Hi everyone! A bit earlier than usual tonight I know but as I said in my last update I have other plans. But there is still quite a bit of news to get through from the programs on my monitoring page so don’t worry, there’s still plenty for you to read and plenty for you to think about. First of all though I’d like to start with a look at a new short term high rate of interest HYI program called XciteInvest. And judging by the amount of news I have for you it’s just as well it’s a pretty easy one to follow.
XciteInvest has just the two plans for you to choose from. And is so often the case with short term HYIPs one of them will pay you a daily interest payment for the duration of your investment while the other one will pay you a single lump sum figure only on expiry. So nothing out of the ordinary and nothing too difficult. Both plans are quite affordable though obviously one of them will always carry a much greater risk than the other.
The first plan offered to you is called The Gold Plan and you may join it for a minimum deposit of $10. The plan runs for 30 days and during this time XciteInvest offers to pay you 5% interest on your deposit per day. Your principal is included in the payments so that means that you will break even after 20 days and finish the plan with a total figure of 150% of your initial investment. As far as a typical short term program is concerned this wouldn’t be considered outrageously difficult to meet by any means and could well be kept up for a number of cycles in the hands of the right admin. We’ll have to wait and see if that’s the case here because XciteInvest is only running for the last couple of days. Maximum deposit in this plan by the way is $10,000.
The other option for you to think about is called The Platinum Plan. It runs for 16 days and makes just the one final payment on expiry. The minimum amount to invest remains at just $10 so it’s no less affordable than the previous one. The final profit available to you is only slightly better this time at 160% but as you can see XciteInvest offer it a lot faster. Your principal is already included in the payment. Personally I went with the daily payments plan. It carries less of a risk and I’m not really that impatient. But it’s a matter of personal choice for the investor I suppose about which, if any, of the plans they like. The maximum deposit is still $10,000.
There are just a couple of other facts relevant to the investment plans that you may wish to be aware of before joining. First of all XciteInvest is running off a Neversay script which is more traditionally associated with autosurfs. Basically what that means here is that when investing you are actually asked to buy a certain number of shares, and each of those shares will cost $10 each. So in other words you can only invest with multiples of $10, i.e $10, $20, $30, and so on. Other than that the choice of payment processors is quite good for a program like this. LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrystPay, and StrictPay are all welcomed. AlertPay is not currently accepted but there is a banner displaying them on the homepage anyway. Perhaps it will be added following verification? I don’t know but if you are waiting for them before joining feel free to ask the admin about the situation. Payments can take up to 48 hours to be processed but realistically you should see them a lot faster, especially now while the program is still new.
The security of the XciteInvest website is reliable enough and acceptable up to typical industry standards. They are hosted on a dedicated Staminus server supplied and supported by Koddos who also protect them from DDoS attacks. The script is as I already mentioned licensed from Neversay. Customer support is available through the online support ticketing system. Occasionally you may find it available via Live Chat for answers in real time if the admin is logged in. It’s not a 24 hour service but you shouldn’t really expect it to be. On the downside, SSL encryption of the website is unfortunately not in use here.
The texts are original, just one look should confirm that for you with some almost surreal statements being made that XciteInvest “launched its tentacles around Europe, America and now Africa.” Very colorful! Almost as good as the claim about XciteInvest being a registered trademark with the government of Switzerland. All to be taken with the same liberal pinch of salt as the unproven ForEx claims I think but nevertheless I’d say that they will become moderately successful in the coming weeks. They seem to have their act together and are offering what so many short term HYIP aficionados are looking for. They may not be anything unique or even that special but look around, short term HYIPs rarely are. Maybe not the best program I can think of but a long long way short of being the worst.
So I’d say XciteInvest is an ok option if you like programs like this and intend joining at a relatively early stage. It’s still quite a new one and is sure to pick up its fair share of fans along the way. Just keep it sensible ok, and remember there are no guarantees and to keep your portfolio diverse.
