February 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! Hope you’re all enjoying your weekend so far. And I also hope you liked this afternoon’s interview. Hopefully we’ll see a few more like that over the next week or so. But getting back to this evening I want to stay on the subject of long term HYI programs and look at another new one. This time it’s the turn of a program called Plents. An odd sort of a name for an HYIP but also an easy one to remember. The program itself is pretty memorable too by the way. There are one or two drawbacks like there always is but for the most part Plents is a reasonable enough prospect.

For one thing it’s pretty new. It’s only about a week or so old and that’s always the best time to join if you are going to join at all. And there are a couple of interesting plans that most of you should find at least one suitable for yourselves. Plents have three long term plans in total that offer daily, weekly, or monthly payments. Within the three plans however there are several varieties with your interest payments based on the size of your principal. Some of them are a bit more expensive that the average HYIP player would usually afford, but I’ll run through the main options for you here anyway.

So let’s start with the daily payment plan, or Starter Package as they call it. The plan runs for 150 business days which is 30 weeks. During that period all deposits between a minimum of $10 and a maximum of $99 will receive a daily payment, made 5 days per week Monday through Friday of 1%. On expiry that will add up to 150%. Invest from $100 up to $999 and you will receive 1.2% per day. Doesn’t sound like much but over the course of such a long investment term that will all add up to a total of 180% interest. Larger deposits of between $1000 and $4999 can expect to earn a daily rate of 1.4% which will add up to 210% in total.

Higher rates of interest are offered up to a maximum of 2.3% per day. However as this involves depositing amounts of money larger than $5000 (at lest $30,000 in the case of the maximum rate) then I suggest you do a bit more research on Plents and involve a real financial professional. Your principal is returned on expiry by the way so you can consider the above figures to be pure profit.

The weekly payment plan runs for the same duration – 30 weeks. Plents call this one the Premium Package and it makes the following offers: Deposits starting from a minimum of $10 to a maximum of $99 will get a weekly payment of 6% interest. On expiry that will become a total of 180%. If you deposit anything from $100 up to $999 then you can expect to earn 7.2% interest per week. That will add up to 216% on expiry. Larger investors willing to sink from $1000 to $4999 into the program can expect a return of 8.4% per week. On expiry that will all add up to 252%.

Just like the previous plan Plents has some higher paying options here too. From 10.2% to 13.8% weekly. If you are interested please see the website for further details before consulting a professional advisor. Once again your principal should be returned on expiry so the aforementioned figures can be considered as your final profit on top of that.

And finally the third plan available from Plents is called the VIP Package. It runs for 7 months and makes monthly interest payments. The numbers are just like the others with deposits starting from $10. Between that and $99 will get you 27% interest per month adding up to 189% on expiry. Deposits between $100 and $999 are offered 31.4% per month which will add up to 226.8% on expiry. Larger investors joining with $1000 up to $4999 will earn 37.8% per month becoming 264.6% on expiry.

Once again if you are in a position to afford more than that in order to avail of higher rates of interest you probably don’t need me to remind you to do some more research. A maximum rate of 62.1% is offered but as that involves giving Plents $30,000 or more I doubt we’ll see many takers.

There are a number of other important points I’d like you to be aware of concerning the plans before we move on. First of all the choice of payment options is in my opinion quite poor and will only serve to limit the overall appeal of Plents. Your choice is LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney, so remember in the event of anything going wrong under no circumstances should you expect any sympathy, never mind a refund. All transactions are final and irreversible, regardless of what happens your investment. Some other points include the fact that compounding is allowed. And also, if the length of term turns out to be a bit too long and you need your money back in an emergency then you can withdraw from the program early. Please be aware that this service carries the punitive penalty fee of 32%, so think before you join and make sure that not only do you spend money that you are sure you will not need for the next 30 weeks, make sure that you only spend money you can afford to lose as well.

The design and security of the Plents website if well up to industry standards, however they are not using SSL encryption to protect the members area. What they are though is hosted on a dedicated server by the best hosting provider in the industry today which is BlockDos. They are also protected from DDoS attacks by them. Plents are also running off a licensed GoldCoders script. Customer support is available through an online ticketing system, as well as through a number of different e-mail addresses. Two telephone numbers are also published but no postal address.

