February 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! For the second review today I decided it might be better to get back to looking at some longer term options. Just to give a more balanced feel to the day’s articles. So for this evening’s update I’d like to start with a closer look at a long term program called InvestAward.

The plans on offer are average enough for a program like this so I doubt they’ll be winning any awards. There’s only two of them and one of those is completely beyond the reach of most online HYIP players so there is a distinct lack of choice here. InvestAward needs something to set it apart and make it memorable from the competition as the long term HYIP market is a notoriously difficult one to get yourself a place in the top seven or eight. But there are still a couple of nice safety features that I’ll get to in a moment and that will certainly be hugely beneficial to them.

The first plan is open to deposits of $10 and upwards. It runs for 120 business days which is 24 weeks. During that time you should be paid a daily interest rate, 5 times per week Monday to Friday, of 2%. Your principal is already factored into the payment schedule and will not be returned. So if we take a simple example of a $100 investment we could expect to earn $2 per business day, or $10 in a week. We should expect to break even after 50 business days (10 weeks) and finish the plan with total earnings of $240. Generally speaking a lot of long term HYIPs will return your principal on expiry. The fact that InvestAward doesn’t may prove a bit unpopular with the investors but in the long run it will help to sustain the program that little bit longer. That and make a lot more profits for the admin.

The second plan if maybe not quite for everyone, but you had better be the judge of that I suppose. I would say think about it carefully but as it will require a minimum deposit of $5,001 to join then there isn’t much to think about for most investors. But for your information the plan runs for 120 business days just like the previous one (24 weeks) and pays 2.4% interest per business day. That will all add up to a final total of 288% on expiry and your principal will not be returned.

OK, so the plans might not capture the imagination but as long as there is one you like then the choice of payment processor might make up for it a bit. All the popular ones are here including AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay. One other thing you might like to be aware of is that compounding is accepted.

InvestAward is hosted on a dedicated server from DdosLock and is running off a script licensed from GoldCoders. The members accounts are also protected by SSL encryption. Customer support is available through an online support ticket submission form. There is also a Live Chat feature available occasionally when the admin is online. InvestAward also publishes a postal address not far from Brisbane, Australia which is just about the farthest possible place on Earth away from me so I obviously can’t verify it. Though I imagine it’s just a mail redirection service anyway, much like MNO’s published address.

InvestAward is claiming to be supporting the payments to their investors by trading in ForEx. They even go so far to offer, and I quote, “100% transparency and liquidity with all of our trades”. I have no idea what that’s supposed to mean however as no evidence whatsoever is offered and the texts explaining it all were copied from other sources. So I tend to doubt all of that. We all know by now that these are stories for the newbies anyway with experienced HYIP players showing little if any interest in them beyond passing curiosity. Which is what I suggest you do. But as the program is only online for barely ten days online and does have some decent potential then it might be worth a modest investment to add to your portfolio if you’re on the look-out for a new long term HYIP.


First of all I would like to share some exciting news about PanaMoney (reviewed here). The is program based in Panama and offering you variable daily ForEx based returns ranging 0.5%-2.8% for 16-180 trading days with the principal returned on expiry. After being online for over 18 months they finally stepped in the right direction in my opinion. Starting from today PanaMoney dropped never popular V-Money and at the same time started accepting AlertPay, which is one of the most popular payment processors among online investors. So at this moment PanaMoney accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay, StrictPay and Bank wires. Maybe it’s the right time to look a bit closer at PanaMoney again if you haven’t done so before they added AlertPay? You can read more info about PanaMoney in my interview with its admin published here. And this is the latest news update from them on that:
PanaMoney Starts Accepting AlertPay
A new payment method has been implemented. Our clients can consider the opportunity of using AlertPay as a payment option. See more at AlertPay.
PanaMoney Stops Accepting V-Money
Due to the interruptions in operation of V-Money payment system we stop accepting deposits via V-Money and suggest our clients to switch their investments to any other available alternative electronic payment methods by contacting support@panamoney.net.

SantiVentures (reviewed here) is celebrating three months online. While this mark might seem insignificant considering they offer a low-ROI return of 1.3%-2.8% for 150 business days, the bonuses offered to commemorate this milestone will definitely be noticed by the online community. The thing is you will get a $15 deposit bonus on every new deposit made for the next 5 days. Considering that $15 is the minimum investment you can easily double your deposit. I think it’s quite a good deal myself. Your deposit bonus should be added automatically to your account at the end of each day manually by the admin, however if you wish to get the bonus faster you should contact the admin with all the information mentioned in the following newsletter:
We are happy to inform you that SantiVentures is almost ready to celebrate 3 months online. The project started out as a small community of online investors and entrepreneurs and grew into a large investment program now. We want to thank all of our 720 members who contributed and helped us develop all this time.
We are still working on a yearly management plan and we will share it with you soon at the end of this week in our special newsletter.
* You can make deposit and get extra $15 bonus added to your account for free! Don’t miss this chance because the offer is only available until February 22.
All bonuses will be added at the end of the day after reviewing each deposit manually. If you made your deposit between February 16 and February 22 and want to speed up your bonus please send us an email with your username and batch number confirmation and your $15 bonus will be added asap. So it’s as simple as that:
1. Make your deposit
2. Send us your username and batch number confirmation
3. Get your $15 added to your account!
Thank you for being a part of our project and enjoy your stay with SantiVentures!
Best regards, Info department. SantiVentures