First I would like to tell you that I was paid today on expiry of the first plan 109% after 2 weeks to my account in ForexNetClub (reviewed here). After requesting a payout I was paid pretty fast to LibertyReserve (at the moment it’s the only payment processor you can use with ForexNetClub). The program is a definite future hit and even now I can see the strength of its growth and gaining the trust of the online investment community. Now the first payouts on expiry are being processed I bet ForexNetClub will become even more popular in the long run as the other two plans will expire as well soon. I’m talking about the longer-term and more profitable plans offering 128% after 4 weeks and 191% after 8 weeks. By the way, my biggest investment is in that 191% after 8 weeks plan as I expect some big things from this program in the near future. I had a good feeling about ForexNetClub from the very beginning as you have probably noticed if you read my review of it. I’m also planning to send some interview questions to the admin of ForexNetClub tonight so if you have something interesting to ask please don’t hesitate to send me your questions at during the next few hours.
I would also like to remind you that I have only the above-mentioned email account. All emails sent out from different accounts have nothing to do with me or my site even if the persons call themselves Paul Abramson as well, lol. Anyway, I’m reminding you of this tonight because there was some mass spam emails sent from which was linking to 220Group site. I guess it was the admin’s revenge for a not so good review of his program where I advised readers to stay away from them. I know, I know – this Industry is full of such jerks that have nothing to do but create all these ridiculous short-term scams and expect a good review from me after that. Please note that good reviews are not for sale on MNO and if you list your program then make sure that it’s good enough for the investors as if it’s not it will be presented as it is, without any sugar-coating.
I received also a nice $100 bonus today for the third place in the monthly referral contest held by FxStar (reviewed here). I would like to send best regards to all of my 160+ referrals in FxStar because without them I would not be able to achieve this victory. Anyway, I hope that all my referrals are also reaping the rewards from joining FxStar and getting paid in any of the daily plans with the principal returned on expiry (1% for 30 days and 1.3-2.3% for 100 days) or on a daily plan with the principal already included in the daily payouts (I’m talking about 3% for 100 days plan). If you want to read more about FxStar please refer to my interview with the admin of the program published here. And this is the latest news on the rewards for the winners of this month’s referral contest from FxStar:
“Dear friends! Today we award the winners of our monthly contest “The Best sponsor”. The first place was taken by our member spear, who have raised the total amount of $ 46990.48. On the second place we have very popular in the CIS Monitor, who insures deposits of our customers for greater confidence. And on the third place is our beloved Investment blog Congratulations to the winners of this month and wish them not to lose rating in our project.”
I’m receiving a couple of emails on a daily basis from the people enjoying PTVPartner (reviewed here). I mean five+ months of stable payments from the program offering 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days is something worth remembering right? Garrett is simply great at handling his website, answering all the support tickets together with his moderators and holding regular investor meeting that I sometimes envy his abilities to do so many things in such a short time. Look no further than the pile of unanswered emails in my mailbox (sorry for that, guys!) for proof of that. Anyway, Garrett (interviewed here) is preparing some surprises for the next investors meeting this Friday so try not to miss that. All the details are in the latest newsletter from PTVPartner below (along with the traditional support questions, blog articles and joke of the day):
“Last Meeting of the Week.
Don’t miss the last meeting for this week! It is Friday the 19th, at 03:00 GMT. For those in North America, that will be Thursday at 10pm EST, 9pm CST, or 7pm PST. Please make sure you don’t miss it! We have had a wonderful time at all the meetings so far.
Happy Hour – yes!
This Friday we will be having our weekly Happy Hour time. If you haven’t yet attended one of these you ought to come. We have door prizes, virtual dancing, drinks and snacks and OF COURSE…
Our own Dr. Rock (aka wolf) will be graciously doing the music once again. We’ll have a variety of tunes and you’ll need to go a long way to beat Haroon132 at the logic quizes. Come and try your hand!
Support Question of the Day:
Withdrawing Funds “How To”
Log in to your account.
Select Withdraw Funds at the bottom of the new site page. You must withdraw to the same processor you deposited from.
Select Payment method, Request Amount, insert the Security Code you set after the validation process…then click Withdraw Money.
