Hi everyone! Before we get to tonight’s news I’d like to warn you all about a particular spam e-mail that has been circulated by somebody claiming to be me. This mail claims that I have opened an “offline HYIP” and is soliciting money from people.
Please be aware that this mail did NOT come from me! Yes, I have seen it and I am aware of what it looks like. But I can assure you it’s just a clever trick to mask the original source of the mail and make it look like it comes from me. It doesn’t. It comes I am sure from either an existing or a previous HYIP admin. I have never had any involvement with the running of any HYIPs and am telling you now that I will also never have any involvement. I will also NEVER ask my readers for money. If anybody says differently then they are trying to scam you. This is a serious attempt at criminal fraud and if you give this person any money then you will receive one simple guarantee – that you will never see that money again!
I have tried to answer as many of you as possible here but as I have now put a warning about it on my blog page I hope we can all consider this matter closed. But do be vigilant and remember that if anybody claims to be me and asks you for money, don’t give it to them! You have been warned!
Let’s get back to the news from the HYIP industry now which is more important than talking about some lousy scammer. EuroNanoInvest (reviewed here) added a cool new feature to their script allowing to reinvest either your profits or referral commissions to the plan of your choice. It is actually a good alternative to compounding which will allow you to earn more on any of the plans available: 1.4% for 160 business days, 1.6% for 140 business days or 1.8% for 120 business days with the principal returned on expiry. Please note that for some reason it’s only allowed within 30 days of your original deposit in EuroNanoInvest being made. To add more money to to an already existing deposit please go to your member’s area, click the tab checking the List of deposits, click on the coins symbol and there you will be able to add to your deposit (you can do it either from your available balance or from LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney payment processors). Here is the latest news from EuroNanoInvest:
“Add money to your deposit and add more to your profit!
The client has a right to add an additional amount from his/her balance to the initial deposit within 30 days following the deposit day.”
The admin of WaterInvestment (reviewed here) is also improving his website to better serve his investors by adding more e-currencies. From now on you can join any of the offered plans (10%-14% weekly for 20 weeks with the principal back on expiry) using StrictPay. To add your StrictPay account in WaterInvestment please login to your account and enter your StrictPay account in the E-currency Information field, then confirm your choice by clicking the Update button and you’re done. I remind you that before only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney (both dollar and euro deposits) were allowed. I hope WaterInvestment will add even more payment processors in the near future and I will certainly keep an eye on it. The program has been really stable so far and I get my weekly payments like clockwork. Here is the latest update from WaterInvestment:
“We are happy to announce that we start accepting Strict Pay as a new payment option. Visit StrictPay for more information.”
Another good program is AlphaInvestments (reviewed here). Unlike others it accepts more e-currencies and includes StrictPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EcuMoney and GlobalDigitalPay on its list. The investment process is pretty simple and all you need to do is to fill the short investment form (there is no need to register your account) and submit your payment into one of the following plans each of which pays on expiry: 115% after 7 days, 140% after 14 days or 200% after 1 month. There will be no confirmation afterwards and the next time you will receive your payout from AlphaInvestments straight to whatever e-currency account you joined with. So far it worked pretty well for me and I have already been paid for the first two plans and currently looking forward to my biggest payout from the 200% after 1 month plan. I will report on MNO as soon as I receive it. More news on AlphaInvestments: the interview was sent to the admin of the program last night and so hopefully I will receive some answers to publish it on my blog soon.
When I tried to access the website of NasMos (reviewed here) I was pleasantly surprised by the nice redesign of the site. Now NasMos looks more professional, easier to navigate and more user-friendly. Is it just my opinion or do you agree with me? Check it out for yourself. My deposit in NasMos successfully expired today and I made a redeposit into the 4% for 40 days plan. I remind you that NasMos is offering 4% to 6% fixed daily interest (depending on your investment amount) within 40 calendar days. The withdrawals made to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are usually instant while to StrictPay they are processed within 24 hours of the request being made. Well, I can’t complain here either – stable payouts and stable performance for months.
