March 2010 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi guys! Before tonight’s news I’d like to tell you about a program called Super12Arbitrage which is a new one you may have noticed on my monitoring page over the last couple of days if you’ve been watching.

It’s a brand new “no expiry” plan so I guess they are probably more comfortable being described as a long term program. Of course that’s not always the case. “No expiry” merely refers to the plans and once you invest you should in theory get paid on a regular basis every week for as long as the program runs for. Be it a month or a year or a decade, one investment brings a regular payment for as long as it runs.

There’s really not all that much to say about Super12Arbitrage as an online investment project however. There’s only one plan to chose from so basically you can take it or leave it. Chose to take it and it works like this. The minimum you can invest with Super12Arbitrage is $20. The maximum is $10,000. And after you invest the admin offers to pay you 12% interest per week on your deposit for as long as the program survives. Maybe a week, maybe a month, maybe a year, it’s impossible to predict so decide for yourself and take your chances. A $100 deposit will earn $12 in interest per week meaning you break even after 9 weeks and see a profit only after that. And by the way, there is no information on early withdrawals so until the admin says otherwise take it that once you join your deposit is permanently locked in.

If the plan isn’t all that special then the choice of payment options is a little better than usual. Much better in fact. Super12Arbitrage is taking deposits from all of the main processors including AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay. Payments are manual and you are requested to allow 24 hours for your requests to be processed.

Moving on to the design and security of Super12Arbitrage, well, to be blunt it again looks like any number of other online HYIPs with not a whole lot to distinguish it from the competition. Not that that’s entirely a bad thing either of course. I mean Super12Arbitrage based on its own merits isn’t all that bad. They are hosted on a dedicated server protected and supported by HushHosting who have always been a popular choice among HYIP admins for good reason and the script is licensed from Neversay. On the downside however Super12Arbitrage has decided not to use SSL encryption.

If you wish to contact the admin with any support related issues then you may do so through the online e-mail support ticketing system.

The texts about Super12Arbitrage being involved in arbitrage betting are in no way original so kindly do yourself a favor and disregard any claims about that. In fact you will find very little information concerning the business activities of the program at all. It was never anything to shout about anyway as a number of programs offering almost identical plans have failed dismally in the recent past. But on the other hand you need to remember that it only costs $20 to sign up so Super12Arbitrage need not cost you all that much.

Just remember to keep an eye on the calendar. If you’re joining, then join now. If not, well not to worry because there are plenty more to choose from.


The admin of BioEnergyFunds (reviewed here) started an interesting contest where to take part you need to submit some personal photos in green which will raise the awareness of eco-friendly renewable energy sources where allegedly BioEnergyFunds invests. And staying with all things green there is also a connection with the upcoming Saint Patrick’s day holiday. If you are among the lucky winners which will be announced in three days, on Sunday, you have a chance to win up to $100 for a photo which is not so bad at all. Also the administration of BioEnergyFunds reminded about the referral contest which is still running. I remind you that BioEnergyFunds offers two investment plans with 8% payments for two weeks with principal back on expiry and with 8.5%-12% weekly payments for 30 weeks with the principal already counted in the payments. The program accepts all the popular payment processors and so far pays fast (you can only request your weekly earnings on Mondays and Tuesdays). Here is the latest news from BioEnergyFunds program:
Greetings to all members, and a warm welcome to our newest members!
All withdrawal requests have been paid for today.
In one more week it will be St. Patrick’s Day, and because the day is famed for Wearin’ o’ the Green (and luck o’ the Irish, and all that!!), we thought it appropriate to hold a St. Pat’s Day Contest.
Here’s the deal: Send us a photo of yourself, or your family, taken with any eco-friendly image in the picture …..and there are many! (For idea starters, check out the images on our home page). Feel free to use your imagination and to be original! The goal is to show that you are “green” conscious in any area you wish.
The top 3 photos will be awarded up to $100 cash, and will (with permission of the winners) be posted on site on St. Pat’s Day. Your photos should be sent to before midnight (server time) on March 14th. The best of Irish luck to you!
Please don’t forget the Referral Contest already underway with $1000 in prizes up for grabs!! A reminder with full details will be mailed out later this week.
Hope your week is a pleasant one,
The BioEnergyFunds Team

