February 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! As you may remember I’m taking a short vacation at the moment so by an odd coincidence before we get to the weekend’s news update the program I want to review for is called VacationProfit. It’s an average enough short term HYIP game but one that could be profitable to those joining at the right time. And the admin seems to have a very individual approach to organizing the program to the extent that I think he will at least try to keep it running longer than some similar ones.

VacationProfit is quite a simple and straight forward program and there is only one investment plan. So at least your decision to join or not should be a quick one! The plan runs for 5 days and will make one single payment of 120% on expiry. Your principal is included in that so don’t expect to see it returned. So for example if you were to join with $100 you are promised $120 five days later. Pretty simple, eh?

Where VacationProfit differs from the rest of the typical short term HYIPs around at the moment is the amount of money you are allowed to invest. The minimum and maximum figures are not fixed amounts. They vary in size and grow in size as the program runs longer and longer. I imagine it’s a ploy to offset hit’n’runners that can have such a negative impact on short term programs, especially in its early stages. I’ve seen a few admins try to curb these activities in the past, but I don’t think I’ve seen this one tried before. For the benefit of the serious members I hope it will be a success.

Anyway, here’s how it works – for the first three days of VacationProfit‘s life span you could invest a minimum of $1 and a maximum of $100. Forget about that now though as the program has entered its fourth day online. From day 4 to day 6 you can join with anything between $1 and $300. After that, up until day number 10 the maximum becomes $500. From day 11 until day day 15 the minimum amount you will be able to join with will be raised to $5 and the maximum will be $1000. After that the final sums will be a minimum investment of $5 and a maximum of $2,500. The admin says those figures will not be adjusted any more after that. Don’t worry if you don’t quite follow all of that, it’s better explained on the VacationProfit website. As far as payment processors are concerned, the list is fairly standard for a program like this one. It includes LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay. Payments to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are automatic but payments to StrictPay are not and you are asked to allow the admin anything up to 24 hours to get them processed for you.

The VacationProfit website is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server and protected from DDoS attacks by Koddos. The script is licensed from GoldCoders. Any further questions or problems can be put to the admin through the online support ticket submission form.

VacationProfit is presented to you here as a pure online based HYIP game. In fact the exact phrase being used is “game based HYIP”. No claims are being made about outside business or investment activities so don’t go looking for them The admin maintains that a program that pays 120% after 5 days can easily be sustained for two months and it’s true that there have been some examples. There have also been examples of programs closing at the end of the first cycle, so remember that while I appreciate the admin cutting through the usual nonsense that surrounds these things, that doesn’t mean the risk has gone away.

Some of you will do well from VacationProfit, and some of you less so. But if you enjoy a gamble and wish to participate I’d say you will be at least given a fair chance. Just keep it at an affordable level if joining, OK? Games like this one don’t come with money-back guarantees you know, the admin needs to pay for his own vacation as well!


First of all I would like to announce the interview that will be published on my blog tomorrow (along with another review of course). I’m talking about GoldenFleeceFund (reviewed here) and I have to say the admin has really came up with some good answers to my questions and never skipped anything like many other admins tend to do. I would like to thank Felix (the admin) for his serious approach to the interview and I hope it will bring more new investors to the program. GoldenFleeceFund has been online since October, 2009 and is paying on two investment plans: 1.1% for 30 days and 2.5%-4% for 90 days with the principal back on expiry. I guess Felix will be able to explain the advantages of joining his program himself tomorrow. So stay tuned for the upcoming interview on MNO!

The admin of LucreMaker (reviewed here) sent out a newsletter to his members with the link to the interview on MNO which was published a few days ago. I would suggest however that he pay more attention to some pending payouts which allegedly were not paid to a few members. I was paid fine today and I would hate to think that LucreMaker would make selective payouts. So if you’re not paid by LucreMaker please report this to me ASAP. Here is the latest newsletter from LucreMaker which is paying 111% after 3 days, 128% after 1 week, 165% after 2 weeks and 212% after 3 weeks (it is still paying, isn’t it?):
Dear Members, Money-news-online published the interview with me, Paul sent very interesting questions and I believe many of them can respond to your doubts.
If you want to read the interview please click here.
Have a nice weekend and wait for the next updates.
Best Wishes, Adam. LucreMaker.