It seems CSMFinance (reviewed here) is also constantly improving. While already having been translated into five languages the admin promised to add two more next week – Portuguese and Arabic. Moreover, soon the new portal with official representatives called CSM Planet will be launched. In addition to that more trading results and charts have been added to the Performance page of CSMFinance site so you can see and judge it because that’s how supposedly they earn money to pay profits on 1.7%-2.1% for 200 days investments. Here is the latest update from CSMFinance:
“Dear members! CSMFinance Forex traders keep showing awesome results. New trade report with full summary and brokerage account statement has been published on Performance page. CSMFinance website will be available in Portuguese and Arabic languages next week. The whole CSMFinance team is working hard to improve service quality and availability for all nations. CSM Planet development is almost completed, it will be announced within a week. Happy investing with CSMFinance!”
The site of AtoxFinance is also slowly becoming multilingual and after the Spanish version the Italian version has been added recently. I suspect it’s not just a Google translator but rather properly translated interface including the member’s area of course. If you’re interested in investing with AtoxFinance I remind you that the program was launched shortly before the New Year and is offering several plans with daily variable payouts depending on the results of the trading. Please read more on AtoxFinance in my detailed review published here. And this is a short notice about the availability of AtoxFinance in Italian:
“Italian Language was added
Starting from today our site is available on Italian.”
The admin of DynFxTrade reminded everybody that on the weekend the program is not paying as Forex trading has stopped and they can’t generate the profits they are paying: 1% on every business day, 6% weekly or 25% monthly with no expiration dates. The review of DynFxTrade has been published on my blog here and the interview is coming soon as the admin agreed to answer my questions so I will be sending it over the weekend. The latest update from DynFxTrade also contains a reminder of the referral contest currently running. Here is the full update:
“Hello Everyone, Just a quick update to let you know that all withdrawal requests have been processed to date! Please remember that weekends are Forex holidays, so your next interest and payouts will be Monday, March 1st.
Please don’t forget our Spring Into Spring referral contest. The leaders so far are:
1:-bigprofits — 4 upgraded downline members
2:-goldpoll — 3 upgraded members
3:-revshareinfo — 2 upgraded members
Keep up the great work!
Have a good weekend everyone, David and Michel, DynFxTrade.”
There was another update sent today by the admin of Xcelsus (reviewed here). The program is probably picking up some steam after the recent introduction of the new surfing plan offering 10% for 11 days in exchange for surfing 5 sites daily. Other plans are definitely not so popular as they are extremely low-ROI (the lowest I’ve ever seen in this Industry actually). Anyway, the latest newsletter from Xcelsus is below and I just can confirm that the payouts are really being processed on schedule so far):
“Hello Dear Xcelsus members, just a fast update here, welcome to all new members and investors, 50 days, we hit the 200+ members mark, and almost the 50 investors mark, with almost $10000, in investments, so we continue to grow in a slow and secure way, we really appreciate that, thank you all.
As for the contest we still need one more winner from investor #45 to investor #49 also investor #50 wins, so invest now, invest big and win BIG.
Well i am going to the city today, we are having our 2nd board meeting of this year, and after that i am flying off to Can Cun to see the condo and spend the weekend there, a little rest break, after a very busy year start, my first week end off, so i want to go now also before all spring breakers arrive.
If you invested in January you should have been paid already, also all commissions paid, if you are missing please send me a support ticket. I will probably be sending you an update by the beginning of the week to let you know what went on.
Thank you for reading, have a nice week end.
Best Regards. Boss. Proud Xcelsus Admin”.
The admin of FxPetroleum (reviewed here) sent out the first newsletter where she stated that her program was off to a good start with over 50% active members already. The first weekly payouts are yet to be completed they pay you 15% weekly with no expiry date. Here is the latest news from FxPetroleum:
“Welcome everyone to FxPetroleum! Though less than a week old, FxPetroleum is rocking, with almost 50% of the members upgraded. We are off to a fine start!!
All payout requests have been fulfilled for today.
Enjoy your weekend, Amanda”.
