February 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! Hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend ahead. I’ll be spending it in Glasgow myself so I’m sure there’ll be plenty to keep me occupied. MNO will still continue business as usual though, so you can still find all the most up to date news whenever you want it. And today is the same, even though I’m writing to you again from a train. I’ll have the usual mix of good and bad news stories for you in just a few minutes but the first thing I want to discuss today is a new long term investment project called ForexNetClub. And guys, I don’t mind telling right from the start that I’m very enthusiastic about this one.

Now, a lot of you may not share my enthusiasm at first and that’s fine. Probably the first stumbling block many of you will come to is the relatively high investment figure. It’s $50 so I know a lot of you won’t get past that, or at least not until ForexNetClub establishes themselves as a reputable online service provider. And we all know that’s a lengthy process. But that won’t be a major long term problem to ForexNetClub. Sure, it’s a slow burner but I think it’s meant to be. I’m pretty sure that a lot of the more experienced investors reading this will see the potential of this program straight away, but for those a bit newer to the business, not to worry. Feel free to keep an eye on this one and join at your convenience. It’s always best to join early of course but if you prefer caution (and there’s nothing wrong with that either) then OK, ForexNetClub won’t be going anywhere for some time. And of that you can be sure.

There’s an excellent selection of investment plans to chose from here. There’s just the three of them (how many do you need anyway?) but perhaps the one most important thing that they all have in common is that they are all entirely sustainable and could easily be kept up for six months or more. Now I generally don’t like to look that far into the future of any online based HYIP no matter how good, so understand that I’m merely commenting on the plans here. There are always a million other factors totally beyond the admin’s control (payment processors for example, or hosting providers) but what can be controlled be the ForexNetClub management would indicate a long and profitable experience for those investors shrewd enough to take this opportunity at the right time.

So let’s see what it all involves for you on a practical level. As I said above ForexNetClub has three investment plans. The first one is simply called the Short Term Plan and it runs for 2 weeks. Payment is made on expiry and will be 109% of your initial principal which is already included. The minimum investment is $50 and the maximum is $2000. So basically what happens here is if you invest $100 you will be given back $109 on expiry.

Now, that may not sound like a whole lot at first and truth be told in comparison to most short term programs it isn’t. But make no mistake. This is still an exceptional profit and one that’s very sustainable. It will also go a long way over the coming weeks and months towards establishing the reputation of ForexNetClub as serious player in this arena.

The second plan is called the Mid Term Plan. It too is open to minimum deposits of $50 though the maximum goes up to $5,000 this time. The plan runs for 4 weeks and payment, which includes your principal, will be made on expiry. That payment will be for 128%, so in other words invest $100 and get back $128 in four weeks.

Again there may be what on the face of it look like more profitable programs with similar length plans out there, but when you actually sit down and consider the risk and add up how many cycles these plans can seriously run for, i.e how many times will they pay you, and then compare it to ForexNetClub, well there really is no comparison. What I’m trying to say is that it might look like they are paying you less, but in actual fact they will end up paying you for a substantially longer period. Assuming you will choose to reinvest long term that is.

No prizes for guessing the name of the third and final plan available from ForexNetClub. It’s called the Long Term Plan and it runs for 8 weeks. Minimum investment is still $50 and the maximum goes up to $10,000. So what will you get for your money this time? There will again be one single payment made on expiry which, including your principal, will come to 191%. Or very nearing double.

Again it’s a very attractive plan and more achievable within this timeframe. Sure, there are other programs that might offer it faster, but in the long run how many will actually deliver? Or at least deliver consistently over the months? It’s not a long time to wait for such a high payout but it is much more sensible, don’t you think? Personally I am so confident about the success of ForexNetClub that I put half of my own deposit into this plan. I like the other two as well though so I split the rest between them. I’ll keep you informed of the progress of all three during the course of my membership of the program.

