February 2010 Archives

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Hi everybody! For the second blog post today as well as all the regular news updates I also want to take a look at one of the most interesting new programs to be added to my monitoring page recently. And I don’t mind telling you it’s also one of the most promising. It’s called EuroNanoInvest and it’s a new low rate of interest long term HYI program. Promise and potential doesn’t put cash in your pocket, I know, and the long term HYIP market can be a tough one to crack. Certainly to become one of the top seven or eight as it has been pretty much a closed shop for some time now. But with the proper marketing strategy and with good management it could well (eventually) become a challenger to the leaders in the field.

So what makes this one so good? Well quite a lot actually and I’ll try to get through everything here. First and foremost though would be the investment plans. There’s a lot more to EuroNanoInvest than just that of course but I guess that’s really the reason why most investors start looking at any program in the first place, isn’t it? And in this case they’re not bad at all. Though some of them are expensive I wouldn’t describe it as a major drawback here. First of all because EuroNanoInvest is organized with at eye on the longer term future of the program, and also because they do have other options more affordable to the smaller investor.

So in order to describe the plans properly we must first step back and take a look at the name of the program itself. You’ll see what I mean in just a moment. So as you may have guessed EuroNanoInvest is claiming to be involved in the field of researching and developing nano technologies. Now without getting too technical about what exactly that’s supposed to mean, the program admin claims that there are three particular fields where these activities are applied: Medicine, electronics, and materials. And these activities form the basis of the three investment plans you are being offered.

The first of these plans is called “Nanotech in Medicine” (they’ve all got some colorful names!). If you are interested in why they call it that you can see it explained on the website, but here I’d just like to concentrate on the facts relevant to your investment. The plan will run for 160 business days which is 32 weeks. The minimum amount you may invest is just $10. In return you are offered a daily interest payment of 1.4% which will be paid 5 days per week, Monday through Friday. When the plan expires your initial deposit will be returned. A simple example would be the following:
Let’s say you join with $100. In return you would be paid $1.40 five days per week. That would be a weekly wage of $7 and eventually add up to $224 in profits on top of your original principal. But with daily payments coming in everyday you should break even on receipt of your 72nd payment from a total of 160.

For the bigger spenders EuroNanoInvest offers the “Nanotech in Electronics” plan. On one hand it’s a less risky option in the sense that it pays you an increased profit level over a shorter period of time, thus making it easier to break even and start seeing some real earnings. But on the other hand if you want to take advantage of this you are going to have to pay for it. Here’s how it works – the minimum deposit is $1000 so straight away you can see that this one is for serious players only. But if you do decide to take the plunge then you can expect a daily interest payment of 1.6% per day five days per week, Monday to Friday, for a term of 140 business days. That’s 28 weeks. In practical terms that would mean the bare minimum $1000 deposit would result in you getting paid $16 five times per week ($80 total). That would see you break even on payment day number 63, and finish the plan with a total profit of $2,240. Your principal is then returned.

The third plan is unlikely to attract a great deal of interest from investors at this stage due to its prohibitive cost, though it might find a few takers further down the line if (when) EuroNanoInvest manage to establish themselves as a serious competitor in the long term HYIP arena. But as I have little doubt that they’re going to be around for a while let’s take a brief look anyway. For a start it’s called the “Nanotech in Materials” plan and it’s going to set you back a cool $8,000 if you’d like to find out if it’s any good. Like I said, they’re going to have to build up a solid reputation over the coming months before very many start joining this one, but in time there’ll be a few. The plan itself runs for 120 business days (24 weeks) and offers daily payments of 1.8% interest made from Monday to Friday. Your principal will be returned on expiry.

One thing that will unfortunately hinder the short term growth of EuroNanoInvest is the very limited choice of payment options. For now that’s limited to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney with no indication of whether or not there will ever be any intention to expand. There are some other very successful programs I could name with a similarly restricted choice and it doesn’t seem to have damaged them, but we are talking about serious long term operators here. In time EuroNanoInvest may get past this but in the short term it’s not going to help.

The EuroNanoInvest website isn’t just good. It’s excellent. It’s quite unique and very professional in its design and its organization. The hosting provider is Dragonara and the protection from DDoS attacks is added by GigabitDC. Dragonara are also keeping them on a dedicated server so as hosting packages go they don’t come much more dependable than that. In keeping with all the very best online HYIPs EuroNanoInvest has chosen to shun the generic scripts available for general sale and opt for a totally unique and custom made one. If all that didn’t already make them better than average then I think it’s the addition of SSL encryption supplied by Comodo that pushes EuroNanoInvest into the top 10% in terms of online safety for themselves and more importantly their members.

