February 2010 Archives

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Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
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Hi guys! Well I’m back home again safe and sound. And while I’m not glad my vacation is over it is always good to be back in your own home. And I certainly did enjoy the opportunity to see a bit more of the UK, particularly the highlands of Scotland before I leave again. Hopefully also I’ll be able to catch up on a lot of the e-mails that have been building up while I was traveling. Sorry to keep you waiting and thanks for your patience.

Back to business now though and I want to move on to a new program that I recently added to my monitoring page called Aballong. Sort of a strange name though you might decipher a sort of sporting theme – “long ball”. Or did I just imagine that? Anyway, there is a sports related angle to Aballong as they claim to be involved with arbitrage betting. Now before the yawns and the eye-rolling starts and everybody says “oh no, not another one”, Aballong to their credit do have something fresh and new to offer in their approach. It doesn’t make them any less of a risk mind you, but they at least deserve an opportunity to present their case.

And it is an interesting program I have to say. Which is made all the better because it really helps distinguish them from the growing number of bland and repetitive programs hitting the net everyday. You really do need to capture your audience’s attention at an early stage and keep it, so in that sense at lest Aballong have have gotten of to a good start. But the only important question is are they any good? Let’s take a closer look.

To start with there is really just the one investment plan. And to be honest I’m not even sure that “investment plan” is the right expression to use here but regular HYIP players will know what I mean. Anyway, what happens is that Aballong are involved as I said in arbitrage betting. Where you the investor fits into the equation is that they need you to finance it. So you pay them first. They gamble with your money. And then they split the profits with you. Sounds a bit like most of the so called arbitrage gambling sites out there so far, right? But it gets a little different here. For one thing Aballong is the only such program that actually tells you exactly what they have been gambling on and just how much they have been winning with your money. Could this be a first in the online HYIP industry? Because unlike other made up ForEx and imaginary stock market deals where nobody ever gives you any solid information that you can check, you can easily verify this information for yourself from the back page of any newspaper. Make no mistake, this is a major improvement over any of their competitors.

But anyway, where was I? From the investors point of view the plan works like this – you can invest anything from a minimum of $10 with Aballong up to a maximum of $45,000. The returns you will earn from that are variable. As you may imagine due to the nature of the admin’s activities this can never be predicted properly, but you are offered a weekly return of something between 2% and 8%. In fact a typical week throws up something like 6%. That’s a reasonable expectation but please remember that it is by no means guaranteed that you’ll get that every week either. So an average deposit of $100 with Aballong can expect to earn anything from $2 to $8 every week with $6 being a bit closer to the average. That will see you break even after 17 weeks or so. You don’t have to wait that long though. You are free to withdraw your principal and leave the program at any time. If you choose to leave then it will take 30 days to process a full refund. Should you decide to stay however, then your investment will expire after 365 days and then be returned to you automatically. Just remember to bear all that in mind when deciding how much to invest so as not to start spending money you may need to get back in the event of a personal emergency.

Your profits will be credited to you account on a daily basis but you are only allowed to withdraw once per week. Every Thursday. One other very important thing you need to remember here is that while the full profit will show in your account, that’s not the final sum you will receive. Remember I said that the admin shares the profits between himself and the members? Well now it’s time to pay the man! His share is 15% which, since he just did 100% of the work, is perfectly reasonable don’t you think? So let’s say you have $10 in weekly profits showing in your account to withdraw. That has to be shared between you and the admin on an 85:15 ratio. You get $8.50 and he gets $1.50.

The payment processors currently in use by the website are AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay. Quite a good choice in my opinion. But there is one thing I need to warn you about. If you wish to join Aballong with anything over $1,000 then you will be required to verify your account. This involves you sending a scan of an identity document with a photograph and a utility bill with your address. Under no circumstances whatsoever do I advise you to do this! Not just for this HYIP but for any HYIP.

The benefits being offered to those who do include being able to invest with their credit cards or through Paypal, but if you really are in a position to spend that kind of money in online games then I would always strongly suggest you spread it out between a lot more than just one program. No matter how good it is and whether or not they require verification. Remember they are not providing you with their names and addresses, so please don’t supply them with yours. The number one rule of online safety is anonymity. All the admins know it, I suggest you learn it too.

