March 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! Hope you’ve all had a nice weekend so far. Before we get to tonight’s news (being Sunday there’s not all that much) I want to take a mid to long term HYI program called AvaInvestment. It’s just a recent addition to my monitoring page though it’s not exactly a new program. They’ve been running for a little over the last month although I don’t see that as a huge disadvantage. Not when it comes to programs with longer term plans and not as long as the admin intends to run a fair game anyway.

AvaInvestment has just the two plans to chose from. One that pays you by the day, and one that pays you by the week. The rates of interest on offer vary as they usually do according to the size of your investment. Only two of the investment options will be of any serious interest to most of you anyway due to the price involved, but let’s take a look anyway.

First of all there is The Start Plan. That’s the one with the daily payments. It runs fro 50 calendar days and in return for a minimum deposit of $10. AvaInvestment offers a daily payment of 2.8% interest. The maximum deposit in this plan is $10,000. Your principal is already factored into the payments so don’t expect it to be returned on expiry. At that rate you can expect to break even after 36 days and finish the plan with a total of 140% of your deposit.

Higher interest rates are available but as this involves spending $10,000 or more I tend to doubt many of you are particularly interested. But purely for information purposes If you join AvaInvestment with between $10,001 and $30,000 you are offered 3.2% per day. Join with at least $30,001 with no upper limit and they offer you 3.6% per day.

But if you want to look at a more realistic (i.e affordable) investment that will get you a better long term return then you can take a look at the weekly payment plan, or The Business Plan as AvaInvestment calls it. For a minimum investment of $50 up to a maximum of $10,000 you can get paid 14% interest per week. The plan itself runs for 15 weeks and again counts your initial principal as part of the payments so once more you won’t be getting that back at the end.

At first glance this plan might look a little bit less appealing than the daily plan. For instance, over the course of any 7 day period it pays you substantially less (14% as opposed to 19.6% in the other one) and consequently it takes you longer to break even and see a profit. That won’t happen here until you receive your 8th payment. Add to that the increased risk of only receiving one single payment per week and I can well understand why some of you mightn’t like it all that much. But then look at the bigger picture. If you are prepared to wait a little longer and take a bigger risk then the total return on your investment will be a much more impressive 210% so it’s at least worth thinking about.

Once again bigger investments will attract higher interest rates so for your information you can 17% per week on deposits between $10,001 and $30,000. The maximum rate payable of 20% only applies to deposits of $30,001 and upwards.

So (if) you’ve decided which plan you like you may wish to know about what the payment options are. Unfortunately that choice is pretty limited here to say the least. AvaInvestment only accept LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney with no indication that they may add to that soon. That will only limit the appeal that I’m not entirely sure they had in the first place but if you decide to sign up anyway then the admin requests that you allow them anything up to 24 hours to make your payment after you request it.

The security is up to a decent enough standard but still has room for improvement. The hosting provider is one of the absolute best in the business, Dragonara, and they are keeping AvaInvestment on a dedicated server with protection from DDoS attacks. The script is one licensed form GoldCoders so all that looks good so far, though unfortunately SSL encryption is not currently in place.

If you have any questions by the way you can contact their support by submitting a support ticket on the form supplied on their contacts page. Strangely enough there is an icon labeled “Live Chat” but whenever I click on it I am simply re-directed to the same contacts page over and over again, with just the support ticketing system and no Live Chat at all. Maybe we just disagree on what exactly the expression “Live Chat” is supposed to mean but either way it ain’t working. They also claim to be a registered business (which means very little) in the Dominican Republic though they fail to offer any documentation to back it up. Such things can be taken care of in a matter of minutes over the net these days so I wouldn’t attach too much relevance to whether they really are or not. Another thing AvaInvestment claims is to have an office in Bristol in the UK. However they also fail to tell us what the address is, therefore making it a bit pointless telling us about it at all.

Anyway, the important thing for now is that AvaInvestment is paying with no complaints that I am aware of. The business side of things is the classic HYIP story of experienced ForEx traders, brokers, analysts, and the like. Unfortunately the texts are copy/pasted from other sources including the bit about the office in the UK. So quite obviously you need to ignore this completely and treat AvaInvestment strictly as a game. Overall it’s pretty average but I can only comment on past performance which is no indication of future results. They’ve been paying well enough so far but as always use your heads and exercise a little common sense when it comes to deciding how much you really wish to spend on any online HYIP.


