Hi everyone! Hope your weekend is going well so far. Just the one update for MNO today so I’m glad to have some free time this evening for a change. Anyway, before we get to the news I want to talk for a bit about another new addition to my monitoring page. This time it’s a shorter term HYIP and it’s called ProfitSeason. I can only wish every season was like that!
There’s a couple of interesting plans on offer here so let’s take a look and see if any of them might be suitable for you. There are five of them in total, four of them pay on expiry and the fifth one is a perpetual “no expiry” plan that pays you every week for as long as the program survives. So what better place to start than the beginning?
Plan A is open to deposits from a minimum of $10 to a maximum of $500. It runs for 1 week and will pay you a total of 110% at the end of it.
Plan B runs for 2 weeks. For joining here ProfitSeason will pay you 125% in a once off payment on expiry. The minimum deposit in the plan is $50 and the maximum is $1000.
Next is Plan C. The minimum deposit this time goes up to $100 and the maximum increases to $1000. In return ProfitSeason offers you a payment totaling 145% made on expiry. The plan runs for 3 weeks.
And then there is the last of the plans that pays on expiry. What else would they call it except Plan D. It’s pretty serious this time with a minimum deposit of $500 required to join. And if you do, then the plan will run for 4 weeks at the end of which ProfitSeason promise to pay a total of 170%. The maximum deposit is $10,000.
And so now we come to what they call The Special Plan. This is an ongoing investment plan with no expiry date. I guess most of you probably know how these things work by now. Basically, when you deposit here you will be paid a weekly interest rebate every week for as long as ProfitSeason stays online. This time the minimum amount to invest is $100 and the maximum is $20,000. In return for this you will be paid 15% interest per week, which means it will only be on receipt of your seventh payment that you will break even and be in profit. You are given the option to withdraw your principal and leave the program if you wish. However you are only allowed to do so after 50 days, which by coincidence is how long it will take you to break even.
Overall no matter what else you think of the program I think we can agree that there is at least an interesting selection of plans to choose from. A couple of other quick points I need to make include your principal. As I said the Special Plan will allow you to withdraw it eventually but the other plans will not. They already factor your principal into the payments. And the payment processors. Not a bad list of options at all for a short term HYIP with LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay all being accepted.
The security of the website isn’t too bad either. ProfitSeason has a colorful and eye-catching design although I know that counts for very little. What counts for a bit more is the SSL encryption being used to protect the member’s accounts. Also is the hosting. They are being kept on a dedicated Staminus server by Koddos, who are also protecting them from DDoS attacks. And the script is licensed from GoldCoders. So everything up to a reasonable standard there.
Customer support is available through submitting a ticket on the form available on the contacts page. Interestingly there is also a blog available where members can check for news updates and developments first hand from the admin. At the moment however, it seems he has yet to make any effective use of it as it remains empty. It can be a useful tool for easing pressure on your support system if used properly so maybe the admin will consider this soon.
So far it’s all but impossible to judge the performance of ProfitSeason as they are still not two weeks online, but all that could have been expected of them so far has been done. The first payments have been made for two of the five plans and no complaints so far so fingers crossed let’s hope they continue as they’ve started. Only a fleeting mention is made by the admin about any sort of outside income to support the payments ProfitSeason are making to investors and that only refers to, and I quote, “selected ventures I do online.” Now I’m open to correction here but the only thing I have ever understood by that expression is investing in other HYIPs. I certainly don’t believe it refers to any kind of real business anyway, so remember that if you insist on gambling with HYIPs then keep it to a sensible and affordable level that will enable you to enjoy the experience rather than worrying about losing too much.
As I expected the members of GoldNuggetInvest received the long-anticipated newsletter from GNI today and as was also expected Robert let everybody know that the payouts will not be completed in time and didn’t give any new deadline as to what timeframe everybody should expect their pending payouts to be paid within. Moreover, Robert analyzed all the details on the plan so from what I read I can understand that the cashout button will be open again in March and everybody would be able to request their withdrawals once again. But what’s the point of making payouts at random if the March cashouts will be processed earlier than some of the ones still pending from February? In my opinion, it’s simply unbelievable and if that’s the case I think it would be more fair to just close the program completely and issue refunds to those members (and it’s a minority) not in profit. At least it would be an honest and noble thing to do.