Some of the other important points you will need to know about the investment plans include compounding. Fans of the practice will be glad to here that it is allowed. You can choose for yourself how much but it must be from 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%. Oddly enough ForexNetClub has a get out early clause where you are free to take your principal back early and leave the program before your plan matures. I say oddly because the longest plan is still only 8 weeks and it’s normally with much longer term programs than this that we associate such a feature. Anyway, if you can’t wait that long for a fee of 10% you can request your initial deposit back any time you like. Not that I see much of a reason for doing this myself, but if you do have an emergency then a 10% penalty is quite reasonable considering the admin’s own expenses. I’ve seen other programs do it for some very punitive figures, up to 40% sometimes and occasionally even more.

The one (and only) major criticism I have right now about ForexNetClub is the choice of payment processor. At this point there is still only one accepted. Granted it’s LibertyReserve which is the single most popular choice anyway, but a little variety wouldn’t hurt. If the admin is as experienced as I think he is however I have little doubt that this will be addressed soon enough. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if it was already being planned for when the program gains a bit more popularity. Payments will have to be requested and you are asked to allow anything up to 48 hours for them to be processed. Though in reality it’s probably fair to expect them a lot faster than that at this early stage.

Security wise ForexNetClub easily drops into the top 10% of online HYIPs. They are hosted on a dedicated server from BlockDos who I have been dealing with personally for a number of years. Forget about any problems with these guys because they’re simply not going to happen. They are also using SSL encryption from Comodo to further protect them and their members. Within your members are you will also find extensive information on how to protect yourself online including many excellent links to free anti-virus and anti-spyware programs, several of which I have used myself over the years and can vouch for. The script isn’t exactly original, it’s licensed from GoldCoders (nothing wrong with that) but it has been heavily modified and is almost unrecognisable from the regular version. In fact you could almost say that their programmers have almost completely re-written it to suit the needs of this very unique program.

It’s a very eye-catching and professional design overall, easy to navigate, user friendly, and very well planned. It’s also well explained without trying to confuse people with a lot of technical jargon.

Another of my favorite features though is the ForexNetClub emphasis on communication. There is a wide variety of points of contact for you. As well as the usual online support ticket system there are a number of dedicated e-mail addresses, with different departments corresponding to different queries. My own favourite is Live Chat where you can get your questions answered in real time by an operator. Most surprising for the online HYIP industry though is the presence of an actual functioning telephone number. In all my years in this business I could probably count the number of programs to offer this service on the fingers of one hand. And when I say offer it, I mean offer it and actually supply it, not just some random selection of digits that leads nowhere. I called just before 17.00 EST and my call was answered. Unfortunately I was calling from Skype and with an intermittent WI-FI connection at my end the conversation was cut off. But there is an actual support operator waiting for your telephone calls. Other than that there is a postal address for you as well. Though I suspect it’s most likely just a registered mail collection / serviced office style workspace, much like my own.

So how to sum it all up? In a nutshell ForexNetClub is one of the best longer term programs I’ve seen for a while. Though they do claim ForEx as their line of business which is hardly original, they make a reasonable attempt at explaining how it all works. Something their competitors rarely manage! We can also say that the plans are easily sustainable, built for long term profits and not just a fast buck. The security is top drawer, and the customer support network is one of the best I have ever seen.

Granted the minimum spend may look a little big at first, but that is also the case with several of the top performers in my own portfolio. But make no mistake – this is a team of highly experienced professionals who know exactly what they are doing. Investors will get used to the $50 minimum soon enough and the more experienced investors reading this will no doubt already see the long term benefits to the programs operations by avoiding having to give so much time over to the constant daily payments of 2 or 3 bucks.

I also like the fact that as the plans get more and more profitable, the risk doesn’t increase as much as it could, and with the same minimum spend in all three plans the cost doesn’t increase at all. So to keep it in perspective you can still earn a tidy little profit for yourself without having to spent thousands.

