Mar 28th, 2010 Archives

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Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
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Hi guys! It’s been a typical Sunday on the news front today with a lot less activity than usual than the rest of the week, but as always there’s a few stories you might be interested in. We’ll get to them in just a moment but something else you might be interested in, and if you like good short term HYIPs I think you will, is a new program added to my monitoring list a couple of days ago called XZFinance. From the new shorter term games I’ve seen recently I’d say this one stands out as one of the better ones. But knowing as I think we all do how popular programs like this are in general, you don’t really need to be an expert to tell that when something of a bit more high quality like XZFinance comes along that it’s going to be a hit.

There are two plans to choose from and in keeping with the best traditions of good short term HYIPs XZFinance keep everything remarkably simple. One of them pays you every day and one of them pays you on expiry, but they’re both profitable, sustainable (insofar as short term programs can be called that) and very cheap to join. So if anybody loses money at least there’s no excuse for losing big money.

The first one is called simply Plan A and it runs for a term of 7 days. It’s open for deposits starting from a minimum of $5 up to a maximum of $5000. During the term you are offered a daily interest rate of 20% and your principal will be included in your payments. So if we look at a simple example of let’s say a $100 investment you would receive $20 per day, break even after 5 days, and finish the term with a total of $140, or 40% profit. Not bad at all for a week.

For a significantly better return (in exchange for a significantly bigger risk) XZFinance offer us Plan B. At a $5 minimum deposit it’s still very affordable so despite the risk it might be worth throwing a few bucks into this on as well and see what happens. Anyway, this plan also runs for 7 days except this time you only get paid once on expiry. The payment is 160% and that includes your principal. So if we were to put the same $100 in here you would receive $160 in return, or 60% profit. The maximum deposit is $5000.

There’s an excellent choice of payment options available so it’s clear that the admin has done some homework and has everything in place to operate a good program right from the beginning. Accepted processors include GlobalDigitalPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay. So far so good but is there anything that really separates XZFinance from the myriad of short term programs out there competing for your money? Well in my humble opinion one thing is the complete absence of a script. This means there is no real registration process, no members area, and consequently all payments are made directly into your e-currency account without you needing to log in and request them every day. Simply click on the Deposit Now tab, choose a plan suitable for you, investment amount, payment processor ID and enter your email address. And that’s all. Your payments are made for you automatically after that. Obviously the daily plan is going to be a lot more popular and for good reason, but as I said at just $5 to join there’s nothing to stop you risking a small and sensible amount in the weekly one as well. Nothing serious, just for fun.

As for the XZFinance website itself, it’s hosted on a dedicated server supported and protected by Dragonara. And anyone involved in this industry for any length of time hardly needs me to tell them how good they are so expect no problems on that front. As I just mentioned above there is no script in use here which has both advantages and disadvantages. On the down side there is no private members account area where you can keep track of your transactions. Personally I was never really bothered about things like that because if it’s a problem for you all you need is a pencil and a sheet of paper to keep your own records. I’ve been doing it for years and suggest you do the same. It’s a good habit to get into. The benefits of not having a script however in addition to the direct payments I mentioned above include protection from hackers. If you don’t have a members area then clearly there is nothing to hack into. Contact with the admin and any support related issues can be sent either through a direct e-mail address or by submitting a support ticket.

When it comes to any outside business activities, i.e what they are doing to support these profits it’s quite simple. The XZFinance homepage says they are involved with, and I quote, “various types of e-commerce activity.” And we all know what that means, right? It means they are an online HYIP and should not be taken any other way. Granted a lot of people will tell you it won’t last forever or “unlikely to be sustainable for any extended period of time” as if it were something the rest of the human race didn’t already know. And they’d be right. Like every other HYIP XZFinance won’t be here forever but you know that doesn’t mean you can’t make money from it. In fact you can make a tidy little profit for yourself out of it as long as you play it right.

Anyway, ultimately it’s your money and your choice alone but just keep in mind that if you do like short term HYIPs in general then XZFinance is as promising as anything else I’ve seen in a few weeks. If you don’t like these games then don’t play but if you do your chances are greatly enhanced by joining early.


