Feb 25th, 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! For the first post today I have an interview with Andy who many of you will already know as the admin of CelexProfit. If you don’t, then I can tell you that they are a new mid to long term HYI program that has enormous potential. The long term HYIP market can sometimes be a difficult one to crack, but with sustainable plans, above average security, and an ambitious and enthusiastic admin at the helm, all I can say is that if there’s any justice left in this business then CelexProfit deserves to be a success.

CelexProfit have four investment plans for you that offer 1% for 30 days, 1.5%-2% for 90 days, and 2.5% for 150 days. Your principal is handed back on expiry. But if you want any more information on them you’re just going to have to read my original review published here.

1. Hi Andy, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within CelexProfit. What are your own duties within the program? How would you describe a typical working day for you as an admin of an online investment project?

Hello Paul and MNO readers, my name is Andy Olivier. I am administrator and owner of CelexProfit investment group. First of all my responsibilities are connected with program funds management: advertising, payments and of course working with investors’ money. Also when I have some free time I am helping Craig with members support. Well, my typical day is quite hard and long. I am always online to control the entire process of our program.

2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What were you hoping to achieve by starting it in the first place? Apart from you is there anybody else working on CelexProfit?

We have been working with some investment projects and offline private investors for the last two years. In January we decided to launch CelexProfit to bring this to a new level and so far we have been doing very well. CelexProfit has been online since 5th of February and we are very happy with the start of our investment project. There are four people in our team: Craig who is responsible for members support, our technical team John & Nick, and of course me.

3. What about the investment plans? Can you explain them in detail to us? What are the minimum and maximum amounts for investment, what rates of interest are on offer and how long do they run for?

We have 4 deposit plans:

Standard Plan – This plan is intended mainly for beginners and trial investments. The minimum deposit is $10 and the maximum is $10000. You will receive 1% daily interest for 30 calendar days.

Silver Plan – This plan is intended for advanced users. The minimum deposit is $100 and the maximum is $10,000. You will receive 1.5% daily interest for 90 calendar days.

Platinum Plan – This plan for a real investors that want to make great profit with us. The minimum deposit is $500 and the maximum is $10,000. You will receive 2% daily interest for 90 calendar days.

VIP Plan – In this plan we offer something special for people who know how to make money and don’t want to wait. The minimum deposit is $1000 and the maximum is $10,000. You will receive 2.5% daily interest for 150 calendar days.

4. Tell us about the payment options available from CelexProfit. What payment processors are you currently dealing with?

We accept deposits from following payment processors: StrictPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay. Soon we will add SolidTrustPay and GlobalDigitalPay. Also we are currently working on BankWire option and we really hope that it will be available very soon.

5. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

CelexProfit are hosted on a dedicated server by DDosSWIZ, who are so far doing a very good job. We had a few quite big DDoS attacks but it didn`t affected any real problems to us and our members. We are impressed with their support who always online and ready to help us. Our website also features an SSL encryption provided by Comodo, which ensures safe data transfers between members and the website. And of course our technical team are working hard to make sure that our website is highly secured.

6. What about your script? Who is the provider and what do you think the benefits of this script are to both the admin and the investors?

GoldCoders script is the most popular script in HYIP industry and of course it is very ease of use, so we didn`t spend much time to decide what script we have to use.

7. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions? What about your Live Chat support? During what hours (GMT) is it usually available?

There are two ways for customers to contact us. You can contact us through the support ticket form on our site or use Live Chat. We answer to all support tickets within just a few hours so it is the best way to contact us. Anyway Live Chat support is always available during 10am – 9pm (GMT +1). Also phone support will soon be available for our customers but only on business days.

8. I see that you also have instant payouts available. Tell us about that and can you also tell us about the security issues around this method? Are you sure it’s totally safe and can members be sure of that as well?

Instant payments are available only for LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney payment processors. Honestly, we don’t recommend using them for other investment sites. We had a couple of hacking attempts but our technical team has done a great job and nothing serious happened. After that we had to disable instant payments for a few hours and customize instant payments in the script. But now we are sure that your funds are safe and nothing would happen.

9. What other outside business and investment activities are CelexProfit involved with? What are you doing with your member’s money and how are you generating such huge profits? Can we see any proof of these activities?

As mentioned on our website we are working on currency trading. But that’s not our main plan how to generate how you said such huge profits. I am also an SEO marketing specialist and currently this is our main business. Sure, there is no problem with proof for MNO readers and for you. Here’s our statistics for January:


10. Are there any plans to develop CelexProfit further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many new HYIPs opening every day?

We have huge plans for the near future and we really hope to become the biggest online investment program. We are currently working on French and Russian language versions of the CelexProfit website. As I have mentioned before in this interview soon will be available phone support for our customers and bank wire deposit options too. Also we are currently working on a certificate of incorporation and it will be posted soon at our website.

11. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? If there was just one thing you could say to investors to get them to join your program before any other then what would it be?

Of course the continued success of CelexProfit will depend on many factors, including members trust and efforts but we really believe that CelexProfit has everything it needs to run for a long time.

Thanks a lot to Andy for that and best of luck to all the investors that decide to join. I hope this interview was somehow helpful in helping you make your mind up about whether it’s suitable for you or not. But at least it’s an entertaining read and it’s always nice to see an admin with at least some level of excitement about his program.

That’s it for the moment guys, but if you’re looking for the news then don’t worry. I’ll be back later tonight with all the important info you need about all the programs covered on my monitoring page. So don’t go far!

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