There is one more interesting feature appeared that though – if you can find somebody willing to buy your account in GNI – and therefore obviously take ownership of any subsequent payouts from it – you can sell it to them with a 20% fee deducted by the GNI administration. The whole procedure is thoroughly described in the today’s newsletter so I don’t see any reason to repeat it here. Although I’m quite skeptical about there being many people willing to pay real cash for an accounts with virtual money in a program struggling to pay its existing members, especially as along with the profits you are also taking over any potential loss. If anybody asks my advice about buying somebody else’s account in another program then I’d have to be completely honest and say I’d be against it. But it does offer the seller an exit strategy without taking all the funds out of the program. But as of now GNI has not succeeded in fulfilling their promise to pay everybody by the end of the month and ask the investors to give them some time. Which can of course last forever, but you really have little other choice right now. I just can’t imagine how Robert expects new investors to join GNI if the older ones are not getting paid.
Yes, some of the payouts are still going on and at least GoldNuggetInvest is trying to pay everybody and that is admirable. How many other admins do you seriously think would still be here working on that? I can tell you exactly how many – none! But I simply can’t remove it from On Hold status on my monitoring page right now because of the ongoing situation. There are just too many people left waiting. Obviously the decreased cashflow and the pending payouts are the only things that most members have any interest in hearing about so it came as quite a surprise to me to see that the first item in his update Robert mentioned the charitable donations dating from Christmas which quite frankly was the last thing members want to see. Sorry to be harsh, but I’m basing this on your e-mails to me and I can see that the members of GNI don’t want to know about it – you’ve told me so yourselves. They want to be paid under the new terms and conditions which was set by GNI itself just a month ago and which are now not being met.
I also have the utmost respect for Robert and think that he is a very honest and professional admin. However at this point I think GNI didn’t really deliver and should be treated as a program with cashflow problems. Unfortunately new investors have no choice but to avoid it until such a time as they can be sure that their payments will be met. That’s why with heavy heart I have no other choice but to leave GNI in On Hold status for another month and see how the things unravel. But knowing Robert and the GNI team and taking into consideration many times in the past it seemed GNI was on the verge of collapse I think we should give them another chance to prove themselves, especially considering that as I already said the members have little other choice anyway. Let’s just hope GNI will be able to revive its operation some time in the future, even if it seems distant at the moment.
Here is the full newsletter from GNI for those members who for some reason didn’t receive it to their mailboxes yet:
“Topics addressed in this Newsletter :
1. Charitable Giving
2. Introduction of New PP; Global Digital Pay
3. Status of Wire Transfer Capabilities
4. Summary of the New Plan / Description
5. Hardship Withdraws / Random Payments
6. Status of Payments
7. Dissolution / Deposit Repurchase Program (GNIHausfrau Saga Cont’d)
8. Summary
Greetings are Extended To Friends, Family and Associates of GNI:
We hope you all have had an opportunity to successfully withdraw from your cash balance, as payments continue to go out as per our restructuring plan introduced in January, 2010.
Many have expressed interest as to the progress we have made with the recovery of the program, given the severity of the restructure and the reduction in benefits to which all were subjected. The short and most on-point answer is that it is way too soon to tell, given the new plans have not yet kicked into affect. We will however, advise the community at large as progress is made.
1. The first installment of $11,010 was forwarded to the Charitable Organization, US2UGANDA4life on Friday, Feb. 12.
In response, we received the following:
We continue to be amazed by your organization’s generosity and willingness to get on board with our vision for Uganda. I can confirm that your transfer was deposited in our account ($10,995 after deduction of $15.00 for international wire handling fee). YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME. As a small token of our appreciation and in an effort to reach out and say thanks to everyone who has participated in this gift our board members signed the attached certificate of appreciation at our most recent meeting. I have saved it as a .JPG file in case you would like to forward to a broader group and please invite everyone to log onto the site and sign up for information we want to keep them up to date and allow them to follow along with the progress at both the Orphanage and the Medical Center.
(We will post the .jpg file at our private forum.)
Again, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU ALL!
Please take a moment to visit our website and consider partnering with us in Uganda!
2. We are pleased to announce GNI’s expanded capabilities to include a new E-currency / Payment Processor (PP):
Global Digital Pay (GDP)
We are confident in their capabilities to operate in a safe and reliable manner. They are a credible option!
3. Wire Transfer to and from GNI – Despite the script showing a capability, GNI is not currently accepting nor sending wire transfers for or on behalf of any of our customer base.
4. Summary Plan Description – Recap
In January – 2010, market conditions and other extraneous factors necessitated that GNI overhaul the program, thereby ensuring a fundamental return to financial health while providing a very fair return to the customer base responsible for its previous success.
