February 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! I hope you all enjoyed the interview earlier. I should also point out that for any program that seems a bit unique or different you should never hesitate to contact the admin and ask them to clarify things for you. They should after all provide a service in return for your cash.

Anyway, before we move on to today’s news stories the program I’d like to talk to you about is called Dragadox and it’s a new long term HYI program that offers investors low rate of interest daily payments.

The plans are all fairly straight forward. Nothing too unusual about them like we saw in a couple of the recent reviews. Pretty safe and conventional and exactly what a lot of investors like. Dragadox offers four plans in total. Although two of them might just be a little bit outside of most people’s price range I’ll run through all of them for you here anyway. The best judge of these things is you after all.

So the first plan we came to is called The Starter Plan and it runs for 150 business days (as do the rest of them by the way). That will be 30 weeks in total with payments made from Monday to Friday. The minimum deposit is $10 and the maximum is $1500. In return for that you will be offered a daily return of 1.6%. So a simple practical example would be this: Let’s say we join with $100. That will earn you $1.60 per day, five days per week. That will add up to $8 per week and $240 in total when the plan expires. You can then consider this as total profit once your initial principal gets returned, as is promised. Otherwise you can at least break even with your interest payments after 63 business days.

For the bigger fish you may wish to try your luck in The Premium Plan. It woks just like the last one except this time Dragadox offer 1.9% per day for 150 business days. In which case you should break even after 53 business days this time and finish with a total of 285% which is pure profit after your principal gets returned. In one sense the risk is reduced because you will break even a lot faster. It could also be argued that the risk is greatly increased however, as this plan only accepts deposits starting from a minimum of $1501. Maximum spend is $5000.

Still not enough for you? The Professional Plan offers daily interest payments of 2.1%, made Monday to Friday, for 150 business days. To join this plan Dragadox will require a minimum deposit of $5001 so it’s obviously not for everybody. If you did sign up for it though the plan would be to break even after 48 business days and finish with payments totaling 315% on top of your principal which is then returned. Maximum spend this time is $20,000.

And finally Dragadox has The Expert Plan. However as it requires at least $20,001 to join I suggest that this is not the platform to discuss it on. You’d need to consult an expert, just like the name of the plan suggests! Just for your own information, the daily rate of interest is 2.4%. Not that I expect many of you to be joining it or anything.

The list of payment options open to you here is excellent. All the popular ones are accepted including AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay. I think you’ll agree there’s not a great deal they could do to improve on that. Payments will have to be requested and you are asked by the admin to allow him up to 24 hours to take care of your payout. In actual fact it’s usually a bit faster, but you should still allow the full length of time. Compounding is not allowed by Dragadox and the minimum withdrawal is $1.

The security and design of the program is above average. They are hosted on a dedicated server by one of the absolute leaders in that business. It’s Dragonara and their reputation is richly deserved. Dragadox is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and the member’s area is protected by SSL encryption. It’s nice to see a few more quality programs using this recently so kudos to the admin for that. Customer support should you require it is offered through an online support ticket submission form as well as a direct e-mail address if that is what you prefer. There is a published postal address in the Seychelles though I don’t know why you’d ever want to contact a purely online based HYIP through the regular postal service. Though of course I can’t actually prove it I doubt you’d find anybody directly connected with Dragadox were you to call there anyway.

The almost customary unsubstantiated stories about their ForEx dealing to back up their payments are made of course and it’s up to you how much you want to believe. I think it best you try to ignore any claims that there is no risk involved in joining Dragadox though. That bit’s clearly not true. It is a very promising HYIP though and with a good selection of payment processors, a professional design, quality hosting and secure accounts it should develop into a popular program over the coming Spring months (or Autumn to my southern readers!). Be careful as always and don’t throw silly amounts of cash around. That way you can enjoy the experience as well as profit from it.


First I would like to report that the payouts from SazaInvestments seem to be going on and many members reported on my ShoutBox or emailed me that they were paid. Some members are still waiting but I’m sure that everybody will be paid eventually. I’m not sure how long it will take as I didn’t receive a response from Ricardo who probably prefers to act by making payments instead of promising some deadline when they will be over. I was paid my last withdrawal requested to STP today. However if you requested yours to StrictPay I’m afraid you will have to wait for longer than usual as their site is unavailable at the time of writing. There is nothing to worry about as some accessibility issues were announced in advance by the StrictPay team and are expected as a part of their maintenance work they are doing on the website over the weekend. Here is the latest update from StrictPay administration regarding this:
StrictPay Customers
We will be conducting some site and server maintenance over the weekend. Over the next 2-3 days you may not be able to reach the StrictPay website for various reasons. We will be working on multiple routine maintenance issues as well as some upgrades. If you cannot reach the website, please do not worry as it will be available again soon. As always, we thank you for choosing StrictPay as your internet payment processing solution.
Thank you. Team StrictPay. The Best Payment Solution

DepositPalace (yet to be reviewed on MNO) paid me on expiry from their 103% after one day plan and encouraged me to try out their longer plan so I went with 143% after 10 days plan this time. We’ll see how it goes but so far so good. I like DepositPalace and the different plans they offer which also includes: 107% after 2 days, 112% after 3 days, 127% after 6 days and 310% after 30 days. DepositPalace has been running for over two months already and could be a nice pick if you prefer such games and are ready to risk your money to receive some big profits.