If you have moved the funds to your Current Account from Withdrawable Money you will need to re-commit to a Plan before being able to withdraw.
Blog Articles of the Day:
What a day it is. We are getting more articles on a daily basis and not just about the US. Today we have an article from Argentina, one on the Chinese New Year and the year of the Tiger, along with a global perspective article and of course, one about the US and what the Government is involved in.
It’s been great seeing the readership going up. We’re consistently adding new hits to the website on a daily basis and that’s wonderful but we’d sure love it if you’d also comment on what you read. That would let us know exactly what you like best, where your interests lay and what you’d like us to focus on the most. If you don’t see an article on what you’re interested in we want to know that too. We want this blog to become something everyone looks forward to going and reading on a daily basis. Of course, we will also update anything new and current there if there’s news to give you as well.
Check it out Today!
Joke Of the Day:
We thought you might appreciate seeing some of the actual bumper stickers seen on the roadways.
“Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.”
“Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.”
“Cover me. I’m changing lanes.”
“As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in public schools”
“Happiness is a belt-fed weapon”
“Laugh alone and the world thinks you’re an idiot.”
“Sometimes I wake up grumpy; Other times I let her sleep.”
“I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather…. …Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car….”
“Montana – At least our cows are sane!”
“The gene pool could use a little chlorine.”
“I didn’t fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.”
“Your kid may be an honor student but you’re still an IDIOT!”
“It’s as BAD as you think, and they ARE out to get you.”
“When you do a good deed, get a receipt, in case heaven is like the IRS.”
“I took an IQ test and the results were negative.”
“If we aren’t supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?”
“Time is the best teacher; Unfortunately it kills all its students!”
“It’s lonely at the top, but you eat better.”
“Reality? That’s where the pizza delivery guy comes from!”
“Forget about World Peace….. Visualize Using Your Turn Signal!”
“Warning: Dates in Calendar are closer than they appear.”
“Give me ambiguity or give me something else.”
“We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse.”
“Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.”
“He who laughs last thinks slowest”
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!”
Please note that the poll where you can decide the fate of SazaInvestments is still running but it will be closed pretty soon, in a few hours in fact. So if you haven’t submitted your vote please do it now. At this moment over 400 people participated and 95% cast their votes in favor of keeping the trust and waiting for the payouts for as long as is needed. The poll can be found in the very end of my right sidebar.
The admin of GoldenFleeceFund Felix (interviewed here) is also holding a poll and the question he’s asking his members is whether they want the compounding features to be implemented. I would say I’m in favor of compounding though I’m not a fan of compounding itself until after you get your seed money back. Some investors like it and of course they should have this option available if they want to. Remember it’s just optional, not compulsory. GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here) is currently offering the following plans: 1.1% for 30 days and 2.5%-4% for 90 days with the principal returned on expiry for both plans. If you wish to vote for or against compounding allowed please simply reply to the following email from GoldenFleeceFund the investors received to their mailboxes today:
“Hello, This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund. This is a survey being sent out to our thousands of members to gauge the interest in having a compounding feature. As customer service is big with our company, we wish to provide as much as possible service wise to the wide variety of investors we have from the smallest to the largest. Please just send a simple response to this email whether you wish to see us have a compounding feature or not. If a significant response is received we will pursue the implementation of compounding.
Thank You, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager”.
The admin of 21StCenturyArb (reviewed here) has added a new plan today where you will be paid 2% daily forever (the minimum to invest in this plan is $100). It’s the second plan added after the first one paying 12% weekly forever. Today I received an email from 21stCenturyArb introducing the new plan and stating that everything’s doing fine. However I received the first complaint today already from one of my downline stating that he was not actually paid to his LR account though in his member’s area the payment is shown as processed. I gave him an email account to contact the admin of 21stCenturyArb and hope that his problem will be fixed soon. This is the newsletter from 21stCenturyArb for your attention:
“Hello 21stCenturyArb family and a special welcome to our new members! We’re a-rocking!!