In February – 2010, it was decided, to reward those investors who had been striving to reach the higher payment threshold, to modify the plan. No longer is a member’s interest rate determined by any one single deposit, rather by the sum of the collective (total) sum as determined following the date that clients interest is paid or when a new deposit is received.
a. All investment instruments (those funds that enter into trade with GNI on behalf of the customer) are known as ‘deposits’.
b. All deposits are made from your E-Wallet (explained below), and must be equal to or exceed 50.00 to qualify as a valid deposit.
c. No member may have, collectively, deposits exceeding $100,000 without specific permission from the program administrator or his designee.
d. Interest payments are made on a 14 times, 30 day cycle which is effected from that time funds are successfully moved from customer’s e-wallet into a deposit; weekends and holidays inclusive and are paid into customer’s ‘cash balance.’
e. Interest is paid into customer’s ‘cash balance,’ from which he or she may withdraw funds back to their designated Payment Processor / E-currency or can re-invest into a new 14 month deposit. Until such time that client has a cumulative total (in deposits) of less than $21,000, he or she will receive 16% per month for the cumulative total until such time that their total is equal to or exceeds $21,000.
g. Once customer’s cumulative, total amount of deposits exceeds $21,000, he or she will receive the Premium interest rate of 20% for that period of time that the cumulative total remains above $21,000.
h. Should customer’s cumulative total dip below $21,000, he or she’s entire balance will revert back to the lesser rate of 16%.
i. Should customer want or need to cancel a cashout to an outside processor; and instead revert these proceeds to their E-wallet (and create a new deposit), he or she may do so by clicking the ‘Request Cashout’ located on the bottom left side of the menu then scrolling to the bottom of that page to ‘Pending Cashouts’.
There, customer will find those pending cashouts waiting to be released by Admin. Customer may click (check) the box next to those cashout(s) they wish to cancel. Having selected the appropriate cashouts they wish to cancel, a verification box will pop up necessitating user to confirm or cancel the requested action. After selecting the appropriate action, the pending cashout will then revert back to users, wallet, cash balance or remain at the status quo, the withdraw to be released by GNI admin.
j. The term of the deposit (14 months) does not change if or when customers driving interest rate changes. All terms of deposits are 14 months. Return of principal is included in the monthly payments. There will be no return of principal at the conclusion of the 14 month term.
5. Hardship Withdrawals / Random Selection
I would like to take a moment to discuss with all of you, my friends, our current philosophy as it applies to GNI’s current situation, our Terms of Service and our customers.
Part of my success in life, but even more so in business, has been my personal commitment to client / customer service. Indeed, without a customer, it matters not how good of a product you may have. The point is mute!
Top quality customer service: It’s a benchmark that I have always maintained before speaking with or writing to any customer or potential customer since I can remember. Never before did I think I would make the following statement. The imminent survival of GNI, the return of the program to its previous level of capitalization and assurance this will never happen again, compels me to put the program, within reason, ahead of the individual customer.
When the situation with Yesilada caused our funds to be frozen, never did I think that we would be, here in the ladder part of February, without that critical capital. We have to prepare to go the long haul without these funds. It won’t be easy…
We now have a Deposit Repurchase Program in place as will be explained below. No accelerated, early or preferential payments or payouts will be made outside of this program.
6. Status of Payments – As was mentioned on the forum some time back, the possibility that all payments could not be made by months end was very real. This has turned out to be the case. We apologize for the inconvenience; we will nevertheless, continue to work towards getting everyone paid in a timely fashion.
What we can expect is to slip the payment schedule back a bit. This does NOT mean we are running, it does NOT imply we won’t meet our obligations, it means we are working and pushing as hard as we can to get everyone their funds as soon as we can. Keep the faith.
7. Deposit Repurchase Program —- VERY IMPORTANT
To accommodate those who wish to ameliorate themselves from their deposits, GNI is implementing a Principal Deposit Repurchase Program.
This program is targeted to:
1) assist those who failed to observe GNI’s ongoing admonition that it is set up to be a second income,
2) help those who, when signing up with GNI, ignored the Terms of Service providing for GNI’s contractual right to modify the plan(s) rate of return to ensure the integrity of the plan(s) and the welfare of the members,
3) benefit members who seek an opportunity to further maximize their returns otherwise unavailable but for this program’s implementation,
4) enhance GNI’s capitalization by raising additional revenue.