I know that many people are enjoying a nice short-term HYIP called ProsperityWallet (reviewed here). Perhaps you already tried it and invested in 125% after 5 days which definitely brought you some nice profits. By implementing instant withdrawals and accepting all the favorite payment processors the admin of ProsperityWallet (interviewed here) ensured that his program would become an instant hit among HYIP investors. Well, after less than two weeks online the site is growing nicely and almost reached 2,500 members at the time of writing this. Unfortunately this level of growth can somehow be affected by the admin’s decision to drop AlertPay from the list of accepted payment processors. You will still be left with such popular options as LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay and StrictPay however AlertPay will no longer be available. This decision was not taken by the admin of the program Martin lightly but he had no choice as the over-stringent AlertPay policy towards HYIPs (especially successful ones) left him little to no choice. I hope that situation with AlertPay will not affect the program too much and the admin even promised to refund the latest deposits made via AlertPay until his account is empty. As you can see in your member’s the deposits and withdrawals to and from AlertPay have been switched off so there is no way to request your withdrawals anymore. Well, there is the risk when you deal with AlertPay and you should be aware of it. In my opinion, AlertPay shouldn’t play such a two-game and they don’t like HYIPs then they shouldn’t accept them at all instead of putting obstacles in front of some good short-term programs. Anyway, let’s hope the issue with AlertPay will soon be forgotten and the growth will still be sustainable enough to pay to all the investors of ProsperityWallet instantly. Here is the latest newsletter from Martin:
Hello, dear ProsperityWallet members! It’s Martin here with our second newsletter.
This time I would like to start with an important update that will affect the payment methods accepted at ProsperityWallet. From now on AlertPay has been disabled as a payment processor. They have declined to do business with us and it seems they try to avoid HYIPs as such. The constant conflicts I had with them forced me to drop AlertPay. I will refund all the latest deposits received once my account balance is empty so there is nothing to worry about on this point. In the next days there will be done a complete reset for all AlertPay transactions so your ProsperityWallet accounts are clear from this.
We do have a pretty good list of remaining e-currencies, though. You may still use LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and GlobalDigitalPay. No restrictions are done within these processors and are completely hassle-free.
Please understand that I am doing everything what’s required for the success here. And ProsperityWallet has already gained a big attention and these changes won’t affect the program in any way. Moreover, we serve 2400 members and the program is online for 13 days now. So this is just the beginning of ProsperityWallet and your support is much appreciated!
I am receiving mostly similar questions and I would like you to read the interview published at MNO blog. I hope you find it useful and interesting! Here’s the link:
That’s all for now. I’m looking forward for an new week that will bring us new ventures and another instant payments!
Enjoy your Sunday and thank you for being part of ProsperityWallet!
Martin – ProsperityWallet Administrator

The administrator of another popular and brand-new short-term program RichesToTheMax (reviewed here) made a decision to pay some incentives to good promoters not only for the result but even for an attempt to promote his program. So from now on for every 1,000 unique visits of RichesToTheMax program made from your referral link you will be receiving $0.50 available for immediate withdrawal from your account. The admin of the program also mentioned about the already published review on MNO and promised to answer some questions for the interview soon, so stay tuned for that. I remind you that RichesToTheMax just started a few days ago and offers three investment plans with instant payouts on expiry (104% after 1 day, 123% after 5 days, 200% after 10 days) to three payment processors: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and GlobalDigitalPay. Here is the latest news from RichesToTheMax for investors’ attention:
To reward active promoters of our program, we have decided to introduce the paid to promote feature for your referral link. It pays $0.50 for 1000 unique visitors that will be credited to your RichesToTheMax LibertyReserve balance. Some of you might have noticed the review button located beneath the login and news area. You can read a review of our program on the popular Money-News-Online blog by clicking it. There will also be an interview with our admin Dale Badon very soon, so don’t miss our newsletters.
Thank you, RichesToTheMax Team

