders, WWFD, MoneyPlus, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, GlobalFund, ExceptionalFunds, InvestAward and ACEEntertainments.
I hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow when there will be two posts published including another interview and the extensive review of a new low ROI program BiotechInvFund. See you tomorrow!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Feb 23rd, 2010. Comment.
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