Another short-term program that I already consider to be quite a success is GrabFund (reviewed here). Less than two weeks online the program has already found some admirers for its speedy payouts on the following profitable plans: 112% after 3 days and 144% after 10 days. The good choice of payment processors also contributed to this success. So I’ve decided to interview the admin of GrabFund and will be publishing that on my blog tomorrow. So stay tuned for that, guys!

Speaking of short-term programs I would be telling a lie if I said there was a more popular program than PTVPartner (reviewed here) offering 110% after 10 days along with the longer plans paying 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days. The program definitely received some huge accolades from the investment community with regular payouts for over 5 months now. The admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here) has some very innovative ideas and a unique approach to his program making it not only an investment tool for making money but something much more: a portal including chat rooms, video share site, broadcast radio and many other things which you will not be able to find in other programs. Last night Garrett sent out another newsletter and announced the schedule for three other investment meetings for the week ahead, threw in some stats from the program stating that PTVPartner had already reached over 7,000 members which is a remarkable achievement in itself, answered another question from an investor and shared another joke of the day. Please read the latest update from PTVPartner below to find out more details:
Monday the 22nd at 4pm GMT (10am CST)
Wednesday the 24th at midnight GMT (6pm CST)
Friday the 26th at 3am GMT (Thursday the 25th 9pm CST)
Update regarding Exchanger Warning:
The issue with Auexchanges is or will be shortly resolved.
He has moved funds successfully on several occasions.
SP had several issues with Bank Wires which is well known.
Their issues seems to have been resolved, however, this has created delays for many of their exchangers. Jimmy seems to be doing his best to accommodate his clients in the least amount of time possible.
We appreciate his efforts. Garrett
New Notes from This week’s Meetings:
PTVPartner has been online since Aug 28, 2009 – with over 7,000 members – We paid out $6.0M in withdrawals. The active investments are little over $4M with no missed payments. We have new dedicated https secure servers using 4 processors. Jan28 was our 5th month online!
Blog Article of the Day:
Europe’s woes are US’s too
The interconnections between what happens in Europe and it’s affects on the US are explored in this article. Please visit our blog daily!
Support Question of the Day:
When should I send a support ticket?
In most cases you will not need to send a support ticket. Many times you can find a solution in our forum or chat room. Please check both of these places before sending a support ticket. Our moderators are equipped to answer questions regarding procedures, timing, general questions and much more. When they are unable to assist you then they will refer you to the support ticket system.
Joke of the Day:
Two guys are out hiking. All of a sudden, a bear starts chasing them.
They climb a tree, but the bear starts climbing up the tree after them. The first guy gets his sneakers out of his knapsack and starts putting them on.
The second guy says, “What are you doing?”
He says, “I figure when the bear gets close to us, we’ll jump down and make a run for it.”
The second guy says, “Are you crazy? You can’t outrun a bear.”
The first guy says, “I don’t have to outrun the bear. I only have to outrun you.”
We would also like to recognize the extraordinary Olympic Event being hosted in Vancouver, BC.
The opening was absolutely amazing. Many hours of work have gone into this and they have put in a supreme effort to make everything wonderful.
We would also like to send our condolences to the family of the Georgian athlete who died during practice.
All of these athletes represent what all of us aspire to become, the best of what we can be.
Congratulations to all of the countries involved.
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

