February 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! Looking forward to the weekend I hope? Try to have a more relaxing one than me anyway as I have a lot of work to catch up on. So today as well as all the news I also have two new reviews for you. Some of the day’s earlier news stories are featured a bit further down the page here and I’ll be back with the rest a bit later so be sure and check back again. First though I would like to look at a recently launched mid-term HYIP called UmaxFunds. It’s average enough I’d say. Not really that likely to be a massive success story but let’s take a look anyway and see what they offer.

UmaxFunds have been online for just over the last two weeks now and they have three plans to choose from in total. All of them make daily payments and all of them should return your principal on expiry. That’s what we’re hoping for anyway. The first of these plans is open to deposits of between a minimum of $10 and a maximum of $500. It will run for a duration of 45 days and during that time offers you a daily interest payment of 2.3%. So let’s say we were to deposit $100. That would hopefully mean we would get paid $2.30 for 45 consecutive days. That would add up to a total of $103.50 by the time the plan expires with your principal then returned.

The second plan runs for a slightly longer term of 55 days and offers the improved interest rate of 2.4% per day. It’s only open to larger deposits however and will only accept over $250. The maximum deposit here is $5000. With just an extra cent per $10 paid in interest, the decision as to whether it’s worth the extra risk or not is entirely your own. If you join your principal is promised to be returned on expiry.

For the third and final plan UmaxFunds offers a daily rate of interest of 3% per day for 60 days. It’s going to cost you a minimum deposit of $2,500 to get it though, so this one is for the brave. The maximum is set to $30,000.

As you can plainly see for yourselves the plans are fairly typical for this line of online HYIP. UmaxFund is in need of something that sets them apart from the rest of the mire, unfortunately this doesn’t come from the choice of payment processors. The only ways through which you can currently join the program are LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. As I’ve said so many times before there’s nothing wrong with either of them, the problem lies in the programs lack of choice and without it you are simply not going to attract the number of members you think you are. Payouts are supposed to be made within 24 hours.

What is a bit better though is the design. UmaxFunds at least looks professional enough but there is one glaring mistake on the contacts page that makes everything else look a bit amateurish again. You are invited to put your questions in the support ticket form and submit them to the admin. Two weeks after the program’s launch and there is still no such form on the support page. Just a big blank space. Luckily there is still an e-mail address so you can try contacting them that way if you prefer. Not that you have a choice or anything!

But there is a good level of protection from DDoS attacks. BlackLotus are the hosting provider and they are keeping them on a dedicated server. UmaxFunds also use a script licensed from GoldCoders. Add the inclusion of SSL encryption for the extra protection of the members accounts and we can say that the security is above average, so there is at least one advantage UmaxFunds has going for it.

The usual cryptic messages used by 99% of HYIPs about their business and trading activities are plentiful, accompanied as is the norm by unsubstantiated claims of about ForEx deals. But no proof of anything so just consider this as a regular online HYIP game and remember to play it safely with sensibly sized deposits if you decide you are going to play. But it is still new so that will at least increase your chances of earning a few dollars from it.