As it stands it’s a pretty good program to join anyway, but in a few months ForexNetClub will I am sure become an essential part of most HYIP players portfolios. That doesn’t mean you can throw caution to the wind however. Play it sensible and don’t be in a hurry. Give them time to do what I believe they are trying to do – build a client base and a reputation to rival that of the top industry performers. Keep your deposit small if you are unsure, always keep a diverse portfolio, and of course never spend (anywhere!) what you can’t afford to lose. But this is a good opportunity to get into something big right at the very beginning. I know many are already in agreement that ForexNetClub might be the next big thing.


One of the only popular autosurf sites offering daily payouts of 9% for 15 days is FundUpgrader (reviewed here) where you can earn 35% pure profit in 15 days just for surfing 15 sites daily. Please note that the surfing in FundUpgrader is crucial to obtain your daily earnings so you should pay close attention to the timer you will see in your members area. You must surf within the 24-hour timeframe each day server time so pay close attention to it. Recently the server time was changed by the admin to 5 hours earlier than it used to be. More good news: SolidTrustPay was added as the fifth payment processor in FundUpgrader so now you have more options to upgrade your account and start earning. This is the latest newsletter from the admin of the program John:
Greetings dear members, Just a notice to everyone that the timezone has been changed and is now 5 hours advanced compared to the previous timezone in our server. Please check the time and date shown in the home page and in your members page to see the new time zone.
I have another news for everyone, I am adding SolidTrustPay processor today. So wait for an announcement and then you start using SolidTrustPay to upgrade your accounts at FundUpgrader.
As usual, we are doing very good performance now. I will from now on regularly update you through the newsletter system. But always check the news section for updates too.
Happy surfing everyone!
Regards, John Palmer

SantiVentures (reviewed here) is one of the steadily growing long-term programs that was launched late last year and is offering 1.3%-2.8% for 150 business days. In his latest newsletter the admin of the program (interviewed here) reported about his work on a business plan for 2010 and also reminded us that those who made their deposits via AlertPay should only make their withdrawals when their available balance reaches $1. Here is the latest news from SantiVentures:
We are kindly informing you that SantiVentures community is constantly growing and we are very glad you have decided to be a part of it.
Right now our administration are in the process of working on a business plan for this year and it will be spread among all the members once it has been completed and confirmed. This document will include a range of activities and regulations to be taken to improve SantiVentures during the next 6-9 months.
Meanwhile we are informing all the members to whom it may concern that AlertPay transactions are working normal with no problems and we never had any issues earlier. Please remember that the minimum amount to spend in AlertPay is $1 so if your earnings are less than $1 you are not recommended to put withdrawal requests as they will not be processed until at least $1 balance is acquired.
Thanks for your attention and understanding.
Best regards, Info department. SantiVentures

GrabFund (reviewed here) paid me on expiry for the first time. I received the first payment from the plan offering 112% after 3 days (the other one available offers 144% after 10 days). The payment was processed very fast after submitting a withdrawal request and I’m pleased so far with my experience with the GrabFund program so far. Hope it will have a long way to go ahead!

Unfortunately it seems that ArbisPro really went downhill and stopped paying. Despite my warning email sent to the admin of the program last night nothing was received in response which makes me think that ArbisPro will collapse shortly. I can’t allow my readers to lose money in this program and due to unresponsiveness of the admin I had to move it to Problem status on my monitor. I think I gave him a fair chance to reply and he didn’t take it properly so I’m obligated to do this.
P.S. Just received an email from ArbisPro administration that the payouts would be processed soon. However, knowing that it could be just a trick to extend the program’s agony I would prefer to wait and see if the payouts actually start. So far I can’t confirm that anybody got paid from them. The program will stay in Problem status on my monitor unless I receive my pending payouts and a confirmation from the members who complained to me about their pendings. You are NOT advised to make any deposits in ArbisPro at the moment. This was the latest newsletter from them:
First, i sincerely apologize for delay in payment. I understand that lots of members who have pending cash-outs are already screaming to the roof top and calling us all sort of name but i want to assure you that your payment will arrive within 24 hours. I was away for 6 days due to medical concerns and i did not authorize payment and that’s the reason for the delay. Now, i am back and i will personally handle payments for now.
Now, due to the fact that we have a lot of back log, your payment will come in the order of top bottom payment. This means we will start attending to those pending from the first request down to the last.
I am very sorry for any pain this might have cause you. ArbisPro is still working.
Andrea Becks. ArbisPro Head Admin