The admin of FinanceNova Mitja (interviewed here) is also preparing a surprise for members which will be announced next week. Hopefully it will be something good as the admin promised and of course I will report aboutit on my blog as soon as I hear. I remind you that FinanceNova is paying on the following investment plans: 2.15% for 365 days and 11% for 53 weeks with the principal returned back on expiry. FinanceNova has been monitored on MNO since November 2009 and so far is showing some good results. More about FinanceNova you can read in my review published here. And below is the latest newsletter from the admin Mitja:
We haven’t sent the newsletter for some time since there are no big news, to tell the truth.
Things are going fine and according to our plans. As you can see withdrawals are being processed within a couple of hours (average, but most of them are processed within minutes), which is pretty much better than expected 24 hours.
But FinanceNova will introduce something new very soon (probably next week) which you will like a lot, but we’ll keep the details veiled for now – this is just to let you know that something is going on and that we do care about members.
If you have suggestions for new processors or any other ideas to improve FinanceNova and make it fit to you, do not hesitate to e-mail us
at and we will do our best to please your needs.
Best regards, Mitja Majerle. CEO at FinanceNova

Some more news from PTVPartner (reviewed here) came last night. The regular newsletter from the admin Garrett (interviewed here) featured a reminder of this week’s meetings, forum highlights, the official PTVPartner blog returning on another domain, a stupid extortion attempt from some scammers that have nothing to do but threaten good paying programs and of course yet another joke of the day. I remind you that PTVPartner is paying on expiry on four investments plans (110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days) and after having been listed on my blog for over six months reached #3 place only behind GeniusFunds and PanaMoney. Here is the latest from them:
Meetings this week:
March 10th midnight GMT (4pm PST, 6pm CST, 7pm EST)
March 12th 4am GMT (for North America that’s ** Thurs. March 11th- 8pm PST, 10pm CST, 11pm EST**)
Forum Highlight:
We know our members love contests. We’d like to point you to one being held in a PTVPartner sponsored forum. Do you have a website or blog you’d like to feature PTVPartner on? You too could win the contest. Take a look, sign up and join in today:
Welcome back to the BLOG!!
If you haven’t seen it yet, You need to visit:
We are delighted to have our own blog back and now on our own server so that we will not have to follow someone else’s rules in order to post what we want to say.
Part of the fun of being a PT is that you really do have “freedom of speech”!
There are several new features I know our readers will enjoy and make use of. One is it is easier to post comments on the individual articles. Also, there is a subscription and RSS feed sign up. You can share articles on Facebook and Twitter. I think, however, that one of the most exciting features is the “translate” functionality. There are two methods that I am sure will improve the experience for our non-English speaking members.
Blog Highlights of the Day:
Extortion anyone?
While the blog is being rebuilt and reconstructed we have started placing articles and notices today. The first one is just amazing. What some people won’t do for an easy dollar will never cease to amaze you. PTVPartner had an extortion attempt. Can you believe it? Does anyone truly believe we are going to cave in to the imbecilic demands of some amateur who knows nothing about us to begin with? Actually, in reality, this was not the first attempt of it’s kind since we have been running. Well, we have decided that it’s about time to expose these creeps when they make such fools of themselves and you can read about it on our blog if you happened to miss the email. Read it and enjoy the laugh! We did.
“Custom Built Banking Haven”
Those of you that are interested in Offshore Banking will want to read this. Although not the only banking haven, there are many benefits to Belize as one of them. If you don’t know about offshore banking and jurisdictions this one definitely bears looking at.
If you haven’t visited the new blog we have several catagories you might be interested in reading about or even writing about. Of course, we will be adding more as time goes by. We’re happy to learn that many of you have enjoyed the articles we have been presenting. If you’d like to write and sumit an article we currently have the following catagories and while there is much out there already written we’d love to have some unique reader generated content. Please submit your articles to
Asset & Wealth Protection, Freedom Concerns, Investing, Offshore Banking, Privacy
Survival & Self-Sufficiency, Uncategorized, Wealth.
Joke of the Day:
A young businessman rented a beautiful office and furnished it with antiques. However, no business was coming in. Sitting there, worrying, he saw a man come into the outer office. Wanting to look busy, he picked up the phone and pretended he was negotiating a big deal. He spoke loudly about big figures and huge commitments. Finally, he put down the phone and asked the visitor “Can I help you?”
The man said, “I’ve come to install the phone.
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