The admin of 21stCenturyArb (reviewed here) extended the deadline for the bonuses given to the large investors (with over $200 deposits) and asked the free members to upgrade their accounts in his program to avoid the possible deletion of inactive members which is going to happen soon. To qualify to be an active member of 21stCenturyArb you must be an upgraded member into one of the two perpetual plans on offer: 12% weekly forever (the minimum to invest is $20) and 2% daily forever (the minimum to invest is $100). There is a really good selection of payment processors accepted including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay, SolidTrustPay and StrictPay. Here is the latest news from the program:
“Good morning to all members of 21stCenturyArb.
We are happy to announce to you that all payout have been completed, all paid members should please visit the forum page to cash a vote for 21stCenturyArb. All free members should upgrade their accounts or will be deleted from the site within 2 days from today.
We are extending the upgrade bonus till Monday evening 1st of March 2010.
Buy $200 – 399 upgrade and get $20 free upgrade
Buy $400 – 599 upgrade and get $40 free upgrade
Buy $600 – 999 upgrade and get $60 free upgrade
Buy $1000 – unlimited upgrade and get $140 free upgrade
Thanks for all your support and have a wonderful Friday!
Your Admin. Joy”.
As you might know Aballong (reviewed here) is currently closed for new registrations and the new deposits. This step was actually necessary for the stability of the sports arbitrage pool that all the member’s deposits are going to (please read more about that in my interview with the admin of Aballong, Alrea, published here). The members that were registered during the last 24 hours and were not able to deposit in time will have an opportunity to do so when the second pool is open (I will remind you about this on MNO when it happens). The new deposits and even redeposits are not allowed in Aballong at the moment but the investors with active deposits will surely keep getting profits to their accounts. More details about this decision can be read in the latest newsletter from Aballong republished below:
“Martin and I want to inform you, that we removed the deposit and registration link from our site, until we feel more comfortable to accept a second pool investment. There is no start date at the moment for this second pool, and we will open this option only when we find a quicker way to send money between accounts and bookies. So as of this day, you as an investor earn, but you cannot reinvest or invest new amounts for now.
Please do also not send us support request about this, we were announcing our maximal pool, and we even allowed a little more as planned.
To be still fair, we do not remove the members who might sign up within the last 24 hours and was not able to invest yet. You will keep your account and have the opportunity once we open the second pool.
Martin and I want to take this opportunity to say big thanks to all the investors and the referrals you did direct to our site. Our Top three referrals are on the stats in our Aballong start page, and we will credit them when we start the next pool with a special thank you amount as an investment.
Many support requests were sent to us, asking if we could pick an official forum to talk about Aballong, and we chose and say thank you to Lea for her effort and picked her forum where Martin and I will post and update you on any question or decision to open a second pool.
We got also a few questions about the betting points showing up in your backend of the member area, you will be able to trade points for money during the second pool, we will have a detailed site about the point in your member area before we open the site for the second pool. But I like to remember you, there is no starting date for this pool in our mind.
Martin and I will update the bets in your Member area, just as we did in the past, so you can still follow where your money is generating your gains.
Regards. Alrea”.
As you might know FxStar had some issues with their script which made the admin disable instant payouts. He promised to return after fixing the script within one day. However at this time the payouts are still not allowed and there was no update on FxStar website published for the last 24 hours. Due to this I have to move them to Problem status on MNO and advise you not to make any further investments in FxStar until the payouts are open again.
Regarding the status of SazaInvestments. I reported everything that I knew about the closure of the program and the intention of the admin to issue refunds in a week or so. I keep reading on forums that some members find it hard to believe that SazaInvestments is closed without even sending an update to the members but rather to me alone. Again I have no idea why this happens but I would like the members to not speculate on this issue. I will try to contact Ricardo again and find out about the deposits and the promised refunds. However I find it hard to believe that people are still depositing into SazaInvestments at all. If you don’t believe me it’s your choice to invest of course but I strongly advise against it. If the deposits are still being accepted then it’s a sign of a scam and nothing else. Otherwise Ricardo just left the program as it is without actually changing the script. I would still like to know the answer to this question and will keep you updated on my blog if I get some more news.
I heard also that another newsletter is coming from GoldNuggetInvest soon and I expect that the payouts will not be completed by the end of February. I would just like to know what the next deadline will be. So I will look forward to hearing some news from Robert and I’m sure many GNI investors will be desperately checking their mailboxes tomorrow as well. If no newsletter follows over the weekend I will try to contact Robert personally and bring you all the latest updates from GoldNuggetInvest.