Extensive texts which actually do very little to explain the outside business activities of Plents are offered but as none of them are original then you should simply ignore them. Even the “biographies” of their own so called management team is a mish-mash of stolen texts copied from other sources so have a quick look for nothing other than curiosity and then forget about it. None of these texts were all that interesting the first time I saw them two years ago so not much has changed this time either.

Overall as an online HYIP however Plents shows reasonable promise. The plans are nothing to get that excited about in the sense that similar is being offered by countless other long term HYIPs but I do like the fact that you can join any of their three plans for only $10. So it’s possible to participate and earn a few bucks here without spending thousands OK?


I would like to follow-up on last night’s update on GeniusFunds (reviewed here). It seems that the article caused some harsh reactions and discussions so I would like to clear up some points. The purpose of this article was not to create panic among the investors of GeniusFunds but simply let people know what’s happening. Anyway, I’m the least interested person in making GeniusFunds collapse as I have a very strong downline of over 600 investors there. However I simply hate to conceal anything from my readers and as you know I prefer to shoot straight from the hip. There is an issue which was supposed to be addressed so you need to be prepared for any possible consequences. But this hearing is going to commence very soon whether you, me, or anybody else likes it or not and that is a fact. We can’t deny this and neither can GeniusFunds. The admin George already addressed this in his email to those who asked and I would like to republish it below:
Concerning the Canadian story, the BC securities commission is pushing for hearing due to a few affiliates in the province that were soliciting investors from that province in violation of investment act. Our counsel will be at the hearing and I believe the order will be lifted.
We operate in 120 countries around the world. You have to understand that it is hard to us to follow rules of every jurisdiction including provinces. We did not actively solicit investors from BC, neither have we advertised in BC.
If the order won’t be lifted, we will have to stop serving investors from that province. Existing investors will not be affected by this. If you are not from that region there is nothing you have to worry about.
This problem will not repeat itself in the United States. We are currently in process of registering with SEC, but even without registration, our affiliates in the US are monitored and we make sure that they do not violate US laws.
Sincerely Yours, George Schale
Regional Manager. Genius Investments Limited

There are though several interesting points in this email which raise even more questions for me. For instance, how are GeniusFunds supposed to stop serving people from British Columbia when investing with them doesn’t require any verification of your address and they are using anonymous payment processors? How are they going to be registered with the SEC if they don’t have any financial license and so are not authorized officially to provide any financial services in any country in the world (at least I’m not aware of any such a document existing)? In my opinion, there is a total misconception here. People treat GeniusFunds as a real organization instead of just a regular HYIP? Why? Simply based on the fact that it’s paying for over 18 months. OK, so their better than a regular HYIP, but they are still a HYIP. I know cases when some programs paid for over 4 years but that didn’t make them legitimate. If they have a couple of phone numbers and a virtual office in Cyprus it doesn’t make them real. It certainly makes them LOOK real and behave real so even the Canadian authorities can be mistaken by seeing this as a real venture. Although I’m aware that Canada consists of a few self-governing provinces and even if the hearings in British Columbia will have some bad consequences for GeniusFunds it doesn’t mean that it will apply for other provinces where STP and AP payment processors are located it will still be bad for GeniusFunds reputation. And as long as GeniusFunds is a regular HYIP and heavily dependent on continuous cashflow from existing members to expand their influence all over the world it will still affect them in a negative way. I can’t currently evaluate how big or small this effect will be but simply to deny it would be unreasonable. Ridiculous in fact. So it’s better to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. Again I repeat that GeniusFunds is almost perfect as a regular HYIP and is definitely the most popular program on the Net today. The purpose of is not for you to lose your head but rather to stay calm and invest sensibly and take a close look at how things develop in the real world which could definitely affect any online HYIP including GeniusFunds.