Well, I attended the meeting which was hosted by the admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here) last night. I heard many things before but one thing that caught my attention was the news about the coming implementation of bank wires. I know that many investors that prefer not to deal with e-currencies are waiting for such an opportunity and if PTVPartner is a real legal company investing in silica mines that would be really great if they could offer such a solid payment solution like Bank wires. I think I will be sending this question to the admin of PTVPartner Garrett soon along with a bunch of others. Your suggestions are welcome by the way. From other exciting discussions I found out in the meeting I can also mention the constant improvement of PTVPartner website which was always much better than average anyway offering things like PTV Radio and the recently added PTV Gallery and PTV Video (the analogue of YouTube). I must say I’m pretty impressed with the building of PTVPartner into what we see today and it will definitely attract more new investors. The program is already very popular though and if you’ve never heard of it you’re really missing out on something special. PTVPartner is currently accepting four popular e-currencies (LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and GlobalDigitalPay) and you can join under four different plans paying on expiry: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days. Listening to Garrett’s speech last night I finally realized how much I admire his communication skills, his focus, and his goal driven energy that prevent his site from ever standing still. Continuous improvement is the key to success in this business and arguably nobody understands this more than Garret. Of course those daily updates are often pretty helpful and sometimes insightful, but always hilariously funny with the recent addition of Joke of The Day. Read the latest newsletter from PTVPartner (reviewed here) below and see for yourself what I’m talking about:
Last meeting of the week today. Did you make it? If not, you should have. It’s always a great time and packed with information. Don’t worry if you didn’t. We will be holding more next week. Please try to come and learn about the exciting project that fuels our program and what we are planning for the future. You really need to know as much as you can about where your money is working and how we sustain our payouts.
Opinion of the Admin
Today we thought we’d change it up a bit. Normally, we post just the blog articles and we’ll put those in here too but we think this important enough to try to make sure it’s read by as many as possible. It’s titled: The Ratification of 16th Amendment and the Assault on Freedom and I thought I’d include it here. Many of our American partners here do not realize how some very historical things impact their modern day life.
“I don’t want to worry you, but historically this is a bad week for freedom.
Among the worst events, 97 years ago this week a progressive income tax was made possible in the United States. Prior to this time the Federal Government paid all of its bills (including the salaries of congressmen, presidents, federal judges, et al) from the levies and duties it collected. There was no tax on individual citizens.
For more than 150 years the country was spared a progressive income tax because (a) the Constitution specifically forbade one and (b) the courts upheld the Constitutional prohibition.
But neither was able to deter the domestic advocates of this plank right out of the Communist Manifesto forever, unfortunately, and on Feb. 3, 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified. A federal income tax and the authority to enforce it—the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)—soon followed.
Today, almost a century later, the average American toils for nearly five months to earn the money to pay the federal behemoth. It’s still not enough to balance the books, however, as the national debt is growing by $1.4 trillion a year.”
—Chip Wood
Blog Article of the Day:
Do you Google?
Think you’re a terrorist? Well, seems you must be and all the millions of internet users out there. You spend funds so you’re a terrorist. You bring in funds so you’re a terrorist. You own things so you’re a terrorist. AND NOW, you Google so you MUST be a TERRORIST! Yep, you’re a cyber-threat and if you don’t believe me go read this: Google to Join Forces With N.S.A. But just go to PTVPartner.wordpress.com and don’t bother Googling. It might make you a terrorist!
Support Question of the Day:
One thing that comes up frequently in the chatroom and elsewhere is “How do I declare my income from PTVPartner?” Guys, we’d love to help you out on this but we can’t. That would be illegal for us to do in many countries not the least of which is the USA but others as well.
Everyone and every country has different ways of claiming online income. There are several ways it could be claimed in the US depending on your individual tax situation. I’m sorry but we will not provide the answer to this question. For the answer, you MUST see your tax professional who will provide you with the best, most knowledgeable advice for your particular situation.
Joke of the Day:
Two pieces of string walk into a bar and the bartender looks at them suspiciously. He says “Sorry, boys, we don’t serve your kind here.” So the pieces of string walk out again.
They’re sitting in the gutter outside and feeling really thirsty when one piece of string says “Hey! I’ve got an idea to get me into the bar.”
So he starts twisting and turning, wriggling this way and that, pulling out a few threads here and there. His mate’s looking at him and thinks he’s gone completely nuts.
Then the piece of string walks back into the bar. The bartender looks at him a little suspiciously again and says “Here, you’re not a bit of string, are you?”
The piece of string replies “No, I’m a frayed knot.”
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

