February 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! Well a new week and a new month starts today and I hope that will be the worst of the winter over for most of us. Personally I’d have to say that January wasn’t too bad at all. There were a few disappointments of course, as there always is, but if February turns out the same then I’ll be pleased enough. Just speaking for my own portfolio that is, I hope yours was as successful.

Anyway for today’s review on what some people consider the first day of Spring (though it doesn’t feel like it here!) I want to talk about a recently launched program called 21stCenturyArb. No prizes for guessing their supposed line of business. They all seem to be claiming arbitrage betting these days, don’t they? Let’s see if this one is any good.

21stCenturyArb have been running for almost two weeks now. They’ve only got the one single plan for you so the choice will be a simple one – take it or leave it. It pays by the week so many investors have already started getting paid and that’s never a bad way to start I suppose. Here’s how it works. The minimum amount you may invest with 21stCenturyArb is $20. It’s a bit more than the average online HYIP asks for, especially new ones. On top of that you will need to remember that because of the script you will only be allowed to spend in multiples of 20, so your investment if you are going to join will have to be $20, $40, $60, etc. and on like that up to a maximum of $50,000.

As well as the latest HYIP to claim arbitrage betting as a source of income, 21stCenturyArb is also the latest to employ the “no expiry date” style plans so once you are in you should continue getting paid until the program closes, however long that turns out to be. And the payment being offered is 12% per week, every week. So were you to invest with $100 that would be $12 per week enabling you to break even after the ninth weekly payment. Nine weeks to be in profit and if the program is still here then everything is pure passive profit from then on. No mention is made of withdrawing your principal and leaving the program early but to be blunt that’s really not something that would interest me. If I am in profit from a program (any program) and they continue paying me without me needing to reinvest then I will have no intention of leaving them.

21stCenturyArb accepts payments from LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay. Most recently they have added AlertPay to that list so that’s all the popular options covered. WesternUnion and MoneyGram are also available for those who don’t like to deal with payment processors. The admin requests that you allow him anything up to 48 hours to process your payment requests.

As for the security and design of the website, 21stCenturyArb are running off a script licensed from Neversay. Hence the unusual deposit figures only available in unit prices. I can’t really say a whole lot about their hosting provider though. 21stCenturyArb are on a dedicated server which is always welcome but I really know very little about the abilities of their hosting provider and their capacity to control DDoS attacks. I’m not saying they’re bad, I’m just saying that I have not come across them before so I really don’t know. The design is average enough, nothing special and a few questions not really explained all that well. There are plenty of pictures of all your favorite sporting stars, though I thought that arbitrage betting was more to do with mathematics and the actual sporting event is of little importance. Customer support, if you need it, is available through an online e-mail support ticketing system. Discussion threads are also open on the main forums.

As for the claims about arbitrage betting, well personally I don’t really believe it. Why not? Because the texts are copied directly, word for word, from another source. In fact they’re stolen from all over the place. If the admin has as much experience as he claims in this business then surely he can come up with at least an original couple of lines to explain how it works himself. If you can’t describe your own business then you’re either not very good at it or you’re not doing it at all. That and the fact that the one single example of a successful bet is from a football match played last October, three months before 21stCenturyArb opened online. How about something from last weekend? There was lots of events taking place, surely to maintain 12% interest per week there was a successful bet made on one of them, don’t you think?

It’s hard to see what 21stCenturyArb can offer the investors here. I mean obviously there is the 12% weekly interest rate but I mean what are they doing that’s new? It can be pretty difficult to sway investors away from one program with a tried and tested reputation for you to offer them the very same thing. What will certainly benefit them is a good list of payment processors but other than that 21stCenturyArb will have to establish a reputation over many weeks and months of not only being dependable payers but of also offering a top level of customer support. The only thing they can offer is longevity, and at this point that has yet to be established.


