February 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! For my first post today I am really pleased to finally have this interview with the admin of what has surely been one of the most successful programs and consistent performers in the online investments industry for the last several months. I’m talking about Robbyn Hart who I’m sure needs little introduction to the many loyal fans of MandarinInvest (reviewed here).

That popularity is in no small part due to the professional service and regular and dependable payouts made by MandarinInvest. In what can be a very difficult area of the HYIP industry to establish yourself in, Robbyn and MandarinInvest have worked tirelessly to earn a reputation as a team that can compete with the more established names in the industry. And I think you’ll agree after reading this that the program is in some very capable hands and managed by some good HYIP professionals.

Before we hear from Robbyn however allow me to just briefly remind you that MandarinInvest is a long term HYI program that offers 1% for 30 days, 1.3% for 100 days, and 1.6%-2.1% for 150 days, with your principal returned on expiry.

1. Hi, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us a bit about your own involvement in MandarinInvest. Is this your first online venture? What other experience do you have in this Industry?

Hello! My name is Robbyn Hart. I am the head administrator of the website and the founder of MandarinInvest investment funds. This is the first online program for me and my team, but I do have experience in offline investments.

2. Can you also give us some background history on MandarinInvest? Why did you decide to open your own program and what are you expecting to achieve by this? Are you alone or do you have a business partner or assistant?

Me and my partners have decided to extend our offline business, first of all – investments in promising Chinese structures, and so we created this program. I have also hired some personnel to maintain the program (technical administrator, client support and translators).

3. Can you explain how the process works to someone who may not be familiar with this industry? From the moment I decide to join MandarinInvest to the moment I get my first payout, what happens? What do I need to do?

The investment procedure is quite simple and looks as follows: you have to register an account, fund it and then make a deposit. A more detailed how-to can be found in our FAQ section. In MandarinInvest interest is credited daily, so you can request your first earnings after just 24 hours.

4. What are the plans you are offering investors? What are the minimum and maximum amounts to spend? What payment processors are you currently dealing with? Are payouts automatic or do I need to request them?

We offer following investment plans: “Basic” (minimum – $1, maximum – $99), “Starter” (minimum – $100, maximum – $999), “Advanced” (minimum – $1000, maximum – $4999), “Professional” (minimum- $5000, maximum – $14999) and “VIP” (minimum – $15000 with no max limit). Accepted e-currencies are: LibertyReserve, AlertPay, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay, EcuMoney, C-Gold, Pecunix and StrictPay. We also plan adding SolidTrustPay. Withdrawal requests to LibertyReserve, StrictPay, PerfectMoney, AlertPay, GlobalDigitalPay of up to $100 are processed instantly. Withdrawals to other payment systems and for amounts above $100 take up to 3 business days.

5. Do you think that some of your plans are too expensive to interest the majority of HYIP players? Only a small minority can afford $1000 and they prefer to invest that with more established programs. Is this hindering the growth of MandarinInvest?

Our investment strategy is specially designed for investors who start with $1000, which is the reason why conditions for such deposit amounts are better than for smaller ones. This does not hinder our growth in any way.

6. What about the security of the MandarinInvest website? What steps have you taken to protect both yourselves and members from things like malicious hackers or identity theft? Are you on a dedicated server and how protected are you from DDoS attacks? Who is your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

MandarinInvest runs on a dedicated server hosted by DDoSWIZ, who do a good job at protecting us from DDoS attacks, as we didn’t experience any serious downtime since we went online. The website also features an SSL encryption, which ensures safe data transfers between members and the website. The certificate provider is PositiveSSL. As to hacker attacks – they are virtually impossible thanks to a custom script, which was programmed especially for MandarinInvest. It features advanced data protection algorithms and the website itself is constantly monitored by a technician.

7. What advertising strategy have you been using to promote MandarinInvest to date? How big a role have existing members played in this promotion?

First of all we try to make our program international and available to most internet users as it is known that not all potential investors understand English well. We also promote our program on various forums, blogs and monitors dealing with online investments. The members play an important role in our program’s development too – their positive feedback strengthens our company’s reputation.