On the technical side of things Aballong is quite good. They are running off a licensed Neversay script and are on a dedicated server protected from DDoS attacks by HushHosting who are always dependable enough. The most promising feature was the recent addition of a secure SSL encrypted channel for that extra protection of your account. It makes all the difference and lend a definite air of professionalism I think. And if you’re looking to contact the admin with any questions then you can do so by either submitting a ticket through the online support ticket form or through their Live Chat feature, though that isn’t 24 hour service so watch out for them when they’re logged in.

Overall I have to say Aballong is one of the freshest and most interesting projects I’ve seen in a long time. Ordinarily I’d say with a program that offers returns of 8% or less per week that it’s going to be a slow burner and will take some time to get popular. The plans are profitable (eventually) but also sustainable, which is just as important. And it’s a very professional and secure website. But that’s not exactly unique either is it? I mean it’s great to see and very very welcome, but not unique. But what this program does have that their rivals don’t is a daily report on the events that they are betting on. And out the almost countless online HYIPs claiming sports betting as a viable source of income, Aballong is the only one I have ever seen to do this. Come to think of it, it may well be the only HYIP of any description to make such an effort. So full marks for originality!

Good intentions don’t make a good program however and no matter how good the admin there are too many factors that remain beyond his control, so continue as always to exercise caution on the internet and don’t spend excessive amounts of cash. It only costs $10 to join anyway so just test them out for a while first. It’s my considered opinion that Aballong can run for quite a long time so you can just satisfy your curiosity first and see how they run. They’re going nowhere for a while anyway so you can always increase your investment once you’re satisfied. Just keep it sensible, OK? That way we can all enjoy it.


First of all I would like to let everybody know that I was paid from GoldNuggetInvest (reviewed here) today. The payout was not so huge and I know that I am one of many investors who were paid. I’m also fully aware of my responsibility as having the status of the only official and exclusive monitoring for GNI as well as my commitment towards my own readers to put a program to Paying status only when ALL the investors are paid. As you might know the payouts in February could be requested during the first week and would be paid in random order till the end of the month. While I appreciate the dozens of members who let me know they had been paid by GNI for the last few days I can’t ignore also those few who were still waiting for their payouts. While I have absolutely no doubt in Robert’s abilities as an administrator to fulfill what was promised to the members of GNI I prefer to keep GoldNuggetInvest in On Hold status for a while longer and let everybody be paid from them. I don’t want also to be blamed by other investors for extensive promoting of GNI and in enticing newbies into the program as I believe in the fair principles of monitoring I have set for my own website. I think even Robert would agree with my point as when the program is going to be moved to Paying status on MNO it will go straight back to the #1 spot where it always belonged. So to be completely and utterly sure that the program is paying is vital for me. I hope for your understanding in this and as always all comments are welcome to my email address.

I would like also to inform everybody that I’m finally back from my vacation in Scotland which took a bit longer than originally planned and that I’m eager to clear my email box by answering your questions for the previous two weeks. I will try to get back to everybody over this weekend but please be patient as I’m the only one who will be replying your emails. Thanks a lot for your patience, guys!

I can see MoneyPlus is back online and it IS paying. At least my pending payout requested last night was paid just a few hours later, after yesterday’s post was already submitted. So I’m glad to report that MoneyPlus (reviewed here) is still paying on all the offered investment plans: 0.6%-1.3% for 30 days, 1%-1.7% for 60 days, 1.3%-2% for 120 days and 1.7%-2.5% for 240 days with the principal returned back on expiry.

I can’t say the same for RefMotor unfortunately which is very obviously for me making selective payouts now. So my tiny payout today was paid quite fast while the bigger one is still pending for over two days. The worst thing about RefMotor is that the admin stopped communicating at all and is only sending some promotional emails with higher paying plans. Please be aware that RefMotor has been moved on MNO monitoring from On Hold to Problem status and will be moved to Not Paying status tomorrow if the payouts don’t resume. I urge you not to invest there.

Unfortunately Warisona had to be moved to Not Paying status as well. The admin seems to have forgotten about his site being hit by a DDoS-attack and the members waiting for the website to get back online. The site of Warisona looks abandoned to me now and there is no sign of life for the last few days. It’s sad but true as the program just started recently and could easily have went on to bigger and better things.

