Mar 21st, 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! After today’s interview (which as usual I hope you found to be in some way useful) I’d like to have a slight change of pace for this evenings review and take a look at something a little bit shorter term. SotInvest is the name of one such program and it’s one of the most recent additions to my monitoring list.

And when I say short term I’m not exaggerating. In one case the plan runs for just one single day, though there are some longer (i.e riskier) options there for you too. SotInvest have been running for the last four days and with a lot of payments having been processed already interest in this one seems to be quite keen right now. No surprise really, games like this one always have their fair share of fans anyway but SotInvest does seem to have some attractive plans if they can be sustained. I’d have my doubts about some of the longer term ones mind you, but that will have to be your decision.

So starting with the plans, SotInvest has five of them on offer labeled simply Plans A, B, C, D, and E. Plan A runs for just 1 day. It is open to deposits of any amount you wish to spend from just $1and up. The final return is based on how much you wish to spend and your principal will be included. The interest rates are as follows:
$1 to $500 earns 105%. $501 to $1000 will earn 107%. $1001 to $2500 earns 110%. $2501 to $5000 will get you 115%. And from $5000 to $10,000 will get you 120%. Larger deposits are accepted (naturally!) but if you are seriously interested in how much they pay then contact SotInvest directly.

The next plan from SotInvest, Plan B, runs for 10 days and offers daily payments during that time. Again it’s up to you to decide the size of your own deposit here with the only restriction being that you must deposit at least $10. The rate of interest then is determined by how much you would to spend. Payments are made per day which includes your principal. Interest rates are calculated as follows:
Deposits between $10 and $500 receive a daily return of 15%, allowing you to break even after 7 days and finish with 150%
Deposits from $501 to $1000 get 17% interest per day so you break even after 6 days and finish with 170%.
Deposits from $1001 to $2,500 are offered 20% interest per day so this time you break even after 5 days and finish with 200%, or double your money.
Deposits from $2501 to $5000 are paid 25% per day allowing you to break even after 4 days and finish with a total of 250%.
And deposits between $5001 and $10,000 are offered 30% per day which would again allow you to recoup your principal after 4 days but finish with a total of 300%. For information concerning larger amounts then contact the admin.

After that SotInvest offer a series of “paid on expiry” plans which I have to say look a little bit over-ambitious in places. There are three of them to choose from and run for terms of various lengths. Plan C for instance runs for 7 days and pays out on expiry for the following amounts:
The minimum deposit here is $25 and for amounts between that and $1000 are paid 135% on expiry, principal included.
Amounts from $1001 to $2500 are paid 170% on expiry. Amounts between $2501 and $5000 are offered 205% on expiry, and larger deposits from $5001 to $10,000 are offered 240%. Again the decision to spend more than that (congratulations if you can afford it!) is up to you and if you wish to know how much is offered then contact SotInvest yourself. I doubt they’ll refuse your offers!

For something a little riskier there is Plan D. It runs for 15 days and pays on expiry on the following amounts which include your principal:
The minimum deposit is $50 this time and if you invest between that and $1000 gets you a straight 200% payment on expiry.
Deposits from $1001 to $2500 are offered 300%. Deposits from $2501 to $5000 are offered 400%, and deposits from $5001 to $10,000 are offered 500%. If you want information on bigger deposits then contact the admin.

And finally we come to Plan E, the highest paying one and as you may expect the highest risk. The plan runs for 30 days and SotInvest will pay you once on expiry at the following rates:
Minimum deposit is $100. Amounts between that and $1000 are offered a return of 450%. Deposits from $1001 up to $2500 are offered a return of 650%. Deposits between $2501 and $5000 are offered 900% and larger deposits up to $10,000 are offered an even more unfeasible 1200%. Once again SotInvest will take larger deposits if you are prepared to make them. Contact them for information.

Obviously if you are getting involved with any of those higher risk longer term plans then you need to decide just how realistic those plans are. But then again you should always be thinking about things like that anyway. Especially as the wide choice of plans is not reflected in the choice of payment processors. If you wish to join SotInvest then you may only do so through LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney which is about to be added soon. So expect no refunds if things don’t quite work out they way you had hoped them to. Payments are manual so you will have to request them. You are asked to allow up to 12 hours for them to be processed.

The SotInvest website is running off a script licensed by GoldCoders and hosted on a dedicated server by BlackLotus who are also providing them with their highest possible level of protection from DDoS attacks. So while it might be questionable as to exactly how long a short term program like this can run for the fact that they have opted for such expensive protection coupled with the enormous list of monitors that were added would make me think that the admin is at least pretty genuine in trying to make longer lasing success of the program. I can’t say if that’s what’s going to happen, but I can see a strong effort is being made.