CelexProfit (reviewed here) is spreading the word about their program by encouraging the best promoters with great prizes that will be shared among 46 lucky winners in one month after the contest finishes and the results are drawn. So if you’re good at promotion simply join in for your chance to win some nice prizes. I remind you that the program is accepting all the major payment processors and offering you the following investment plans: 1% for 30 days, 1.5%-2% for 90 days and 2.5% for 150 days. I will be sending some questions for the interview to its admin soon and hopefully we will get something interesting from him. Here is the latest newsletter from CelexProfit:
We are really happy with the number of members joining us every day and the amount of investments growing every day. Again, you are a big part of the program and we really appreciate doing business with you all. We are doing our best and most of you are doing the same, that is really nice. We are excited to announce that our new contest is now officially launched. CelexProfit will reward 46 people, the prizes will be divided between top promoters and most active members, prizes will be distributed as following:
#1 Winner:
The member with the biggest number of active one level referrals, counted from 2010-02-17 until the end of contest will receive $400 sent to any e-currency of his/her choice.
Old referrals will not be counted for the contest.
#2 Winners:
The first 20 members to have 15 active referrals will receive a prize of $50 sent to their e-currency account of choice.
You need to contact us as soon as you reach 15 new active referrals and you’ll be added to the winners list, contest will end as soon as first 20 members will have 15 active referrals.
#3 Winners:
We will pick 15 members who post their screenshots on forums and each one of the winners will receive $30 in cash.
Winners will be picked randomly, post as much as you can and your chances will be increased!
#4 Winners:
We will pick everyone who has at least one active referral and 10 lucky winners will receive $20 deposit to their account. If you have at least one active referral, you are eligible for the prize.
Contest will ends on 2010-03-17. Enjoy! Also don’t forget that until 19th February we have 5% bonus on LibertyReserve deposits.
Best regards, Andy

I hope you enjoyed reading the review of Skinex which I published on my blog today (read it here). The program is still paying instantly and I believe it can last for a long time considering all the effort the admin makes in the promotion of his site. Today for instance the new more eye-catching banners with a little green Yoda (character from the Star Wars movies) have been added. Quite amusing! You can view them in my review of Skinex as well as on my blog and monitoring pages. Here is the latest news which will be of interest to all active promoters of Skinex which is paying 11% for 12 days and 144% after 12 days:
To help you and your partners advertise our website and earn the 5% referral commission we offer, new banners have been added to the “Banners” section. We hope they will do a better job at catching potential investor’s eye and thus maximize your commissions and PTP earnings.
Thank you, Skinex staff

The admin of GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here) sent out quite an odd newsletter today where besides all the regular gold mine and bonuses stuff we could see some very high praise for of all things LibertyReserve. I don’t know what LibertyReserve did to deserve such an accolade being a totally anonymous and offshore company with no phone number displayed on their website and never being used by any real companies other than HYIPs. Perhaps the total anonymity of the accounts offered by LibertyReserve and the possibility to process any type of cashouts including of withdrawing the funds to bank accounts with absolutely no control (i.e interference) from the government is what makes it so convenient for GoldenFleeceFund and the online investment community. But then I’m wondering that if you’re an officially registered company and paying your taxes (like GoldenFleeceFund claims to be) why not offer proper banking facilities to your clients instead of dealing with some shady payment processors? That is probably a question which the investors of GoldenFleeceFund will never see answered. Anyway, because of that I can’t accept GoldenFleeceFund as a real investment company considering there was no proof presented to the investors even during my last interview with Felix (published here). It’s up to you to judge of course but I know I’m right by not believing it. Here is the latest strange newsletter from GoldenFleeceFund:
“Hello, This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund. Since opening up to public investment in October of 2009, we have come a long way in the progress of GoldenFleeceFund. We must thank David Spencer who told us about the global community behind an e-currency called LibertyReserve. In a global economic crisis with a global debt crisis, LibertyReserve and the community behind it has brought GoldenFleeceFund into a new territory. We have been able to open doors worldwide for the advancement of our company and for the advancement of our investors. We thank you for your continued support.
We have been able to find global buyers for physical gold. We have been able to buy equity in a gold producing mine. This all could not have been done without our global investor base. We are always trying to find out new ways to thank our investors. We offer a 5% referral commissions as well as deposit bonuses.
If you have not seen it before on our website, our corporate registration is available for viewing: https://goldenfleecefund.com/images/coigff.jpg
Currently through the end of February we are offering 5% deposit bonus for deposits of at least $500 and 10% for deposits of at least $3501. The 10% deposit bonus classifies your deposit as VIP and you are also eligible for a $150 instant withdraw deposit bonus.
We have many plans for the future of GoldenFleeceFund. Thousands of investors have joined us since our introduction to the online community in October of 2009. More are joining us everyday.
Investment groups in the Liberty Reserve community have come and gone during our time online. We are here growing faster than ever and making new progress in the world of real investing. We have more power in the global corporate world of precious metals investing because of our investors.
Our team of investors loves to discuss our strategies and thoughts. If you have any questions about GoldenFleeceFund, feel free to respond to this email or submit a support request through GoldenFleeceFund.
Thank You, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

