February 2010 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.



Hi guys! As I suppose many of you will no doubt have noticed by now the last couple of weeks have seen an increased level of activity on my monitoring page with a lot more new programs getting added than before. It’s been mostly HYIPs of course, almost exclusively in fact as that’s just the way the industry has been going. But for the first review today I’d like to change things around a bit and look at an autosurf program for a change. It’s called ArxonAds and they just started trading earlier this week.

It’s a little different from the more traditional, or “classic” surfing programs, in so far as it makes daily payouts. And it’s also a low rate of interest long term investment plan which should help keep ArxonAds a bit more sustainable than so many of it’s recent competitors. Though it might actually be a bit too long term to make it attractive to many of you.

Here’s how it works. Joining ArxonAds will require a minimum deposit of $5. That’s not the price of one single ad pack by the way. The price is $1, but five is just the minimum number you will have to buy. After that as is always the case with surfing programs you may now invest in amounts that are multiples of that price, i.e $5, $6, $7, and so on. The maximum number of ad packs you can buy is 10,000, or $10,000 in monetary terms. Then when it comes to the actual surfing process you are required to surf 10 websites per day in automatic mode. In other words just turn it on and let your computer do the rest for you. In return you are offered an interest payment of 2.4% per day. So for $100 invested you would be paid $2.40 per day, allowing you to break even after 42 days and start earning pure profit after that.

The tricky part is with the length of the plan. ArxonAds will require you to surf for 365 days. Now that’s all well and good with an online HYIP where you sit back and do nothing, but it’s a very different story when it comes to an autosurf which requires a bit more active participation from the members. If that’s not a problem for you then feel free to proceed, but just keep it in mind. Given the length of time the plan is intended to run for it’s highly unlikely there will be serious consequences were you to miss a day here and there anyway.

The choice of payment options is quite good here. All the main popular processors are accepted including AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay. You can request your payment every day immediately after surfing. You are then asked to allow the admin anything up to 48 hours to complete your payout, though in my own short experience with them they’ve been a lot faster than that.

So other than the fact that ArxonAds is an autosurf everything else here looks pretty standard for the online investments industry. As you may expect of a surfing program ArxonAds is running off a script licensed from Neversay. The program is also hosted on a dedicated Staminus server supported by Koddos who are also protecting the website from DDoS attacks. Unfortunately SSL encryption is not being used to protect the members area, but then again that also seems regrettably to be the standard practice for this industry as well.

The design of ArxonAds is quite good. It’s easy to navigate and the members area itself is well presented and well labeled. The whole surfing process was smooth and straight forward. Customer support is available through the usual support ticketing system and also via Live Chat whenever the admin is online and logged in. Needless to say that isn’t 24 hours per day so keep an eye out for that if you do need to write to them. The claim is also made that the program is backed by some actual business interests, in fact the banner proudly proclaims them to be “backed by Penny Stock Trade managed by Arxon Group Inc.” What exactly that’s supposed to mean however is not explained and any further information on “Arxon Group Inc.” and their business activities is not offered. So just treat this one like any other online based game and take your chances only with sensible sums of money that your are prepared to gamble with. But hopefully ArxonAds can beat the recent trends in the surfing world and stay online long enough for you to earn a profit. The full 365 days might be stretching the imagination a bit (though I hope I’m wrong!) but the 42 days required to break even and start earning might be more achievable, especially if the investors take to them and start joining. We’ll see.