At least a dozen people independently let me know that they are experiencing withdrawal delays from GeniusFunds today. However there were even more investors that told me they were getting paid promptly, even for the big cashouts. I can confirm that I personally am getting paid pretty fast as well. Since the problem exists I can’t hide it though I received a few very angry emails today where some even went so far as to say they would hold me personally responsible if GeniusFunds stopped paying to everybody because of the issues reported on MNO. I don’t want this to happen and I don’t have any personal agenda against GeniusFunds as I believe it’s definitely one of the best HYIPs for the last couple of years. But what do you expect me to do? The problem was there before I told you it was there, so I certainly didn’t create it! And GeniusFunds themselves have openly acknowledged it.

But nevertheless I have decided to leave GeniusFunds on Paying status on MNO for the time being but please be aware that the issues with some of my readers were confirmed by GeniusFunds administration who by the way didn’t set any exact deadline as to when they should expect those pending withdrawals to be paid. Here is the email that was forwarded to me today by some readers in reply to their withdrawal delays:
Due to technical difficulties experienced by our servers over the past two weeks, our compliance department decided to cancel all pending payments and have clients resubmit them.
As a result, the accounting department is overloaded processing payments for the past week and some of our investors are experiencing delays with current transfers.
The accounting people are working through the weekend to take care of this and get us back on track with withdrawals by the end of the next week. Your payment will be released at any time during next week. I am sorry, but I cannot give you the exact date and time when that will happen.
Here are promos to our investment options:
Thank you for choosing GeniusFunds.
Panos Christodoulou

Well, I don’t want to tell you anything or comment on it because I don’t know if this is true or not and you should make your own decision if you want to invest or not. I repeat that I don’t have any issues with GeniusFunds personally and can only judge on the information I’m receiving from my readers. So next time when contacting me please do not forget to give me your account in GeniusFunds along with the information about the pending withdrawal so I could verify the authenticity of your claims. This reason of a work overload given by them might be true of course and since many readers urged me to leave GeniusFunds on Paying status on MNO and give them the benefit of the doubt then I will do so, especially taking into consideration that GeniusFunds never let us down before. We will see how the situation will unfold next week.

However, I’m simply stunned by some reactions that told me to shut up, close my eyes, and ignore some obvious issues the program is experiencing at the moment. It might be just a few individual incidents that have nothing to do with the real state of things in GeniusFunds. Although the reactions to me just reporting to you what I was told were simply shocking. If you think that I have some hidden agenda on GeniusFunds I don’t, but why should I be silent about things that became known to me? I have no idea why I should conceal anything. If you think that my latest comments about GeniusFunds were in some way offensive I apologize but I’m not going to stop posting the info I get on my blog. Otherwise there is simply no reason for me to continue MNO in the first place. Thank you in advance for understanding my position on this matter.