Right. I think that’s quite enough bad news for now, don’t you? Let’s move on to the good performing programs. I think we’ll start with the recently reviewed DreamWealthBuilder (read the review here). The program just launched three days ago and already attracted much attention from savvy investors due to its original concept and investment plans (120% total for 15 days and 150% total for 4 weeks with some twists described thoroughly in my review). Anyway, since DreamWealthBuilder is kinda original in itself the admin of the program Paula (an interview with her is coming soon on MNO) found it necessary to explain some points about her program once again in the first newsletter sent to the members today along with the introduction of the review published on MNO last night. Here is the newsletter below for those unfamiliar with the program’s rules:
Warm Greetings to everyone from DreamWealthBuilder,
This is Paula Forney & Mark Irwin from the DreamWealthBuilder administration desk. We are very pleased with the great start of DreamWealthBuilder even though this posed as a unique model and a tough challenge for the members (where one has to really read a some stuff and understand it too!!).
We must mention how Paul from the Money News Online blog took great effort in giving a review of DreamWealthBuilder and breaking up all the material in our website into bite-sized simple information. He made it all sound so easy and just about anyone could understand it.
Here is the review of DreamWealthBuilder at Money News Online:
We still keep getting a few enquiries on the investing process at DreamWealthBuilder. Here are the steps in brief:
1. Investing in both the DreamWealthBuilder Plan is a fairly simple process. You just have to fill in the form in the invest page – and submit it and continue to invest with your preferred e-current and chosen plan.
2. You will receive an email confirming your investment once you complete your investment.
3. You do NOT have to make any withdrawal request. Each payment will be made directly to your e-currency account as according to the respective investment plan in time.
4. You will receive notification email when daily payouts are made to your e-currency account and you will receive referral commission automatically and directly when someone invests under your referral URL.
5. A 5% Referral Commission is offered to DreamWealthBuilder members who introduce new members to the program. Referral Commissions are paid several times during each day.
6. Deposit bonus is only for the Weekly Wealth Builder and will be sent on the same day as that of investing.
7. For information on your deposit history, withdrawal history or referral history, send us an email with your username to enquiry@dreamwealthbuilder.com requesting for it and we will send it to you in a document file.
Hope you have a great day!
Paula Forney & Mark Irwin from DreamWealthBuilder.

The administration of another original and already highly successful investment project XagaEnterprise (reviewed here) sent out a reminder to all inactive members about the coming account deletion inactive accounts. I remind you that in order to be active you’re supposed to have at least a $1 minimum deposit via StrictPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney into one of the following plans: 1.2% on every business day without expiry, 8%-10% weekly forever, 0.5% daily for 30 business days and 0.7% for 90 business days. If you want to read more information about XagaEnterprise there is no better way to do it than to refer to my extensive interview with its admin Kevin (here) where he shared with the investors how he made money for his program including the links to some videos posted on Youtube! Here is the latest update only concerning the inactive members of XagaEnterprise:
I will delete inactive accounts. If you haven’t upgraded your account yet, please upgrade it.
The minimum investment required for upgrading is only $1. I believe that’s affordable for everyone. So, what are you waiting for?
Secure your account right now!
Let’s be a part of XagaEnterprise. Go Xaga!
Thank you. Regards, Diana. Customer Support

You should know by now that the implementation of the new script in SazaInvestments (reviewed here) took longer than planned which already caused the postponement of the weekly cashout requests twice in hope that the new script would be fully operational by today. However it didn’t happen yet and the members of SazaInvestments are still struggling to make deposits into the program (if you fail to do it due to script complications please make your deposit manually and then send an email to the administration in order for your account to be credited manually). In his latest update which the admin of SazaInvestments urges all members to publish on all the major forums due to mass mailing system not working. He also stated that the overpayment issue that some of the members faced recently was gone and the crediting of all the accounts with 8%-10% weekly payments should be back to normal by now. I will report on my blog straight away if I get any additional information regarding the state of things in SazaInvestments but the most important thing in my opinion is that the withdrawals can be requested now so please don’t forget to make your request within the next few hours while the button is still open. The latest update from the admin is published here:
Even if our problems are not solved yet as we’ve promised we open now the withdrawals again. We do hope that this programmer will finally find a solution and this will end our problems. In the mean time if you want to deposit please do it manually and write to our support team with the transaction details and they will add them as fast as possible. The database is intact and they are no more overpayments, however if you have problems to request your withdrawals please email to admin@sazainvestments.com with your username and amount wanted to request and our team will do it manually for you. Thank you all for your trust in us.
Regards, SazaInvestments Team
P.S. When I was ready to publish this update already I was paid from SazaInvestments just within an hour of requesting my cashout and received another email from Ricardo (I think it was sent as a mass email to every member of the program)