I’m glad to report that supposedly the admin of Xcelsus (reviewed here) listened to what he was told – his program will not be popular with the current extra low-ROI plans – and offered some solution to those of the investors wanting some fast and ponzi-based profits. So for $5 you can buy surfing units and surf 5 pages daily to earn 10% for 11 days. Well, 10% profit for 11 days sounds a bit different than the 6% per month that Xcelsus offered before. I wish the admin started his program with this in the first place and not offered returns that some people could receive in real banks without playing HYIPs at all. For this surfing plan you can only make your deposits in LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney (I don’t know what the reason was for not accepting AlertPay for this particular plan but it doesn’t look good). However setting up this new profitable surfing plan the Xcelsus program lost its image of being a realistically priced program and turned into a simple game like thousands of others as I don’t believe 10% profits for such a short period can be explained by Forex trading anyway. It’s your decision after all if you want to participate in this new surfing plan from Xcelsus and if you do then please read the latest newsletter from the admin of the program announcing it:
Hello, i hope you are having a nice weekend, well as for my self it could not be better, welcome to new members and investors, a month already we continue to grow at a steady pace, in this update i want to let you know that by popular demand, we have added a new feature to Xcelsus.
Now the feed back we were getting was plans too long and low roi, and that some members where not investing because of that, so to make it nice for everyone, and that we have something for all likes, we partner up with another admin to add something else that was missing probably and that is a higher roi and shorter term investing plan, so we added and auto surf program now to Xcelsus, it is a 10% X 11 days, 5 pages auto surf and a minimum per unit of $5, so now everyone can be happy, just i want to warn you this is going to be for a limited time, just so you can try us out and earn some fast roi, program will change accordingly to circumstances, so you might as well go to the site now and start earning, you only have to surf 5 pages, this change will also make it legal in many parts, we are in investor #38 and no winners yet for the contest.
Also at the next board meeting i will bring up the motion to lower the minimum investment for the Micro Test Plan as so much people have been asking for, but mean while we brought up the Surf Xcelsus plan so everyone can start getting a benefit, well that is about it for this week, thank you for reading.
I would appreciate if monitors and review sites can update this information, also payments have been made this week if you are missing drop me a support ticket with your username, there is a couple of you that have bonus and commission earnings sitting in your Xcelsus balance, so check it out and request your withdraw or put that to earn invest it in the Surf Xcelsus plan.
Wish you all a nice week end and hang ten.
Best Regards. Boss. Proud Xcelsus Admin

I received a reply from the admin of 21stCenturyArb today regarding the pending cashouts. He says that the person making cashouts to SP and LR is not around and will return soon to make the payments. So at the moment he could only offer me a payout to SolidTrustPay. I kindly agreed to be paid via STP and I advise to those who have a pending payout in 21stCenturyArb to do the same if they want to get paid faster. Please also report to me if you’ve been paid from 21stCenturyArb recently. I will be looking forward to your emails, guys!

The admin of StanbicArbitrage (reviewed here) which is offering a 10% weekly forever plan to his investors sent out another newsletter today. It was a totally promotional one which included the rules of the currently running referral contest as well as free upgrade bonus for those investors willing to deposit over $200 into the program. Here is the newsletter in full:
Dear Members, We wish to welcome all our old and new members into another blissful weekend and to introduce to all members of our MEGA WIN CONTEST, where every vibrant member would earn more money.
The following Cash Prizes will be awarded:
Refer 5 to 10 new active Members receive a ‘$50 bonus!
Refer 11 to 20 new active Members receive a ‘$100 bonus!
Refer 21 to 30 new active Members receive a ‘$150 bonus!
Refer 31 to 40 new active Members receive a ‘$200 bonus!
Refer 41 to 50 new active Members receive a ‘$250 bonus!!
Free Upgrade Bonus
Invest $200-$500 get free $20 Added to your account
Invest $501-$1000 get free $40 Added to your account
Invest $1001-$2000 get free $80 Added to your account
Invest $2001-$ 5000get free $150 Added to your account
Invest $5001 and above get free $250 Added to your account
Please promote ethically. Anyone caught using spam or unethical means will
run the risk of having his/her account suspended/terminated.
Let’s have fun in helping StanbicArbitrage to grow!
The contest starts today 13/02/2010 and will run until 06/03/2010.
Time they say is money; we charge you all to take advantage of this huge opportunity.
StanbicArbitrage is also wishing all members a happy valentine. Do drink and drive responsibly
Yours Sincerely, Adams Thompson

I have been paid today from the following programs: PTVPartner, HugMoney, StanbicArbitrage, SazaInvestments, GoldenFleeceFund, NanoMoneyCorp, CelexProfit, GrabFund, Dragadox, InvestoFin, AimTrust, GlobalFund, EzProfit, GoldenInvestment, IncoForex, FxStar, CSMFinance, AtoxFinance, MandarinInvest, Verifield, Skinex, NasMos, KobelCapital, RedOrchidInvest, FinanceNova, XagaEnterprise, UmaxFunds, StarkFund, InvestProxy, WaterInvestment, ExceptionalFunds, Aballong, Eternidex, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, MoneyPlus, GeniusFunds, WeeklyDividend, EuroNanoInvest, ScootFx, AlphaInvestments, TheKapital, OneDailyPro, SportBetInv, 21stCenturyArb, DreamWealthBuilder, WestFinance, TradeZoom, BarterCrown, DepositPalace (the first payment received) and InvestAward (the first payment received).

Don’t forget to check out my blog tomorrow for another interview, more news from the industry and the review of another possible hit AlphaInvestments which just launched a few days ago and offers 115% after 7 days, 140% after 14 days and 200% after one month. What is so special about AlphaInvestments that makes it stand out from the others? Check out my blog tomorrow to find out!

That’s it for today, guys! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Please spend tomorrow with you loved ones as it’s Valentine’s day for God’s sake. I surely will! See you tomorrow!

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