Unfortunately I was right about the two programs which I had to move to Problem status on my monitoring last night. It’s now confirmed that ParamountProfits and ArbisPro are scams. Please do not invest in either and spread the word among your fellow investors! ArbisPro even had the gall to play dirty and sent an email where they promised to pay to investors soon. Fortunately being too long in this Industry I didn’t believe a single word and rightfully left them in Not Paying status on MNO. Really, if you’re going to pay what you owe to investors just pay! Why send some meaningless newsletter about it? ParamountProfits really disappointed me with its short lifetime and I guess the only intention of the admin here was to make a fast buck for himself because with such a great script and good original plans the program could have went a long way. Unfortunately it didn’t happen and probably we will never know what happened as the admin never replied to my emails and removed all the links to monitors that listed their program as Scam. Please make sure you will never go to the monitoring sites that still list ParamountProfits or ArbisPro as Paying as obviously they don’t care about anything but filling their pockets at the investors’ expense. Either that or else they are simply lazy which is still no excuse in this industry when things change on a daily basis and you always have to keep your finger on the pulse.

Some monitors though are pretty good at moving a program to Problem status even if they have one verified complaint from their readers. So GoldPoll recently moved InstantMoneyBets to Problem status and although the admin of that program suggested that it could be connected with the change of their domain names. I know for sure that it’s not true. It was due to one complaint which I received recently from one of my readers and which I hope the admin will fix soon. Anyway, please be aware of the moving InstantMoneyBets to Problem status by one of the leading monitoring sites and draw your own conclusions from that. I had to move it to Problem status as well so I would suggest to stay away from it until I hear something positive from the admin. This is how the admin of InstantMoneyBets explained this incident:
I have to write a short newsletter, because some monitors are too idle to read newsletters.
So like Goldpoll they have set us on Problem because they use the .com Domain and this Domain isn’t available at the moment.
I have write a email but still no change or reply, so please post all your Payments at Goldpoll and other monitors with this Status.
And don’t forget Bet-Bets.com – Sportsbook owned by IMB Admins.
Michael and Staff

You might have noticed that the site of Warisona (reviewed here) is not accessible since yesterday. As I thought the inaccessibility of the site is explained by a vicious DDoS-attack on their servers. The admin of Warisona made an appearance on forums today and explained everything and said that the site would be back soon after upgrading the level of their protection to the highest one. I hope it will not take them too long either. Here is the update from Warisona:
Hello, I’m Alex from Warisona support department. Our site is under heavy DDos attack. The DDoS attack is under control, Don’t worry We’ll update all our users soon.
We change our ddos protection 2 level higher. Thank you for understanding. Warisona will be up again soon
Alex From Warisona.

There was another newsletter from the admin of NowInv (reviewed here) sent today. In this regular update then admin shared the latest stats on the program running for 18 days already, reminded us about the bonus program which is going to expire tonight, reminded us also about the forum threads where you can cast your vote for NowInv after being paid (I remind you that the cashout to LR and PM are instant) and announced about the addition of the new VIP plan which will pay you 200% after 20 days. Unfortunately the minimum you will need to participate in this plan is a high $500 so given the high risk I would not recommend this plan to anybody. It’s better to go with the other three plans which are shorter-term and less risky: 110% after 5 days, 130% after 10 days, 160% after 15 days. Of course I realize that with time NowInv will have to introduce something new in order to compete with the newer short-term programs which logically draw more attention away from the older ones. But so far the admin of NowInv did a good job and I believe they could be sustainable for some more time. Here is the latest newsletter:
It’s NowInv Staff here and we would like to announce a brand new investment plan that we have just installed for you.
Let’s start with our stats so far. NowInv is in business for 18 days already and 800 members joined us. Our recent growth has increased for a big figure and we thank you members for the trust.
The total deposit amount is $140,000. The main factor is that the growth is steady at all times so it’s important for the further performance.
NowInv Team is always introducing a new features that will make the program more interesting for you. This time we have installed a new plan that pays 200% after 20 days. It’s called VIP Plan and the minimum to participate with is $500, maximum – $10,000. The principal is included in the return.
Please take a note that our current bonuses are about to expire. Tomorrow, February 7, is the last date when they are valid. We remind you that they include the Deposit Bonus and New Referral Bonus.
For more information, please visit this page: https://nowinv.com/bonus
We would like to ask this for another time. Please take your time and vote for NowInv by leaving a feedback on forums mentioned below.
MMG: http://www.moneymakergroup.com/Nowinv-Nowinvcom-t325981.html
DTM: http://www.dreamteammoney.com/index.php?showtopic=90579
TG: http://www.talkgold.com/forum/r281360-.html
Thank you for the cooperation and enjoy your weekend.
Sincerely, NowInv Staff