I think I might owe an apology to the admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here) for wrongly assuming that his illness might in some way affect processing the cashouts promptly. I was not aware of this but Garrett confirmed this to me today that at least four other people could process the payouts in his absence. It’s great to hear that as the payouts from PTVPartner (reviewed here) are still made daily like clockwork. Everybody who invested in PTVPartner into one of the following plans (110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days) is getting paid on time which is not a bad result for the program online for over six months already. In the latest newsletter from Garrett I found out about the meeting schedule for next week, some slight delays that might happen with PerfectMoney withdrawals due to the issues with their API, the removal of the official PTVPartner blog by WordPress for reasons unknown, and the usual joke of the day. Anyway, here is the latest news from PTVPartner:
March 8th 4pm GMT (8am PST, 10am CST. 11am EST)
March 10th midnight GMT (4pm PST, 6pm CST, 7pm EST)
March 12th 4am GMT Or:
(for North Americans that’s ** Thurs. March 11th**- 8pm PST, 10pm CST, 11pm EST)
Payment Notifications:
PLEASE NOTE: PerfectMoney payments are slower right now due to the API system being down.
All PerfectMoney payments are being manually processed at this time. If your withdrawal is through PerfectMoney you will get your payment but it may be delayed by a short time as they take longer to process manually. They are all being paid daily just the same and though they may take longer then normal to receive, you will receive it in the correct day’s payouts.
Blog Notice:
Wordpress has suspended our blog for a “violation of terms”. We have been unsuccessful in finding out or resolving what terms they feel we have violated. The blog will be unreachable until this can be resolved but will be back up or opened elsewhere should we be unsuccessful in getting information from them to fix the problem they believe exists. This is a temporary situation for us but we apologize to the many of you that enjoy reading the blog daily.
Other Blog Articles of the Day:
While we continue to work on getting our blog back online we will point you to blog articles and resources of note. For todays articles there are several to point you to.
Beginning on the subject of inflation and deflation, an article found here goes into great detail regarding this subject.
While the experts are arguing on what’s going to happen in our economic scenario, there are ways to protect yourself from either. No matter what happens the root of the situation remains the same and the protective measures also. Money of course is the main issue. Do you know what to do so you and your family will be protected? Read this article for some good information on the subject.
Does history repeat itself? Are you prepared if it does? An extension of some of the same problems are covered here as they are above.
Don’t believe it can’t happen again. We are headed on a road towards what could become hyperinflation if we don’t change some things.
While we are focused on mostly economic articles today they are important for you to read, absorb, understand and prepare your life. Take the time to look around, get involved in your governement. Sometimes we feel impotent to do anything. What can I do?, we ask. If every person did what they felt was right to do and guarded their vote and watched their politicians, became involved in the process, formed citizens groups and banded together, you’d be amazed what can be accomplished not only in the US but in EVERY country. Will some disagree? Sure but that’s what freedom is about. There’s still a larger group then you think that will agree. Take the power back to the people. UNITE for freedom.
Joke of the Day:
An elderly retired gentleman had had severe hearing problems for some time.
He went to the doctor and the doctor was able to have him fitted for a set of hearing aids that allowed the man to hear better than he had ever heard before.
One month later, the elderly man went back again to the doctor. The doctor said, “Your hearing is perfect. Your family must be really pleased that you can hear again.”
The gentleman said, “Oh, I haven’t told my family yet. I just sit around and listen to the conversations. I’ve changed my will three times!”
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

Good news from SmartTradersInv (reviewed here)! They started accepting Bank wires today and you can invest in any of the plans offered by them (1.2%-1.4% daily forever and 9%-10% weekly forever) starting from $100. The deposit and withdrawal process via bank wires will be accommodated via a well-known exchanger so it will not involve any additional fees for you except for the $10 fee for every withdrawal requested. Bank wires will become the fifth option having been added to SmartTradersInv after LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay and StrictPay payment processors also accepted by the program. Here is the latest from SmartTradersInv:
From now you can deposit via Bank wire.(MIN : only $100)
For best commodities and to avoid high bank fees, we decided to use the bank of a trust “Third party” to receive and send STI’s bank wires. This third party is a well know e-ccurencies exchanger “GDXCHANGE.BIZ”.
All Incoming and outgoing bank wires will be treated directly by this Exchanger.
The process is easy, fast and will cost you ANY fees! This is why we added this option!
Example : If you send 1000$ from your bank, you will be credited with a $1000 deposit.
Withdraw will be charged with $10 fees only.
You can read more details about this new deposit option, in your account.
Best regards, Calvin. SmartTradersInv.