Another program that had to be put to Problem status on my monitoring page today is ParamountProfits. I was very surprised to receive a complaint today about non-payments to LibertyReserve from one of my readers while I was paid without any issues only last night. Although allegedly the admin explained the problem by claiming issues with LR’s API interface other programs don’t seem to have any such problems with it at all at the moment. So we can see some selective payouts here when the admin is paying to other payment processors and to monitors while LR investors were not paid. I have contacted the admin regarding this issue and hope to have a reply from him soon. At the moment it is not recommended to make any investment into ParamountProfits either but I would be pretty shocked if the program disappeared so fast, after less than two weeks online and such a promising start. Let’s hope it will not happen and I will keep you updated regarding the whole issue on MNO.

I’m sure you’re just as excited as I am because InstantMoneyBets (reviewed here) has just launched their betting site where you can actually bet on many sports events yourself. The site is located on a different domain but I’m sure many of the investors will appreciate the efforts of the admin of InstantMoneyBets (interviewed here) in his attempts to organize multipe levels of income for his main program. I remind you that InstantMoneyBets was added to my monitoring two months ago and is paying you for four investment plans:
1.2% for 6 days, 1.9% for 42 days, 2.23% for 120 days, 18.2% weekly for 202 days. Here is the last exciting news about the opening of the new Sports betting project under the InstantMoneyBets umbrella:
How are you today? I’m fine. Why?
We have over 1527 Members and have paid out over 84,500$ since we started 80 Days ago.
I think IMB is the right choice for your Investment.
You can earn high Profits with us and since today we can secure this Profits by two ways.
The First Way is our major way Surebetting. We normally bet daily on different kinds of Sport Activity.
The second Way will start today and will give you high protection of your earnings.
I’m so happy to announce you our new service
The brandnew, own Sportsbook/Bookmarker managed by the Admins of InstantMoneyBets.
The service is now in the Betatest so if you find any Problem/Bug please contact us.
Why should you join Bet-Bets.com?
– Payments are made by LibertyReserve, All other major Ecurrencies will be added soon
– The minimum bet is only $1.00
– The minimum deposit Amount is only $ 2.00
– You will get $1.00 Bonus only for your Signup
– You get other Deposit Bonuses also
– Payouts are made within 24 hours
– Over 1.000 Bets available
– Earn 10% Referral, so start promotion of this service today and I’m sure you can earn a lot.
I think this news are so wonderful and we can keep up our great work.
Thanks for your trust in the last 80 Days.
All the Best, Michael and Staff

The admin of IwFunds (reviewed here) announced the first winner of their daily random prize contest given to those having links or banners to IwFunds in their signatures on the most popular public forums. There will be more winners for sure announced in the next 6 days while some contests in IwFunds continue to wait for their first month online anniversary. Here is the news about the contests straight from the admin Peter:
Dear users!
Glad to announce that yesterday’s daily random prize winner is: slim49z
The contest in which he won was: 25$. For the person who has our link/banner in his signature on TG, MMG, DTM or GT
From now other referral contest updates you will find at: https://iw-funds.com/index.php?a=cust&page=refs
Don’t forget that in the upcoming next 6 days this prize will be given once again, so if you wish to participate, post your payment proofs and put our link in your signature!
In the upcoming next 6 days we will also give two prizes of each:
50$ For the person with most number of referrals for the day and 50$ For the person whose referral deposits the highest amount on that day!
Be the part of our cash giveaways, and earn free money!
All the best wishes, Peter
I remind you that IwFunds is a short-term program offering one plan with daily payouts (18% for 7 days) and three other plans with payouts processed on expiry (110% after 3 days, 160% after 14 days, 190% after 20 days). Three payment processors currently accepted into IwFunds are LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay.