Ok, first of all GeniusFunds (reviewed here). It seems they got into trouble in Canada where there would be an official hearing on their activities held on February 25th This due to accusations made by the British Columbia Securities Commission generally stating that GeniusFunds are operating without an appropriate license and are a ponzi-based scheme. Here is the official bulletin issued from this source.
http://www.bcsc.bc.ca/release.aspx?id=9678 :
BCSC Executive Director’s Bulletin: Securities regulator gives notice of hearing and issues temporary order against Cyprus-based website operator.
Vancouver – The executive director of the British Columbia Securities Commission has issued a temporary order against GeniusFunds (a.k.a. Genius Investments), and is alleging in a notice of hearing that the Cyprus-based company has breached various securities laws.
The executive director issued the temporary order after BCSC staff was alerted that a Vernon-area individual had recently wired $25,000 to the company.
The order temporarily prohibits GeniusFunds from trading in any securities in B.C. It also prohibits GeniusFunds from engaging in any investor relations activities in the province.
The notice says GeniusFunds states that it offers one investment fund that makes payments of up to 1.9 per cent daily, and a second fund that makes payments of up to nine per cent weekly. In addition, the notice says GeniusFunds states that it offers the Genius High-Yield Deposit Account that earns depositors interest between 14 per cent and 25 per cent monthly.
The notice alleges GeniusFunds is making misrepresentations to investors because it offers a rate of return that is impossible to earn consistently through legal means.
Furthermore, GeniusFunds is not registered to participate in B.C.’s securities industry. The notice alleges that GeniusFunds has breached, and continues to breach, securities laws by carrying out unregistered activity in the province.
BCSC staff has identified social media websites that are being used to promote GeniusFunds investments and a referral program. There is also GeniusFunds’ advertising in online classified ads in other provinces.
Staff is conducting an ongoing investigation into the sale of these securities. Anyone who has been contacted by an agent for GeniusFunds is asked to contact the BCSC at 604-899-6854 or 1-800-373-6393. People should not send any money to GeniusFunds while the cease trade order is in place and the investigation is ongoing.
The allegations in the notice have not been proven. Counsel for the executive director will apply to a commission panel to grant a final order against GeniusFunds at a hearing on Feb. 25, 2010 at 10 a.m.
The B.C. Securities Commission is the independent provincial government agency responsible for regulating trading in securities within the province. You may view the notice of hearing on our website, www.bcsc.bc.ca. If you have questions, contact Ken Gracey, media relations, 604-899-6577.

Ok, let’s analyze the situation in more detail now. What BCSC did is made allegations due to the facts:
1) GeniusFunds offers a rate of return that is impossible to earn consistently through legal means (i.e. a ponzi-based scheme);
2) GeniusFunds has breached, and continues to breach, securities laws by carrying out unregistered activity in the province.
It might sound strange at first glance why the British Columbian authorities want to prohibit GeniusFunds from operating on their territory (it would be problematic to stop their Internet activities anyway). Suppose that GeniusFunds have really registered in Cyprus to fulfill investment activities which I really doubt they have (I’m also in charge of a legally registered company but it doesn’t give me any right to offer financial investment services). Then the Canadian government will not be able to seize the GeniusFunds assets which we assume are held in Cyprus. I find it hard to believe that their activities could be somehow limited in one of the provinces of Canada as GeniusFunds is purely an online based company. However, you must remember that two of the payment processors accepted by them (SolidTrustPay and AlertPay) are based in Canada, subject to license by the Canadian government and subject to the laws there. And of course if a court order is issued they will not have any other choice but to cooperate with the government agencies and freeze all the funds GeniusFunds might have on their accounts at the moment. Needless to say that it will lead to a very strong financial blow for GeniusFunds and probably will cause it to close eventually. On the other hand, we should not reject the behavior of all the law-abiding citizens which will prefer to listen to the recommendation of BCSC who have explicitly stated: “People should not send any money to GeniusFunds while the cease trade order is in place and the investigation is ongoing.” It’s only the recommendation of the commission but I guess many reasonable customers will listen to it and will not send huge amounts of money to GeniusFunds. Provided it really is a ponzi-based institution like the BCSC imply, GeniusFunds would quickly collapse after panic spreads among investors following the upcoming hearing. In my opinion, the best thing for the administration of GeniusFunds to do now is to issue an official statement on their website to calm the investors down. However, for some reason I doubt this will happen. I’m stating that GeniusFunds is still paying at the time of writing this, however the time will come when many of the investors will stop sending them new deposits and I don’t know of any positive outcome for any HYIP which was accused by the US or Canadian authorities of illegal activities. Anyway, we will wait and see what happens next but at this moment I would really suggest you to invest in GeniusFunds only what you can afford to lose. Their position is quite shaky at the moment and could be even worse after the hearing which will commence in a week. By the way, there is no way that the Canadian authorities will recognize GeniusFunds as a legal company as such high returns of 250% after 6 months on your investment cannot and will not be explained in a legal way.

Let’s move on to the rest of the news. It seems SazaInvestments will not be opening the cashout button this week. From my poll the results of which can be seen here from 482 people participating 95% (460 voters) agree to wait for their cashouts for the time being while only 5% (22 voters) want SazaInvestments to close and issue refunds for those not in profit. I would still prefer to hear from Ricardo himself regarding any future plans for the program as I emailed him with the results of the poll already last night. I really hope that SazaInvestments will continue in some form but I would like to receive some update on the current situation. I’m sure all the people involved in the program are also eagerly anticipating when this happens. I will report on my blog as well when I hear some more news.

I’m glad to report that Alrea, the admin of Aballong which is one of the most original programs currently running, supposedly making money on sports arbitrage answered some questions for my interview and you will be able to read it on my blog tomorrow. Please stay tuned for the interview with Aballong as it will be definitely worth your attention! Meanwhile you can read my review of the program here.