Before implementation of this or other similar programs, a general understanding amongst all participants within GNI needs to be adhered to.
a. There is to be No Selling of, or Purchasing of GNI deposits outside of this defined program between members, a members and non-members, two non-members or any third-party persons or entities;
b. Any sale which has been consummated will need to be ‘unconsummated’ (returned) and renegotiated through the program currently offered;
c. Any deposits which have changed hands, not having been done through this program, will not be honored as a valid deposit, no interest payments will be made and the principal, will be subject to forfeiture.
It’s not worth risking your hard earned funds to this possibility, so please, DO NOT jeopardize the program by making poor decisions.
1. Sellers will make their interest in selling their deposit(s) known in a section of the forum which is being put together as you are reading this, up by Ingenue.
2. By participating in the forum with authority given to you by GNI, to sell your deposit, you agree to limit all activities and negotiations to the GNI forum, your private email or PM.
3. 20% will be deducted from the selling price of the deposit which serves to offset the costs associated with removing the funds from trade, re-register the deposit reflecting the new owner (transfer fees) and a surcharge which will be used to further capitalize and strengthen GNI.
4. Those who desire to increase their GNI holdings shall, after reviewing the available deposits on the forum, will contact the seller via PM or any other way that seller wishes, made known in the forum; express their wanting to enter into negotiations to purchase their available Deposit via Private Messenger (PM) private email or some other discretionary manner agreeable to both buyer and seller.
Note: Because the forum and, to a lesser degree, GNI as a whole, takes privacy issues very seriously, we cannot guarantee your privacy or any consequences (IF ANY) for unveiling any privacy you have come to expect.
5. All sales transfers or trades must be reported to Debbie by both the buyer and seller at She will inform what, if any, documentation may or may not be necessary to consummate the transfer and will instruct buyer the methodology to make payment. Payments will NOT be made through the script, they WILL be made pursuant to Debbie’s instructions.
6. All sales are final, but further repurchase of any deposit is always possible.
To best explain this program, we’ll use our beloved characters ‘Lam’ and ‘GNIHausfrau’ (who might I add, recovered her blond hair).
GNIHausfrau, in true character fashion, over-charged during the holidays purchasing, for herself far too many items and forgetting completely about the charities she was supposed to promote at GNI (the children of Africa thank you Hausfrau !!!).
Hausfrau then remembered hearing about some buyback program being orchestrated by GNI. Hausfrau’s blond hair started spinning….”Hmmmmmggggggggzzzzzzzz…I have a better idea.” she said to her hair…. “I’ll sell mine on Ebay or better yet, ‘Greg’sList.’ I’ll make a fortune!!!”
Fortunately, before she could get her blond hair in motion, she discussed this idea with her friends who rightfully explained, there was no faster way to get removed from the program than attempting to sell her deposit outside of GNI’s Forum.
Off chafe her blond hair and on went her “thinking cap” deciding she would attempt to sell one of her four deposits. So, the following day, she posted on the newly set aside area of the GNI forum, the 5000.00 deposit she needed to pay for her Macy’s and Nordstrom credit card bills…
Lam, being the staunch and thrifty pragmatist that he is, was ALWAYS looking to increase his his net worth, but only in a way that reflected the highest moral standards possible. He saw Hausfrau’s “deposit 4 Sale,” in a thread on the GNI Forum. Lam had read, then confirmed by PM, he could buy Hausfrau’s $5000.00 at a significantly discounted price.
WHAT A DEAL!!! (Lam thought to himself). I can get a $5000.00 deposit for $4000. Indeed, Lam could score the “deal of a lifetime” while allowing Hausfrau to fill her pockets to overflowing with cash….$4000 right???
WRONG….declared Debbie at GNI. Because these deposits were locked into trade for 14 months, registered in the name of the Purchaser of Record in the purchaser’s E-currency / PP of record, there would have to be a method to recover costs associated with these transactions.
The resources required to move these funds was more than Hausfrau could put in her Station Wagon.
Professor Poindexter determined GNI would need to include a 20% transfer fee. Whenever funds must be pulled out of trade, converted to a PP and human resources are utilized, costs are incurred. Further, Professor Poindexter explained to Hausfrau (with her “thinking cap” in the “on” position), GNI is in Restructuring Mode, this is a good opportunity for them to rebuild their program by developing a new income stream.
Hausfrau, after having received her new funds, successfully slipped off her thinking cap and slipped on her blond hair all the while was wondering to herself… “Where’s the mall, this money is burning holes in my clothes?” (Story to be continued in the next newsletter where we’ll introduce Hausfrau’s friend, Sandi and her daughter, Holli -Dolli.)