First of all I would like to report that finally SazaInvestments site (reviewed here) will be undergoing some changes within the next days which will allow them to implement their new script and finally get rid of some errors which were so annoying for many members of the program for the duration of running the program since May 2009. As you can see the SSL-encryption of your accounts has been installed already and you can now enjoy browsing your account via a more secured channel. The implementation of the new script will however require some skills to avoid all the errors that can arise during the test period. So to avoid all this hassle it was decided to postpone the next 8%-10% weekly payouts from this Friday until Tuesday. The admin of SazaInvestments Ricardo (interviewed here) hopes that the members will understand the importance of such a complicated process and the crucial role it could play in the later development of the program. Really, I don’t remember when the admin ever let us down, his level of professionalism is just inspiring to me. So let’s wait till next Tuesday and see the changes that will hopefully be noticed in your SazaInvestments account. Meanwhile, the admin told me that he would be interested in another interview with MNO so of course I agreed and will be sending him some questions within a couple of days. So if you have anything you would like to ask about SazaInvestments please submit your questions to my email address abramsonp@gmail.com with the subject: Questions for Saza. Thanks in advance for that! Meanwhile let’s have a look at the latest news from SazaInvestments:
As you may see we have finally managed to implement our SSL on the site. From tomorrow we will start to implement the new script. What you must understand is that we worked with a programmer from offline and he is not used with this industry so it might have issues along the way. Because of this we have decided to delay the payments for next Tuesday to be sure that till then we will have enough time to test the new script online. Any problem might occur this time please be patient and we will have it fixed within few hours. We proved you all many times by now that whatever problems we had, we managed to fix them all and pass over. Please make sure that we will succeed as we did always. New team staffs, script problems, whatever else, we managed to pass over all. Thank you all for your trust in us. We will do our best as before. Regards, Ricardo Andre Brandao. SazaInvestments Marketing Manager”.

Tomorrow another interview will be published on MNO and it will be with the admin of LucreMaker. I remind you that you can join LucreMaker if you want to earn from the following plans each of which will pay you on expiry: 111% after 3 days, 128% after 1 week, 165% after 2 weeks, 212% after 3 weeks. All the five major payment processors are accepted including SolidTrustPay, StrictPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay. The admin is quite active and regularly updates members on the current state of things and today it was mentioned that the larger investors with over $1,000 in LucreMaker will be rewarded with a $100 one-time bonus. There is more in the pipeline for LucreMaker which has been online for just 10 days and I think you will be able to find out in my upcoming interview which is going to published tomorrow. Here is the latest newsletter from LucreMaker (reviewed here):
Hope you all are enjoying your day/afternoon/night.
We are growing at an amazing rate and I would like to thank all our members for investing with us and showing their continuous support for LucreMaker LLC.
At present, we are giving $100 bonus to all members who make investments of $1000 or more, into LucreMaker. This bonus is a one time bonus. If a member makes an investment of $1000 or more, again for a second time, he/she will not receive the bonus again.
We are also planning to conduct referral contests in the near future, and to give prize money to the members who bring in most investors to LucreMaker.
If you have any question about LucreMaker please do write to us, we will answer your question and try our best to help you.
Regards. LucreMaker

