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28/02/2010. BioEnergyFunds Review and Other News



Hi everyone! As usual Sunday seems to be a pretty quiet day all round on the news front, but there are a couple of stories that I’ll get to anyway in just a moment. First of all though I’d like to talk about a fairly recent addition to my monitoring page called BioEnergyFunds. I joined it about around the middle of last week. I’m actually glad that I waited a few days before writing this because the more I look at this one the more I like it. In fact I can comfortably say that BioEnergyFunds is well on its way to becoming a very popular program.

They work off the premise that they are investing in the development of environmentally friendly bio-fuel and I have to say it, like most of the website, is highly original. As bit of a nature lover myself and an all round fan of the great outdoors it is a nice concept. Money isn’t the only thing green that I like you know! As ever the choice to believe that they are involved with renewable energy sources is entirely yours. Personally I only wish to treat them the same way I treat any online HYIP, but a break from the usual stories of ForEx deals and Wall Street and so on is welcome. Even if it isn’t true it shows a little imagination which I like. And what’s more BioEnergyFunds even have a little “bio-energy clock” giving you information in real time about global oil consumption and the amount of CO2 emissions going into the atmosphere. So there’s something for you to think about as well.

Anyway, let’s see the plans. First of all investing in any particular plan involves you buying shares of a certain value. For example if one share costs $20 then you can only invest with multiples of that, e.g. $20, $40, $60, etc.

BioEnergyFunds is mostly a long term investment program with plans that run for 30 weeks. There is a shorter term alternative however that runs for two weeks. I guess you could say it’s like a test plan though it should also be beneficial for the admin in establishing a good reputation for himself and his program, and also in drumming up a little extra capital to finance it all. So that’s the one I’ll begin with, but you know as so called test plans go it’s really not that bad an option and is good enough to be taken a bit more seriously. It runs for 2 weeks and shares in it will cost you $20 each. You can buy anything up to 15 shares, so that’s $300. You will receive 2 weekly payments of 8% interest after which your principal gets returned leaving you with 16% net profit. So in other words invest $100 and get $116 back.

If you’re happy with all of that and are ready to play for some big bucks then take a look at the longer term options. The first of which is called The Premium Green Plan and runs for 30 weeks. Shares in this plan cost $20 each and you are allowed to purchase a maximum of 50 of them, or $1000 in value. In return for that BioEnergyFunds offer a weekly interest payment of 8.5%. This time your principal is already factored in to your payments so will not be returned on expiry. The total repayment will come to 255% with 155% being pure profit. So this is how it works – if you invest $100 you will be paid $8.50 per week for 30 weeks. You will break even on receipt of your 12th payment and be in profit from that point on. Your payments will add up to a total of $255.

From this point on I think BioEnergyFunds is really geared towards more serious investors. The second plan is called The Golden Green Plan and shares in this will cost you $1000 each. You can buy a maximum of 10 of these shares. The plan also runs for 30 weeks and makes weekly payments of 10%. Again your principal is already counted here so you break even after 10 weeks and are in profit after that. Total payments will amount to 300% so that’s triple your money.

The last plan is called The Executive Plan. It sells shares priced at $3000 each and you may purchase a maximum of 15 of them. It’s probably a moot point if you can’t afford to join it but for your information the plan runs for 30 weeks and makes weekly interest payments of 12% that include your principal.

There is an excellent selection of payment options open to you with all the popular processors in use. BioEnergyFunds will accept money through AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay. Hard to see how they could improve on that really with anything else they could add really not that popular. You should be aware that in order to cover administration costs there can be certain fees applied when joining under different payment processors. It’s nothing that big but just be aware of it. Please also note that payments are only made on Mondays and Tuesdays and will have to be requested.

The BioEnergyFunds website is really good. I was pleased to see SSL encryption in use there to protect the members accounts. The faster online investors start demanding this feature as a minimum requirement before joining any program the better in my opinion. But apart from that the site is very well organized, easy to navigate, and professionally designed. They are hosted on a dedicated server supported and protected by HushHosting who always seem to be well liked and regarded by their customers. The script BioEnergyFunds run off is I believe licensed from GoldCoders though it’s barely recognizable as such. It’s been almost totally modified and customized to meet their own requirements by their programmer.