Another already relatively old but still very popular short-term program is IwFunds (reviewed here). The program is offering four investment plans (18% for 7 days, 110% after 3 days, 160% after 14 days, 190% after 20 days) with instant payouts to LR and PM payment processors. I hope to send some interview questions to the admin of IwFunds Peter tonight and hope to receive some honest replies from him later on to publish it on MNO. Meanwhile please read the latest newsletter from IwFunds where he announced more winners from the contests that ran during the week:
We are announcing our second winner in the daily random prize contest: angel_desuza – won in contest “50$ For the person whose referrals are depositing the highest amount on that day!” Congratulations!
Please don’t forget that in the next 5 days we will still give cash:
once again 25$ For the person who has our link/banner in his signature on TG, MMG, DTM or GT once again 50$ For the person whose referral deposits the highest amount on that day!
And two times 50$ For the person with most number of referrals for the day
Anyone can participate in the contests, invite your friends, relatives, colleagues and you should earn nice rewards, or an easier way is to put our link in your signature on forums for the next 5 days and make 1 post in our thread!
Again congratulations for our winners, tomorrow we will announce a new one maybe you will be the lucky one!
Best wishes, Peter

The admin of WeeklyDividend, Ed (interviewed here), also announced some contest winners in his latest newsletter. According to him WeeklyDividend is still growing nicely and the race to reach 2,000 members is proceeding well:
Let me apologize for the delay in announcing the winners of this weeks signature contest but it was a very busy day for me.
The winners for this weeks signature contest are QIBucks and Phoenix14.
Would these two members please send me a ticket telling me in which plan (Daily or weekly) they would like their 20$ upgrade and I will add it.
Thank you all who participated and I hope you found it to be enjoyable.
Because we have launched our race to 2000 contest we will be discontinuing the signature contest.
But it still pays to keep WeeklyDividend in its resident place in your signature because we will be giving away over $2,000 in prizes for the new contest in addition to the 6% commission we pay for all deposits made by your referrals.
For details please visit the Company News section of our website.
WeeklyDividend continues to thrive and we have you the members to thank for that. With many programs coming and going daily you can stand firm on the fact that WeeklyDividend will be here for a long time to come.
Thank you, Ed and the WeeklyDividend team

The admin of 21stCenturyArb (reviewed here) fixed a small glitch in the script that only allowed members make 4 weekly withdrawals and sent out a newsletter informing us that all the payments had been paid again and encouraging the inactive members to upgrade their accounts to avoid pending deletion. The minimum to invest in 21stCenturyArb is $20 and you will be paid 12% weekly forever with no expiry. Here is the latest email from the admin, Joy (such a hippy name, lol!):
“Happy weekend to all members of 21stCenturyArb.
I wish to announce to you that all payout have been completed. All paid members should please visit any of our monitor/forum to cast a vote.
All free members should please upgrade their account or will be deleted from the site within one week from today.
Thanks for all your support and have a wonderful weekend.
Joy. Admin

IncoForex (reviewed here) announced the two days in which the profits would not be credited to members accounts due their inability to trade during that time. Here is the news taken from IncoForex website:
Non-trading days
Dear customers! We have non-trading days on
Feb 11 2010 National Foundation Day in Japan
Feb 15 2010 President’s Day in United States
Deposits and Withdrawals will be processed as usual instantly on these days.

I have been paid today from the following programs:
VacationProfit, IwFunds, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, PTVPartner, SantiVentures, MandarinInvest, NowInv, 21stCenturyArb, HugMoney, NasMos, ScootFx, WeeklyDividend, Verifield, RefMotor, IncoForex, GasAndOilInvestment, GeniusFunds, FxStar, AtoxFinance, AsiaInv, GoldenFleeceFund, MoneyPlus, XagaEnterprise, SportBetInv, OneDailyPro, FundUpgrader, LucreMaker, TheKapital, Flanita, ExceptionalFunds, GrabFund, StarkFund, BarterCrownAimTrust, Eternidex, TradeZoom, FinanceNova, KobelCapital, GlobalFund, WaterInvestment, GoldenInvestment and ForexNetClub.

That’s all for now. Enjoy the rest of your Saturday and see you on MNO tomorrow, guys!

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