Another quite successful and relatively new short-term program is NowInv (reviewed here). The program is less than 2 weeks online and it accepts deposits for three plans with payouts made on expiry: 110% after 5 days, 130% after 10 days, and 160% after 15 days. The admin of NowInv recently reported that the growth is quite stable but not explosive which is very good for this type of program. I believe with the administration and the members being proactive to promote the program to the new members NowInv will be able to survive for at least a couple of cycles. Anything can happen of course but it was so far so good. Please take time to participate in the public forum threads after getting paid to support NowInv and make it last longer. Also you can take advantage of the two promotional offers that will be valid till February, 7, i.e. for the whole week. Here are the offers: 10% bonus on all the deposits over $100 and $1 credited into your account for every active referral. That’s really some generous offers and if you’re interested in investing in NowInv I suggest you to take advantage of them. Here is the latest newsletter from the admin of NowInv:
It’s NowInv Staff here with another newsletter.
The business is getting better everyday, so we thank everyone for the trust and cooperation! So, what’s new this time?
Despite the nature of the recent short-term programs, we’re online for 13 days already! Tomorrow we pass the second week online, so it’s not a bad achievement at all. NowInv serves 580 members.
We always let you know the total deposit amount, so the current figure is almost at $65,000. The growth is steady, therefore your funds are safe and we are able to deliver on the promised returns.
NowInv always makes it more exciting to participate. Well, at first week we had a better referral commission rate. Then members with deposit $500 and more received a bonus of 10%.
However, we received many e-mails from people telling that they would also like to earn this bonus, but they are unable because of the minimum $500 deposit. With this said, we decided to offer the same 10% deposit bonus if you deposit at least $100!
There is something interesting we have launched as well. It’s called “New Referral Bonus”. Refer an active member to NowInv and get paid 1 USD. Simple as that, right?
For more detailed information, please visit: https://www.nowinv.com/bonus
Please leave a feedback upon received payment at your favorite forum. Below you may find the links to the most popular ones. See you there!
MMG: http://www.moneymakergroup.com/Nowinv-Nowinvcom-t325981.html
DTM: http://www.dreamteammoney.com/index.php?showtopic=90579
TG: http://www.talkgold.com/forum/r281360-.html
We’re looking forward for your questions and ideas.
Sincerely, NowInv Staff

And to stay on topic of the short-term programs let’s talk about IwFunds (reviewed here). Although it’s the oldest one from the above-mentioned (been online for over three weeks already) it still has a lot of followers I believe. I think especially the trust in the admin’s capabilities strengthened after he actually fasten AlertPay refunds to the members due to discontinuation of AlertPay from the accepted payment processors in IwFunds. I actually received a couple of confirmation emails from readers who told me they were paid their principal back from AlertPay very fast. The admin of the IwFunds program came out with a regular newsletter today which was mostly devoted to AlertPay refunds and LibertyReserve current issues with API interface. I remind you that currently IwFunds accepts three payment processors (LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay) which you can invest into four plans: 18% for 7 days, 110% after 3 days, 160% after 14 days, and 190% after 20 days. Here is the latest news from IwFunds:
Hello dear members!
We are glad to announce that today we hit 1000 members which is a great achievement, i think!
In the past 2 days we have faced with minor problems with instant withdrawals to LR, caused by some minor communication errors with LR’s API server, it seems that now it is working without problems, but i ask you to be patient in such cases because i will process pending requests as soon as i will be online!
AlertPay refunds are mostly completed, i ask users who have sent refund requests and it wasn’t processed ask me again there is a chance that i missed some but i can say that refunds are completed in 95%!
I hope you enjoy staying with us we are trying our best to serve you in the way you deserve!
Regards, Peter Laurette

It seems that RosalinFinance (reviewed here) is still paying selectively as a few members reported that their withdrawal requests were not met but rather strangely returned to their accounts. Somebody said it even happened a few times with his one. I think RosalinFinance is still playing tricks with the investors and probably it’s the beginning of a slow demise. I’m currently investigating this issue and am going to move RosalinFinance to problem status tomorrow on MNO if the complaints continue and the withdrawals will not be processed. So please let me know if you were paid or not. At the moment it’s not recommended to make any additional investments there due to the suspicious on the selected payouts.

MandarinInvest paid my principal withdrawal today in full from the 1.3% for 100 days plan and the delay with that was probably caused by their policy of only payingy on business days. I’ve made a redeposit into the same plan yesterday. I remind you that the admin of MandarinInvest is currently considering increasing the interest on different plans the program is offering to the online investors, which include except above-mentioned 1.3% for 100 days also such plans as 1% for 30 days and 1.6%-2.1% for 150 days. I remind you that all the major payment processors are accepted in MandarinInvest and that you will be paid your principal back on expiry on all the plans. Payouts on many payment processors are being made instantly which is also a definite advantage of MandarinInvest over its competitors. To find out more about the program please refer to my detailed review of MandarinInvest published here.

