February 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! One of the latest programs to be added to my monitoring page just earlier this week is called ExceptionalFunds and that’s the program I want to talk to you about tonight before we get to the news. Although not exactly perfect, (they only accept two payment processors), the program has enough positive features to suggest it may have quite a lot of potential with just one or two slight adjustments.

To begin with ExceptionalFunds is a long term program with a number of payment plans that will reimburse you on either a daily basis or a weekly one. So straight away you have the added security of knowing that no matter what happens you will be able to get at least some part of your principal back. We’ll take a look at them in more detail here.

The first of three plans available is called The Gold Fund and it runs for a term of 60 days. The minimum amount you can join with is $20 and and the maximum is $500. In return for this ExceptionalFunds will pay you a daily rate of interest of 1.7%. At that rate you should slightly more than double your money as your principal is returned on expiry. Here’s a simple example: Let’s say you invest $100. That will mean you earn $1.70 in interest every day. On expiry those payments will add up to $102 which can be considered as pure profit upon return of your initial deposit. A rather odd feature of ExceptionalFunds, and please remember this, is the use of compounding. The rules affecting it are different in all three plans so if that’s an option that you like then compounding is allowed in this plan up to a value of 50%.

The second plan is called The Platinum Fund and it also makes daily interest payments over a term of 60 days. It will cost you a bit more to join however with the minimum investment set to $500, so think carefully. The maximum is $5000. But the bigger principal brings a bigger interest payment so the rate this time is 2.3% per day. Your principal will also be returned on expiry so your actual profit should be 138%. Good news for those who like compounding. I can’t say that includes me but if you want to you may also use it in this plan. ExceptionalFunds will allow you to chose up to 100% this time.

The third plan is a little different. Unfortunately it’s probably beyond the financial means of most online investors but I’ll describe it for you anyway. It’s called The Diamond Fund and it runs for 10 weeks. And as you may guess it pays by the week. And at 21% it’s a generous payment as well, though I can’t help but wonder how sustainable a payment of that magnitude can be. Minimum deposit is $2000 so I guess few of us will find out. Anyway, if it does work out your profit would be 210% with your principal returned on expiry. Maximum deposit is $30,000, and also keep in mind that compounding is not allowed this time.

Unfortunately the choice of payment options accepted by ExceptionalFunds is pretty poor. Only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney money are accepted at the moment but that’s not something that can’t be fixed either. Though it will have to be dealt with sooner rather than later if the admin wants the program to achieve its full potential. Some HYI programs that have such a limited choice of payment processors will at least compensate for that by implementing instant payouts. Not so with ExceptionalFunds. As I have said before, investors want choice, even if that choice was going to be LibertyReserve anyway. It’s especially unusual to see this from a program claiming to be based in the US, where LR and PM are less popular options. Anyway, the admin requests that you allow them up to 24 hours to process your payment request.

The program is hosted on a dedicated server by BlackLotus. Actually the security is above average here with SSL encryption being used. That sort of makes up a little for the lack of choice with the payment options but if ExceptionalFunds had both then it would be far more popular. The program is running off a script licensed from GoldCoders so overall that’s not a bad package at all. Any questions can be put to the admin through an e-mail address. Mention is made of an online support ticket system but it isn’t actually there at the moment. I guess that’s something else they’ll have to work on. A postal address in California is provided which I am unable to verify. Though on winter days like this one I sorely wish I could! However given the at best questionable legal status of online HYIPs in the US we can almost certainly discard it as genuine. I mean it may well be a hosted workspace or a mail delivery point, but I doubt you’ll find anyone from ExceptionalFunds there if you call. Any readers in the Los Angeles area feel free to prove me wrong.