I just received another relatively short newsletter from the admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here). Probably after holding the last meeting for the week Garrett was too tired to make it as long as usual. Anyway, on the payouts front everything seems to be alright and PTVPartner is paying on all four investment plans:110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days. More about the plans and PTVPartner program as a whole can be read in my detailed review published here. And this is the latest newsletter from PTVPartner:
Congratulations to all our happy hour winners from today!
Mistycal – Riddle, Sara – Door Prize, willowdale (mistyvan) – Danceoff, postie – Find the Animal, bzylzy – Trivia, idrmido – Door Prize, eye4him – Word Jumble, Haroon – Native Fruit, agabara – Danceoff, trademuse – Door Prize, Maestro – Trivia, surfinjuli – Find the Animal, rubylynn – Trivia, aqramm – Danceoff, azertacxw (ptvfun) – All Around.
Blog Articles of the Day:
Some of the Last Banks Standing
How good is your bank? Is it one of the last banks standing that hasn’t been dropped from Moody’s AAA Credit rating? Do you know? There are only seven in this category and this article will be thought provoking regarding this subject.
How to Survive an Earthquake!
Think you know what to do if there’s an earthquake? Some of you may because you’ve been there but for those who haven’t, noone knows when they might be facced with such a challenge! Find out more in this blog article.
We also have a link to an interview with an ex-IRS agent you might find fascinating.
All this and more is waiting for you. It’s time to open up your world to …. ‘Free your Life’!
Joke of the Day:
What’s in a Name?
A young man called directory assistance. “Hello, operator, I would like the telephone number for Mary Jones in Phoenix, Arizona.” “There are multiple listings for Mary Jones in Phoenix,” the operator replied. “Do you have a street name?” The young man hesitated, and then said, “Well, most people call me Ice Man.”
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!”
I’ve joined another program today called ProfitSeason which I’m going to review on my blog soon. This is an HYIP with many different plans on offer and with four payment processors accepted: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and StrictPay. The minimum to invest is $10 and it’s different for any plan. Four of the plans offered by ProfitSeason are paid on expiry: 110% after 1 week, 125% after 2 weeks, 145% after 3 weeks, 170% after 4 weeks. One plan is paying you 15% weekly forever (the principal is withdrawable after 50 days). As you can see the returns offered by ProfitSeason are not so high and can be sustainable for a few months provided the admin has good intentions of running a long-term program. So far we cannot judge that as ProfitSeason has only been online for 10 days. I like the website design which is pretty colorful. ProfitSeason is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with Koddos protection, is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and has SSL-encryption. So everything is up to a high standard there. The first profits have been processed already but in my opinion the program is still new enough to join. Just remember that despite the admin’s spiel about investing in different ventures there is no proof so just invest money you can afford to lose, ok? A more detailed review of ProfitSeason is coming on my blog soon so stay tuned for that.
That will be it for today and I hope you excuse me that due to so much news I decided it best to skip the review. And so to finish I would just like to let you know what programs monitored by MNO paid me today:
HugMoney, GeniusFunds, XciteInvest, DynFxTrade, Aballong, UmaxFunds, XagaEnterprise, Xcelsus, MoneyPlus, CelexProfit, OneDailyPro, Eternidex, BiotechInvFund, Skinex, MandarinInvest, ACEEntertainments, WestFinance, RedOrchidInvest, PTVPartner, PanaMoney, DepositPalace, SantiVentures, GlobalFund, ExceptionalFunds, FxPetroleum, EuroNanoInvest, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, ForexNetClub, NasMos, 21stCenturyArb, Plents, ScootFx, AlphaInvestments, Verifield, InvestoFin, InvestAward, IncoForex, CSMFinance, AsiaInv, AtlantisMutual, EzProfit, TheKapital, WeeklyDividend, GoldenInvestment and FinanceNova.
I will see you on my blog tomorrow with more news and updates! I wish you all a very happy and a very lazy weekend!
Filed under Daily News by on Feb 27th, 2010. Comment.
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