One of the most popular low-ROI programs with payouts processed on expiry is Verifield (reviewed here) which is well worth its place in the Top 10 programs on MNO. Being online for 10 long months Verifield earned the reputation of being one of the stable performers from the low-ROI programs. The payouts to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are done instantly in most of the cases (of course you don’t have such an advantage if you invest in Verifield via Bank wire which are is also accepted). The Verifield program is allegedly involved in stocks trading and recently there is more news published on its website about their recent profitable deals which were accomplished successfully:
Coherent, Inc. (NasdaqGS: COHR)
Verifield are performing on a stable basis, while monitoring and finding actual market movers. On Thursday, 28.01.2010 Coherent, Inc. reported strong First Fiscal Quarter results, which caused the stable growth in price per share.
Verifield have bought 50,000 shares before the closing bell, in order to hold overnight at $26.73 per share. The growth continued during after hours and the following day the stock was still going up.
Sold all shares the following day at $29.10 per share at 3:30PM, although Coherent Inc. (COHR) were still increasing in price and a still good choice to buy. Overall profit generated – 8.7%”

InstantMoneyBets (reviewed here) reported more news about their program. Here it is in its entirety:
Contest Update:
The new Contest isn’t 24 hours old, but there are only 35 Bonuses left for new Deposits over 100$.
So get your high 10% Bonus now.
IMB own Sportsbook:
As we told you in the last email, we will start in the next 2-3 Days our own Sportsbook/Bookmarker.
The Sportsbook will accept all major currencys.
And yes with the Sportsbook, your Profits with IMB are double secured. Why?
1. Your Profits are secured by Surebetting
2. Your Profits are secured by the Sportbooks Winnings.
I think with this 2 Ways IMB can offer long and high returns for its members.
All the Best, Michael and Staff

I have added two new programs to my monitoring today. The first one is called GrabFund and I hope it applies mostly to the investors and not the admin who will be the one grabbing the money at the end. Anyway, GrabFund just launched today and it is a short-term program with typically high profit plans with payouts on expiry: 112% after 3 days (minimum to invest is $5) and 144% after 10 days (minimum to invest is $75). In my opinion, the 112% plans is much better as it is less risky and more rewarding IMHO. I will talk about the plans in more detail in my upcoming review of during the weei. Today I just wanted to add that the program accepts all the major payment processors and you can deposit via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay, StrictPay and SolidTrustPay. GrabFund is hosted on a dedicated server protected by DdosWiz so it has quite a good level of protection against possible attacks. It’s running off a licensed GoldCoders script so everything is up to the standard here. More on GrabFund will follow on my blog after I receive the first payout.

The second program is a long-term HYIP called ExceptionalFunds. It only accepts two payment processors (LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney) and offers two plans with daily payouts (1.7%-2.3% for 60 days) and the one weekly plan (21% for 10 weeks). The minimum allowed to invest is different for different plans and starts with $20 into 1.7% daily plan. Please note that your principal is not included in daily profits and will be returned on the expiration of each plan. If you wish you may also set the compounding level by yourself to earn more. ExceptionalFunds is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, is hosted on a dedicated server by BlackLotus and has SSL-encryption installed. Overall, ExceptionalFunds is a good and brand-new quality program which will hopefully become a success soon. A full review of ExceptionalFunds will be published on MNO soon so stay tuned for that!

I have been paid today from the following programs:
GeniusFunds, StanbicArbitrage, ArbisPro, MandarinInvest, NanoMoneyCorp, WaterInvestment, KobelCapital, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, GlobalFund, SportBetInv, OneDailyPro, XagaEnterprise, FxStar, RefMotor, Verifield, PanaMoney, NowInv, IwFunds, GasAndOilInvestment, CSMFinance, AsiaInv, InvestProxy, HugMoney, TheKapital, WestFinance, PTVPartner, BetAndTrading, WeeklyDividend, Caziroca, LucreMaker, RosalinFinance, BarterCrown, Investorum and ParamountProfits.

That’s it for today, guys, and I hope to see you on MNO again for more news tomorrow!

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