Just to remind you of my previous interview with the admin of MandarinInvest program (reviewed here) I’m republishing the latest email received from the admin Robbyn last night telling the members about the MNO interview and I suggest you read it if you’re looking for some serious and paying low-ROI program:
Just as promised on our forum, an interview with me was published on the popular Money-News-Online blog. If you are eager to know a bit more about our company, feel free to read it here.
Sincerely, Robbyn Hart

DreamWealthBuilder (reviewed here) has been online and paying for 11 days. Given the growth of the program during the past few days after the program reached over 300 members it was decided that effective immediately the maximum allowed to deposit in both plans (120% within 15 days and 150% within 4 weeks) would be reduced from $2,000 to $1,000. It’s the first case in my memory when an online investment program actually reduced the maximum amount with time instead of increasing it which usually happens. In my opinion, it indicates the good intentions of the admin of DreamWealthBuilder Paula (interviewed here) who definitely wants her program to run for a long time. I hope you agree with me that it’s always better to have slow and steady progress rather than explosive growth which only endangers the stable development of any program. Here is the latest news from DreamWealthBuilder:
“Hi DreamWealthBuilder members, Its been a while since we sent out any newsletters from our desk. This is Paula Forney and Mark Irwin from DreamWealthBuilder administration.
We have had an awesome growth with over 300 active members joining this week. This has given us a great motivating start to develop this program further with much more confidence and determination.
Our trading front seems to be doing a fantastic job too, bringing in really good profits to balance our financial status and keep the ball rolling smoothly for our members and us alike.
The admin panel here had a meeting last night over the future developments that need to be made for our online program. The key strategy for financial growth balancing that had all our votes was to reduce the maximum investment limit from $2000 to $1000 for both the plans.
This is expected to come into effect immediately and you are hearing about it first right here. This strategy is placed to balance our financial growth and stabilize the program.
The Live Chat facility will be available for between 8 – 10 hours starting from 10GMT. You may use this facility if you need any assistance from our side.
That’s all we have for you today from DreamWealthBuilder.
Regards, Paula Forney and Mark Irwin.

As you might remember the admin of GoldenFleeceFund Felix (interviewed here) asked the members their opinion about the option of compounding. The support of it seems to be overwhelming as Felix already added a compounding option and from now on you can either change the compounding level on both plans running (1.1% for 30 days and 2.5%-4% for 90 days) or choose a level appropriate for you when making a new deposit. The compounding level currently can be set up to 0%, 30%, 50%, 70% or 100%. Please read the following update from GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here) to see the reaction and feedback from the investors in favor of compounding:
Hello, This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund. We thank all of you for the input on our Compounding option survey. The response has been overwhelming. We received over 800 emails just since last night. I have posted below some of the responses out of the hundreds we received for the compounding option. Our investor community has become like a second family to us and we appreciate the input and the support. With almost 200 new members each day, we would like to announce the introduction of Interest Compounding! You can login to your account to see the option. There are several different percentage options available.
Our Investor Community:
“Hi Felix Zeller, Gerardo here and YES i agree with compounding feature.”
“Very interested in the compounding feature and look forward to seeing it available as soon as possible. Thanks for asking.”
“My deposit is contingent on you adding a compounding feature. So..YES.”
“Yes, a compounding feature would be nice! Thank you.”
“Yes Yes My VOTE IS YES I suggested compounding when I first joined, so here
is a big thank for floating the idea around. God bless you…adna”
“Yes, I would like a compounding feature. Dave”
“It’s always nice to have the option to compound, some times that is the only way to increase the deposit in a ongoing plan.
Thanks, keep the good work”
“yes, I want compounding”
“I registered yesterday and have yet to deposit, however I would like to see an automated compound interest feature implemented.”
“Yes, I think that compounding feature will be very good.”
“I think a compounding feature would be a good thing,thank you steve H.”
“– Having a compounding feature will be great!vOlore”
“Of course I would! Thanks for asking.”
“Hi Felix, yes, compounding would be nice and usefull!
Regards Walter”
Sincerely, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

The admin of XciteInvest (reviewed here) sent out the first newsletter after 5 days online with the link to the review that was published on MNO yesterday. I remind you that XciteInvest accepts four major e-currencies and pays on two plans: 5% for 30 days and 160% after 16 days. More on the program will come in the upcoming interview with the admin which I’m going to send tonight. And here is the latest from XciteInvest:
Dear Members, We wish to thank all our members for your continuous support in our program. XciteInvest is now five days old, We have increasing numbers of active member registration. We are waxing up strong and growing steadily. Everyday Payments are being processed in the shortest time possible.
XciteInvest has just been reviewed by money-news-online.com. Click on the link below
We are already seeing our program growing to become one of the best programs to provide you a safe place for your investment needs as well as help you financially!
Thanks once Again for supporting our program.
Regards, Simone Pirmin