First, All withdrawals to date have been fulfilled; all paid members should please visit the forum page and cast a vote for payment received.
Secondly, we just added a new plan to 21stCenturyArb, if you visit the homepage you will noticed some few changes made. The name of the new plan is “SUPER CHARGER PLAN” paying 2% daily forever, daily withdrawal, cashout seven times in a week. Some members have started investing on the plan already, if you are not in yet, you should be!!! If you snooze, you lose, and today is the day to jump in!
Meanwhile, continue to enjoy your profits, and remember:
“If you don’t know where you’re going, look on the bright side, you can never get lost!”
Enjoy your week. Your Proud 21stCenturyArb Team”.
To tell you the truth I was quite impressed with the explanation given by Alrea, the admin of Aballong (reviewed here) today about the maximum amounts they could accept from investors at any single time for their betting pool. It was a really interesting and detailed explanation from a good professional in this field unlike other admins usually publishing stolen texts on their websites. Anyway, such profits like Aballong is offering investors of up to 8% weekly are quite achievable in my opinion and I’m really looking forward to see the answers to the questions I sent to Alrea last night for an upcoming interview which will hopefully be published on my blog soon. Anyway, if you’re interested in getting to know more about sports arbitrage in general and how it applies to the investors of Aballong you should read this newsletter published below:
“To make Aballong easier to understand I explain today why we allow only a maximum of 250 Members at a time and/or $45000 Pool invested in one pool at a time. This means we might not allow deposits at some point, or disable this function from time to time, if you are not able to invest, please wait until there is a new spot open. At the moment there is still some amounts we accept, so the pool is open as we speak.
What is soccer arbitrage?
An arbitrage situation is when bookmakers’ values differ enough that they allow bettors to back all outcomes and still make a profit.
Don’t the bookmakers know about this?
Yes they do! Bookies don’t create arbitrage conditions with their own offers. You can’t go to a single bookie and bet on all results without losing money. From a business perspective bookmaker are only interested in making money. An arbitrageur’s bet is still a good bet since, in the long-run, the odds are still in the sportsbooks favor. There is a misconception about a bookie need to balance his book. It is believed that with a balanced book, the bookie can make a risk-free profit. This is true. But even if a book isn’t balanced and a bookie is “short”, and the bookie exposes himself to a possible loss, he still makes money in the long-run because of the overall diversification of all of his bets on all different games. But even taking this into consideration, some bookies may be opposed to clients making money from dealing with them, without incurring the risk. It is, therefore, important to take measures to disguise your activities and not make it obvious that you are an arbitrageur. This is why we are placing our bets on so many different bookies in the internet.
How we make soccer arbitrage work?
Martin must use at least two different bookies. Betting on all results at the same bookmaker won’t work. You have to find at least two bookmakers whose prices differ and are high enough so that an arb is created. This used to be quite a challenge but there are so many bookies on the Internet now that we have more options of odds to choose from.
Do arbitrage opportunities REALLY exist?
Genuinely, the frequency with which arbitrage opportunities arise is relatively low, since each bookie is careful not to ride against the general tide of opinion regarding the estimating of a sporting event. Although advantages of a few percent are not uncommon, maybe only 1 book in a 100 or fewer are capable of yielding an arbitrage opportunity. Nevertheless, given the enormous number of soccer events around the world for fixed odds betting today, there is still a good number of sure bets to be found every single day. However, in view of the difficulties highlighted here, only the most dedicated arb-watcher will realistically be able to benefit repeatedly from arbitrage betting with a view to securing a regular income. We are happy to do the job for you.
So I hope to make you understand arbitrage situations easier, I also want to let you know, we do our daily research and calculations to make arbitrage work in our favor, but we can only bet a maximum of $45000 at the moment, once reached we will close the option. We might increase this option in a while, but for now this is the maximum amount we can accept, in the pool. We also have this as the maximum amount for a single person, but please send us an email before you place any deposit over $10000 so I can make sure to handle this amounts accordingly.
Regards. Alrea”.