8. What about the success of the program overall so far? Are you pleased with the level of growth to date? Can you give us any statistics on the amount of members and the total amount deposited? What are your expectations over the coming months? How do you plan to develop and improve in a very competitive business?

Our program shows positive overall development thus far. We currently have 3500 registered members and total amount invested is about $800.000. We plan to further improve our program and add new useful features to the website, which will give us an advantage over competitors.

9. What kind of customer service and support do you offer to investors? What are the most effective ways of getting in contact with you if I have questions or problems? Do you have telephone or live chat support?

We currently have two employees responsible for client support. Available options are e-mail support, live chat and phone support. The most effective way to contact us is the support form on the website. Our support, in cooperation with me, primarily answers e-mail requests. You can also get phone support if an operator is available, but in case he isn’t – you can leave a message on voicemail.

10. I notice you have a multi-lingual versions of your website. What languages do you now have? Do you offer e-mail support or Live Chat support in any of them as well? And also, do you keep a certain fixed timetable or schedule for Live Chat? If so then when is the best time to find somebody there?

Our website is currently available in following languages: Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Korean, Czech, German, English, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese and Greek, 22 languages in total.

Live chat support is offered in Russian, German and English. E-mail support is available in all the languages listed. Live chat does not have a specific schedule and is online if an operator is available.

11. I see you also publish an address in Panama. Is that a real office where I will find MandarinInvest or just a managed “virtual office”? What would happen if I called to that address during business hours and asked to speak, in person, to a representative of your company?

This is a virtual office of our company. This means that you will find the business center, where our company is registered, and the call center under this address. In case you call this office, you will be redirected to our phone support number.

12. What can you tell us about the outside investment activities of your company? What are you doing with members’ money? How are you generating such huge profits and what can the investors do to independently verify this?

As you know, China shows the most economic growth compared to other countries despite the world financial crisis. For this reason we took a few years to develop a profitable investment scheme based on investments in various Chinese companies. Most of them are involved in production and logistics. To extend our business we have launched an online investment fund and invest our members’ money in the above Chinese industries.

13. What is your opinion of the online investments business in general? Can you tell us about your previous knowledge and experience in the HYIP business? Not just as an admin, but from your personal participation and observations. What do you like about it? What don’t you like?

I have some experience investing in such programs. Online investments are convenient, as depositing funds goes fast, anonymously and with no further expenses such as taxes, insurance and other fees, except for payment system fees. On the other hand, investing in online investment funds is very risky at the moment. That is why potential investors should take a serious approach to investing and analyze the program they are about to invest in.

14. With so many new programs coming online every day, what would be the one thing you would say to investors who are still undecided on which program to pick? What are the benefits of joining MandarinInvest over any other program?

I would like to tell potential investors that our investment strategy ensures our program’s stability and profits to our members, which is the most important thing. Time will tell whether our investment funds is better than the rest, as most other HYIPs can not maintain stable performance due to problems that arise over time and have to close prematurely.

15. And finally, what can we expect in the future from MandarinInvest? How do you plan to first of all keep your program competitive and then to make it one of the leading online HYIPs?

I will reveal some of our team’s near future plans regarding MandarinInvest: adding more languages such as Thai, Indonesian, Persian, Hindi and other; adding SolidTrustPay support; a detailed description of our company’s activities and much more. Our team will be able to keep MandarinInvest running steadily for a long time as long as our investments generate profits, which will help us to stand out from the crowd. Thank you for the interview.

Thanks a lot also to Robbyn for taking the time from what I’m sure must be a busy schedule to not only answer all my questions but to answer them so well. I hope all the members and non members alike found it interesting and of some assistance in helping you decide if it’s a suitable program for you or not.

That’s about all for this afternoon guys, but I’ll be back as usual later tonight with a full round-up of all the important news stories of the day from all the programs covered on my monitoring page. So make sure and check back here for that. See you all then!

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