InvestmentForge (reviewed here) has added SSL-encryption to their site and now they are available through a secure channel. It would boost my confidence in that program for sure if not for a complaint I received today stating that somebody was not paid within the last 72 hours. I suggest you to exercise caution about InvestmentForge at the time of writing this and I will report after some further investigation is complete. Here is the latest update I found on InvestmentForge site today:
Dear investors and visitors!
We are happy to announce that we added the SSL protection. Let me explain a little for those who is now asking what is SSL? Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic protocols that provide security and data integrity for communications over TCP/IP networks such as the Internet. Use only this secure link https://www.investmentforge.com/ So all of our investors and visitors now are more secured then ever!
Best regards, InvestmentForge Team

Remember that I pointed out a withdrawal issue one of my referrals had with 21stCenturyArb last night? Well, I’m glad to report that after my intervention his problem was solved fast and he was paid in full (this is another advantage of being in my downline by the way). I also received my latest withdrawal from 21stCenturyArb (reviewed here) today so I would consider to invest there as a safe option again.

After the unclear situation with Saza which made me put it to On Hold status PTVPartner has now reached the #4 spot in MNO rankings. Just a little bit short of being online for 6 months PTVPartner (reviewed here) shows a simply amazing performance by paying on four investment plans: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days. If you like games and surprises don’t miss tonight’s meeting where you can win some cash prizes as well. I honestly consider the PTVPartner investor community as one of the best and friendliest on the Net so try to become a part of it and I’m sure you will not be disappointed. Here is the latest newsletter from the admin Garrett (interviewed here):
Don’t miss the end of the week party! Midnight GMT…..
Do you NEED to unwind.. TGIF Happy Hour! – Friday’s in the Oasis Room
Midnight GMT (7-9 EST, 4-6 PST) .. Lots of Fun, Food and Festivities with PTV $$$$ TOO!
Support Question of the Day:
How do I deposit to the PTVPartner Program?
Please login to your PTVPartner back office.
Go to Finance/Deposits and follow the prompts to bring the money in from your payment processor.
Once you have that money in your PTVPartner account you need to invest in a Plan.
To do this login and go to Finance / Invest Money and choose a plan, amount, insert your security code and click Invest.
Blog Article of the Day:
Today I would like to say this about the blog articles themselves as a whole. You need to be reading our blog. We get asked alot of questions about various aspects of offshore asset protection and questions about what should be done to secure your future. We encourage you to read the blog everyday. You cannot begin to get a feel for what may be right or wrong for you without learning what you can about all aspects of business, government, culture etc. When we do recommend something it will start with what will be posted on the blog. If you really want to learn, your education should begin there. So, while many don’t read, you need to start. Where better to start then here? Sure, there will be opinions, you won’t agree with everything, but you do need to open your mind to the various opinions and information available. Maybe there is more then one way to look at the world, the economics, the politics, and more then one way to understand it too.
A second thought was to submit your own opinions and articles. We like everyone, everywhere to have a voice. Yours included. Don’t say “I can’t write.” You just might surprise yourself. Submit it and it might just turn up on the blog. You can sign it or make it anonymous. That’ll be up to you. Please submit your articles to PTVBlog@Gmail.com
Joke of the Day:
There were two old guys, Abe and Sol, sitting on a bench in a park feeding pigeons and talking about baseball, just like they did every day. Abe turns to Sol and says, “Do you think there’s baseball in heaven?”
Soloman thinks about it for a minute and replies, “I dunno, Abe. But let’s make a deal: If I die first, I will come back and tell you, and if you die first, you come back and tell me, if there is baseball in heaven.”
They shake on it and, sadly, a few months later poor Abe passes on. One day soon afterward, Sol is sitting there feeding the pigeons by himself when he hears a voice whisper, “Sol… Sol….”
Sol responds, “Abe! Is that you?”
“Yes it is Sol,” whispers the spirit of Abe.
Sol, still amazed, asks, “So, is there baseball in heaven?”
“Well,” says Abe says, “I got good news and I got bad news.”
“Gimme the good news first,” says Sol.
Abe says, “Well… there is baseball in heaven.”
Sol says, “That’s great! What news could be bad enough to ruin that!?”
Abe sighs and whispers, “You’re pitching on Friday.”
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

That’s it for now, guys, but I will see you on my blog in less than 12 hours with another review and more news from the industry! Stay on the Money with Money-News-Online!

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