As you might remember I mentioned last night on MNO about the issues with WestFinance (reviewed here) when the admin restricted the $100 daily maximum withdrawals allowed first to 48 and then to 72 hours. So it’s no wonder I received some complaints from my readers who have significant amounts of money invested there who were not able to withdraw all their profits even if they requested them every day. That makes me worry so I have to warn you about that just as I did on my blog last night. I repeat that I myself have not had a single issue with payouts from WestFinance before and for me they are still fast. Today I received some follow-ups from my readers who told me that the payouts now are back to normal and gave me a reply from the admin that such limits were implemented due to the pending launch of their Debit card. I just want to tell you straight away that I don’t believe that some HYIP can just launch their own Debit card. WestFinance though being a well-performing HYIP for several months already paying 1.8%-2.5% daily for 120 days with the principal returned on expiry is just a regular program with no guarantees of your principal whatsoever. Please remember that when playing any HYIP – from my own experience they are all games that don’t last forever and of course they don’t issue their own Debit cards. Here is the reply from the admin of WestFinance Ian (interviewed here) which he gave to the investors asking him about the withdrawal limits:
We have set a daily withdrawal limit of $100 currently applicable to Dividends ONLY, pending the launch of our debit card program. As we are moving our part of our e-currency reserves from payment processors to our main Mastercard disbursement account, we had to impose this limit so as not to run out of reserves.
All clients with active investment balance of at least $2,500 will soon have to apply for a Mastercard debit card and the card will be delivered to your registered address at NO cost. Clients with Active Investment less than $2500 will have to buy the card at a nominal fee of $30.
You will then be able to request withdrawal above $100 to your debit card and can withdraw funds at ATM, or make online Purchases .
The debit card application program will be accessible for order starting April. We apologize for the inconvenience caused in the meantime.
With Regards, Ian Jenkins. Lead Support of WestFinance.

InvestAward has been moved to Paying status on my blog because it was confirmed by my readers that they were paid from today. I’m glad that InvestAward was one of very few programs which not only returned after such a long downtime but actually paid what they owed to everybody. In my opinion, that just means that the admin of InvestAward is quite serious about running his program and hopefully all the accessibility issues are gone and will not be repeated in future. I remind you that InvestAward accepts all the popular payment processors and where you can invest into the plan offering 2%-2.4% for 120 business days with the principal already included in the daily payouts. Please refer to my detailed review of InvestAward published here if you require some more information about that program.

Strangely I couldn’t load the Oico site at all today. I already contacted the admin of the program and received his reply earlier. He told me that the site was really down for 9 hours and apologized for the inconvenience caused. He also reported that the Oico website had been moved to a better protected server by DdoSWiz so this problem should not occur in the future. I’m glad that everything has been fixed and remind you that Oico has been paying 1.8%-2.2% for 150 business days since 2008 so we can call it a pretty stable and well-established program. More on Oico can be read in my detailed review published here.

The same problem occurred with the PanaMoney site which has not been available for me for many hours and I really hope it will be back online soon. If I get any additional info about that soon I will share it with you on MNO as well.

The admin of ScootFx(reviewed here) warned about the possible unavailability of the site today. Here is the update them:
ScootFx may be down for about one hour from 18:00 GMT due to some software update. This update make our system most secure and fast.
Regards, ScootFx Group

The admin of Plents uploaded more trading results which you can download in your members’ area. Please note that Plents is paying quite a low-ROI and sustainable returns for the following plans on which you will receive your principal back on expiry: 1%-2.3% for 150 business days, 6%-13.8% for 30 weeks, 27%-62.1% for 7 months. More about Plents can be read in my detailed review of the program that has been published on my blog already (read it here). This is the latest news:
2010 March 20 – 2010 March 27 Plents Inc Forex trading history has been published you can download our forex account history pdf file from your member area and company documents page.
Sincerely yours, Plents Inc Support Team

SotInvest (reviewed here) is opening another plan with ridiculously high returns: 1300% after 18 days. Of course, I don’t recommend joining this plan under any circumstances as SotInvest will not be here in 18 days, I’m just sure of it. Here is the news from the admin of SotInvest (interviewed here) just for your amusement:
We launch new plan : Gold Plan : 1300% after 18 days
Hello All, We launch new plan : Gold Plan : 1300% after 18 days
All Payment And Deposit GUARANTEED
For details info you can check on member area
Best Regards. Admin. SotInvest.