There was another update from Felix, the admin of GoldenFleeceFund (interviewed here) sent out in the last few hours. The update touched on some corporate trading news, investment bonus and support system. Read the full update from GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here) below:
Hello, This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund. I have a small corporate update from our company today. We are conducting a sales contract write up tomorrow with a buyer interested in purchasing gold from our storage. We will release the financials from the sale within 48 hours of closing.
I would also like to remind you of our deposit program through the end of February. This is a 5% deposit bonus on deposits of at least $500. The deposit bonus is doubled to 10% for VIP deposits which start at $3501.
We have had many new investors join GoldenFleeceFund over the past 1-2 weeks and I would like to take some time to welcome you to the GoldenFleeceFund family. You may reach our support through our website or by responding to this email. We would love to discuss any aspect of our company, our operations, our corporate registration, or whatever you may have on your mind.
Thank you for your continued support of GoldenFleeceFund.
Sincerely, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

The admin of FundUpgrader autosurf (interviewed here) made a wise decision in my opinion by hiding the stats of the program. Provided they were real (from my experience that’s rarely the case) it could affect some members’ decision to join or make an upgrade. It will definitely benefit to the program’s growth in the long run as I believe the 9% for 15 days of surfing which FundUpgrader offers to its members can be quite a sustainable model. I’m also pleased to see that in the interview the admin of the program John said that he could credit your account if you for some reason forget to surf for a day. So no need to worry, you will still get your money credited provided you contacted the admin first of course. Here is the latest short update from FundUpgrader (reviewed here) found on the website today:
Site Stats
Experienced members suggested that I hide the statistics for total deposits to make the site grow and stop hit and running. I think they have a point.

There were three new programs that were added to my monitoring page in the last 12 hours. I would like to introduce them all to you and remember that the full reviews will be published on MNO soon.

The first one is Skinex. The program can boast a uniquely customized script, attractive design, SSL-encryption and hosting on a dedicate Staminus server with DdoSWiz protection. Unfortunately it’s not exactly new and has been online for 18 days already but provided there are some attractive plans you may still want to join. In order to invest in Skinex you need to first register an account with them and then fund it using any of the four accepted payment processors: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay and StrictPay. After funding your account you will be allowed to deposit the money that is in your balance to one of the two plans Skinex is offering: 11% for 12 days with daily payouts (recommended as being less risky) and 144% after 12 days with the payouts processed on expiry. The minimum to invest in both plans is only $5 so the plans should be affordable to everyone.

The second program is DepositPalace. Well, it was online for over 60 days which is pretty impressive for this type of HYIP offering extra short-term plans along with medium-term ones. DepositPalace offers the following returns: 103% after 1 day, 107% after 2 days, 112% after 3 days, 127% after 6 days, 143% after 10 days, 310% after 30 days. Deposits can be made from as low as $10 to most of the plans. Unfortunately the choice of payment processors is quite limited (only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are accepted). Well, you need to be a pretty experienced admin in order to pay your members from plans like these for so long. I suspect there could be the same savvy administrators here as RosalinFinance, Caziroca, etc. behind this program. There are just too many similarities that can not be denied: similar design, the perfect choice of hosting provider from BlockDos, licensed GoldCoders script and some vague references about investment activities. Anyway, I would say that even after being online for over two months DepositPalace is still looking pretty good for a few dollars (especially it concerns their short-term plans).

The third and final program added to my monitoring list today is InvestAward and unlike the previous two it’s a long-term low-ROI program. The investment plans offered by InvestAward are simple enough: you will be paid 2% (for the minimum deposit of $10) and 2.4% (for the minimum deposit of $5,001) for 120 business days. The principal is already factored into the daily payouts and will not be returned. Compounding is allowed. The choice of payment processors accepted by InvestAward is quite good and includes all the favorites: AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay. InvestAward has been online for less than a week and has quite good ppotential. It has SSL-encryption, is running off a GoldCoders licensed script and a dedicated server from DdosLock. InvestAward is also claiming to invest in ForEx but considering the not so original texts on its website and no evidence of trading I tend to doubt it. They might be good though if you’re looking for a new long-term HYIP.

I think that’s enough for now and I will be back with another review and more up-to-date news on my blog tonight, just in a few hours in fact. So stay tuned for that and see you soon!

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