8. Summary / Conclusion / Comments
I know those of you who have, to date, not been paid, are very disappointed, discouraged perhaps even angry. We understand this! It, however, doesn’t change the facts, the current market conditions nor does it unfreeze our funds tied up at Yesilada Bank in North Cyprus. Unlike the Central Governments of the world, we don’t have the ability to ‘make’ money with a printing press.
Many of you have asked what can you do to help us. What everyone can do is remain positive and as much as possible, supportive of the new income streams we seek to push the program forward.
Have a great weekend! We’re working hard!
Robert and your GNI Support Team”.
I’m glad to report some good news for the American customers of StrictPay payment processor. As promised before StrictPay added the option to withdraw via check. All the information about that can be read in the following update which is by the way working on adding more deposit and withdrawal options soon:
“StrictPay Customers, We are happy to announce the check withdraw option is available again for our United States customers. The checks will be processed and
mailed within 4 to 7 business days. There is a $1,500 maximum limit on each check withdraw request, and once a check withdraw request is completed by our funding department, you can immediately put in another request if you wish. All checks are shipped via USPS first class mail only.
We are still actively working on adding more withdraw and deposit options, and we will email all customers when we have any new information to share. As always, we appreciate you choosing StrictPay as your online payment option, and please contact our support team if you have anything we may be able to help with.
Thank you. Team StrictPay. The Best Payment Solution”.
I have added two more programs to my monitoring page today. The first one is a very short-term game called SteadyRoi. It will be suitable for those people who are ready to take some risks in order to enjoy substantially fast profit rewards of 108%-110% after 1 day, 121%-125% after 2 days and 134%-140% after 3 days. Remember that your profit is fixed and you can request in on expiry of your deposit. You can invest in SteadyRoi using LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney or StrictPay payment processors starting from as low as $5. SteadyRoi is a very new program and is online for 4 days only. The design of the program is nothing special however all other aspects are close to the standard set for any successful HYIP: a licensed GoldCoders script, hosting on a dedicated Staminus server with Koddos protection and instant payouts for amounts less than $200. A more detailed review will be published on MNO soon but if you like fast profits and instant cashouts SteadyRoi might be just what you are looking for. Today the admin of the program issued the first update and you can read it below:
“This is my first message to all SteadyRoi members.
I have to say thank you for the great support, it is really appreciated. There are over 500 members who decided to give SteadyRoi a try and they are all getting paid instantly! Also you have deposited a total of $25,000 as of now. That is a good amount when we are online just for first 4 days.
Today I asked my designer to design banners for the program. This is a great tool for advertising your referral link and earn 5% referral commission. Please follow this link for the promotion materials:
That’s all for now. You may also reply to this message in case you just want to ask me anything.
Have a fortunate weekend. SteadyRoi Admin”.
The second program I added is very different from the last one. SmartTradersInv (that’s the name of the program) is offering two perpetual plans with the possibility to withdraw your principal after 100 calendar days. The daily plan will pay you 1.2%-1.4% daily (depending on the amount deposited) and by joining the weekly plan you will get 9%-10% on a weekly basis. SmartTradersInv is accepting LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and GlobalDigitalPay e-currencies and you can deposit starting from $10 in both plans. Similar to the previous program described above, SmartTradersInv is also using a licensed GoldCoders script and is also hosted on a dedicated Staminus server by Koddos. Unlike the previous program though SmartTradersInv has an SSL-certificate installed which increases the security level and is officially incorporated in the Bahamas. Of course we should be treating this alleged registration quite critically as it’s no guarantee on your investments. Other aspects of the program will be discussed in my detailed review coming soon.
And finally here’s the list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours:
ACEEntertainments, BiotechInvFund, EuroNanoInvest, NasMos, Verifield, MandarinInvest, Skinex, Dragadox, UmaxFunds, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, InvestProxy, InvestoFin, GeniusFunds, CSMFinance, CelexProfit, AtoxFinance, AtlantisMutual, AlphaInvestments, AsiaInv, OneDailyPro, AimTrust, DepositPalace, StarkFund, ScootFx, IncoForex, WeeklyDividend, MoneyPlus, FinanceNova, ExceptionalFunds, EzProfit, GlobalFund, GoldenInvestment, IntraTraders, XciteInvest, HugMoney, TheKapital, WaterInvestment, Aballong, PTVPartner, NanoMoneyCorp, WWFD, Plents, ProfitSeason (the first payment received) and BioEnergyFunds (the first payment received).
That’s it for today, guys. I will see you on my blog tomorrow with the review of BioEnergyFunds which is a very promising program indeed and more news from the HYIP industry!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Feb 28th, 2010. Comment.
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