I also rather skip the claims about them being an “experienced and professional management group”. A lack of payment processors and pointing you towards a support form not yet installed would suggest otherwise. The texts are not original anyway and are taken from another website so they can hardly be referring to themselves. I can’t help but feel that ExceptionalFunds isn’t quite finished yet. Though when (if) they do finish then this might not be a bad little HYIP at all. I am very positive about them and their prospects without necessarily being encouraging about them but all that could change with not more than a few minor changes. Like I said, the security of the site is already above average so there is little doubt that the admin is serious. Well worth keeping an eye on as part of a diverse portfolio.


I’m sorry for publishing the following newsletter from PTVPartner (reviewed here) too late because I received it over 24 hours to my email box. However it took me a lot of time to work on yesterday’s post so it simply slipped my mind. So I’m publishing it today without the meeting schedule which already passed this week. So if you missed this week’s investor meetings you can make sure to catch them again next week when there will be more of them for sure. The admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here) sends newsletters on a very regular basis, almost daily in fact, and the latest newsletter which is packed with some useful information is being published on MNO below:
Support Question of the Day:
Many times we are asked about the “security code”. The confusion comes in partially with the title. In some places it’s referred to as a security code but in others it has been called a secondary password.
You set the security code during the joining process. You originally set that, plus answered 2 security questions. eg Favorite car….Middle Name of Mother…etc
You can reset your security code by logging in to your Account…select Passwords/ Change Security Code and follow the prompts. It should be between 6 and 12 Roman alpha-numeric characters in length. We cannot do this for you. If you unable to accomplish this, and have not invested, I suggest you open a new account using a new email address and account name. You will need to retain your password, security code as well as the answers to your security questions (this is extremely important and must be retained). If you have invested, you will need to supply the answer to at least one of your security questions and request manual intervention by the admin team in order to reset the security code. Also, the email must be sent from and to the same email address registered on the account..
Forum Focus
Today we would like to introduce you to one of our sponsored forums. While many of the forums we are in are well known, long established forums, some of the newer smaller ones provide a less formal alternative. The participation level allows for a more intimate discussion and often a wider range of views. Once such forum is: http://www.moneyvisionforum.com
MoneyVisionForum’s admin is active and attentive to his member’s needs and requirements. He honestly seeks to allow his members room for expression while controlling the negative atmosphere that often goes along with such expression. We would greatly appreciate our members taking a look and also considering possible involvement in this well liked forum.
Blog Article of the Day:
Today’s article is on a comparison of the symptoms of Lou Gherig’s disease as applied to the current state of the Government in the US. It asks the question: “How could the United States, a very young country at 234 years of age find itself at the doorstep of incredible internal turmoil and fiscal collapse?
Joke of the Day:
An engineer and a physicist are in a hot-air balloon. After a few hours they lose track of where they are and descend to get directions. They yell to a jogger, “Hey, can you tell us where we’re at?”
After a few moments the jogger responds, “You’re in a hot-air balloon.” The engineer says, “You must be a mathematician.” The jogger, shocked, responds, “yeah, how did you know I was a mathematician?”
“Because, it took you far too long to come up with your answer, it was 100% correct, and it was completely useless.”
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!

The well-known site CSMFinance (reviewed here) which pays 1.7%-2.1% for 100 calendar days with the principal returned on expiry and which has been online for several months have prepared a nice surprise for French and German speaking investors. The site which already has Indonesian, Spanish and Italian versions now has two more. Here is the recent update taken from CSMFinance website informing the members about this welcome development:
Dear German and French-speaking members!
As we promised before holidays, we announce German and French versions of CSMFinance website! Now you may enjoy using members area translated in your native language. Happy investing with CSMFinance!

GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here) is offering some new bonuses to larger investors available for the month of February. Investors with $500 or more will get 5% on top, with those who risk over $3,500 will get 10% on top of their deposit in addition to all the privileges already available for VIP members. I remind you that GoldenFleeceFund offers two main investment plans: 1.1% for 30 days and 2.5%-4% for 90 days with the principal returned on expiry. I hope to find out more about the program from its admin Felix by sending him some questions for an interview tomorrow. I guess he will be able to explain better about the legitimacy of their investment claims in golden mine industry, hence the name GoldenFleeceFund originates I guess. Here is the latest news about the February bonuses for the members of GoldenFleeceFund:
Hello, This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund. We are proud to announce a new deposit bonus program for GoldenFleeceFund investors. Through the end of February there is a 5% deposit bonus for new deposits of at least $500. For VIP deposits of at least $3501, this is bumped to 10% because of the already existing 5% deposit bonus for VIP deposits. Take advantage of our new deposit bonus program through the end of February.
5% Deposit Bonus for deposits of at least $500
10% Deposit Bonus for deposits of at least $3501
Thank You, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

WeeklyDividend (reviewed here) which is offering no-expiry daily (1.1%-1.5%) and weekly (9%-11%) plans finally reached the important milestone of 1,000 members. The admin though doesn’t have any intention of stopping there so he offered a contest with no expiry date either. The contest is called “Race to 2000” and as you can imagine it will finish when WeeklyDividend reaches 2,000 members. The members are encouraged to promote WeeklyDividend with all possible methods for a chance to win some good cash prizes. Please read the more details about the contest in the latest newsletter from the admin of WeeklyDividend Ed (he was interviewed by MNO here):
This week we will reach two milestones! The first is that yesterday we reached our one month anniversary and have been operating without very smoothly so far. The second milestone we will reach today is that we will cross the 1000 member mark!
In honor of this I have decided to have a referral contest for the members that will prove to be very lucrative for all for you!
We will have a “Race to 2000” contest where we will give away over 2000$ in prizes! Here is how it works:
1st place with the most active referrals will receive 1000$ (500$ cash and 500$ deposit into plan of your choice)
2nd place will receive 500$ (250$ cash and 250$ deposit in the plan of your choice)
3rd place will receive 300$ (150$ cash and 150$ deposit in the plan of your choice)
4th place will receive 100$ (50$ cash and a 50$ deposit in the plan of your choice)
5-10th place will all receive 40$ (20$ cash and 20$ in the plan of their choice!)
Only active referrals will be counted so please bear that in mind. Also it is only inevitable the there will be some people who try to take advantage of our generosity and will try and cheat. Each winner will have all of their referrals screened and if there is found to be any two accounts from the same ip without prior approval from admin then that person will forfeit their prize and the next person inline will win the prize.
Only active referrals from today February 3rd until we reach 2000 members will be counted. We reached 1000 in just over a month so this could go very quickly!
In light of our overwhelming success so far we felt this was a fitting way of really getting people to take notice of what we are offering here at WeeklyDividend!
As soon as we reach 2000 members the contest will end and the active referrals will be tallied and the winners announced by email.
We will continue the signature contest for one more week and then stop that one in light of our new contest!
So enjoy the contest and see you at 2000 members!!
Thank you, Ed and the WeeklyDividend Team!