I can tell you that I’m kinda curious about the new developments in PTVPartner (reviewed here) so I am going to attend tonight’s meeting which will happen pretty soon to find out more about the current state of things and share about it with MNO’s readers tomorrow. I guess since I’m back from my vacation now it’s time to get a bit more active and find out more fresh info for all MNO readers. I’m also going to send some interesting questions to the admin of PTVPartner Garrett within the next few days so possibly it will make a better interview if you could submit some questions to my email address abramsonp@gmail.com yourselves about anything you wish to ask Garrett about. I remind you that I already interviewed Garrett once (read the interview here) and it’ got some good feedback and was even honored as a broadcast on PTV Radio – one of the many unique features which you’re able to find on the PTVPartner website. Please read last night’s update about the latest plans which are going to be implemented soon by PTVPartner for the benefit of all members:
Another Great Meeting!
We had our second meeting for this week. Although we had a shorter meeting today. We had a good time and a lot of information. Bankwire’s will be coming very soon. There will be a reworking of the website, blog, forum and all with a ton of new features. We’ve already hired additions to our IT team. New features on the website, blog, etc…a ton of them. Stay tuned.
Support Question of the Day.
Calendar days or Business days?
All of PTVPartner‘s plans are calendar days.
Interest will show in the account daily or at the end?
All our plans mature on the final day. Principle and interest will be available on that day for withdrawal or reinvestment. There is no daily interest displayed.
Plan Minimums and Maximums:
INTRODUCTORY: Invest money for 10 days and receive 110% back. This includes your principle. Investment range: $10 – $250
ADVANTAGE: Invest money for 20 days and receive 125% back. This includes your principle. Investment range: $50 – $500
LEVERAGE: Invest money for 30 days and receive 145% back. This includes your principle. Investment range: $100-$2000
PRESTIGE: Invest money for 40 days and receive 190% back. This includes your principle. Investment range: $200-$10000
Blog Article of the Day:
“Europe’s Debt Woes Gather Steam Globally” by Kevin G. Hall,
McClatchy Newspapers. This article brings in an extremely interesting article. It discusses the where and why of the impact of Europe’s problems and it’s correlating impact on countries other then their own.
Also, if you are interested in health subjects, there is an interesting article reprinted by Dr. Mercola. It goes into the debate and discussions over electro-magnetism and it’s effects on your system. It proposes that there is much more to some of our illnesses then we often think about.
Our blog is growing. Please grow with us. Make sure you check back frequently as we are in the developmental state. Again, for requests regarding involvement or submission of articles, please email ptvblog@gmail.com
Forum Focus:
One forum that we have connected up with is http://www.exchangemoneyforum.com. There are many interesting threads there. It has many useful and informative sections. Exchanges are sometimes offered with strict guidelines in place and many of our members are very involved in this forum. Please visit this forum and experience it for yourself. I’m sure the friendly members there would be happy to welcome your involvement.
Joke of the Day:
A man visits his aunt in the nursing home. It turns out that she is taking a nap, so he just sits down in a chair in her room, flips through a few magazines, and munches on some peanuts sitting in a bowl on the table.
Eventually, the aunt wakes up, and her nephew realizes he’s absentmindedly finished the entire bowl of peanuts!
“I’m so sorry, auntie, I’ve eaten all of your peanuts!”
“That’s okay, dearie,” the aunt replied. “After I’ve sucked the chocolate off, I don’t care for them anyway.”
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