Customer support is offered through a support ticketing system that will open in a new page in your browser. There you will also be able to check the progress of any existing tickets as well. In my own admittedly brief dealings with the admin I found him to be an affable sort of guy and always quite pleased to be helpful. I imagine he has some experience in this industry under his belt and knows what he is doing. Don’t underestimate the value of a good admin to any program by the way as it really is something that can make a world of difference.

As for the business side of the program, well I’m not one to sit on the fence but it really is entirely up to you about how much you want to believe from any online HYIP admin. Personally I will as always only treat any of them as online HYIP games until some solid evidence is presented to me saying otherwise. But as online HYIPs go you could really do a lot worse for yourself than this one. It has a very original design, has a good selection of plans that are both profitable and sustainable, all the main payment processors are available right from the very beginning, security is taken seriously, and the admin seems more than capable. Of course I know that absolutely none of this actually guarantees anything, but the online investments industry is all about high risks and the risk in joining BioEnergyFunds is probably lower than most. Definitely worth a few bucks as part of a diverse portfolio, but do remember to keep it sensible too, ok.


It seems that NanoMoneyCorp (reviewed here) is again experiencing some glitches with the script which could delay payouts even further. When trying to log into my account in NanoMoneyCorp today I discovered the same issue that many investors experienced a few days ago – the account was a complete mess and actually instead of seeing my details I can see the details of some other member. I wonder what is really happening in NanoMoneyCorp because despite me getting paid last night I was told that some investors have been waiting for their cashouts since February 25th. The most recent script troubles can affect these payouts again. I suggest not to make any new spends in NanoMoneyCorp while they are still working on this issue. In addition, I received a phishing email allegedly from the NanoMoneyCorp email address with an attached contract which supposedly contains the changes in their interest rates:
This makes it possible to example is the situation, we change the interest rate on deposits. Read more in attached file.
Needless to say that it’s very dangerous to even open such a file or you risk your computer’s security being compromised. Just delete this email and go to NanoMoneyCorp website to make sure that the plans are still the same: 1.2% for 30 business days, 1.5% for 50 business days, 1.8% for 100 business days with the principal returned on expiry for all of them.

The website of GeniusFunds is also having problems and not loading at all. But in this case at least we are aware of their technical issues and that they were working on them. There was an official update issued today by the administration of GeniusFunds (reviewed here) which you can read below:
Due to technical difficulties experienced by our network provider, some customers may experience problems loading our web site over the weekend. Our IT team is working together with out network provider to resolve these issues. We are sorry for the temporary inconvenience that this may cause.

I would like to thank one of my readers for sending me the headers of the scamming email which I discussed on my blog a couple of days ago. I remind you that it’s an email allegedly sent from my only email address that I use to communicate with my readers and program admins. So I checked who accessed my gmail account recently and it appears to be that my IP was the only one that was used during the last few days. So I was wondering how the scammer managed to make it look like it was sent from my email address. I’m not so computer savvy so I would be interested to hear my readers’ comments on that. Anyway, there is a cool feature in Gmail that will allow you to determine the actual and not disguised email address from which the mail was originally sent. To use this feature simply choose the email you wish to check and click on Show Original tab. You will then receive the headers of the actual sender. So one readers sent this info to me and it appears that the email was in reality sent from Well, I googled this address and the only mention of that I found was on MMG forum in the thread of a short-term scam program IdealInv. It appeared at that time somebody (possibly the admin of the program himself) spammed members mailboxes with IdealInv advertising. Well, apparently this man is the same one behind those recent malicious scamming messages soliciting money for an HYIP. Again I repeat that I am NOT going to open any HYIP and that I will never start asking any of you for money. Please take care and be aware of these tricks.