One of the most popular short-term programs is still IwFunds (reviewed here). It seems even after dropping AlertPay things are still going great and the admin hopes that the recently announced contest will help him extend the lifespan of IwFunds which is now 25 days online. This achievement is pretty amazing for the program offering such short-term investment plans as 18% for 7 days, 110% after 3 days, 160% after 14 days and 190% after 20 days. It will of course depend on the results of the promotions because IwFunds already reached over 1,000 members and it needs some extra funds to grow further. For sure the new referral contest announced by the admin Peter should give some good results. Here is the most recent newsletter from him:
Hi dear members!
First of all i want to thank you all, the positive support, feedback and trust you put in us.
Glad to announce that we are stepping in the one month pre-anniversary week, and to fulfill your requests i am coming out with cash surprises!
To describe in 3 words the upcoming week i should do it with these: rewards, cash, surprises.
First of all right now has been started a Referral Contest with the following prizes:
For most active referrals: First Place 300$, Second Place 200$, Third Place 100$.
For the highest referred deposit:
Additional 10% Referral Commission from the deposit (so totally you will receive 15% of your referrals deposit, that’s 150$ for only 1000$ deposit).
In addition in this pre-anniversary week we will give daily random prizes as it follows:
50$ For the person with most number of referrals for the day
50$ For the person whose referral deposits the highest amount on that day
25$ For the person who has our link/banner in his signature on TG, MMG, DTM or GT (for this you have to put your username in the payment proof posted on one of the forums mentioned)
We will send out every day a newsletter with the referral contest stats, and with the name of the previous day’s, daily random prize winner.
You will not know on a day which daily prize will be given!
On the 7th day we will give a secret prize for one of our active users!
Every reward will be paid in cash!
Daily random prizes will be paid daily!
Referral contest rewards will be paid on our one month aniversary day!
Referral Contest will be started on 04.02.2010 0:00GMT and will be ended on 11.02.2010 24:59GMT
We will check the activity for the first day daily random prize between 04.02.2010 0:00GMT and 04.02.2010 24:59GMT
I hope you will enjoy this week!
Kindest regards, Peter, admin of IwFunds.

Please note that the admin of WestFinance (interviewed here) finally allowed withdrawals to LibertyReserve but introduced a 3% fee for it. I guess it’s fair providing that making withdrawals for him is now a much more time-consuming process to LR whose API is still not working properly as far as I know. Anyway, hopefully this fee will be waived soon but meanwhile you can request your withdrawals from WestFinance with no fees to your PerfectMoney or AlertPay accounts. I noticed that SolidTrustPay has been added recently as well. So now you can deposit their 1.8%-2.5% daily for 120 days plan using four payment processors.

I have received a couple of complaints from the members of ArbisPro (reviewed here) saying payments are delayed. I intended to move ArbisPro to Problem status today, however after careful consideration and providing the good response record I have from this admin I decided to give him a chance to explain. I was aware that the problems members had in the past were always successfully resolved. So I will report tomorrow about the eventual status of the program. However to make sure and avoid any losses I would suggest you hold off from depositing into ArbisPro for the time being. Also please contact me at abramsonp@gmail.com with your feedback if you have been paid by ArbisPro in time or not. Your feedback will be highly appreciated.

You should know that MNO has now been officially named as the best e-commerce related blog of 2009 according to the results of independent voting conducted the internationally famous e-Commerce journal over the last couple of months. I’m very proud of this as I worked very hard to achieve that award but even more so I’m proud of my readers who are definitely intelligent and self-reliant and always seem to have their own diverse yet informed opinions on everything. MNO is nothing without its readers and I’m truly appreciative of your emails which I continue to receive on a daily basis. Please forgive me again that due to my vacation in Scotland that the answers can be delayed and I will really try hard to get to answer them all within the next few days. Thanks for your understanding, guys! So this is the email I received from the e-Commerce journal administration confirming my win (Rest assured that I will do everything possible so in 2010 MNO will improve even more):
Dear winner of the Ecommerce Journal AWARDS!
Hereby we would like to inform you that your project Money-news-online has won in
nomination the Best e-Commerce Blog 2009.
Your project has entered the history of the Ecommerce Journal AWARDS ceremonies.
The editorial staff of the Ecommerce Journal congratulates you with your brilliant victory and wishes you a great success in your business, more good customers and admirers of your company that will join those numerous users who have voted for you and chosen your service as the best one in the category.
Please find an icon in attachment which you can place on your site with a link to Ecommerce-Journal.com to show your visitors that your project has won in the prestigious category of the “e-commerce industry” Ecommerce Journal AWARDS.
Best Regards, Administration of the Ecommerce Journal
Best Regards, Ayny Tajeli. Deputy Chief Editor. Ecommerce Journal

