Hi everybody! I have quite a busy day in store for myself today and not just with money-news-online either, which is why I’m posting a little earlier than usual. So for the first of today’s articles I have an interview much like yesterday’s with the admin of a long term low rate of interest online HYIP. Today it’s the turn of Todd from the grandiosely titled BostonVenturesBillionairesClub.
That’s a recently launched program added to my monitoring page for a little over three weeks now and so far so good. The program is offering terms that pay between 1.34% to 1.83% daily with your principal returned after 180 days. Before we hear from Todd you can always check out further information on BostonVenturesBillionairesClub by reading my original review published here.
“1. Hi admin. Please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO blog and tell us a bit about yourself. Tell us about your personal involvement with this site and tell us about your previous experience with online investments.
My name is Todd Savage; BostonVenturesBillionairesClub (BVBC) is my brain child. I am working with several of my partners which I will introduce later. We have tested out the online investing programs & we were very disappointed with a lot of places whether they had offices or all the due diligence was done or not. We are avid readers of MNO. We have been keeping abreast with online investments and being in the banking industry, I have come up with a program that is more realistically sustainable and will have the due diligence criteria’s of solid businesses which will grow with its membership base.
2. Can you also tell us about the history of BostonVenturesBillionairesClub? How long have you been online and what are you hoping to achieve by launching this program?
BVBC – the name comes from the shares of a company that deals with media currently. I chose this name because it is very close to my heart as it has made me much money. We have been online for 24 days and what we are trying to achieve is financial freedom for as many people who participate with a peace of mind and transparency on the part of the business.
3. What are the plans on offer to investors? Explain them to us in detail. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment processors are you currently dealing with?
We have 3 plans which we advertise, and as members of our club you will have the option to participate in these plans. These plans are very competitive and it is such as it needs to be submitted with our company prospectus.
1) 40% a month. This option pays you daily, into your account balance at a rate of 1.34 % even on weekends. This investment is from $10 to $5000
Below is an example on how all the plans work.
Example $100 will give you $1.34 daily and works out to $40 roughly a month, we hold the principal for 180 days and will be returned to you doubled. The total which will be returned on to the member will be $441.20 that is 441%.
2) 45% a month. This option pays you daily into your account balance at a rate of 1.45 % even on weekends. This investment is from $5001 to $10000
3) 55% a month. This option pays you daily, into your account balance at a rate of 1.83 % even on weekends. This investment is from $10001 to $25000
The rest of the plans work out as the example above, payments are done daily Monday to Sunday, into the account balance, this balance can be withdrawn Monday to Friday to your e-currency account.
4. Why are you asking for at least $5000 to join most of your plans when only a handful of online HYIP players can afford that kind of money? So
a) If the plans are that expensive don’t you think you are offering them to a totally wrong audience?
b) If 99% of investors can’t afford them aren’t they a bit pointless?
Minimum is USD 10 which is reasonable enough and is as competitive as any other program that is out there, however we have a niche as we pay out daily. The principal amount is also doubled.
You underestimate the potential of online investors. Since we are new we want people to learn to trust us and if they go in with a smaller amount they will be able to build up to bigger amounts and work towards the bigger investments. So, if you are saying 99% cannot afford the higher percentage return plans – they have the opportunity to join the first plan ergo 100% have a plan they can go in and the 1 percent that has a higher capacity makes more.
The other reason here is Paul, we are going to be around for a while if people start of small they can count on us being here when their invested amount is bigger. They will have daily ability to withdraw their amount which is more secure.
5. Also why are LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney the only payment processors you are accepting? Doesn’t that isolate a huge number of potential investors, particularly those from the US and Canada who don’t particularly like those options?
We are into a business of making money for other people. We have seen how other payment processors have all sorts of problems and delays. LR and PM are interchangeable at very low costs and fundable easily. Once our company is set up then we will be establishing more payment processors which will be all verified. As for now, it will only be additional work for us. Also most US and Canadian members choose anonymity more than anything else.
6. I can’t help but notice you say things like “the risk here is none”. How can anybody possibly make such a claim in this, or indeed any line of business? Especially in these times of global recession. Who underwrites this guarantee? Who offers this guarantee and how can we contact them? Please tell us the identity and domicile/country of registration of the guarantor e.g a reputable bank or insurance company. My readers tend to be a bit skeptical of such claims and would appreciate a detailed and independently verifiable answer.
Handful of banks worldwide actually guarantees your whole principle amount, not all will go above certain amounts; on the other hand most of the insurance company that guarantees the amount are broke as well. What we are doing here is buying assets such as farms for the production of food. These are commodities and it is the most viable means of an asset for the current market situation. There is a risk in everything which you are right in saying, however a calculated risk is the best way to deal with things. When our company is setup they will be under certain regulated authorities.
7. I’m also curious about one of your trading plans which you on one hand describe as “experimental” and then immediately afterwards say carries “no risk”. How can that be possible? Isn’t that an oxymoron?
Here it is said that there is no risks as money goes back into part of another trade if the one we want does not happen. So therefore you never loose money and so there are no risks – it is not experimental, it is just that the technicality of the procedure cannot be mentioned in an open forum. If you read it again, where it is mentioned such, the money follows a tested path nothing is wasted or stuck not making gains.
