February 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the interview from this afternoon. Even already the feedback has been quite positive. For this evenings review however I’m going to look at something completely different. It’s the turn of short term HYI programs once more and I’m going to take a look at website called DepositPalace.

It’s not exactly all that new as far as short term HYIPs go, in fact they’ve been online for the last two months. Of course there are two ways you can look at that but whatever your own opinion there is no denying that it’s quite an impressive achievement for a program like this. And while I’m not explicitly stating that I think it’s entirely a good thing or a bad thing, you should at least be aware of it if you are considering dropping a few bucks into DepositPalace.

So as long as you are aware of that we can look at the plans. There is quite a range of them and they stretch from extra short to more medium term. But if you are seriously concerned about the age of the program then start by taking a look at a few of the shorter term plans. They are very affordable to join so even in the worst case scenario nothing too bad can happen but at the same time there is an easy profit to be made.

Plan One for instance runs for just one single day. You can join for $10. On expiry your payment will be 103% of your principal which is also included. Maximum deposit is $10,000

Plan Two runs for 2 days and is also open to deposits between a minimum of $10 and a maximum of $10,000. Payment is made on expiry and will be 107% interest, principal included.

Plan Three is again open to all investments ranging from a $10 minimum to a $10,000 maximum. It will run for 3 days and on expiry make one single payment to you of 112% interest. Your principal is in there too.

There are still another three plans to go in DepositPalace but this is where things start to change a little. Plan Four for example is only open to deposits of at least $110. The investment term runs for 6 days and you are offered a more ambitious 127% interest payment on expiry, principal included. Maximum deposit $20,000.

Plan Five is also open to deposits of between a $110 minimum and a $20,000 maximum. This time the plan runs for 10 days and on expiry DepositPalace offer you a once off payment including your principal of 143%. Now I don’t know how sustainable you think getting a payment of that size every 10 days is but so far DepositPalace have been doing it successfully for over two months, so they must be doing something right. It might be worth a gamble if the price of the minimum deposit wasn’t so prohibitive. A lot of people who might like to take a gamble might be put off by that, and more so because of how long they are running. But as ever you must be the only judge here.

The final plan, Plan Six, is the longest term plan on offer here. It runs for 30 days and is open to deposits from between a minimum of $200 this time with the maximum back to $10,000. Payment is made on expiry and is 310%. Whatever you think about the sustainability of the previous plan, the same applies here only much more acutely.

I can’t help but feel the shorter term plans are going to be the popular ones from this point on with DepositPalace. And if you think I keep going on about the age of the program unnecessarily then that’s not really why I say this. In fact if anything I’d say you have to be a pretty good admin to maintain payments from plans like these for this long. But it’s as much to do with the cost at this stage. Many people who might just like to join the last plans for fun and take a gamble with ten or twenty bucks may have second thoughts when asked for $200. Anyway, as I said that’s just my own opinion but the more important judge is you.

The payment processors accepted by DepositPalace are a bit limited to say the least. Just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney so we all know what that means. All transactions are final and under no circumstances will any refunds be offered or any payments reversed. Don’t expect any sympathy in the event that you fail to earn what you were hoping for.

DepositPalace is hosted on a dedicated server supported by BlockDos, who are simply the best in the market right now. They are running off a script licensed from GoldCoders and their design and navigation is overall pretty OK. I mean there’s nothing really that complicated going on here in the first place so they have rightly opted to try and keep things simple. And that works for me. Unfortunately DepositPalace is not using SSL encryption to protect your account.

Some pretty vague references are made about “generating superior returns” but on closer inspection DepositPalace at no point ever mentions what, if any, line of business they are in and what they do with investors money. So no need to take them too seriously, not that I would have done that anyway. But after giving it some thought I think the best thing about this program may actually be the admin, because only the good ones would still be standing by now. You may wish to consider gambling a few bucks here if you’re looking for a fast return.


I must say I’ve rarely seen such overwhelming support like I saw when viewing the mid-term results of my poll placed on behalf of SazaInvestments. I remind you that the question is: What should the admin of SazaInvestments do next? There were only two possible options given by the admin Ricardo in his last newsletter to the members:
1) Close the program and issue refunds to those not in profit.
2) Continue for now. I’m prepared to wait for a few more days.
So from the 327 investors who participated in the poll only 16 people (or 5% from the total amount of the voters) voted for the closure of the program. The overwhelming majority of 95%, or 311 investors are willing to wait patiently for their turn in processing the payouts and showed every support for the admin in his efforts to continue with the program as usual. I was truly surprised by such amazing support and remind you that the poll will remain open for another 24 hours and after that I will contact Ricardo show him the results. I’m sure that with such high level of support and trust shown he will have no other choice but to carry on and continue SazaInvestments as usual. By the way, it was reported today that pending payouts are still getting processed by Ricardo so I would gladly move the program back to Paying status when everybody is paid. I sincerely hope it will happen soon.