PTVPartner (reviewed here) had another good meeting last night accompanied with some contests with cash prizes. The winners of the contests have been named in the latest email sent by Garrett, the admin (interviewed here). In the most recent newsletter sent to the members Garrett also explained what you have to do if you don’t receive the program’s newsletters after signing up, featured some interesting articles from the official blog of PTVPartner and threw out some hilarious jokes of the day. While I consider some of them as too sexist you will be able to enjoy them if you relax and switch your brains off for a while. Anyway, as usual Garrett brought us some good weekend newsletter to enjoy and think about. Here it is for the interest of those who might not received it yet:
Happy Hour Winners!
Maestro – Word Jumble, worldhero – Find the animal, aqramm – Danceoff, smartee – Trivia, mfdaci (huba) – Tree trivia, PattyCake53 – Danceoff, midoehab2006 (anan) – Thinking of Trivia, davidjenkins – Entertaining & Muted, azertacxw – Door Prize, hypnochicky – Door Prize, haroon – Trivia, sweetprofits – Thinking of Trivia, surfinjuli – Find the animal, zahraa – Danceoff, soeryogalih – Most shy.
Congratulations to all our Happy Hour winners and thank you everyone for your support!
Support Question of the Day:
Check in the spam folder at Gmail. This is the direct link to the Gmail spam folder:
This ticket system cannot show question marks. In that link there should be a question mark just before shva. Please login into your Gmail online account first..
or for non Gmail accounts
Your email provider may regard our email as spam. Please check your spam folders. We have many who joined recently where the same thing has happened. You may need to whitelist ptvpartner.com at your email provider’s site.
Blog Article of the Day:
Today we have another installment in a series of How to Heal Yourself In 15 days. As was mentioned before, it is important to have your health in good condition in order to enjoy freedom of lifestyle. No matter what you choose, traveling or staying in one place, whether you’d choose skiing or a card game, having the health to make the choice is important. There are many things we can do to improve our quality of life as we grow older. If you’re just beginning adulthood, good habits now will help when you get older. If you’re already older then I’m “preaching to the choir”. You already are learning how important it is to do what you can to keep good health. If you start now, no matter where you are at in life, you will improve your life from this point forward and that’s the important thing to remember.
We also have another article from Benjamin Fulford. He is quite educated on history and economics and it’s implications on our lives today and ongoing. You should take a moment to read some of his articles. There are several already posted.
Joke of the Day:
Find out what men really mean when they say…
Means: “I’m going to drink myself dangerously stupid, and stand by a stream with a stick in my hand, while the fish swim by in complete safety.”
Means: “There is no rational thought pattern connected with it, and you have no chance at all of making it logical”.
Means: “Why isn’t it already on the table?”
Means: Absolutely nothing. It’s a conditioned response.
Means: “I have no idea how it works.”
Means: “I was wondering if that redhead over there is wearing a bra.”
Means: “I can’t hear the game over the vacuum cleaner.”
Means: “Are you still talking?”
Means: “I remember the theme song to ‘F Troop’, the address of the first girl I ever kissed, and the vehicle identification numbers of every car I’ve ever owned, but I forgot your birthday.”
Means: “What did you catch me at?”
Means: “I haven’t the foggiest clue what you just said, and am hoping desperately that I can fake it well enough so that you don’t spend the next three days yelling at me.”
Means: “I am used to the way you yell at me, and realize it could be worse.”
Means: “Please don’t try on one more outfit, I’m starving.”
Means: “No one will ever see us alive again.”
Means: “I make the messes, she cleans them up.”
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

Here is another update from the admin of Xcelsus (reviewed here) which despite some attempts to bring more attention to the program by introducing a short-term autosurf plan recently didn’t get a whole lot of attention from MNO readers as I don’t know anybody who upgraded under my downline. Anyway, if you consider joining Xcelsus you might be interested to read the following update:
Hello, i hope you are having a great weekend, this week we continued to grow, a lot of new members, welcome all to Xcelsus, we also had 2 winners to the contest, we are still looking for 1 more until we hit investor #49, also investor #50 wins, so do not wait, invest now invest big and win BIG.
Surf Xcelsus, is the new program, it has a minimum amount of $5 and pays 10% X 11 Days, surfing only 5 pages you get your ROI for the day.
All payments have been done for this week, so if you invested until the 23th of January and you are missing your payment please send a support ticket, also commissions have been paid.
Well next week we are having the board meeting on Friday since is the last of the month, i am motioning to lower the minimum investment for the other plans, see what i can get, that is all for this week thank you for reading.
Best Regards. Boss. Proud Xcelsus Admin