8. Who are the others involved in the program? Your home page mentions a number of partners. Please tell us their names and their roles in handling your members’ money. What are their qualifications and what institutions did they receive them from? What previous experience do they have in business and financial management?
We have 2 support and admin staffs – Ms. Cylia Mason (Head of Support) and Sarah Lim (Asst for support and deals with paper work) .2 people in IT Mr. Yaroslav who deals with arbitrage software script with his assistant, Ahmed. Then there is Mr Patel who has been in the banking scene for the last 20 years. Mr Krauser and myself who deal with the daily running’s of business, transferring funds and sifting through the land purchases bank paper work, Forex dealers and private banking arrangements. The two last mentioned have experience as private bankers. I mostly have a lot of experience being a Private bank Customer as I have shopped around for various lucrative deals which I have access too.
9. What measures have you taken to protect your program’s website from malicious hacking attempts and DDoS attacks that are so prevalent in this business these days. Are you hosted on a dedicated server? Who is your hosting provider and what script are you using? Are they reliable service providers? What about spyware and anti virus protection?
Spyware and anti virus protection would be the concern of our clients. As for our hosting provider it is Staminus in the US. We have SSL in place, we will be moving to a dedicated server once our company has been set up as it is provided with a custom made script for the financial service sector. We are on a DDOS protected server at the moment and using a licensed Monetary Soft script which is being continuously backed up and monitored. We will obviously grow with the need of our investors.
10. How have you been promoting the program so far? What advertising strategy are you using? How big a part have the existing members played in this? Are you satisfied with that level of support? Could anything be done to improve on this?
As we are currently growing, I would rather rely on word of mouth and media such as yourself which keeps track of monitored programs and gives accurate information of what is being done. We have a new 10% refferal for 30 days starting on the 15th of this month as we do not believe in sponsoring or giving money to charities or spending the money advertising. when 1 happy member tells 10 people they will tell another 10 each. We would prefer to use the advertising budget to be given it back to the investors in ways of referral programs.
11. What level of customer support do you offer members? How can they contact you if they have any issues with their investments? Do you offer telephone or Live Chat support?
We will have all this co-ordinated in our company. At the moment our support desk is manned 24 hours and most issues are reverted back rather immediately at this point of time. Once the phone support is incorporated, support service will be from Monday – Friday during office hours. Online investing is to cut overheads and maximize profits which in return are given back to the investors. The quality of the support grows as the business grows.
12. I see that you are working on phone support. Why does it take so long to install a telephone and couldn’t you just use cell phones until that gets fixed? Could you have done this before the program opened?
Like any good business your investors or members need to be trained on how one carries out its business. If you have people calling just for a chat we do not have the man power neither the resources at the moment. Besides, if investors/clients are able to call the office during office hours from the very beginning they will be better trained. There is no point of someone calling me on my cell to check something that is in the office while I am out at the bank or in a meeting.
This was done intentionally because we are in the process of setting up the company based on the response of the growth. As previously mentioned it is already a foot and in the process. Having office numbers and fax numbers that are permanent and that do not need to be changed will help and solidify our position.
13. Do you have an office where we can see your address? If not how can you expect people to invest their money with you if they can not find you later?
The company that we are setting up takes approximately 2 to 3 months to set up as it is an offshore financial company in New Zealand with a Panama holding company to offset taxes. A physical office will be in place in Australia and in Singapore, since banking laws are fast becoming myopic towards government control. This way we will still be regulated to a certain extent but free to operate on making money.
14. For the benefit of those not familiar with the jargon on your site, could you please give an explanation in your own words and non-technical terms of the following expressions found on your website?
a) Leveraged arbitrage funds
In my own words Arbitrage trading is the differential between 2 bets which you always make something on. How much you make depends on how much you put in. Leveraging these trades with well known bookkeepers gives you an opportunity to leverage 2.5 to 3 times. If the arb is for 100 we have it leveraged for 250 but show only a 100 the return is based on the 250, part of it which goes back to the bookkeepers as this is safe as we never loose.
b) Leased bank instruments
This is loaning or borrowing a certificate of deposit or fixed deposit and pledging it to a bank for a certain amount of money upfront from the bank because we have paid the owner twice its normal bank interest for the year, hence we own the reflected amount on the paper for a period of the lease which was paid in double to the owner allowing us to use 80% of his paper work to trade, which in turn also explains hypocation pledging to the bank for an amount of money.
c) Hypocation
As above.
15. What about the success of the program so far? Are you pleased with the level of growth to date? Can you give us any statistics on the amount of members and the total amount deposited?
Yes I am pleased with the steady growth and as for the statistics; I would not want to tempt hackers and unnecessary malicious attempts on our site.
16. A lot of good HYIPs have opened recently. There is a pretty big choice out there for the investor so if you had just one thing to say to potential investors to convince them why your program is better that the others, what would it be?
It would be the only HYIP right now which will be having their own offshore financial services company which will allow them access to financial services with liberty and ease of financial transactions. As you know there are one or two but are completely private and not advertising at all.”
Thanks a lot to Todd for answering my questions and I hope you all found it interesting as well as useful when deciding if BostonVenturesBillionairesClub is a suitable venture for you or not. That’s about it for the moment but not for too long. I’ll be back again a little later with more reviews and all the day’s important news stories from all the programs covered on my monitoring page. So stay tuned for that guys and see you all then!
Filed under Interviews by on Feb 18th, 2010. Comment.
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