Any questions or support related issues can be sent to the admin via the online support ticket system which may get a bit of use because if I had one major criticism of the design it’s that the plans are rather poorly explained and you need to sign up and become a member before you see a full explanation of how they work. Granted it’s free to do that and a relatively short procedure but the short plan descriptions that you do see on the home page are a bit misleading. They only tell you what the maximum payouts are on the biggest investments of more than $10,000 and don’t mention that that’s not what the average member joining with a hundred bucks is gonna get. They do offer some interesting information on their membership stats where you can check on how much each individual member has deposited and withdrawn.

Interesting, but that’s all. It doesn’t offer any sort of guarantee on your deposit which you should never expect in this business anyway. There is also no real mention of any kind of outside business or investment activities either, so as usual treat them like any other online HYIP related game. One for the gamblers among you I think but if you’re joining at all then most likely you’ll do better if you get in early.


ProsperityWallet (reviewed here) has been online for six days now so the first payouts on expiry for the people who joined at the start should be paid (I also got paid instantly last night). ProsperityWallet pays you 125% after 5 days and accepts five payment processors including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay, StrictPay and GlobalDigitalPay. Mostly the payouts from ProsperityWallet are instant to all the payment processors but today due to some technical problems on the LR site which was inaccessible for a few hours payouts there were delayed (but still paid very fast after the LR site came back online). In the first newsletter the admin of ProsperityWallet thanked the members for their support and praised the huge growth the program experienced for the first few days online. At the time of writing this it has reached 1250 members and counting. Also a new feature of payment screenshots has been launched, the admin invited everyone to join the program’s own forum, answered some of the more commonly asked questions, and mentioned the review published right here on MNO recently. Please also note that I have already sent some questions to the admin of ProsperityWallet for an interview and expect to receive his answers sometime next week. So stay tuned for that as well. Here is the full newsletter from ProsperityWallet:
Hello, dear ProsperityWallet members!
I am Martin, administrator of this program and I’m sending you the first official newsletter. Before we start, I want to thank everyone who supports ProsperityWallet! Our achievement so far is just brilliant – 1200 members in 6 days, that’s an impressive figure!
First I would like to announce a brand new feature available at ProsperityWallet. Since the first deposits expired 12 hours ago, you may now find withdrawal screenshots processed by ProsperityWallet. This will be definitely a perfect tool to prove that there are real payments being sent out. Here is the link:
I would like to remind and invite you to join our own forum. If you want to discuss ProsperityWallet or post your payment notice there, that’s the right place for you! It should also help for new members if they have any questions or doubts. ProsperityWallet community is friendly and always ready to help each other! Join it today:
There were couple of similar questions received from ProsperityWallet members. I think I should answer them here as well and you might find it useful.
1. Why is my account balance still empty – no earnings are credited for my deposit daily?
This is because our plan pays a once off payment after 5 days. So if you deposited at 15:00 March 21, your earnings will be credited on 15:00 March 26.
2. I deposited funds trough AlertPay. Can I withdraw to PerfectMoney or LibertyReserve?
No, you will be paid into the same e-currency you deposited with. So if you used AlertPay for deposit, you will be paid into your AlertPay account.
3. Some one joined under me and I earned the referral commission of $5 StrictPay. Can I withdraw this amount to other e-currency?
No, the commission is credited in the same e-currency your referral deposited with. We do not offer exchanging funds in any way.
During this first week, ProsperityWallet was reviewed by the industry’s famous blog Money-News-Online. An interview with Paul is also planned in the near future. I will let you know when it’s available. Meanwhile you can read the review here.
Thank you all for reading, that’s all for the first newsletter! I’m looking forward for an new prosperous week. Enjoy your Sunday and instant payments at ProsperityWallet!
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question. You may reply to this e-mail or use our support form here.
Martin – ProsperityWallet Administrator