The admin of Xcelsus (reviewed here) made some changes regarding the allowed minimum to deposit in some plans, addressed the SSL implementation issue and reported about the second round of payouts having been processed already. Here is the latest news for members of Xcelsus:
Hope you are having a nice weekend, some news here, and welcome to all new members, well last week we had the second board meeting quite a few subjects the most important for us is i motioned again lowering the minimum investment for the normal plans, that is excluding Surf Xcelsus plan, and guess what i finally got it. How we manage it was to draw an average, taking all suggestions from members like some said minimum should be $1 others $5, $10 $20 etc. adding all those and the minimum that was $50 we get $86 we divided by 5 round it up and buala the new minimum to take everyone in to consideration is $25. So from March first the minimum investment for Micro Test Plan is $25, i hope this makes more appealing for you to invest.
Well after the meeting i flew to Can Cun to spend the week end, and let me tell you it is a great place very nice weather, unique white sand beaches, great seafood, great places to visit and do scuba go fishing or just relax, so i thoroughly recommend you get your free vacations and come down here to meet us and spend some real nice time in this Caribbean paradise. Waiting for you.
Another update is we migrated servers also attending to a majority of the members concern about security we have now SSL connection, we are installing it in the information sensitive pages but meanwhile if you like to choose secure connection just type https instead of http so for the secured connection that would be
One more we installed a live chat feature in the site now you can contact us directly from there, use it if you have questions or any issue that needs fast action. Or just drop by to say hi. We always appreciate your contact.
We have started the second round of payments this week, i have been having some questions about this i address it in another newsletter back time but here it goes again, results that the script do not fit our kind of plans and times except for the Surf Xcelsus plan so what we do is download the info and all calculations are done off line that is why no earnings appear in your members area but do not worry payments come out automatic so you do not need to request the withdraw, the script serves us to know who invested when and how much, so ill ask you a favor just keep track of your payment number like 1/10, 2/10 etc. you should expect Attention on this one your payments every 20 business days that is Monday to Friday again except for the Surf Xcelsus plan, so from the next day you invested count 20 business days that should give you the payment day and from the next day you received your payment count again 20 business days and that should give you the next payment date more or less, if you still have any doubts or concerns about this please contact us. We will also appreciate if you like to support us at the forums and monitors posting when you got paid, thank you.
Well i think that is all for this one hope to see you soon and have a nice week end.
Best Regards, Boss. Proud Xcelsus Admin.

GeneralIncome (reviewed here) has been online for one week and the payouts are still fast and instant to most of the payment processors. I remind you that there are three investment plans available for those willing to invest: 110% after 3 days, 120% after 5 days and 150% after 10 days. The program accepts all the six most popular payment processors recommended by MNO so the choice is quite wide. The only problem now seems to be with LibertyReserve deposits which are not added automatically for some reason (I can confirm that the withdrawals to LR are still instant). So if you invest in GeneralIncome via LibertyReserve and your deposit is not added instantly please don’t hesitate to contact the admin through the email address provided in the following newsletter:
Hello! Starting from today non-active members will be able to receive our 5% referral commission!
LibertyReserve deposits are not adding automatically. All who deposit through LR send me a support ticket with Investment plan name and payment details to
Hopefully, this will be fixed within next 2 days.

By the way, today I have received answers to my interview I sent to the admin of GeneralIncome a couple of days ago. So stay tuned as the interview is going to be published on MNO by tomorrow!

A new short-term game added to my monitoring page today (and just launched a few hours ago) is called 10000Dollars. I don’t know exactly what it means as the investments are allowed up to $100K in each plan (the minimum is $10) although it definitely should be played carefully and invested affordably if you want to win in it. The advantages of joining 10000Dollars are the following: instantly processed withdrawals to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney (the only accepted payment processors), SSL-secured and DDoS-protected site hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with DdoSWiz, and a licensed GoldCoders script where each investor can choose a level of security suitable for their needs. The most interesting feature of however is definitely an abundance of plans you can choose from. They are starting from hourly payments to paying daily and even after 30 days. The return though is not so large for small investors which will help the program last longer and hopefully bring profits to some investors. Everything is up to the admin though as such games only finish when he is pulling the plug. Anyway, the investment plans are: 8% for 13 hours, 5% for 21 hours, 6% for 18 hours, 105%-130% after 1 day, 130%-200% after 7 days, 150%-300% after 15 days, 500%-700% after 30 days, 52%-60% for 2 days, 36%-40% for 3 days, 25%-30% for 5 days, 50%-70% for 3 weeks. The plans 10000Dollars are offering will be discussed more thoroughly in my review of the program which is going to be published on MNO soon.

Here is the list of the programs that paid me today:
GeneralIncome, PTVPartner, BiotechInvFund, Skinex, NasMos, HugMoney, Aballong, OneDailyPro, EuroNanoInvest, XagaEnterprise, GeniusFunds, GloboFunds, MandarinInvest, FinanceNova, CSMFinance, CelexProfit, StarkFund, WaterInvestment, SmartTradersInv, DepositPalace, ExceptionalFunds, ForexNetClub, InvestProxy, BVBC, WeeklyDividend, AvaInvestment, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, IncoForex, AtoxFinance and WestFinance.

That’s it for today and I hope to see you on my blog tomorrow. A new interview, a new review, and all the most up-to-date news from the HYIP Industry is what you can expect to see so stay tuned for that.

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