GoldenFleeceFund finally added SSL-encryption to their site and that means it’s getting a lot safer for investors to access their accounts. In the latest news the admin Felix (I sent some questions to him tonight for an upcoming interview on MNO) also reminded us about the bonuses that are available to larger investors that are going to deposit over $500 and over $3,500 into any of the plans:
1.1% for 30 days and 2.5%-4% for 90 days with the principal back on expiry (for more about that read my detailed review of the program published here). This is the latest news from Felix:
Hello, This is Felix Zeller with GoldenFleeceFund. I am proud to announce SSL implementation for a secured connection on GoldenFleeceFund. You can reach our website at: https://www.goldenfleecefund.com
As part of our dedication to improving our website and our dedication to our investors, SSL will provide a secure connection for our members to access their accounts.
Remember our Post Your Payment Contest as well as our deposit bonuses for non-VIP and VIP deposits. Information on our deposit bonuses can be found here.
Thank you for your continued support of GoldenFleeceFund!
Sincerely, Felix Zeller. GoldenFleeceFund Manager

KobelCapital (reviewed here) published their record of Forex trading sessions for the month of January. I remind you that KobelCapital is quite an old program already having been online for 4 months and paying 2.55%-3.35% for 90 days with the principal returned on expiry. Here is the latest news from them which will probably be of interest to those who can read Forex charts (sorry, but that doesn’t include me!):
Dear Client, January 2010 trade performance can be found at Trading Performance page.
Customer Support. KobelCapital Management

Sometimes I’m just wondering how attentively MNO readers look through my news and important updates. And today I became convinced that many are not paying attention to some important updates that are published on my blog. For instance, in Monday’s news the admin of SazaInvestments Ricardo (interviewed here) announced that due to the implementation of the new script the payments will not be enabled on Friday as is usually the case but rather would only open on Tuesday after the proper testing of the script and its features. Still I received dozens of emails today asking me if I was aware of any issues with SazaInvestments.

Xcelsus (yet to be reviewed on MNO) paid me today for the first time so I’m going to review it soon. I don’t really understand how the profit was calculated but I received 4% on my investment today. Although it was just under a month and it’s an extremely low return (compared to other HYIPs) I am going to ask the admin why I was paid straight to my LR account and why I can’t see any earnings in my members area of Xcelsus. I guess the review of Xcelsus will be published on MNO very soon since then first payment was processed successfully and it was announced on the site already:
Payments for investments of the 8,9,10th of January have been made if you invested on any of this days and are missing payment please send a support ticket with your user name thank you.