Today is the last day when you can take advantage of the bonus which was offered by the admin of 21stCenturyArb (reviewed here) The bonus is only paid to investors willing to deposit $200 or more in either of the two plans offered by them: 2% daily forever or 12% weekly forever. Here is the latest newsletter from 21stCenturyArb:
Good evening to all members of 21stCenturyArb and hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.
We are happy to announce to you that payout have been completed for today. All paid members should please visit the forum page and cast a vote for us. All free members should please upgrade their account or will be deleted within 2days from today.
I want to use this opportunity to tell you that the special upgrade bonus which started on the 22nd of February is still on, the upgrade bonus is going to last until on Monday 1st of March. Dont miss out.
Buy $200 – 399 upgrade and get $20 free upgrade
Buy $400 – 599 upgrade and get $40 free upgrade
Buy $600 – 999 upgrade and get $60 free upgrade
Buy $1000 – unlimited upgrade and get $140 free upgrade
Have a wonderful weekend. Your Admin. Joy

ScootFx (reviewed here) is celebrating its 5000th member who joined the program today. In my opinion it’s a slight exaggeration and from my own experience such low-key programs like ScootFx paying 1.2% for 40 business days, 1.7% for 70 business days, 2.2% for 90 business days with principal returned on expiry and accepting only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are not getting such high results in membership numbers. I cannot say for sure it’s not true of course but I just have very big doubts about those stats. One thing is for sure – ScootFx has been a wonderful program so far. I have been monitoring it for 40 days already and so far the payouts and referral commissions have been paid by the script in automatic mode. The script is the best thing about ScootFx in my opinion – it’s quite original, stable and SSL-secured. There’s definitely some experienced admin behind it and I expect quite a long run from this program. Here is the latest news from ScootFx for your attention:
Today, 5000th member joined our website. Our program grow is fast and near our forecast.
We had no delay in payment in last 50 days and all payments done in less than 30 minutes.
Last week we passed a big DDOS attack successfully without any downtime.
If you have any question or need support, you can contact us anytime. Our staff are available 24/7 to help you.
Regards, ScootFx Group

I’m glad to report that I was paid for the first time from SteadyRoi today on their 109% after 1 day plan. The payout was instant as was promised on the program’s website so I will be doing a more detailed review of that on my blog tomorrow night. I’d like just to remind you that SteadyRoi is an extremely short-term HYIP accepting LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay with three investments plans: 108%-110% after 1 day, 121%-125% after 2 days and 134%-140% after 3 days. Just a few hours ago I received another email from the admin where he mentioned that for some reason StrictPay deposits are not currently being credited to your account automatically after depositing. If you have such difficulties please don’t hesitate to submit a support ticket to the admin with all the details of your deposit made via StrictPay and mentioning the plan you’ve chosen when joining. The admin promised to add the deposits that were not credited properly as soon as possible:
This is a quick update regarding the current situation with StrictPay deposits.
For an unknown reason they are not being credited by our script automatically. I am working to get it fixed as soon as possible.
Please send an support ticket if your deposit was not added and it will be credited manually. You must include the plan you deposited in as well.
By the way, I hope you enjoyed the exciting Men’s Ice Hockey final at Vancouver! I am a huge sports fan. What about you? Feel free to reply to this message in case you want to share anything.
That’s all for now. Enjoy your Sunday!
SteadyRoi Admin

Below is the list of the programs that paid me today:
FxPetroleum, Skinex, MandarinInvest, BiotechInvFund, NasMos, EzProfit, Verifield, InvestoFin, InvestAward, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, EuroNanoInvest, CelexProfit, AtlantisMutual, AsiaInv, AlphaInvestments, Eternidex, GeniusFunds, WestFinance, Dragadox, XciteInvest, HugMoney, WaterInvestment, OneDailyPro, UmaxFunds, WeeklyDividend, GoldenInvestment, GlobalFund, FinanceNova, ExceptionalFunds, XagaEnterprise, DepositPalace, SmartTradersInv (the first payment received) and SteadyRoi (the first payment received).

See you on my blog tomorrow with another review and all the most up to date news from anywhere in the HYIP industry!

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