But there’s a couple of little extras that really make a world of difference. Things that really aren’t that difficult to add but do lend an air of professionalism. For instance they have a PDF file presentation outlining the investment plans and the business behind them. There is also a Careers Page though I don’t know that you seriously have a chance of a long and satisfying career with an online HYIP if you were successful in applying for a job with them! Still, it all adds up to creating a very good impression and should leave you in no doubt that this is a program planned, organized, and managed by some very competent HYI professionals who know what they’re doing and can keep this program running for a long time.

If you need to communicate with the admin you can do so by submitting a support ticket through the form on the contacts page. There is also a direct e-mail link if you prefer. Best of all is the Live Chat feature where you can get your questions answered in real time should there be an operator online (it’s not a 24 hour service). They also have a postal address in the Seychelles, where they are a legally registered business. A certificate is attached which you can examine for yourself and investigate further if you wish, just remember that getting yourself incorporated as a company and obtaining a license to offer financial services are two completely different things. EuroNanoInvest also says they are running since last year but the first mention of them that I can find on any public forum dates from only a couple of weeks back. And that is how I would always judge the age of an online HYIP. They can be “online” as long as they wish, it’s when they become open to the public that really counts.

Now, you can choose to believe their Nano stories if you like, I have no way of verifying them anyway. But what I can tell you is that as online HYIPs go EuroNanoInvest has what it takes to become a major player in the industry. That by no means should suggest that this is a risk free venture either. We are, keep in mind, talking about a purely internet based project but that in turn in no way means that you can’t make a good profit for yourself either. Keep it sensible and observe them in action if you want. Once you are satisfied you can always expand your investment later. EuroNanoInvest will still be here. Those who join early will reap the biggest reward.


I realize that not everybody received their payouts from SazaInvestments today as promised in the latest email from the admin Ricardo. I don’t want to put them to Problem status on MNO just yet but definitely these complaints sound alarming to me. So I decided to give Ricardo another chance and answer my email and at least tell the exact date when the payouts are going to be processed. I hope to receive a reply from him by tomorrow but if I don’t get anything I will have to move SazaInvestments to Problem status on MNO which will only be reversed after everybody is paid.

On the other hand I’m receiving daily emails about the payments continuing to flow from GoldNuggetInvest. I however will not change my decision and will not move it to Paying status until everybody gets paid. I am confident that will happen by the end of February as promised by Robert and team. I have a lot of faith in them and have no doubt that they will spare no effort in getting GNI back on track. After the payouts are processed GNI will return to the #1 on my blog. Also I found it quite strange that somebody created a thread on the GNI private forum discussing the GNI status on MNO behind my back. I believe I always maintain an honest approach towards any of the programs listed here and to question my credibility regarding GNI would be really strange. You know that I always supported Robert and GNI and will stay supportive of them no matter what happens because I believe that GoldNuggetInvest was and possibly is one of the best programs online with proper management and professional admins. Despite all the obstacles they continued to pay till the end and when the payments at their old rates were not possible they undertook an enormous effort to restructure the program and make it more viable under the ever changing conditions. My account was credited today with 16% monthly earnings which could be requested and paid in March. And of course you have my promise that GNI will be moved to #1 where it belongs straight after everybody is paid. I believe it’s only fair and honest but it’s my personal point of view and I respect also other people’s opinions on that matter. However, as the only official monitoring for GNI I want to make sure that the program really has recovered before putting it to Paying status and meaning directly or indirectly promoting it again. If you’re against this approach then I believe we just have different point of views which is completely normal. If you have questions ask me and I will answer you honestly. That is better than gossiping and speculating on internet forums without even attempting to discern the truth. I don’t find it very appropriate and it’s certainly of no benefit whatsoever to the program or its members.

Skinex is one of those hidden gems that may not look too enticing for a newbie but with a customized script, SSL-encryption and instant payouts to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and GlobalDigitalPay, they’re going to catch the eye of the more experienced players. A full review of Skinex is going to be published on my blog tomorrow, however the more I look into it the more I like it. After three weeks online the Skinex site is still paying out fine for the both of their investment plans: 11% for 12 days with daily payouts and 144% after 12 days with payouts on expiry. It’s improving constantly as well and at the moment the interface of the website can be read in three languages: English, Russian and German (the latest addition). By improving the website and making it more accessible to non English speakers who, without a professional translation, would otherwise ignore the site. Skinex is really a good program as I’ll try to demonstrate in tomorrow’s review. Here is the latest update from Skinex:
Just as announced in our last newsletter, we now feature a complete German translation of our website. It is also possible to send support tickets in German. More translations will follow!
Thank you, Skinex staff