The same situation can be seen with OneDailyPro (reviewed here). It has been online and paying for over four months already on the following plans: 1%-1.3% for 30 days and 1.6% for 60 days with the principal returned on expiry. However it still remains a relatively slow burner and flying under the radar. Perhaps this is happening due to the admin not spending too much money on advertising and preferring word of mouth. I can confirm though that OneDailyPro have been paying on time and I can’t remember any single complaint from my readers about their performance. Hopefully there will be many more months to come. Here is the latest news from OneDailyPro:
This is broadcast e-mail to all clients of OneDailyPro project.
Peter is here (Admin of OneDailyPro project). Everything is working fine. Firstly I’d like to thank all clients for support.
– domain name (onedailypro.com) has been renewed (+1 year). You can easy check it: http://whois.domaintools.com/onedailypro.com;
– template colors has been changed;
– new reviews of our project (written by blogs owners) has been added (links on main page);
– little script changes;
– add Pecunix payment system;
– we have discuss one interesting question about our referral program. I’m sure, it will be a good news for our active supporters.
Thank you for attention.
Best regards, OneDailyPro Admin

More programs have been moved to Problem status on my blog today. The three programs where I would not recommend you to invest anymore are: InvestmentForge, Infinitum and SportBetInv.

InvestmentForge had really a long history behind them and was on my monitoring page for over 10 months. However recently I received some complaints from readers that the payouts were delayed. At the same time I found out that monitors are still being paid. For me it means only that InvestmentForge are processing selective payouts. There could be many reasons for that and I encourage you to report to me if you were paid or not. I would like to make sure that I made the right decision by moving this program and I hope you will help me with that.

Infinitum paid since September 2009 but despite the prompt payouts for all this time due to the lack of advertising it probably just ended as quietly as it started. I noticed Infinitum on Problem status on a few monitoring sites so I have decided to move this program to Problem status as well.

Regarding the status of SportBetInv I’m not sure yet, however following my own policies I have decided to move it to Problem Status due to the delayed payouts which are pending for over 36 hours though on the website the maximum waiting time is stated as 12 hours. I realize that due to the weekend it might be not so good to demand the payouts to be processed in a shorter period of time. At the same time I cannot allow my referrals to lose their money in a program which is probably starting to fall apart (SportBetInv was monitored by MNO only for 40 days). I have sent the ticket to the admin after receiving a few complaints from MNO readers but haven’t received a reply yet. I will let you know on my blog how the situation gets resolved but at this moment please don’t invest there. It’s always be better safe than sorry, guys!

Meanwhile I have been paid today from the following programs listed on my monitoring page:
FxStar, SantiVentures, Skinex, GoldenFleeceFund, MandarinInvest, NasMos, Aballong, Verifield, InvestoFin, BiotechInvFund, ACEEntertainments, WaterInvestment, GeniusFunds, HugMoney, ForexNetClub, Dragadox, FinanceNova, Plents, BarterCrown, XciteInvest, NanoMoneyCorp, WWFD, DepositPalace, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, GlobalFund, ExceptionalFunds, XagaEnterprise, IncoForex, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, EuroNanoInvest, CSMFinance, CelexProfit, AtoxFinance, AtlantisMutual, AsiaInv, InvestAward, OneDailyPro, ScootFx, MoneyPlus, TheKapital, InvestProxy, UmaxFunds, StarkFund, WestFinance, IntraTraders, WeeklyDividend, Eternidex and PTVPartner.

That’s it for today, guys. I will see you on my blog tomorrow with a review of IntraTraders and all the latest news and updates from the industry! Stay tuned for that and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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