The situation with Saza reminded me of that with GoldNuggetInvest which is also currently on On Hold status on my monitoring page and which I’m ready to move back to Paying once all the requested payouts are processed to everybody by the end of the month. I would like again to express my sincere gratitude to Robert who understood situation that I currently find myself in perfectly with the status continually being questioned by many people even on his private forum as he made the following statement:
I’d also like to comment on Paul’s decision to keep GNI on hold status for the time being!
Paul’s blog, Money-New-Online is in my opinion the only trusted blog and monitor in the entire online investment arena. In my opinion he is blogging responsible, fair and unbiased. He is not hiding that most of the programs he is reporting about are Games and despite the fact that admins are paying him for getting listed, he doesn’t put lipstick on the pig. If a program is using borrowed content he will mention it. He is constantly writing that he does not believe in the usual forex trading, gold mine operation or oil exploration stories and each program must prove itself to climb up in his ranking. We’ve been on his Number One spot longer than any other program before us. He downgraded us once last year to the Number Two spot. That was during the time of our script issues and our support couldn’t respond in a timely manner. He even informed me about his decision and I agreed! – But once we sorted out those issues, Paul doesn’t hesitate a second to put us back on the Number One spot! – And I have no doubt at all, that as soon as we’ve concluded this month cashout cycle we will be back on THIS spot.
That is the reason why we’ve chosen http://money-news-online.com to be our exclusive monitor!
Once again, the online investment industry is a dangerous playing field if you are not familiar with it – but thanks to Paul’s responsible and honest behaviour even newbies have a fair chance to play the game and make some deserved profits.

I would like to add that I receive dozens of emails from readers on a daily basis confirming they were paid by GNI. Thanks for your reports, guys, and please keep them coming! As for those who haven’t get paid yet please have some patience and you will be paid in due time, by the end of February, when hopefully I will be moving GoldNuggetInvest back to Top spot on MNO.

TradeZoom (reviewed here) paid me on expiry last night and the payment was processed pretty fast I would say. I remind you that the only investment plan which is worth your attention is 2% for 90 business days with the principal returned on expiry. The stable payouts and top-notch performance for over four months online made TradeZoom very popular among MNO readers and it currently occupies the #14 spot in my ranking. The new update from the admin (interviewed here) includes a mention of the so-called N2Trader site where you can get the stats of the trading by obtaining some software (though I’m not sure if it’s safe to download this program to your computer) and getting acquainted with their trading experience. The purpose of this sounds pretty unclear to me but you can form your own impression by reading the most recent update from TradeZoom below:
We are proud of obtaining other success toward getting customer’s satisfaction and their trust. And after passing lawful process, we contracted with N2 Capital Market one of reliable brokers.
By this way, all of trading foreign currency and commodities are doing by N2Trader platform from today, also all the investors can consider the trade’s process and manner of expertise’s work by this platform via investor account.
We are so glad that can approve our work and expertise in this field by adding this new technique, against other online investment programs.
Also this technique can acquaintance you with manner of expertise’s work and if you are interested in this business, it brings about useful experience.
How can you open N2 Investor account?
1. Login to your TradeZoom account, click on Request N2 Account, fill the form and submit, your account will be send to your email address between 24-48 hours.
2. Download N2Trader from N2 Capital market.
3. Login to N2Trader via your investor account and consider trades process.
Sincerely, TradeZoom Inc.

The almost traditional daily update for the investors of PTVPartner (reviewed here) arrived again. It includes the usual highly useful facts and practical information about the program, as well as something a bit more light hearted and whimsical. Today we have a reminder of the weekly meeting schedule, support question of the day (this time it’s about crediting the referral commissions to your PTVPartner balance), blog articles of the day and the joke of the day. You can find the recent newsletter from PTVPartner below and I will just remind you that you can invest into 4 plans with payouts on expiry: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days. PTVPartner is getting closer to celebrating 6 months online and I hope the admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here) will have some great surprises for the investors of his program:
Meetings this week:
Wednesday the 17th at midnight GMT (6pm CST)
Friday the 19th at 3am GMT (Thursday the 18th 9pm CST)
Happy Hour every Friday from Midnight GMT…(7-9 EST) and (4-6PST) in the Oasis Chat Room.
Cash prizes for active participants….$$$$$$$
Support Question of the Day:
Although it has only been a short time since we included this in our newsletter previously it still seems to be a consistent question among our investors so we thought we would repeat this again.
If your ref shows in your back office and they have invested funds from outside sources, you are paid commissions of 3% first level, 2% second level and 1% third level automatically. The commission is credited to your account after 7 days. If you think there has been an error, please send ALL details including batch numbers and amounts of referral outside investments. All details must be in one ticket to be acted upon.
If your referral does not show in your referral list in your PTVPartner back office, it would appear that they failed to sign up correctly using your link. There is no administrative procedure available to change referrer or sponsor details.
Blog Articles of the Day:
Our blog is developing nicely. We are still growing and expanding. Watch for expanding sections as we go along and many more articles daily. Today we have an article regarding the 4th International Conference on Climate Change. There are many points of view on climate change and this article is a good one to add perspective whether you agree with it or not.
Also, for those who are interested in asset protection their is a fascinating article that discusses a method to protect yourself and your assets without leaving and going offshore. While many like the offshore concept there are some who are not comfortable with that option. Each situation is unique and therefore you might wish to read this article and look into it as an alternative method. There are pros and cons to both sides of the coin and the best decision is an informed one. I would challenge you to look at this article today.
Joke of the Day:
A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts, “Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?”
The man below says, “Yes. You’re in a hot air balloon, hovering 30 feet above this field.”
“You must work in Information Technology” says the balloonist.
“I do,” replies the man. “How did you know?”
“Well,” says the balloonist, “everything you have told me is technically correct, but it’s of absolutely no use to anyone.”
The man below says, “You must work in business.”
“I do” replies the balloonist, “but how did you know?” “Well,” says the man, “you don’t know where you are, or where you’re going, but you expect me to be able to help. You’re in the same position you were before we met, but now it’s my fault.”
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