It seems that PTVPartner (reviewed here) is totally back on track after the recent script problems and all the recent payouts have been caught up. I was paid last night as well. In his latest update the admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here) talked about the next investors meeting that will take place tomorrow. He also commented on the necessity of political issues that are discussed in the PTVPartner official blog and shared another joke of the day. In a personal email to me Garrett told me he was very busy recently but promised to answer questions for the second interview sent to him recently. I hope this interview will be of interest to the readers of MNO as PTVPartner remains one of the most successful programs and has reached the number 2 spot in the MNO rankings now. PTVPartner is paying on four investment plans on expiry – 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days – and accepts four payment processors. Here is the latest news from PTVPartner just received:
New Meeting:
The Meeting mentioned in the earlier email is incorrect. The meeting will be held at:
*** Meeting Schedule ***
Monday March 22, 4pm GMT (9am PDT, 10am MDT, 11am CDT, 12noon EDT)
Please make the appropriate change to your calendars and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Website News:
Greetings everyone; I sincerely apologize for yesterday’s downtime and glitches. The site is now back to normal and loading faster than ever! Basically; after a server upgrade at our Hosting Service, there were certain things not functioning properly, causing access delays. Since the problem was identified by our programmer during nighttime in Europe, he was not able to make contact with them till the wee hours of the morning, Central time. In the meantime, he worked throughout yesterday to do on the site whatever could be done to speed up access from our end.
If anyone had a deposit or withdrawal that did not complete properly, please submit a Support Ticket providing all relevant details and it will be addressed as soon as possible. Payouts were delayed during the site problems, and are currently being caught up, today’s payouts will follow as soon as yesterdays are completed.
Blog Articles of the Day:
(side note:)
For those of you who think that “politics” has no place on our blog. There are some who are missing the point. All these commentaries and interviews about politics affect your financial status. Politics drives the investment decisions of the world. You may not like some of the things we say. You don’t have to. I don’t like all of them either. You may take a different viewpoint. If you have an article, or documentation for your viewpoint, submit it. Do you know that what’s going on in the world today, investment wise, is decided on in large part by the greater global definition of the decisions made by todays ruling leaders in various countries but especially those of the USA, the UK, China as they are the largest countries and those with the most influence and the largest actors in the play, so to speak? Our intention here is to expose the deals, the decisions, and the information. What you do with that information or the decisions you make knowing it is entirely up to you. Further along our journey we will be getting into other aspects such as how the decisions affect your overall ability to create and keep the wealth you acquire. For now, if you haven’t made yourselves aware of the greater picture globally please do so. If you have, stay current.
If you don’t like it, do something to help those attempting to help change things.
Just make sure you’re aware of what is going on.
Ninth Interview of the Day
This is a very significant interview. As mentioned, Bob Chapman, known as the “International Forecaster” sets out many details. Those in other countreis, as well as the US should take time to listen to the multiple section interview that is posted today. Some things you will already recognize and understand and be aware of. Others however may not have crossed your mind. Today is the right day to know what’s going on. This is NOT JUST a US discussion.
Obama wants your DNA, Katherine Albrecht Breaks down RFID
“Does Obama want your DNA? How far will the IRS go to extract the peoples blood? What the heck is Chris Dodd thinking about the FED’s monetary power? Gary answers those questions and welcomes SpyChips co-author and RFID expert Katherine Albrecht to the show to discuss the latest in RFID and implantable human tracking technology?”
Watch these interviews. You can link to them from our blog. It’s plain scary stuff if you ask me!
Joke of the Day:
My Jobs
My first job was working in an orange juice factory, but I got canned, couldn’t concentrate.
Then I worked in the woods as a lumberjack, but I just couldn’t hack it, so they gave me the axe.
After that I tried to be a tailor, but I just wasn’t suited for it, mainly because it was a so-so job.
Next I tried working in a muffler factory but that was too exhausting.
Then I tried to be a chef — figured it would add a little spice to my life, but I just didn’t have the thyme.
I attempted to be a deli worker, but any way I sliced it, I couldn’t cut the mustard.
My best job was being a musician, but eventually I found I wasn’t noteworthy.
I studied a long time to become a doctor, but I didn’t have any patience.
Next was a job in a shoe factory; I tried but I just didn’t fit in.
I became a professional fisherman, but discovered that I couldn’t live on my net income.
I managed to get a good job working for a pool maintenance company, but the work was just too draining.
So then I got a job in a workout center, but they said I wasn’t fit for the job.
After many years of trying to find steady work I finally got a job as a historian until I realized there was no future in it.
My last job was working at Starbucks, but I had to quit because it was always the same old grind.
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!