Please note that the admin of XagaEnterprise Kevin (interviewed here) will be deleting inactive accounts soon. So the head of support for the program Diana sent an email encouraging members to upgrade their accounts with at least $1 (minimum deposit allowed in some plans) in order to not be deleted. All active members with deposits in one of the plans (1.2% daily forever, 8%-10% weekly forever, 0.5% for 30 business days, 0.7% for 90 business days) should simply ignore the following message:
I will delete inactive account. If you haven’t upgraded your account yet, please upgrade it.
The minimum investment required for upgrading is only $1. I believe that’s affordable for everyone. So, what are you waiting for?
Secure your account right now!
Let’s be a part of XagaEnterprise. Go Xaga! Thank you.
Regards, Diana. Customer Support

The admin of 21stCenturyArb (reviewed here) which is offering 12% weekly forever sends daily updates to inform the members about the successfully processed payouts. Here is the example of one such email (I guess if they are all the same I will not be publishing them on MNO later on):
Good-day to all members of 21stCenturyArb and I also welcome all new members to 21stCenturyArb.
I wish to announce to you that we are doing some modification on the script. Most of you will be experiencing difficulties to access the web site. Everything will be back to normal within few hours.
Thanks for your understanding.
Joy. Admin

I would like to introduce you to two new programs tonight. The first has been listed on my monitoring for three weeks already but was upgraded to Premium listing only today. This program is called Nasmos and it’s offering 4%-6% for 40 days with the principal already included in the daily payouts. So by the end of your investment term you can earn 160% to 240% depending on then amount of your deposit (the minimum to invest is only $10). Nasmos accepts a good variety of payment processors including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and StrictPay. Please note that the payouts to LR and PM are processed instantly while the SP and AP payouts are usually take up to 24 hours to be processed manually. Nasmos has quite a decent layout, is hosted on a Staminus dedicated server by DdoSWiz and is running of a licensed GoldCoders script. More about Nasmos can be read in my upcoming review soon.

The second program I would like to introduce to you now also upgraded today. It has the pretentious name of BostonVenturesBillionairesClub. I have little idea about why the admin called his program that but I promise to find out soon. The program is hosted by a reliable provider HushHosting on a dedicated Staminus server with a script licensed from MonetarySoft (you must remember it if you dealt with SazaInvestments and PTVPartner programs). Only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are accepted in BostonVenturesBillionairesClub (minimum to invest is $10) and you can make an investment into the following plans: 40%-55% monthly every month for 6 months. This might be misleading at first but by reading the terms and conditions carefully you will see that actually the profit will be credited to your account on a daily basis (every calendar day). Depending on your deposit you should expect to receive 1.34%-1.83% daily for 180 calendar days. Your principal will be returned to you on expiry. Note that it will be doubled as well. More on BostonVenturesBillionairesClub will be explained in my upcoming review of the program soon on MNO. Stay tuned for that, guys!

I have been paid today from the following programs:
FxStar, HugMoney, GrabFund, PTVPartner, MoneyPlus, XagaEnterprise, ParamountProfits, ArbisPro, WaterInvestments, PanaMoney, GoldenFleeceFund, GeniusFunds, IwFunds, Nasmos, NanoMoneyCorp, MandarinInvest, LucreMaker, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, InstantMoneyBets, GasAndOilInvestments, Flanita, SantiVentures, AimTrust, CSMFinance, AtoxFinance, ExceptionalFunds, ScootFx, OneDailyPro, Eternidex, FinanceNova, StarkFund, WeeklyDividend, InvestmentForge, RefMotor, NowInv, IncoForex, AsiaInv, StanbicArbitrage, TheKapital, BarterCrown, SportBetInv, VacationProfit (the first payments received) and ForexNetClub (the first payment received).

Stay tuned for more MNO news from the industry tomorrow featuring a review of an almost surefire hit among short-term HYIPs called ForexNetClub. Thanks for reading and see you back here tomorrow!

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