I have added two new programs to my listing today. The first program is called SecureDailyFunds. The program is offering three investment plans which are short to medium term, however they are all low-ROI which makes the program quite sustainable in the long run. The plans are: 1.5% for 10 calendar days, 20% for 20 business days (Mon-Fri) and 2.5% for 40 business days (Mon-Fri). Note that your principal will be returned on expiry on each of them. SecureDailyFunds accepts four popular payment processors (AlertPay, StrictPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney) and the minimum to invest is starting from $10. SecureDailyFunds has quite a nice design, is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, has an SSL-encryption and is hosted on a DdoS-protected and dedicated Staminus server by HYIP favorites DdoSWiz. More about SecureDailyFunds can be read in the review which will be published soon. And below you will find the first newsletter which I just received from the admin of SecureDailyFunds. In that newsletter he spoke about the first success of the program, mentioned about the issues with SSL-encryption and AlertPay verification which has been solved successfully by now, talked about the upcoming referral contest and the plans to offer phone support to the members which will hopefully be implemented in the near future:
Greetings everyone!!!!
This is our first group newsletter! Plenty more to come;
First we are proud to say we are doing extremely well for first and second day of business, we are at the end of DAY 1 and everyone was paid instantly. This program is headed for great success and will be around for a very long time. Our trading strategy built and created on experience and is proven successful as indicated by our financial advisors.
We were having problems with our SSL. Our technical team took care of that matter. So for the investors and VIP investors who wish to log in with SECURITY; that option is available. Here is that direct link.
A problem we have experienced are with users creating more than 1 account! This is not allowed! The users who have created more than 1 account trying to make free referral bonus have been disabled! THIS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!!! However a refund will be sent. We want this site to be successful. If all members did that we would have no site.
OUR Alert Pay account is verified. I do apologize, that was the only problem a few members had with our site. Again we did verify account. Please post in forums and vote with our monitors.
Shortly we will have referral contest. We did not choose to have referral contest upon launch of site for a few reasons. First we are still growing! Second, we are fair to all members. We wish to give all members an equal chance at winning. When we approach 500 members is when a referral contest will be active.
Finally, we are in the process of adding phone support chat.
Any further questions be sure to speak with live support; or email support
Lets Have a great 2nd day of business as well!

The second program that has been added to my blog is Forex4Expert. What can I say about this one? The security is up to a good standard as Forex4Expert is running off a licensed script by GoldCoders and is hosted by DdoSWiz on a dedicated Staminus server. The site is also SSL-encrypted which is always an advantage. The payment choice is quite limited though to just two payment processors – LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The investment plans are simple: you will be paid 1.2% for 50 business days (for the deposits starting from $20) and 2%-3% for 180 business days (on deposits of $500 and up). Remember that for those plans you will have your principal returned on expiry. However I would advise you to invest in the last plan where you can be in profit faster. It’s 8% for 20 business days plan where the principal is already included in the daily payouts so your pure profit after four weeks will be 60% which is quite a good chunk of money in my opinion. Forex4Expert has been online for only one month so we can consider it quite new and promising (especially if you intend to invest into the 20 day plan where the minimum to invest is only $20). More about the plans and the program itself will be discussed in the upcoming review of Forex4Expert which is going to be published on my blog next week. Stay tuned for that, guys!

As usual to finish todays news I would like to give you the list of programs that paid me for the last 24 hours. They are:
PTVPartner, ArbsTeam, ProsperityWallet, Aballong, SureBetInv, NasMos, OneDailyPro, RichesToTheMax, XZFinance, BJInvestment, EuroNanoInvest, Cashift, Verifield, IntermedInvestments, SotInvest, ForexNetClub, WestFinance, SmartTradersInv, Eternidex, IncoForex, FinanceNova, StereaFunds, InvestProxy, AvaInvestment, WaterInvestment, PanaMoney, ExceptionalFunds, Plents, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit and SecureDailyFunds (the first payment received).

That’s it for today. Hope you found the information on my blog interesting and deserving of your attention. Please don’t forget to visit my blog tomorrow for the long-anticipated second interview with Garrett, the admin of PTVPartner. Just to refresh your memory you can read the first interview with him here. So till tomorrow, folks!

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