Before looking at the latest update from PTVPartner I would like to remind you more about this particularly great medium term program that has grown extremely popular since its first introduction nearly six months ago. Plans still include 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days. As you can see all the payouts are made on expiry and have to be requested (an automatic compounding is also allowed by the script). Currently PTVPartner is dealing with four popular payment processors (LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and GlobalDigitalPay) with more payment options coming soon including the long-awaited Bank wires. The latest newsletter is as usual packed with all the useful information and something for entertainment purposes (including the usual joke of the day):
Final MEETING this week!
Friday February 12, 3am GMT (that’s Thursday February 11 at 7pm PST, 9pm CST and 10pm EST).
Come one .. Come all. Bring your friends and family. Hear about the project that fuels the PTVParner program. Find out about any recently updated information. We have a really exciting, energizing time.
PTV Radio – new recorded meeting
We will install a new recording involving our Primary project, at PTV Radio, in the next day or so.
Support Question of the Day.
You do not need to withdraw to your payment processor.
You can combine funds in your Current Account for investment. Click Re-deposit next to Withdraw-able Money. That will take your money so it can be combined with outside deposits or other matured funds already in your Current account. Then click on Invest Money in your Finance section, fill the details, enter your security code, and click on Invest.
Blog Articles of the Day:
Today we have some absolutely amazing articles on our blog. We’re pretty proud of what our blog is becoming and will become in the future. Notable articles today are:
Warning Issued by FSA on Sending Money Overseas. It is very informative regarding the US rules and what may be scrutinized by the US governments anti-terrorism, anti-money laundering teams.
Your Chance to be a PATRIOT! Written by “A concerned citizen”, this article is a call to action. There are parts of the Patriot Act that are up for extension by the end of the month unless they are allowed to “sunset”. You can take actions to return some of the freedoms to the country/
Bob Chapman – The International Forecaster. “Bob Chapman is guest on this February 9, 2010 Republic Broadcasting Network’s Real Talk, Real News, Real People radio show. Bob has a record of being 98% correct in his predictions covering business, finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide”
If you haven’t checked out our blog yet, This is definitely the time you should!
Joke of the Day!
You know it’s a bad day when:
Your twin sister forgets your birthday.
You wake up face down on the pavement.
You put your bra on backwards and it fits better.
You call suicide prevention and they put you on hold.
You see a “60 Minutes news team” waiting in your outer office.
Your birthday cake collapses from the weight of the candles.
You turn on the TV news and they’re displaying emergency routes out of your city.
The woman you’ve been seeing on the side begins to look like your wife.
Your horn goes off accidentally and remains stuck as you follow a group of Hell’s Angels on the freeway.
You have an appointment in 10 minutes and you just woke up.
Your doctor tells you, “Well, I have bad news and good news…”
and the good news is you can:
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

CSMFinance (reviewed here) is also taking some steps in the right direction to become even more prestigious among investors. The program has been online for about five months and is offering one regular plan paying you 1.7%-2.1% for 200 calendar days with your principal returned on expiry. Recently more and more languages were added to CSMFinance‘s interface that made it more user-friendly for the international investors. More to come soon though as CSMFinance is planning to launch a portal where everyone can find some regional representatives. Here is the news from CSMFinance:
Dear members!
As you may see, CSMFinance website is already translated to 6 major languages – English, Indonesian, Spanish, Italian, German, French. We are going to add Malaysian and Chinese languages soon to make CSMFinance easier to use for these nations. Next month we are going to announce the unique portal called CSM Planet. It’s an innovatively-styled portal where everyone will be able to find a regional representative and participate in special events of CSMFinance including offline conferences worldwide. Happy investing with CSMFinance!

I have added yet another low-ROI program to my monitoring today. It’s called CelexProfit and it’s been online for a week already. CelexProfit is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with DDoS-protection provided by DdoSWiz. CelexProfit accepts all the major payment processors: LibertyReserve, AlertPay, StrictPay, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay. There are four plans on offer and on every plan you will get your principal back on expiry: 1% for 30 days, 1.5% for 90 days, 2% for 90 days and 2.5% for 150 days. There is a different minimum to invest for each plan and the lowest is $10. The site of CelexInvest has quite a nice looking layout, is SSL-encrypted. and they offer Live chat support. There will be more to report about CelexProfit in my upcoming review soon on MNO. Stay tuned for that!

I have been paid today from the following programs:
SazaInvestments, HugMoney, FxStar, NanoMoneyCorp, GeniusFunds, GrabFund, SportBetInv, KobelCapital, DreamWealthBuilder, MoneyPlus, MandarinInvest, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, Verifield, InvestoFin, AlphaInvestments, ForexNetClub, FinanceNova, FundUpgrader, PanaMoney, GlobalFund, PTVPartner, Flanita, Eternidex, BarterCrown, InvestProxy, WeeklyDividend, Aballong, StarkFund, NasMos, IncoForex, CSMFinance, AtoxFinance, AimTrust, AsiaInv, ScootFx, RedOrchidInvest, GoldNuggetInvest, UmaxFunds, TheKapital, StanbicArbitrage, WestFinance, InvestmentForge, XagaEnterprise, ExceptionalFunds, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, Dragadox (the first payment received) and EuroNanoInvest (the first payment received).

That’s all for today, guys, please note that tomorrow I will be posting twice so don’t miss all the news and updates. If you want to read every single article and don’t want to miss any important updates please make sure to subscribe to FeedBurner feeds (the form is in the right top upper corner) by submitting your email address to receive all the up-to-date news, reviews and interviews about your favorite programs straight to your mailbox daily. See you tomorrow on MNO!

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