February 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! Hope you all had a good weekend and are looking forward to the week ahead. For me this Monday morning starts with another train journey (from where I’m writing once again) this time to Newcastle where I’ll be for a couple of days before finally returning home. I should also be able to catch up on some overdue e-mails from you then so thanks for your patience.

Anyway, one of my favorite things about train travel is that I get to use the time get some work done while enjoying the journey, so while I’m on the move I want to talk about a long term HYIP that was added to my monitoring list last week called BostonVenturesBillionairesClub. Bit of a mouthful if nothing else! Don’t know what it means but the name’s not important. I doubt there’s going to be any billionaires coming out of it though.

There are three plans available from BostonVenturesBillionairesClub. And to be perfectly blunt about it they are rather poorly explained. Some non-native English speakers (and that includes the majority of HYIP players) might even find them a bit confusing. But I’ll try to spell them out for you here. At first glance the plans look as if they offer a monthly rate of interest. They don’t. They pay you a daily rate of interest. Why the admin has decided to explain them the way he has is beyond me. But anyway, all plans run for 180 days and the first of them is open to deposits starting from a minimum of $10 up to a maximum of $5000. In return for joining this you are offered a daily interest payment of 1.34% per calendar day. So for example a $100 investment here gets you $1.34 per day meaning you break even after 75 days. That’s quite a long time to wait before you see any profit whatsoever, so think carefully about it. Something quite unique however is that not only is your principal returned on expiry, the admin has also offered to double it.

The next plan starts at a minimum deposit of $5001, so maybe that’s for the billionaires alluded to in the title. The maximum investment is $10,000 and the daily rate of interest is 1.45%. Your principal is returned at the end of 180 days with the admin’s offer to again double it.

The other plan starts at $10,001 and the admin will graciously accept all amounts up to a maximum of $25,000. So if you want to deposit any more I guess you’re going to have to ask very very nicely. The daily rate of interest is 1.83% with double your principal offered on expiry.

It’s pretty hard to see these plans earning much widespread popularity anytime soon. From the three of them two are so far beyond the financial reach of 99% of regular HYIP players as to make it a fairly pointless exercise to even offer them. The plan that is affordable will take you 75 days just to break even so I don’t know if there are many investors getting involved in this industry for that. Anyway, you’re the investor here so you be the judge. What isn’t going to help matters however is the poor choice of payment options. Just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are accepted by the BostonVenturesBillionairesClub so all transactions are final and irreversible. Not that there’s anything wrong with either of those two companies per se. They both have their advantages as I’m sure most of you will already know. I mean how many HYIPs can you name that don’t accept either of them? But I also know that many investors tend not to trust online HYIPs that don’t hold verifiable accounts, even if they were going to join with LR anyway.

BostonVenturesBillionairesClub is hosted on a dedicated server by HushHosting and running off a script licensed from MonetarySoft. SSL encryption is also in place. If you have any questions for the admin then you can submit them through the online e-mail support ticket submission system. There was an attempt to translate a section of the website into some other languages, however this was done by an online auto-translator. As a native Russian speaker I can see that that version for instance is bit of a mess. The home page has some typically vague references to property deals as well as ForEx without any real information about them, let alone proof. There is also mention made of BostonVenturesBillionairesClub working on becoming a registered company by the end of next month, however I know that this can be done in 24 hours.

Hardly the stuff of Harvard Business School but I guess BostonVenturesBillionairesClub will find a few takers nonetheless. Just keep in mind that it’s an online game an carries significantly more risk to your money than the admin states on his website.


The admin of XagaEnterprise Kevin (interviewed here) made me smile today when I received a love letter from him. I was kinda disappointed after I clicked on the link which he sent to me just to find out that it was Paul McCartney and not Paul Abramson whom he loved. Actually, I love Beatles too but “Freedom” is one of the cheesiest songs ever written by Paul McCartney. So I was not impressed, lol! What Kevin wanted to imply with that song is that he will remain independent and will not obey any orders and follow his own path in the HYIP world avoiding the Forex and Sports Betting fairy-tales. I’m not sure if his team of 79 representatives which recently formed Xaga Universe are also ready to fight for XagaEnterprise (reviewed here) but at least this is an interesting and definitely an original program that pays you 1.2% daily forever, 8%-10% weekly forever or for two plans with a principal returned on expiry: 0.5% for 30 business days or 0.7% for 90 business days. XagaEnterprise currently occupies a very respectable and well deserved #10 place in the MNO rating of the most popular HYI programs and I guess rightly so. Below is the freedom message from Kevin with an attached Youtube link:
Xaga Universe has been updated! We have 79 representatives from 35 countries.
We don’t accept applicants anymore except for those that their countries are not listed yet.
XagaEnterprise has reached 3000 members!
Now, enjoy this song of the day! I love Paul!
“I will fight, for Xaga”
“We will fight, for the right”
“To live in freedom”
Thank you and XagaEnterprise Rocks!
Regards, Kevin

I guess that many members of PTVPartner (including myself) received a strange email allegedly sent from the administration asking you to download some kind of contract to your computer. Of course it’s a phishing email which must NOT be opened or kept on your hard-drive and should be deleted immediately to avoid any harm. You might remember that such popular programs like GeniusFunds (reviewed here) or GNI already experienced similar things in the past which only indicated their popularity and the scammers’ attempts to play on members’ curiosity and contaminate their computers. Please if you receive the similar email do not open it and delete immediately. I will show you what it looks like to prevent you from opening it:
In connection with the desire of investors to get an agreement, we sent out
an e-mail to all who wish to contract.
Contract in the attached file.
Best Regards, PTV Partner Team.

The admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here) already sent an urgent warning newsletter to the members of his program which says the following:
There is a Phishing email circulating that is NOT from PTVPartner.
DO NOT OPEN the Attachment as it could contain ANYTHING.
Here is a copy of the Email
AGAIN….This is not from PTVPartner
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!

One of the most popular low-ROI programs online is undoubtedly MandarinInvest (reviewed here). The program is paying on different plans (1% for 30 days, 1.3% for 100 days and 1.6%-2.1% for 150 days with principal back on expiry) and accepting eight different e-currencies. Probably to reduce the burden of working with so many different payment processors and to earn some money for the program the admin Robbyn (who might be interviewed by MNO soon) announced a new feature that allows you to exchange your e-currencies are installed on the site. In your member’s area you will see the “E-currency exchanger” link and by clicking on it you will be able to make the required exchange. Remember that some limitations are installed by the admin and be aware not to abuse the system and only use the internal exchanger when you have an urgent need forit. Here is the latest news from MandarinInvest regarding that feature:
For your convenience it is now possible to exchange e-currencies within your MandarinInvest account. Please note that only one exchange per 24 hours is allowed, so use it only if absolutely necessary.
Sincerely, Robbyn Hart

The admin of 21stCenturyArb (reviewed here) reported that all today’s payouts had been done and that a referral contest is going to be launched later this week. Here is the latest from them:
Good morning to all members of 21stCenturyArb, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
All pending payout have been completed. All paid members should please visit any of our monitors/forums to cast a vote.
We will be opening a referral contest this week for 21stCenturyArb, I hope we will all participate in it.
Thanks for all your support and have a wonderful week.
Joy. Admin

I was not paid by INSPremiumAds (reviewed here) this month but rather received a newsletter from the admin of the autosurf telling investors that part of the payouts had been processed already last week and since he felt unwell the rest of the pending payouts would be processed this week starting tomorrow. Here is the news from INSPremiumAds:
I have received all payout request of January i have proceed 40% payouts on Friday i was sick and was not able to sit online that’s why haven’t paid more payouts but i will start payouts again from Tuesday.
Have a good day. Ub. Admin

There are two programs I’m going to move to Problem status tonight and which I suggest you all avoid from now on (until the issues are resolved). The first program is RefMotor which has been absolutely impossible to load for a couple of days and so I can’t request a payout either. I hope the admin will fix the problem soon by removing extra graphics which probably hinder the site from loading properly. Anyway, until I’m able to access my account properly RefMotor program will stay on Problem status due to my inability to perform my monitoring duties properly.

The second program that is going to be moved to Problem status tonight is IwFunds who strangely switched off instant payouts to LibertyReserve today. I would not be beware of the situation unless I received one complaint from an MNO reader who wasn’t paid by them for the last two days and now has two pending withdrawals. I have contacted the admin of IwFunds and I will let you know when I get a reply. At this moment it is not recommended to make any investments in IwFunds and I will let you know ASAP when the program is back to normal again.

I have added a new program today to my monitoring. It’s called UmaxFunds and it’s been online for 12 days now. UmaxFunds has a kinda decent layout, is hosted on a dedicated server with BlackLotus Ddos-protection and is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. There is also SSL-encryption is available for further protection of the members’ accounts. UmaxFunds accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney for the following investment plans: 2.3% daily for 45 days (the deposit range is from $10 to $500), 2.4% daily for 55 days (the deposit range is from $250 to $5,000) and 3.0% daily for 60 days (from $2,500 to $30,000). You will be paid on every calendar day for the duration of your chosen plan and your principal will be then returned on expiry. UmaxFunds claims to be trading on Forex but as usual no proof whatsoever has been presented on the website. Even if they traded on Forex it’s still a risky business and 95% of the traders do not succeed in that business in the long run. So just treat UmaxFunds as a regular HYIP and only invest the amounts you can afford to lose. Overall though UmaxFunds is better than the average HYIP and it’s relatively new. So I think there is still a good chance to make money from it. Read more about the program in my upcoming review of UmaxFunds which is going to be published on MNO soon.

I have been paid today from the following programs:
GrabFund, InvestoFin, GeniusFunds, FxStar, TradeZoom, 21stCenturyArb, HugMoney, GoldenFleeceFund, GasAndOilInvestment, IwFunds, MandarinInvest, EzProfit, InvestProxy, Verifield, GlobalFund, NasMos, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, ForexNetClub, CSMFinance, AtlantisMutual, AsiaInv, ExceptionalFunds, GoldenInvestment, PTVPartner, PanaMoney, VacationProfit, XagaEnterprise, OneDailyPro, WestFinance, FundUpgrader, KobelCapital, InvestmentForge, WeeklyDividend, NanoMoneyCorp and WaterInvestment.

I’ll see you on my blog tomorrow when I’ll again be publishing twice with two more reviews and of course the most up-to-date news from the Industry. Stay tuned for that!

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