There have been three new programs added to my monitoring page which I would like to introduce to you now with more detailed reviews to follow later in the week. Let’s start with ArxonAds which just launched today. It’s a new autosurf offering you daily payouts on a low-ROI plan of 2.4% daily for 365 days. For surfing 10 sites daily you will be able to request your payout after surfing. All the popular payment processors are being accepted (AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and SolidTrustPay) and you can join for only $5. Everything else is pretty standard here: we can see a licensed NeverSay script which is a pretty typical for any autosurf, hosting on a dedicated Staminus server with Koddos protection is always welcome and should save ArxonAds from possible DdoS-attacks. There is also Live Chat added as a pretty good extra. ArxonAds is allegedly “backed by Penny Stock Trade managed by Arxon Group Inc.” However so far no shred of evidence was presented about that so I suggest you treat ArxonAds as a game. The advantage of which is you can also promote your website or referral link by adding it to the surfing rotation. More on ArxonAds in the review on MNO coming soon!

The second program is an HYIP called IntraTraders. This one looks pretty awesome I would say and very different from others. With good management and promotion it could become a very big hit soon. The program has been online for three months already but it’s still kinda flying under the radar. By opening the website you will see straight away the page where you will be prompted to choose your language from among the nine available. To my disappointment the Russian translation was not so good and was definitely made by an online auto-translator rather than a real interpreter. What grabs my attention from the beginning is that IntraTraders is using a very professionally designed customized and SSL-secured script which I don’t remember seeing in any other program. They also have some trading charts and stats but I don’t know if they can be believed (provided the texts describing their Forex activities are not original). Anyway, for a program that only accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney IntraTraders really looks good. Remember that like most of the trading sites your interest will be credited on business days only (Monday to Friday) and that you will have to make a withdrawal in order to get paid. There is an interesting option of premature withdrawal of your principal with a 20% fee which you can use if you need your money back urgently. Compounding is also allowed and you can set it up in your members’ area prior to making a deposit. The investment plans offered by IntraTraders are quite simple and you will get paid from 1.2% to 1.8% daily variable rate on your investment from $10 to $1,000. For higher investments there are higher fixed rates available: 2.15% daily (for $1,001-$5,000) and 2.4% daily (for over $5,001 investments). The maturity term will be 180 days after which you will get your principal back. More on IntraTraders can be read in the upcoming review on MNO later this week.

The third program I’m going to introduce to you tonight is the “oldest” one and it has been online for nearly a year. It has quite a long name – WorldWide Financial Department. So for the sake of brevity I’ll just call it WWFD. Strangely enough though the program has been monitored by some famous monitoring sites including Goldpoll for a year but the threads on public forums only only started this February. This getts even weirder when I checked their “whois” page and found their domain name WWFD was created only on 24th of January, 2010. So I just find it hard to believe how they could be listed on some monitors at a time when the site didn’t even exist. They could use a different domain and plans before but then it would have to be considered a totally different program. So I suggest to ignore these claims and consider it as a new program starting this month. Otherwise the WWFD website looks quite good: offering daily, weekly and monthly plans with fixed interest where your profit rate will depend on how much money you deposited. The minimums are different for each plan as well and it starts from $20 which you can deposit in the daily plan. The rates are as follows: 1.2%-1.8% for 150 business days, 7%-10% for 20 weeks, 30%-42% for 5 months with the principal returned on expiry for all three. The payment processors accepted are LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay. The security of WWFD website is quite good: it’s hosted on a dedicated server protected by Dragonara, is running off a licensed GoldCoders script with SSL-encryption. So for the security everything is up to standard here. More about WWFD can be read on my blog soon.

And finally I have been paid by the following programs today:
GeniusFunds, SportBetInv, GrabFund, MandarinInvest, PTVPartner, HugMoney, ForexNetClub, SantiVentures, NanoMoneyCorp, DreamWealthBuilder, WestFinance, PanaMoney, NasMos, Verifield, Skinex, FxStar, Aballong, InvestoFin, EuroNanoInvest, FinanceNova, StarkFund, Infinitum, InvestAward, CelexProfit, AsiaInv, TradeZoom, Dragadox, OneDailyPro, KobelCapital, RedOrchidInvest, WaterInvestment, WeeklyDividend, CSMFinance, InvestmentForge, UmaxFunds and AlphaInvestments.

See you all again tomorrow with another two articles and all the most up-to-date news from anywhere in the industry. Stay tuned and don’t forget to check out my blog tomorrow!

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