I have decided to move CottonFunds (reviewed here) back to Paying status on my blog as the admin finally replied to me and assured me that the recent issues with SolidTrustPay would be resolved soon. He also let the investors know that he’s sending all the necessary documents to STP via FedEx to hasten the verification process and start accepting STP deposits again. So I will give him the benefit of the doubt and since all the payouts will continue I can’t see any reason to keep them on Problem status on MNO anymore. Here is the latest from the admin:
Hello Investors, friends and associates, on late Friday we got our Solidtrustpay account blocked until we send our documents to them notarized in original. We are sending these documents via FedEx and hope to have the SolidTrustPay account open by next week again. Everyone who was investing with SolidTrustPay got a full refund so no one loses or lose earnings during the time.
Everyone who invested for more as one week using SolidTrustPay, will also receive a 5% bonus payment in any other ecurrency. This not counts for monitoring services, as they not invest their own money! We also update the investment from the monitoring services who was using SolidTrustPay bonuses to StrictPay or AlertPay.
I like to inform everyone that we just processed all pending payments and there is no delay or non payments like other programs doing, when they face any problems with a ecurrency provider.

I would like to inform you that today I was able to access my accounts in FinanceNova (reviewed here) and WestFinance (reviewed here) the websites of which were unavailable in some parts of the world for most of yesterday. I think the issue was on the end of their hosting provider BlackLotus but now everything seems to be fine and I received my payouts from both FinanceNova and WestFinance today. So there is no reason to worry anymore!

Unfortunately I can’t say the same for another program that also returned after a relatively long period offline. I’m talking about BiotechInvFund which will remain on On Hold status on my blog till the payouts resume. Today a message appeared on their website informing us of possible delays in paying to LR accounts due to the payment processor’s downtime. However I still wasn’t able to withdraw to PerfectMoney for a couple of days either and I don’t see any reason why the admin disabled payouts there. So I would advise you to exercise caution regarding BiotechInvFund as something is still wrong with their script preventing instant payouts. This is what I found on the website of BiotechInvFund today:
Dear members, LibertyReserve payment system is currently on maintenance as soon as LibertyReserve became available we will resume our payouts.

Also I have to put INSPremiumAds to On Hold status on my monitoring page due to the delays with the payouts. The admin promises to pay all overdue payments by the end of the month but only after this happens I will move INSPremiumAds back to Paying status on my blog. At the moment no new investments are recommended in this one. Here is the email I received from the admin today:
Dear INSPremiumAds Family, Hope all of you are fine and in good health and enjoying weekend with family and friends. I am sorry for delay in payment this time ass everyone know payout term is 30 business days but I always paid within 5-10 business days but this time I am facing problem in withdrawal from my Fx broker actually before that they always pay me on my requested processors but this time they are allowing me to withdraw only at LR that is why it is taking time because I am in contact with the upline of that platform as soon as it will resolved I will start payouts I will update all of you in next week and will try to pay all pending payouts because I am aware that I have to open cashout button very soon so I am working hard on it so I will let all of you know and will resolve that issue in a day or two once again i am very sorry for this delay.
Thanks for all of you patience. Have a good day, Ub. Admin

The admin of Xcelsus announced a contest for the best testimonial which you can send to him in order to earn a bonus which will be awarded to three lucky winners. Here is the latest from Xcelsus program (reviewed here):
Welcome to all new members and investors. Hope you are all well, busy busy week, good well not much to say today we continue to grow i a very nice and steady way, this week we will have a small contest and is about writing a couple of lines of what you think of Xcelsus, like a testimonial, then we will pick 3 to put on our main page and will be rated from 1st to 3rd, 1st place wins a $50 credit to his/her Xcelsus account and $25 LR in cash, 2nd place $25 Credit and $15 LR in cash and 3rd place $25 Credit and $10 LR cash, so there it is you have this week to send us your testimonial and by Saturday we will announce the winners, please send them in the support ticket or to sign with your Xcelsus username all members are eligible.
Thank you for reading, have a nice weekend.
Best Regards, Boss. Proud Xcelsus admin

Finally some good news from the admin of UmaxFunds (reviewed here). From now on besides LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney you will be able to use AlertPay to join too. I remind you that UmaxFunds accepts deposits in the following plans: 2.3% for 45 days, 2.4% for 55 days, 3% for 60 days with the principal returned in all plans. For more info on UmaxFunds you can refer to my interview with the admin published here. This is the latest announcement him:
We are happy to announce that we start accepting AlertPay as a new payment option. Visit for more information.
Best Regards.
UmaxFunds,inc. Admin

I have been paid from the following programs today:
ProsperityWallet, PTVPartner, Aballong, HighYieldClub, MandarinInvest, NasMos, Verifield, GarantMoney, Cashift, FinanceNova, WestFinance, SmartTradersInv, BJInvetsment, UmaxFunds, SotInvest, ForexNetClub, SureBetInv, IncoForex, EuroNanoInvest, AtoxFinance, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, OneDailyPro, ExceptionalFunds and EzProfit.

That’s all for today guys! Fingers crossed I’ll see you all again here tomorrow!

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