And speaking of good humor I received a funny email from the admin of XagaEnterprise Kevin (interviewed here) where he thanked everybody who returned the overpaid money caused by a glitch in the script over the last weekend. The manner of Kevin’s speech is really original and I just wish he had a bit less swearing and a bit more positive feeling about his program. Anyway, many investors consider XagaEnterprise (reviewed here) as quite a unique venture where the admin actually tells us what he does with the money invested in any of four plans offered to online investors: 1.2% every business day forever, 8%-10% weekly forever, 0.5% for 30 business days and 0.7% for 90 business days with the principal returned back on the last two plans. Here is the latest news from XagaEnterprise:
“First of all, I would like to say thank you for those who returned the money. I really appreciate that.
I received so many emails today. Some of them asking if the email that I sent previously was from me. Yes, it was from me. Not a phishing email.
I will try to answer all emails this weekend.
Some of my members asked me if I can just deduct the money from their account balance. I can’t. I’d rather have a battle at Casinos than editing members account one by one. I am the leader of team XagaEnterprise not a secretary. lol.
This problem didn’t affect Xaga performance at all. If you don’t want to return the money, that’s fine. Like I said before, I appreciate those who return the money. There is nothing wrong with returning the money coz it will be returned to you eventually. XagaEnterprise investment plans are for life, right?
Ok guys, consider this problem never exist. Although, I lose about 4-6K (not sure) because of this f*cking bug, XagaEnterprise has to keep moving.
Finally, I want to say XAGA ROCCCKKKKKKKSS!!!!
Maybe you think I am crazy, yes I am. Let’s forget about this and let’s make some money. Hallelujah!
Thanks. Regards, Kev
P.S : I still appreciate those that return the money.

I would like to warn my readers about GrabFund program. I have moved it to Problem status today due to some withdrawals pending for over 24 hours. I received also a couple of complaints from my readers about those delays and already contacted the admin with a request to explain the situation. However, provided that GrabFund is a short-term game I suggest you not to deposit there for the time being (at least before processing the withdrawals is resumed by the admin). Remember that in the case of such programs as GrabFund it’s always better be safe than sorry. And if the payouts resume tomorrow I will put the program back to Paying status. At this moment I’m just waiting for a response from the admin!

I have added another promising new low-ROI program to my monitoring page today. It’s called Plents – short and memorable. I like many things about this HYIP which started only a couple of days ago. The design of the website is quite good, the script is licensed from GoldCoders though modified a bit to look more solid. The Plents website is hosted on BlockDos with its powerful DdoS-protection and they also offer the chance to request your principal back anytime with a 32% penalty. Unfortunately there is only two payment processors accepted: LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The investment plans are divided into daily (1%-2.3% for 150 business days), weekly (6%-13.8% for 30 weeks) and monthly (27%-62.1% for 7 months) with compounding allowed and fixed interest depending on the amount deposited. By the way, you can invest in Plents starting from $10 so it’s affordable to everyone. Further analysis of the program and its plans will be available in my extensive review which I’m going to publish on MNO after receiving the first payout.

I have been paid today from the following programs:
PTVPartner, GoldenFleeceFund, NasMos, Verifield, HugMoney, MandarinInvest, Dragadox, Aballong, ArxonAds, FxStar, Skinex, NanoMoneyCorp, FinanceNova, SportBetInv, GeniusFunds, IntraTraders, RedOrchidInvest, DreamWealthBuilder, StarkFund, MoneyPlus, ForexNetClub, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, GlobalFund, PanaMoney, BarterCrown, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, InvestoFin, InvestAward, IncoForex, EuroNanoInvest, CelexProfit, CSMFinance, AtoxFinance, AtlantisMutual, AlphaInvestments, XagaEnterprise, SantiVentures, ScootFx, WestFinance, InvestmentForge, UmaxFunds, WeeklyDividend, InvestProxy, TheKapital, WWFD and WaterInvestment.

That’s all for today and I’ll see you tomorrow with two most posts. What will it be? Let it be a surprise for you. See you tomorrow!

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