Good news for the members of DepositPalace! The program resumed payouts today and the admin apologized for making the investors wait for their cashouts. I have already moved DepositPalace program back to Paying status on my monitoring page and am going to review it on MNO within the next couple of days. So stay tuned for that! Here is the official explanation from DepositPalace:
Hello members, Sorry for delay about to send withdraws. we had a problem in our server it has solved now.
We sent all withdraws. We will continue with you safely.
Sorry again. Best Regards.

Unfortunately FundUpgrader autosurf has to be moved to Problem status due to the website’s inaccessibility for the last few hours. The admin told me that he would take a look at the possible reasons of the downtime but at this moment I’m still waiting on an official response. So FundUpgrader is on Problem status until I get some positive news regarding the site’s uptime.

Finally I got a reply from the admin of SazaInvestments Ricardo explaining the reasons for not answering me recently (there is the Chinese New Year celebrations in Indonesia where most of their support team is located and they had some time off). He also asked me to place a poll on my blog asking the members if they want SazaInvestments to continue and pay to everybody within the next few days or if they could close the program and audit the possibility of giving refunds to those not in profit. The choice is yours, guys, and I have already placed the poll on my blog (you can find it in the end of my right sidebar). Please cast your vote and decide the future of SazaInvestments. Here is the latest newsletter from them:
We understand you and it’s not your fault for what is happening. The programmer we paid failed to deliver the script we wanted and the enemies couldn’t stand to not tried to put us down. We explained already to members why the payouts were delayed and we think it’s understandable as long as you’re not thinking as a scammer. However, as long as in this online industry most of them if not all are scammers we can understand their attitude either. We have two choices now: either those with pendings to wait for couple of more days so we get online the funds loaded already and the site to continue to pay, or to close the site, do an 100% audit and see who ever is not in profit to be refunded and close the site. We think the best is if you make a pool and members themselves to choose. They called us scammers for no reason. We told them all from the beginning that we are not online wizards but we know to make business offline. That is why we couldn’t find the right programmer and we failed on this for now. If members will choose to give us their trust we will continue the payments and everybody will be paid into the end and a new script will be released for us by another programmer (which hopefully won’t be as worse as the last one). It’s not that we are scammers, or not professionals but online working is something we learned step by step and apparently not fast enough for this kind of clients. We don’t blame anybody for what they said and we understand them but it’s just not true. The chance to continue it’s up to them now if they will have enough patience. Let them choose. Also we would like to announce everybody that we give up the bank account deposits because they were too many who asked to invest with bank wire and requested payouts on payment processors. As we said before we are not exchangers. We just chose to be honest and tell you the truth. It’s their choice if they believe us or not.

I have been paid today by the following programs:
GeniusFunds, XagaEnterprise, GoldenFleeceFund, MoneyPlus, NasMos, GrabFund, CelexProfit, MandarinInvest, Skinex, Dragadox, CSMFinance, HugMoney, FxStar, BarterCrown, SportBetInv, TradeZoom, DreamWealthBuilder, EuroNanoInvest, AlphaInvestments, Aballong, PTVPartner, NanoMoneyCorp, WaterInvestment, DepositPalace, OneDailyPro, ScootFx, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, Verifield, InvestoFin, AtoxFinance, AsiaInv, EzProfit, GlobalFund, ExceptionalFunds, RedOrchidInvest, FinanceNova, TheKapital, WestFinance, Eternidex, GoldenInvestment, UmaxFunds, SantiVentures, WeeklyDividend, StanbicArbitrage, InvestAward, WWFD (the first payment received), ArxonAds (the first payment received), XciteInvest (the first payment received) and IntraTraders (the first payment received).

That’s it for today and I hope to see you on my blog tomorrow with another interview, review and more news from the Industry! Stay tuned and see you later!

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