There are other sports arbitrage programs around of course but their admins (as I said already) probably have nothing to do with it. They are just mostly trying to get their programs to grow and attract more members and most definitely they are simply ponzi-based HYIP games. Take StanbicArbitrage for instance (reviewed here) as a perfect example of that. Try to ask the admin about how he’s earning money for his members and if you’re lucky you will get a standard reply copied directly from an online bookmaker’s website. The most important thing the admins of such programs like StanbicArbitrage should be are experts in marketing of their programs by constantly offering some contests and bonuses to the members encouraging the program’s growth. Here is the last email from StanbicArbitrage (paying 10% weekly forever) as another fine example of such an approach:
“Dear Members, We want to welcome all New Members to StanbicArbitrage. Once again we want to express our deepest appreciation to all our members, and to say that without you guys this program would have been no where and it has expanded the horizon of our professional team in different field of investment. We encourage you all to reach out to your spouses, family, friends and relatives to join the league of millions.
We also want to remind you of the MEGA WIN CONTEST which is still running, we are using this medium to ask all old and new members to take advantage of it while it last. As for those who were unable to see the format of the contest, here is an extract shown below.
Refer 5 to 10 new active Members receive a ‘$50 bonus!
Refer 11 to 20 new active Members receive a ‘$100 bonus!
Refer 21 to 30 new active Members receive a ‘$150 bonus!
Refer 31 to 40 new active Members receive a ‘$200 bonus!
Refer 41 to 50 new active Members receive a ‘$250 bonus!!
Free Upgrade Bonus
Invest $200-$500 get free $20 Added to your account
Invest $501-$1000 get free $40 Added to your account
Invest $1001-$2000 get free $80 Added to your account
Invest $2001-$ 5000get free $150 Added to your account
Invest $5001 and above get free $250 Added to your account
Please promote ethically. Anyone caught using spam or unethical means will run the risk of having his/her account suspended/terminated. Let’s have fun in helping StanbicArbitrage to grow!
The contest started on the 13/02/2010 and will run until 06/03/2010.
Yours Sincerely, Adams Thompson”.
There is a new program allegedly involved in gambling which was added to my monitoring page tonight. It’s called ACEEntertainments and it’s offering three simple short-term plans with daily payouts: 35% for 3 days (105% in total), 17% for 7 days (119% in total) and 12% for 12 days (144% in total). There are only two payment processors accepted (LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney) and you can make a deposit in either plan with a minimum of $5. Please note that for some reason the payouts will be processed daily except Sundays. ACEEntertainments is hosted on a top-notch powerful dedicated server by BlackLotus and is running off a licensed GoldCoders script enhanced with the addition of SSL-encryption. ACEEntertainments allegedly invests members’ money in gambling which they modestly describe as the most lucrative industry on the Internet. Everything is explained on the website which is pretty colorful by the way and with much original content on it which I liked a lot. Definitely the program is worth a closer look from MNO and the review is going to be published soon. For now just please remember that though ACEEntertainments is quite a new program (only for a few days online) the investing is such short-term programs can be risky so only invest what you can afford to lose.
Here is the list of the programs that paid me today:
HugMoney, TradeZoom, PanaMoney, WestFinance, Verifield, Skinex, MandarinInvest, ExceptionalFunds, EuroNanoInvest, PTVPartner, DreamWealthBuilder, GoldenFleeceFund, FxStar, XagaEnterprise, TheKapital, ForexNetClub, GeniusFunds, CSMFinance, NasMos, InvestProxy, InvestAward, InvestoFin, IncoForex, CelexProfit, AtoxFinance, AtlantisMutual, AsiaInv, Eternidex, Dragadox, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, ScootFx, IntraTraders, UmaxFunds, WeeklyDividend, OneDailyPro, RedOrchidInvest and MoneyPlus.
That’s it for today, and I’m in a rush to watch Fulham play Shaktar Donetsk this evening. So I hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow morning when I’m planning to add another review and of course all the most up-to-date news from the Industry. Stay tuned for that, guys!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Feb 18th, 2010. Comment.
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