There was the strange disappearance of IntraTraders, featured on my blog for less than a month, that just vanished into thin air. Despite the program paying till the last day the site disappeared two days ago and so far there is no sign of life. I have no idea if there is a technical problem and if it will be back on track soon because I have only an email address associated with the domain name which is now inaccessible due to the downtime of the site. Anyway, if I have more info on IntraTraders I will report about it right here. For now I have to move it to Problem status on my monitoring page.

I have added HarmonicMarket to my monitoring today. Many readers asked me about this unique program and so I decided to list it tonight. HarmonicMarket only accepts LibertyReserve deposits (in both dollar and euro denominations) and offers three investment plans: 3.7% for 30 days (minimum to deposit is $25 or €20), 4.4% for 30 days (minimum to deposit is $500 or €400) and 5.1% for 30 days (minimum to deposit is $3000 or €2400). Please note that your principal is already factored in daily payouts and you will not get it back so on the lowest paying plan your pure profit will be 11% after 30 days. While it might not be very tempting HarmonicMarket compensates with a unique script which really works like a shopping card in an online shop where you should add your items to your basket first before going to the checkout (very interesting approach to say the least). I’m going to talk about the script in more detail later in my upcoming review but you should understand that investments are made similar to those in Neversay scripts where you inves in units. So each block (unit) will cost you $25 in the first plan, $500 in the second plan and $3000 in the third plan. Don’t forget to set the compounding rate to 0% when purchasing the blocks / making your deposit into HarmonicMarket otherwise you will be able to receive your profit back only on maturity (in 30 days) though the compounded profits will be higher in that case. The website of HarmonicMarket is also very unique and includes an originally integrated forum, SSL-encryption and a high level of DDoS-protection from their provider BlockDos which is the safest option for HYIPs. HarmonicMarket was launched two months ago but due to relatively low ROI might be still a good choice to join. They claim to make money on stock markets and give some kind of information about that on the website along with non-disclosure agreement that disallows them to give the full names of their traders due to security issues. Anyway, this information can hardly be verified and you should take it with a grain of salt. Of course I will ask the admin of about that if he agrees to give an interview to MNO later. The full review of HarmonicMarket will be published on my blog soon so stay tuned for that, guys!

There were many programs that paid me today and among them included:
HugMoney, GeneralIncome, BiotechInvFund, RedOrchidInvest, GeniusFunds, ForexNetClub, FinanceNova, MandarinInvest, NasMos, DynFxTrade, GloboFunds, 10000Dollars, WaterInvestment, Dragadox, PanaMoney, Aballong, TheKapital, PTVPartner, AtoxFinance, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, WWFD, Verifield, InvestProxy, IncoForex, InvestAward, BVBC, EuroNanoInvest, CSMFinance, Eternidex, ScootFx, WeeklyDividend, DepositPalace, SmartTradersInv, ExceptionalFunds, Plents, AimTrust and PrimaryPool (the first payment is received).

See you on my blog tomorrow with a more detailed review of PrimaryPool and more news from the Industry!

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