I would like to finish the news for today with another important update from PTVPartner (reviewed here). I guess the admin of the program Garrett (interviewed here) is less interested in silica these days as to my great surprise from his latest newsletter I found out that apparently a shipping company has been bought. I wonder if more information could be provided on this or Garrett is still bound by a confidentiality agreement not to disclose the name of the shipping company. I guess we will never know any real facts about that which could be easily verified. So it’s just a matter of your trust and belief in what Garrett had to say. I’d prefer to be skeptical until I find out proven facts. Anyway, as far as I know PTVPartner is doing just great and the payouts on all the plans (110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days) are processed daily on time. I guess that’s what should really make the investors excited and the stories about the outside investments should be taken with a pinch of salt. I hope in the upcoming second interview with Garrett he will not only be able to tell us about his investment activities but show some real proof of them which could be independently verified by every member. I think I will try to attend the next investors meeting next week and see what Garrett has to say. The information about the meeting will be of course reported on MNO. Meanwhile please read the latest news (and the latest joke of the day) from Garrett below:
Yesterday we mentioned the great attendance we had at the meetings this week. It really was, once again, phenomenal information. For those that were unable to attend, some of the new additions were:
A gold vein had been found to be more expansive than thought. We’ll update as news comes out if there’s anything to report.
A shipping company had been bought.
An on-site pallet plant is in operation.
When the initial $10M participation level is reached a larger allotment of the project would be provided for PTVPartner.
There is no new update regarding the bank wires as of this date. It is anticipated to be any day. We are all waiting expectantly for this to become available.
A wonderful time is had by all who come. We don’t want anyone to miss the fun and prizes. Make sure you’re there! Every Friday from Midnight GMT…(7-9 EST) and (4-6PST) in the Oasis Chat Room.
Support Focus:
Believe it or not here is the number one question that has been asked over the last few days. The best thing we can suggest is that if you haven’t done so yet please read our FAQs and all the information on the website. Most of the questions answered in this section are actually already posted with answers there.
It means whatever positive concept you can imagine. For example: Perpetual Traveler; Permanent Tourist; Prior Taxpayer; Positive Thinker; Privacy Tactician – and any other positive label you can think of that spells “PT”!
Hi We do not have compounding but you may set up auto reinvesting in your PTVPartner back office for each individual Plan. Auto-reinvest will be applied at the maturity of each plan. To set that up, login and go to this page: https://www.ptvpartner.com/en/account/investments/ , click on ‘Open’ beside the investment you want to set reinvest for. You may set the percentage in the left hand box according to your wishes. Selection of 100% will reinvest all.
Blog Article of the Day
Three new articles appear on our blog www.ptvpartner.wordpress.com today. They bring up some issues primarily US focused but I believe everyone could consider them in context for their own country. Those that are in other countries could help gain awareness of their locals by submitting articles they see or have written themselves. We appreciate all nationalities.
JOKE of the Day
I went to the store the other day. I was only in there for about five minutes, and when I came out there was a motorcycle cop writing a parking ticket. So I went up to him and said, ‘Come on buddy, how about giving a guy a break?
He ignored me and continued writing the ticket. So I called him a stupid idiot. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having bald tires!
Then I really got angry at him. He finished the second ticket and put it on the car with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket!
This went on for about 20 minutes. The more I abused him, the more tickets he wrote. I didn’t care. My car was parked around the corner.
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

InvestoFin is a new program (9 days online) that I’ve added to my listing today and which I’m going to review soon. The program is offering three investment plans with daily payouts: 3% for 60 days (minimum to invest is $10), 4% for 45 days (starting from $500) and 5% for 40 days (starting from $5,000). Please note that the payouts are credited on calendar days and that your principal is already factored into the daily payouts and will not be returned on expiry. So depending on what plan you choose you will get from 80% to 100% pure profit on your investment. Unfortunately the choice of payment processors in InvestoFin is limited to just two options: LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The layout of the program is quite good, it’s running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with Koddos DDoS-protection. SSL is also installed so we can say that InvestoFin has all the necessary features to become a success. A more detailed review will be published on my blog next week.

I have been paid today from the following programs:
SportBetInv, XagaEnterprise, LucreMaker, FxStar, IwFunds, PTVPartner, SantiVentures, GrabFund, FundUpgrader, GoldenFleeceFund, TradeZoom, GasAndOilInvestment, InstantMoneyBets, FinanceNova, HugMoney, 21stCenturyArb, InvestProxy, TheKapital, EzProfit, GlobalFund, GeniusFunds, NasMos, OneDailyPro, WaterInvestment, GoldenInvestment, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, BarterCrown, Flanita, PanaMoney, NanoMoneyCorp, CSMFinance, WeeklyDividend, ScootFx, Verifield, VacationProfit, RefMotor, NowInv, KobelCapital, IncoForex, AtoxFinance, AtlantisMutual, AimTrust, InvestmentForge, ForexNetClub, Eternidex, ExceptionalFunds, WestFinance, MandarinInvest and Xcelsus (the first payment received).

I will be back tomorrow with another review and of course more news from the industry! Stay tuned and see you on MNO! Have a nice weekend, guys!

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